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Progresso St., Poblacion West, Umingan, Pangasinan

Nature of Research
(Lesson 2)
In this module, the student should be able to:
Discuss the characteristics of research;
Classify research based on set of criteria;
Differentiate the various types of research; and
Develop critical thinking skills needed in undertaking research.


Reflect on the following questions:
1. Are there other people with the same problem? How do you know? How can you find out?
2. If you had an important idea that you wanted to let everyone (in the Philippines) know about, how might you
go about letting them know?


Discovering More Concepts will the following text tell you a certain method or technique to learn more about this
place you find interesting? Read it to find out.

Meaning of Research

In college, you involve yourself in varied school activities such as academic contest sports fests, elocution
contests, music festivals, college week celebrations, art exhibit research work, debate competitions, and many
more. All of these activities are aimed to let you develop a well-rounded personality. But one or two of these gave
emphasis in honing a particular ability, e.g. making you excel in mathematics, science, arts, music.

One school activity that every college student has to excel in is research. This is a hallmark of a
university or college education. Your research abilities reflect the quality of your school. If you graduate from a
school with superb knowledge of research work, you can tell yourself that, "l am a product of a quality college or
university" Hence, the greatness a higher education institution depends on how knowledgeable its faculty and
students ‘art about the ins and outs of research, more so on the application of this to their everyday life for the
progress of the whole world.

What is research? There are many definitions of the term "research" but such varied definitions boil
down to the primary meaning of this word, which is:

Research is a process of executing various mental acts for discovering and examining facts and
information to prove the accuracy or truthfulness of your claims or conclusion about the topic of your research.

Research requires you to inquire or investigate about your chosen research topic by asking questions that
will make you engage yourself in top level thinking strategies of interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing, criticizing,
appreciating, or creating to enable you to discover truths about the many things you tend to wonder about the
topic of your research work (Litchman, 2013).

Research is analogous to inquiry in that both involve investigation of something through questioning.

Characteristics of Research

1. Accuracy. It must give factual and exact data in which should be correctly and appropriately documented
or acknowledged in the footnotes, notes, and bibliographical entries.
2. Objectivity. It must deal with facts and not with mere opinions arising from assumptions, generalizations,
predictions, or conclusions.
3. Timeliness. It must work on a topic that is fresh, new, and interesting to the present society.
4. Relevance. Its topic must be instrumental in improving society or in solving problems affecting the lives
of people in a community.
5. Clarity. It must succeed in expressing its central point or discoveries by using simple, direct, concise, and
correct language.
6. Systematic. It must take place in an organized or orderly manner.
7. Ethical. It must be geared toward what are advantageous or beneficial rather than what are detrimental by
respecting preferences on matters of confidentiality, g independence, or freedom.

Purposes of Research

1. To learn how to work independently

2. To learn how to work scientifically or systematically
3. To have an in-depth knowledge of something
4. To elevate your mental abilities by letting you think in higher-order thinking strategies (HOTS) of
inferring, evaluating, synthesizing, appreciating, applying and creating
5. To improve your reading and writing skills
6. To be familiar with the basic tools of research and the various techniques of gathering data and of
presenting research findings
7. To free yourself, to a certain extent, from the domination or strong influence fa single textbook or of the
professor's lone viewpoint or spoon-feeding

Types of Research

1. Based on Application of Research Method

Is the research applied to theoretical or practical issues? If it deals with ideas, principles, or abstract
concept, it is pure research. This type of research may increase knowledge about a particular subject with
its nature of discovery and application. On the other hand, If it deals with societal problems or issues, it is
applied research. This research is conducted with the purpose of answering a question or solving a
2. Based on purpose
a. Descriptive Research
b. Correlational Research
c. Explanatory Research
d. Exploratory Research
3. Based on types of Data Needed
a. Qualitative Research
b. Quantitative Research

Read the text inside the box then answer the questions that follow. Write your answers on the lines below each

Daniel has been setting aside 100 pesos from his daily allowance for his fare to London, the venue of the
2018 International Visual-Art Competition. One day, as he was at the store, he saw his dream cellphone.
Fearing somebody would buy it ahead of him, Daniel went home, broke his piggy bank and rushed back
to the store, and bought the cellphone.

1. If you were to do a qualitative research on financial literacy in relation to Daniel’s case, what type of
qualitative research, based on purpose, would fit the case? Explain your answer.
2. Which angle of Daniel’s case will your research focus on? Give reasons for your answer.


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