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Backstory of the history of the Igigi / Alpha Draconians / Seraphim invasion during Marduk's

wedding, 5th Daughter of Enoch. ~



... at first, Enki was getting infuriated at his sister Ninmah, for the pregnancies were either too early or
premature at birth...from no earlobes like Terekan's to beast sounds at birth. No birth cry, toes too many
or fingers too many., eyes too wide, and it took many and many attempts to even attain the first Adama
and Tiamat(Genesis 1:26).

Enki got so frustrated at Ninmah, "you are failing sister!" The Annunaki and Igigi were keeping too close
an ear and an eye, while down in the Goldmines of the Apsu. Until a light came to her(Ninmah) to go
seek the healing for the Tiit(Clay) from the Mankind-being's who they already took Ilawela from, and she
being a medicine herbal woman in healing, Ninmah was given her respects among the Mankind
daughters of Nibiru even being Terekan and Reptilian. She attained the missing link from The Mankind,
being herbal women in Nibiru[Hercolobus].

Mankind being had the healing after which, a baby was born. Smooth skin like the Annunaki. The baby
cried at birth and had five fingers like Mankind being in Nibiru. Clapped the hands in twos and made the
"tah tah" sound. The baby was the talk of Nibiru.

Further more, the hairline was of Mankind being and so from the two, Adama and Tiamat. Ninmah being
the progenitor said they shall not work.

They attained 14 birth Goddesses from the Mankind being who were all virgins to carry the pregnancies
seven on each side and is said a surgical instrument was used., and on the tenth month, a child was born
to each.

Seven males and seven females, all created sterile lacking the 23rd strand. The process was repeated
over and over to attain the hundreds in number needed for the gold mines. They created about 800...
Brought to full term. When Enki came to Gaia(Earth), she followed him. She followed him with 'elixir
causing plants' 'euphoria causing plants', she literally came to plant Nibiru on Earth. And she did.

Lot's of plants that are herbal in nature that are in Mesoamerica and Sumeria and around the world to
begin with, looked into are less than half a million years old, when Ninmah first brought them, almost
520 thousand years ago. Way before Gobekli tepe and the mainstream dates.

They caused lot's of indoctrination that was calling spirits from the darkness of night, the 'dweller' made
it hard for them to live here. Atlantis had gone too far and in the wrong direction. They had to leave after
the deluge for it shifted the true North. They could not gain the power to recharge their celestial
Ships(Ufo's) . It took Shars building the charge houses (pyramids) to start in a different land with the
same task! And they had to all leave. What's interesting they left Priests not King's in Sumeria.
Fascinating don't you think? I think it's fascinating following the King's list, they themselves were already
drowning in the worship by mankind being, feeding off their fear and ignorance.

They made themselves God's. And as such, ruled mankind being. Yet among them they had the way
Mankind was meant to follow, being he had a soul. I mean, you wonder, Enlil(Jehovah) knew of the
coming deluge and instead of telling his brother Enki(Lucifer) in the Apsu, who they live with on Earth, to
come up with a plan of saving as many of the Alulu (Worker-man), He runs off to Nibiru to tell the 77
members of the council of the Elohim of the coming deluge which he possessing instruments of cosmic
science, for he was an astronaut, knew of the deluge., and knew it will not miss. With this knowledge
straight to the House of Life, he went to the house of life and before the council made his voice heard:
I have come to bare the news of a great calamity that is about to befall KII(GAIA), this shall be caused by
Nibiru passing close and will in turn dry out Lahmu(Mars) waters and further thin her atmosphere. On
KII-NIBIRU(GAIA), It shall cause a deluge that shall wipe out every child, woman and man. Enlil made his
voice heard: we needed them for the monoatomic gold and now we have an excess of it and the
atmosphere is healed. We cannot save them, they are primitive and do not know about the stars to bring
them up above KII-NIBIRU on our spacecrafts (Ufo's) will be disaster... " Enlil laughed out. It has also been
found that Enki is breeding with this primitive creatures in the Apsu. Breeding children. Those are his
children. Our part with the Earth is done, we can settle on her after the deluge and raise Nibiru children
in Eridu, home in the far away. Enlil made his voice heard.

And still The Creator of All, got Enki(Lucifer) to save his son Utnapishtu/Ziusudra/Noah from the deluge
By building a half submerged vessel whose measurements again, were given by The Creator of All to
Galzu, his emissary, and he passed them to Enki in a dream, and the vessel, in it Enki and Ning'kizhida
loaded every life form and creature two by two in vials, little vials, and stored them in cabinets upon
cabinets on Utnapishtu's half submerged boat. When the deluge was over, Enlil(Jehovah) came down
with his family, Ninurta and all... And then they had news while roasting their meat: A Man has been
found to have survived the DELUGE!!! ...we saw a bird and followed it and found his whole family with
him." The taste of the meat smucked their reptilian cheeks and crocodile teeth. Enlil(Jehovah) almost
chock his breath. He straight away went for his brother Enki(Lucifer), " I know for a fact you have a part
in this! I just could not let them perish, I love them too much, I love the Earth too much!" Enki made his
voice heard to a brother who was ready to slay him.

Reason why The Creator of All went to Enki, he knew Enki(Lucifer) will guard his creation. The Igigi were
ready, they could not go back to Nibiru neither. After Marduk taking beautiful Sappanit's hand in
Marriage, his fate with Nibiru was sealed and the Igigi knew they have their right before them. He had
been warned of this action by his father, Enki, but there was no way he was going to do it otherwise
which Enlil(Jehovah) could not believe he was interacting sensually with the Alulu(Worker-man). We
have beautiful women from Nibiru, you are the next in heir to the mighty throne of Nibiru, take
Enlil's(Jehovah's) daughter, she is also beautiful... He has given her to you. You cannot marry an
Earthling. Enki cried to Marduk.

Enlil is said to have never affiliated with the worker man except when it involved duty. This infuriated
him and increased his wrath against them. He wanted them all dead or left primitive as they had found
them. Now Adapa, who coming to find out is not even Adama's son but Enki, added the strand to Tiamat
and when he realised she could concieve, he entered her and she gave birth to twins, Adapa and Titi,
which is the second creation story where he went to sleep, and Ning'kishida obtained his rib when he
was in a deep sleep and used it for procreation. The 23rd strand. The civilized mankind beings were
beautiful, even known among the women of Nibiru, so much when the 200 Igigi (Astronauts {Angels}) got
here to KII(GAIA)., It was evident.

They had heard the news and they knew going back to Nibiru was not an option. Those who went back
died early of motion sickness even with medication, and the constant treatment for bacterial infection,
they still die in less than four Shars. They opted to stay, "This is home. I mean, what else?" Kingu (Moon)
was not envied by all the Igigi, they were after one thing and one thing alone. It wasn't hard to read how
obvious they were, savage eyes new to well dressed women after shars of thirst. Remember one shar =
3,600 Earth years. They had one 'alibi' to go with, walking in a group, eating with their eyes, the
civilized ladies who were beautiful beyond belief and was exactly as they had been told! Their minds
were made up, no turning back from here! The news is accurate and true. "Why are all you Igigi here?
What has brought you all to KII (GAIA)???" The elders could not help but notice their savagery and high
numbers. "We have come 200 of us for our Master Marduk, King of the Igigi (Astronauts{Angels}) and
we are here for his wedding and to witness his hand in Marriage to Sappanit." They stepped aside, called
by their leader Shamiyaza and said, "You have all seen for yourselves, while we are out there calling for
help in Lahmu(Mars) and breathing thin air, Enki is here filling KII(Earth) with beautiful daughters. They
looked at each other, a signal shall I give, have you your woman of choice. The virgins are on one side
and then let's meet and into the ships we go to our stronghold in the mountain fortress on the cedar hills
(ancient Lebanon) and there we shall declare our terms. The wedding went as planned, well out,
mankind beings of stature and wealthy in wisdom and knowledge, were also present for the auspicious
occasion. Upon the wedding being Televised in Nibiru, hell broke loose!

Marduk, who was next in heir to the throne of Nibiru, was taken off and forthwith banished entry of any
kind to Nibiru! They were bitter, they found no law forbidding such a union of interstellar species and
having seen the Alulu created, were enraged yet they forget they slaughtered a man, and not just a man
but a very intelligent man named Ilawela for the creation of the Alulu!

Memory like fish, his crown taken from him and his empire and belongings in Nibiru of hereditary accrue
as royalty were all stripped off! Enlil was filled with rage and his daughter was right before him for
marriage, the Nibiru way! It shall be remembered that Alalu, upon landing on Gaia said, "This creation is
well taken care of and has order... And the order is well kept." When his meters sensed Gold everywhere
on his first walk out of his ship the next day, His new found home. "I shall name it -Eridu-, Home away
from home." The 200 Igigi were sure to their word as daylight.

They caused a rampage and took off with a woman of their liking each. All this time at the wedding this
beings were out picking wives. They took off to the strongholds deep in the cedar hills waiting for any

We shall cause you brimstone and fire if our demands are not met. We are here for our Master Marduk's
wedding and have been lonely all this time in Lahmu(Mars)., and if it is right for him to pick an Earthling,
of the civilized beings, then it is also right for us and any answer that is not your blessings upon this
union we have with our choice brides shall be war upon this whole Earth. We cannot go to Nibiru and do
not want to go to Kingu(Moon) we want to be next to our Master!

"Marduk, they will not listen to anybody... You need to talk to them. Calm them down. They need to
surrender the Earthlings." Enlil(Jehovah) and the rest including Enki all agreed. "We shall burn down this
Earth and everything in it!!!" The Igigi made their voice heard clear. They were not mincing their words.
Marduk stood up to speak, The Igigi started in claps and shouts, and why not, If they desire wives, why
not? The Igigi blew up in jubilation and victory, they and their wives. The Igigi knew their master had
their interests and it was celebration in their Stronghold dancing with their new found wives, they

Marduk is the cause of all this and that explains why Marduk and Enlil were never in good terms after,
and infact called him 'the devil' and any attempt Marduk had to teach mankind about the stars, Enlil
ended up bringing it down with nuclear power! this including the tower of Babel when Marduk was
teaching Mankind stellar travel, Enlil brought it down... They(Mankind) feared him(Enlil). They left in
different directions. There is evidence of vitrified rock by the tower of Babel to date.

Enlil wanted mankind to remain primitive as they found them, yet after tampering in another man's
creation and satisfying their need, even wanted them all dead with the deluge and still have the strength
to fight against their seeking that you have???... I mean, you are not The Creator of All, what is wrong
with you? And they still worship you, you must have some guts, you shall have to face the Creator of All.
That is the only collateral. The seventy seven members of the Elohim could not wait to see Adapa when
he made it to Nibiru invited by Anu's request. All Nibiru was present to see the talking Alulu(Worker-
man). Do not eat anything they give you or drink anything they give you, for you shall surely die!
Enki warned Adapa when he was going to Nibiru, forth for by Anu's emissary. "He is our own image and
likeness, he has smooth skin! Look at him, just like the children of Nibiru and even walks on two feet!!"

Anu's emissary could not help but make his voice heard, filled with excitement...

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