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IEP MEETING: Review - 09/12/14


Based on record review, IEP review, and discussion, the IEP Team has determined that it is
not time for Juan’s reevaluation in reading, mathematics, written language, and speech /
language skills.

Discussion to Support Decision

Based on record review and IEP review, Juan’s most recent evaluation is 01/04/2012. Juan’s
projected reevaluation date is 01/03/2015. Based on file review and review of current IEP
(dated 11/18/2013), progress reports, and class work, informal assessment, placement,
discussion, review of Search, and DDA requirements, the IEP Team will not require
further/additional assessments to determine continued eligibility for Special Education
services. The IEP Team has agreed that there is sufficient data available to determine Juan’s
continued eligibility for Special Education services under the disability code of Autism (14).

Juan’s disability continues to have an adverse impact on his ability to access the general
curriculum without support. Juan’s present level of performance continues to fall under
below the age/grade level when compared to his peers in Reading, Mathematics, and Written
Language. Despite classroom intervention and support, Juan requires a structured schedule,
individualized, differentiated instruction and daily routines. Although intervention and
modifications were given, Juan continues to lack the necessary progress in the general
education classroom due to his level of functioning skills. Progress reports were reviewed.
Goals and objectives were selected with alignments to Juan’s identified needs.

Based on file review and review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2013), progress reports, and
class work, informal assessment, placement and discussion, the IEP Team agrees that all
Special Education services will continue at the current rate. No additional related services are
warranted at this time.


Document Basis for Discussion

Based on file review and review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2013), progress reports,
and class work, informal assessment, placement, discussion, review of Search, and
DDA requirements, the IEP Team will not require further/additional assessments to
determine continued eligibility for Special Education services. The IEP Team has
agreed that there is sufficient data available to determine Juan’s continued eligibility for
Special Education services under the disability code of Autism (14).
Juan’s disability continues to have an adverse impact on his ability to access the
general curriculum without support. Juan’s present level of performance continues to be
below the age/grade level when compared to his peers in areas such as Reading,
Mathematics, and Written Language. Despite classroom intervention and support, Juan
requires a structured schedule, individualized differentiated instruction and daily
routines. Although intervention and modifications were given, Juan continues to lack the
necessary progress in the general education classroom due to his level of functioning
skills. Progress reports were reviewed. Goals and objectives selected aligned with
Juan’s identified needs.

Based on file review and review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2013), progress reports,
and class work, informal assessment, placement and discussion the IEP Team agrees
that all Special Education services will continue at the current rate. No additional related
services are warranted at this time. Goals and objectives selected and aligned with the
Juan’s identified needs. Based on file review and review of current IEP (dated
11/18/2013), progress reports, and class work, informal assessment, placement and
discussion, the IEP Team agrees that Juan will receive 26 hour 40 minutes of Special
Education services outJuane the general education classroom setting in a self –
contained citywide PAL program with the special educator as the service provider.

The IEP team agrees that Juan continues to require a LRE-C Specialized PAL Program
with instructional accommodations and supports, supplementary aids/services; related
services from the occupational therapist for fine motor skills; and a yellow bus
transportation to attend a citywide PAL Program. Juan is pursuing a High School
Certificate of Completion. Despite classroom intervention and support, Juan requires a
structured schedule, individualized differentiated instruction and daily routines. Although
intervention and modifications were given, Juan continues to show insufficient progress
in the general education classroom due to his low functioning skills. Due to Juan’s
limited cognitive abilities and delays/deficits in Reading Comprehension, Math and
Written Language. He becomes confused in noting details that mislead him in his
comprehension; he has impairments in communication, his expressive and receptive
communication abilities are limited compared with students of his age group that limits
his full participation in the general education environment with the use of supplementary
aids and services. Juan’s Special Education Services will be provided outJuane the
general education classroom setting in a self – contained citywide PAL program.

The Special Education teachers will provide prescribed accommodations, supplemental

aids/services and instructional strategies so Juan may access the curriculum. The
adjusted workload will be assigned in the classroom. It will be determined by the special
educator as to which assignments, if any, need to be adjusted. At this time, the team
has agreed that Juan does not qualify for ESY services. Juan had participated in ALT –
MSA during the 10th grade. Juan is pursuing a High School Certificate of Completion.
Transition was discussed / reviewed; DORS / DDA and graduation
requirements/information. Juan will participate in selected academic, non-academic
and extracurricular activities with his peers without disabilities.

Other Local Graduation Requirements:

Based on record review and review of current IEP (dated 12/11/2013), informal assessments,
placement and discussion, the IEP Team agrees that no additional local school system
requirements are needed at this time.

Juan participated in the Alt-MSA during his 10 th grade year. He is currently working towards a
Maryland High School Certificate of Program Completion.


Based on record review and review of current IEP (dated 04/24/2014), informal assessments,
placement and discussion, the IEP Team agrees that Juan requires substantial, repeated,
individualized instruction with extensive supports such as adapted and modified materials,
instructional prompting systems, individualized methods of accessing information in alternative
ways such as tactile, visual, auditory, and multi-sensory, across multiple settings to acquire,
maintain, generalize and demonstrate performance of skills. The Alt-MSA gave a more accurate
depiction of what Juan is able to do academically.

Area of Discussion

This is Juan Review / Revise IEP Meeting. Juan attended the IEP meeting. Juan’s mother, Ms.
Juana did not attend the IEP meeting. However, she notified the case manager that she be
given paper works anent to the IEP of her son, Juan dela Cruz. She has no concerns at this time.
Juan’s DDA Coordinator is Mr. John Apple. Ms. Jean Grapes, DORS counselor has been in touch
with Ms. VILLAFLOR. The team discussed Juan’s status in DDA and DORS. The case manager,
Dr. Villaflor received an email from DDA that Juan’s application services after high school has
been approved. It was discussed that Juan and his mother must be informed of the process in
selecting a service provider after high school.

Goals and objectives selected aligned with the Juan’s identified needs. Based on file review and
review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2013), progress reports, and class work, informal
assessment, placement and discussion the IEP Team agrees that Juan will receive 26 hour 40
minutes of Special Education services outJuane the general education classroom setting in a self
– contained citywide PAL program with the special educator as the service provider. The IEP
team agrees that Juan continues to require a LRE-C Specialized PAL Program with instructional
accommodations and supports, supplementary aids/services; related services from the
occupational therapist for fine motor skills; and a yellow bus transportation to attend a citywide
PAL Program. Juan’s is pursuing a High School Certificate of Completion.

Despite classroom intervention and support, Juan requires a structured schedule, individualized
differentiated instruction and daily routines. Although intervention and modifications were
given, Juan continues to show insufficient progress in the general education classroom due to
his low functioning skills. Due to Juan’s limited cognitive abilities and delays and deficits in
Reading Comprehension, Math and Written Language he becomes confused in noting details
that mislead him in his comprehension; he has impairments in communication, his expressive
and receptive communication abilities are limited compared with students of his age group that
limits his full participation in the General Education environment with the use of supplementary
aids and services. Juan’s Special Education Services will be provided outJuane the general
education classroom setting in a self – contained citywide PAL program.

The Special Education teachers will provide prescribed accommodations, supplemental

aids/services and instructional strategies so Juan may access the curriculum. The adjusted
workload will be assigned in the classroom. It will be determined by the special educator as to
which assignments, if any, need to be adjusted. At this time, the team has agrees that Juan
does not qualify for ESY services. Juan participated in ALT – MSA in 10th grade. Juan is pursuing
a High School Certificate of Completion.

Transition was discussed / reviewed; DORS / DDA and graduation requirements / information.
Juan will participate in selected academic, non-academic and extracurricular activities his with
non - disabled peers.

What are students……..

Juan has the ability to tell time specifically on matching analog time, time telling by 00, 15, 30,
45, time telling by 5 minute increments, and time telling by the minute. Juan can read more
than 20 functional sight words list under the grocery and fast food words, banking words and
community words and finds When and who information from informational text Juan enjoys
talking to share information, asking questions to get information, sports, music, television and
drawing pictures. Juan’s needs are identified on knowing how to take care of personal hygiene
and finding assistance on setting personal goals. Juan’s educational interest shows that he
wants to attend a training program in food service industry. Juan received a medal from
bowling. In addition, Juan has acquired vocational skills such as shredding, opening number
combination locks, mail sorting and other skills that require daily routine activities.

How does the students disability…………..

Juan is a student with Autism. This condition has an adverse effect on his involvement in the
general education curriculum due to delays in Reading, Mathematics, and Written Language.
Juan exhibits frustration in large setting and displays poor attention skills.

Based on file review and review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2013), progress reports, class
work, informal assessment, placement and discussion, the IEP Team agrees that it is not time
for Juan’s reevaluation in Reading, Math, and Written Language.
Based on record review and IEP review Juan’s most recent evaluation is 01/04/2012. Juan’s
projected evaluation date is 01/03/2015. Based on file review and review of current IEP (dated
11/18/2013), progress reports, and class work, informal assessment, placement, discussion,
review of Search, and DDA requirements, the IEP Team will not require further/additional
assessments to determine continued eligibility for Special Education services. The IEP Team has
agreed that there is sufficient data available to determine Juan’s continued eligibility for Special
Education services under the disability code of Autism (14).

Juan’s disability continues to have an adverse impact on his ability to access the general
curriculum without support. Juan’s present level of performance continues to be below the
age/grade level of his peers in Reading, Mathematics, and Written Language. Despite classroom
intervention and support, Juan requires a structured schedule, individualized differentiated
instruction and daily routines. Although intervention and modifications were given, Juan
continues to lack the necessary progress in the general education classroom due to his level of
functioning skills. Progress reports were reviewed. Goals and objectives selected aligned with
the Juan’s identified needs.

Based on file review and review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2013), progress reports, and class
work, informal assessment, placement and discussion the IEP Team agrees that all Special
Education Services will continue at the current rate. No additional related services are
warranted at this time. Goals and objectives selected aligned with the Juan’s identified needs.
Based on file review and review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2013), progress reports, and class
work, informal assessment, placement and discussion the IEP Team agrees that Juan will
receive 26 hour 40 minutes of Special Education services outJuane the general education
classroom setting in a self – contained citywide PAL program with the special educator as the
service provider.

The IEP team agrees that Juan continues to require a LRE-C Specialized PAL Program with
instructional accommodations and supports, supplementary aids/services; related services from
the occupational therapist for fine motor skills; and a yellow bus transportation to attend a
citywide PAL Program. Juan is pursuing a High School Certificate of Completion.

Despite classroom intervention and support, Juan requires a structured schedule, individualized
differentiated instruction and daily routines. Although intervention and modifications were
given, Juan continues to lack the necessary progress in the general education classroom due to
his low functioning skills. Due to Juan’s limited cognitive abilities and delays and deficits in
reading comprehension, math and written language he becomes confused in noting details that
mislead him in his comprehension; he has impairments in communication, his expressive and
receptive communication abilities are limited compared with students of his age group that
limits his full participation in the general education environment with the use of supplementary
aids and services. Juan’s Special Education services will be provided outJuane the general
education classroom setting in a self – contained citywide PAL program.
The Special Education teachers will provide prescribed accommodations, supplemental
aids/services and instructional strategies so Juan may access the curriculum. The adjusted
workload will be assigned in the classroom. It will be determined by the special educator as to
which assignments, if any, need adJuang. At this time the team has agrees that Juan does not
qualify for ESY services. Juan will participate in ALT – MSA in 10th grade. Juan is pursuing a High
School Certificate of Completion.

Transition was discussed / reviewed; DORS / DDA and graduation requirements / information.
Juan will participate in selected academic, non-academic and extracurricular activities his with
non - disabled peers.

For Preschool age…….



Based on review of current IEP (00/00/00), progress reports (00/2000), informal assessments
(00/2000), and file review (00/2000), the areas covered in using informal assessment were
Reading Comprehension, Mathematics, and Written Language.


Woodcock Johnson III Test of Achievement (Formal Ed Report)


Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics (Secondary Level); confidential folder/record

review, classroom observation, student interaction


Based on review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2014), record review of informal assessments
(Woodcock Johnson III- 08/25/2014), and record review, Juan is performing at upper 3 nd grade
in Reading, which is 9 years below grade level placement.

Juan is a 20 year old African American male student in the 12 th Grade in the PAL Program at
#000 West-East High School. This is his last year in high school.

Based on above sources, Juan shows academic achievement at a very low range when
compared with his same grade peers in areas such as Reading. An increase in his reading
comprehension from beginning 3rd grade to upper 3rd grade is noted. He has the ability to
answer comprehension questions such as descriptions of characters that are directly stated in
the text and identifying the main idea of the story. He needs to learn meaning of words used in
the text.

Based on the informal assessment Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics

(Secondary Level) conducted 09/08/2014 – 09/18/2014, Juan has the ability to read words
listed under functional reading skills in the community. He is able to read 20+ sight words in the
Grocery and Fast Food Words, Banking Words, and Community Words. Juan has slow
processing speed which sometimes delays his ability to respond orally to verbal prompts. Juan’s
needs in the area of basic reading and reading comprehension will be addressed using the
Styer-Fitzgerald’s Functional Academics curriculum being implemented in the PAL Program.
Accommodations and modifications will be utilized as used in the curriculum and on the basis of
Juan’s needs.

Juan appears to be a refined young man with a happy disposition. He is very helpful and willing
to assist in tasks in- and outJuane the classroom. Teachers observed that he helped in cleaning
at the cafeteria during breakfast time, as well as help teachers in organizing materials in the
classroom. He seems to have adjusted well into his new environment and is getting along well
with his peers as well as adults in the building. Juan responds well to verbal prompts and
reinforces self-help in attending to daily routines. These are powerful tools that need to be
utilized to help increase motivation and productivity.


Based on review of current IEP conducted on 09/ 29/2014, record review of informal
assessments (Woodcock Johnson III - 08/25/2014), and record review, Juan is performing at
beginning 3rd grade in Reading, which is 9 years below grade level placement.

Juan is a 20 year old African American male student in the 12th Grade in the PAL Program at
#000 West-East High School. This is his last year in high school.

Based on above sources, Juan presented at a very low range of achievement when compared
with his same grade peers in area of Written Language.

Based on Brigance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills – Revised conducted on 08-27-14,

Juan functions on beginning 3rd grade level on the area of Written Language Expression. He has
the ability to put words together to write a simple sentence when given three words. He needs
to acquire the necessary writing skills for placing the right/appropriate adjectives and modifiers
to make the sentence complete and correct.
Based on the informal assessment Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics
(Secondary Level) conducted 09/08/2014 – 09/12/2014, Juan is able to write his first and last
name from memory, writes phone numbers with a model, and writes words for numbers 1 –
10. He needs to write numbers from 11 to 100.

Juan is able to copy letters and words as presented. It was observed that Juan’s handwriting
uses upper case and lower case letters and that he does have a strong control of his grip
resulting in an even writing outputs. Juan is able to use the computer and can match letters in
upper and lower case as well as type a short letter/text from a model. His computer skills can
be used in conjunction with writing tasks to provide alternate method in learning.

Juan’s needs in the area of Written Language will be addressed using the Styer-Fitzgerald’s
Functional Academics curriculum being implemented in the PAL Program. Accommodations and
modifications will be utilized as part in the implementation of the curriculum based on Juan’s


Based on review of current IEP (dated 11/18/2013), record review of formal assessments
(Brigance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills dated 08/27/2014), and record review, Juan
is performing at beginning 3rd grade level in Mathematics Calculation, which is 19 years below
grade level placement.

Juan is a 20 year old African American male student in the 12th Grade in the PAL Program at
#000 West-East High School. This is his last year in high school.

Based on above sources, Juan demonstrated a very low range of achievement when compared
with his same grade peers in area of Math Calculation. There is an increase in his Math
calculation skills from upper 2 nd grade to lower 3rd grade. He has the ability to add and subtract
up to two digits by one digit without regrouping.

Based on Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics Student Assessment for Secondary
Level (11-18-2013 to 08/27/2014), Juan’s Time-telling Skills revealed that he has mastered time
telling skills.

Based on Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics Student Assessment for Secondary
Level (11-14-2013), Juan’s Time Management ability revealed that he can identify days and
months of the year.

Based on Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics Student Assessment for

Secondary Level (11-14-2013), Juan’s Money Management, Bills Skills test revealed that he can
match money and count money (bills by ones, fives, tens, and twenties). He also can count one-
dollar bills to five ($5.00). He also can count one- dollar bills to ten ($10.00). He needs to count
combinations of ones, fives, tens, and twenties.
Based on Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics Student Assessment for Secondary
Level (11-14-2013), Juan’s Money Management, and Coins skills test revealed that he count
coin combinations with nickels, dimes, and quarters. He also can count exact change. He needs
to learn to count over-the-amount.

Based on behavior observation conducted on 09/26/2013 – 11/14/2013, Juan demonstrates

appropriate behavior in areas such as classroom, cafeteria and places outJuane from school.

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance PLAAFP


Parental Input / IEP Team discussion

ATTENDANCE: 08/25/2014 – present

Juan’s attendance was reviewed by the team:

Total # of School Days: 00 days

Days Present: 00 days
Days Absent: 00 days
Days Tardy: 00 days

Student’s Strengths, interests,

Juan is a 20 year old African American male student in the 11 th Grade in the PAL Program at
#000 West-East High School. He has recently transferred to Baltimore City Public Schools from
Dundalk High School. Juan has not long been in the program. He came to School #414 on
September 8, 2014.

Juan appears to be a kind young man with a happy disposition. He is very helpful and willing to
assist in tasks in- and outJuane the classroom. He has been seen to help in cleaning up at the
cafeteria during breakfast time, as well as help teachers in organizing materials in the
classroom. He seems to have adjusted well into his new environment and is getting along well
with his peers as well as the various adults in the building.

Based on his Career Interest Inventory (Pictorial Version) conducted 09/11/14, Juan’s interests
fell under the Conventional – The Organizer category. This means that he likes filing, sorting,
cashier work, data entry, keeping records, and following up a plan/schedule. The inventory also
revealed that he can be a Helper, which was corroborated by teacher’s observation in the short
span of time that he has been with the program. He also indicated interest in the arts such as
painting/drawing, taking pictures, singing/playing music, arranging flowers, making things and

According to the Transition Planning Inventory (Home Form) completed on 09/11/14, Juan’s
mother indicated that Juan will work part-time after high school and would likely continue to
live with his parents or his relatives. Juan is able to perform personal grooming and hygiene
independently, and can do various everyday household tasks. Ms. (mother) believes that Juan
continues the need to support in the area of communication - reading, listening, and writing.

How does the student’s disability affect his/her involvement in the general education

Juan’s disability continues to have an adverse impact on his ability to access the general
education curriculum. Juan’s present level of performance continues to be below the age/grade
level of his peers in the areas of Reading, Written Language, Mathematics, Communication and
Social Skills. His impairment in both expressive and receptive communication skills as well as
deficits in appropriate age level behavioral and social skills limits his full participation in the
general education environment even with the use of accommodations, program modifications
and supplementary aids and services. Juan’s disability is autism. This requires a structured
environment, individualized differentiated instruction, and the use of a curriculum focused on
functional academics.





Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), and file review
(09/2014), the IEP Team determined that there is no documentation to warrant AT services at
this time. The Team agreed that Juan does not require functional adaptations to enhance
classroom functioning.


Human reader
Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), and file review
(09/2014), Juan requires a human reader to read orally to him and to help him decode text
visually. The use of human reader is to be implemented upon the discretion of the teacher and
basing on the type of activity/assignment. The above mentioned Presentation Accommodation
will be used as warranted in all areas in accordance with the PAL Program curriculum.


Calculator / Visual Organizers / Graphic Organizers

Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom

observation, and file review (09/2014), Juan requires mathematics tools/calculation device,
visual and graphic organizers.

Juan’s disability affects mathematics calculation, reasoning and/or access. A calculator or other
mathematical tools to assist in calculation as warranted in the curriculum.

Visual organizers, on the other hand, may include graph paper, highlighters, place markers,
scratch paper, and templates. A visual organizer is a way for Juan to maintain focus on specific
sections of an activity, assessment, or a response area. A visual organizer can be thought of as a
physical guide to help Juan focus on test items or responses.

The use of graphic organizers help students arrange information into patterns in order to
organize their work and stay focused on the content. Graphic organizers are especially helpful
for writing assignments. Graphic organizers are visual representation of a text or a topic.
Organizers provide steps or frames for students to identify pertinent facts, to organize
information, and to record relationships between facts and ideas within a learning task.
Organizers offer an entry point into complex materials for visual learners to increase
comprehension and retention. Graphic organizers have many names including visual maps,
mind mapping, knowledge maps, concept maps, story maps, cognitive organizers, advance
organizers, or concept diagrams. The purpose is to aid memory/retrieval when higher thought
processes are involved.

* The use of math/calculation device, visual organizers and graphic organizers is to be

implemented upon the discretion of the teacher and basing on the type of activity/assignment.
The above mentioned Response Accommodations will be used as warranted in all areas in
accordance with the PAL Program curriculum.


Extended Time / Multiple or Frequent Breaks

Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom
observation, and file review (09/2014), Juan requires extended time and multiple/frequent

Extended time will be utilized to allow Juan additional processing and response time. Extra time
can be used in completing assignments, projects or assessments.

Multiple and/or frequent breaks can be scheduled as needed to help Juan regain his focus.
Breaks may be given at predetermined intervals or after completion of assignments, tests, or

The use of extended time and multiple/frequent breaks is to be implemented upon the
discretion of the teacher and basing on the type of activity/assignment. The above mentioned
Timing and Scheduling Accommodations will be used as warranted in all areas in accordance
with the PAL Program curriculum.


Reduce Distractions to the Student

Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), and file review
(09/2014), Juan requires a setting accommodation to reduce distractions that would allow him
to do individual work or take tests in a different location, usually in a place with few or no other
students. Changes may also be made to a student’s location within a room. This is to ensure
that Juan is focused since he is easily distracted. Physically enclosed classrooms (classrooms
with four walls) may be more appropriate than open classrooms, and study carrels might also
be helpful to lessen distraction.


Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom

observation, and file review (09/2014), the IEP team decided that supplementary aids, services,
program modifications and supports will be provided for Juan in the classroom by the Special
Educator and/or ParaEducator as needed to enhance academic functioning as warranted in the
PAL Program curriculum.


Check for Understanding

The additional support of checking for understanding should be provided for Juan throughout
the class period – prior to starting work so that expectations are clear, during independent
work, and especially when being given directions. This will ensure that Juan is following
directions and producing work based on expectations.

Frequent or Immediate Feedback

Reinforcements such as frequent or immediate feedback should be used as frequently as
needed to increase motivation and to reward positive behavior as well as appropriate/correct
responses. Juan responds well to praises and verbal recognition.

Provide alternative ways to demonstrate learning

Juan writes in all upper case and has poor fine motor control during writing. Alternate output
such as type-written responses, as opposed to hand written ones, should be utilized when
assessing areas other than hand writing/penmanship. Alternative outputs other than verbal
such as visual presentations should also be conJuanered since Juan has speech
communication/expressive language deficits.


1. Yes.

Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom

observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team determined
that Juan’s IEP include annual goals related to critical life skills.

Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom

observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team determined
that there is a likely chance of substantial regression of critical life skills caused by
regular school breaks, and a failure to recover those lost skills in a reasonable time.

Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom

observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team agrees that
there is no evidence of progress towards all critical life skills due to normal school

2. No.
Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom
observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team agrees that
there is no presence of emerging skills or breakthrough opportunities.

3. No.
As to date, the IEP Team noted and indicated no evidence of significant interfering
4. Yes.
Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom
observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team agrees that
the nature and severity of Juan’s disability does warrant ESY services due to his
significant cognitive and communication disability that impacts all domains of learning.

5. No.
Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom
observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team determined
that there are no other special circumstances that require ESY.

The Team considered the criteria and determined that Juan’s educational programming
would be significantly jeopardized without the provision of ESY services.

6. Yes.
Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom
observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team determined
that after conJuanering the above questions, the benefits that Juan receives from his
educational program during the regular school year will be significantly jeopardized if he
is not provided ESY services.


Based on Transition Planning Inventory (TPI) Student/Parent Career Interest Survey on

09/16/2014, teacher's observation (08/25/2014 to 09/18/2014), Juan’s educational interest is
to go to a training program where he can learn as a landscaper. The assessment also revealed
that after high school Juan would like to live with his parents and/or other relatives.

According to record review conducted on 08/25/2014 to 09/18/2014, Juan enjoys computers,

drawing, music, and watching television. Juan’s needs include about knowing job opportunities
and what they require, finding assistance on where to live and finding assistance to help with
emotional issues as they arise. Also, Juan practically needs planning areas such as employment,
further educational training, daily living, community participation, health, self-determination,
communication, and interpersonal relationships.

Juan is a 20 year old African American male student in the 12 th Grade in the PAL Program at
#000 West-East High School. This is Juan’s last year in high school considering aging out at 21.

Juan appears to be a refined young man with a happy disposition. He is very helpful and willing
to assist on tasks in- and out the classroom. He has been seen to help in cleaning up at the
cafeteria during breakfast time, as well as help teachers in organizing materials in the
classroom. He seems to have adjusted well into his new environment and is getting along well
with his peers as well as the various adults in the building.

Juan is currently working towards earning a Maryland Certificate of Program Completion. He

will exit the program when he turns 21 years old.


Employment (required):
Upon exiting from high school, and after receiving appropriate training, Juan will work in the
field of landscaping.

Upon exiting from high school, Juan will train in the field of landscaping.

Independent Living (if appropriate):

Upon completion from high school, Juan will independently prepare for work and /or training
daily, including cooking, and laundry.

Course of study:


Discussion to support decision:

Based on review of current conducted on 08/29/2014 informal assessments (09/2014),

classroom observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team
determined that Juan needs further supports and services in areas such as employment,
training, independent living, community participation, communication and inter-personal

Juan is pursuing a Maryland Certificate of Program Completion. Parent/Guardian was informed

about parental rights and graduation requirements. The team went over the student’s
attendance, class schedule, progress reports and file review to identify the course of study the
student will pursue. The parents were likewise informed about transition services such as
DORS/DDA and what programs are available to them.

1. Attend and participate in the Transition Fair for Students with Disabilities
2. Identify at least one source of financial support for post high school activities

Responsible Party:
1. Special Educator
2. Special Educator, Parent

Employment Training:
1. Identify one training program for career of choice
2. Participate in school sponsored field-trips/site visits to various job sites

Responsible Party:
1. Guidance Counselor, Special Educator,
2. Guidance Counselor, Regular and/or Special Educator

Independent Living:
1. Participate in school sponsored travel training opportunities.
2. Practice grocery shopping skills with adult supervision.

Responsible Party:
1. Special Educator, ParaEducator
2. Special Educator, ParaEducator, Parent/Family Members


Juan meets the eligibility requirements for DDA and DORS. The IEP Team determined that Juan
will be referred to DORS at the appropriate time the year before he exits from high school. The
Team will also look into Juan’s DDA status, to ascertain if the team needs to complete and file
an application for him.

Based on review of current IEP (04/24/14), informal assessments (09/2014), classroom

observation, file review (09/2014), placement and discussion, the IEP team determined that
Juan will continue to require supports and services after exiting from high school.



By September 2015, Juan will read informational texts and answer “WH” questions in the
English Language Content Area with 80% accuracy over three trials as measured by informal
assessment and classroom performance.

Given appropriate grade-level informational texts, Juan will read and respond to current events
questions that focuses on “where” and “when” questions with 80% accuracy.

Given appropriate grade-level informational texts, Juan will read and respond to current events
questions that focuses on “who” questions with 80% accuracy.

Given appropriate grade-level informational texts, Juan will read and respond to current events
questions that focuses on “what” and “why” questions with 80% accuracy.


By September 2015, Juan will demonstrate time telling and money management skills using an
analog clock, dollar bills and coins with 80% accuracy over three trials as measured by informal
assessment and classroom performance.


Given bills of different denominations, Juan will count combinations of one-, five-, ten-, and
twenty-dollar bills from $0.01 to $40.00 with 80% accuracy.

Given coins of different denominations, Juan will count combinations of with nickels, dimes and
quarters up to $1.00 with 80% accuracy.

Given an analog clock and a schedule, Juan will match the time on an analog clock to a
schedule, and identify the activity with 80% accuracy.


By September 2015, Juan will complete his personal information and signa ture with 80%
accuracy over three trials as measured by informal assessment and classroom performance.
Given writing prompts, Juan will complete the personal information portion of at least two job
applications with a model with 80% accuracy.

Given writing prompts, Juan will complete the reference information portion of at least two
different job applications with 80% accuracy.

Given writing prompts, Juan will complete the educational portion of at least two different job
applications with 80% accuracy.


1. Classroom Instruction – Outside General Education
5 sessions; 5 hrs, 20 mins; daily ; 9/13/14 – 09/11/15

Juan will receive 26 hours and 40 minutes of Special Education services to access the
curriculum within a self-contained classroom environment, citywide PAL Program with
the special educator as the primary service provider.

2. Adapted PE


1. Occupational Therapy
2. Speech Language Therapy
3. Transportation
As a result of distance, the time, the nature and the severity of Juan’s disability, he
requires transportation to accommodate travel to and from the citywide PAL Program.
No specialized equipment or personnel is needed to transport Juan to and from school.
No additional supports are needed to assist student during transportation.


1. Classroom Instruction – OutJuane General Education

1 session; 20 hrs, 0 mins; weekly ; 6/30/15 – 07/25/15

This service will be delivered during ESY in Special Education classroom with the special
educator as the primary service provider.
2. Transportation : 6/30/15 – 07/25/15
As a result of distance, the time, the nature and the severity of Juan’s disability, he
requires transportation to accommodate travel to and from the citywide PAL Program.
No specialized equipment or personnel is needed to transport Juan to and from school.
No additional supports are needed to assist student during transportation.


What placement…

The IEP team considered LRE A, B, and C. Despite instructional modifications, Juan
continues to become frustrated in the combined program due to his need for more
individualized instruction. Although classroom interventions are ongoing, Juan does not
adapt to change in routine in a large group setting due to his inability to cope with
transitioning task. Therefore, the team determined that Juan will receive Special
Education instructions in a self-contained setting, PAL Program.

If removed…

Juan displays significant delays in measured intelligence, adaptive functioning,

communication, and academic functioning Juan frequently exhibits echolalia of speech.
He occasionally displays basic communicative intent, but does not demonstrate a
consistent yes/no response without encouragement. He does not consistently
communicate requests, wants, or needs.

Document basis…

Based on review, progress reports, teacher observation, assessment data, disability,

placement, and team discussion, the team determined that Juan’s Special Education
services will be provided in a Self-contained educational environment, PAL Program.

Juan’s autism disability limits his involvement in the regular curriculum due to his limited
cognitive and academic abilities and inability to communicate orally. Despite classroom
intervention and support, Juan requires a structured schedule, individualized
differentiated instruction and daily routines. Although intervention and modifications
were given, Juan continues to lack the necessary progress in the general education
classroom due to his low functioning skills. Goals and objectives selected aligned with
the Juan’s identified needs.

Juan’s Special Education services will be provided outJuane the general education
classroom setting in a self – contained citywide PAL program. The Special Education
teachers will provide prescribed accommodations, supplemental aids/services and
instructional strategies so Juan may access the curriculum. The adjusted workload will
be assigned in the classroom. It will be determined by the special educator as to which
assignments, if any, need adJuang. At this time the team has agrees that Juan does
qualify for ESY services. Juan will participate in ALT – MSA in 10th grade.

Juan is pursuing a High School Certificate of Completion. Transition was discussed /

reviewed; DORS / DDA and graduation requirements / information. Juan will participate
in selected academic, non-academic and extracurricular activities his with non -
disabled peers.

Total time in school

32 hours 30 minutes / week

Total Time OutJuane of General Education

26 hours 40 minutes

Total time in Gen Ed

5 hours 50 minutes /week

Special Ed placement (ages 6-12)

Average 17.01 %/day

InJuane general ed
Less than 40%

In selecting LRE…….Potential harmful effects…


IF yes….

Are the services Home school?


ConJuaneration of Transportation needs…

Is the Related Service Transportation…..


Is specialized Equipment Needed….


Are personnel needed…

List type of personnel

An assistant is needed for this student during transportation because, of his limited
cognitive abilities and inability to communicate orally.

Are other supports needed…


Discussion ConJuaneration….

Juan requires special transportation because of his limited cognitive abilities and
inability to communicate orally. No specialized equipment is needed for Juan.

Provide Explanation

Juan is currently participating in a PAL program and will not be excluded from
participation with non-disabled peers in non-academic and extracurricular activities.

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