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Human trafficking[edit]

Main article: Human trafficking in Malaysia

Malaysia is a destination, supply and transit point for women and children trafficked
for commercial sexual exploitation.[8] Women and girls
from Burma, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam are
trafficked to Malaysia.[8] Malaysia is a transit country along
with Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand in Chinese human trafficking.[9] Women
from Malaysia are trafficked into the People's Republic of China.[9] Migrants from
countries in the region work as domestic servants and laborers in the construction and
agricultural sectors and face exploitative conditions.[8]
Between 2005 and September 2009, more than 36,858 women were arrested
for prostitution in Malaysia.[10]

Drug trafficking[edit]
Drug trafficking is a problem, heroin being the primarily used drug.[8] The maximum
penalty for drug trafficking is up to death,[11] a measure which was introduced during
the 1980s to combat drug offenses, and was highlighted following the 1986 execution
of Kevin John Barlow and Brian Geoffrey Chambers.

Crime against tourists[edit]

Violent crime against foreign tourists is less frequent in Malaysia;
[12] however, pickpocketing and burglaries are common criminal activities directed
against foreigners.[12] Other types of non-violent crime include credit card
fraud and motor vehicle theft;[12] there is a high rate of credit card fraud.[12]
[13] Scams are a problem in Kuala Lumpur which involve card games and purchase
of gold jewellery.[11]

Main article: Corruption in Malaysia
Corruption in Malaysia does exist but less common than in many other countries
in Southeast Asia.[14] In the 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency
International[15] Malaysia had a corruption score of 52 out of 100 (high scores are
less corrupt); this makes Malaysia the 2nd least corrupt country in SE Asia, 9th out of
28 in APAC and 50th of the 175 countries assessed worldwide.
In the 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, Malaysia
had a corruption score of 50 out of 100; Malaysia was ranked 54th worldwide and 2nd
in SE Asia, with Singapore (1st in SE Asia, 8th worldwide), Thailand (3rd in SE Asia,
76th worldwide), Indonesia (4th in SE Asia, 88th worldwide), Philippines (5th in SE
Asia, 95th worldwide), and Vietnam (6th in SE Asia, 112th worldwide)[16]
Transparency International list Malaysia's key corruption challenges as:

1. Political and Campaign Financing: Donations from both corporations and

individuals to political parties and candidates are not limited in Malaysia.
Political parties are also not legally required to report on what funds are spent
during election campaigns. Due in part to this political landscape, Malaysia's
ruling party for over 55 years has funds highly disproportionate to other
parties. This unfairly impacts campaigns in federal and state elections and can
disrupt the overall functioning of a democratic political system.
2. “Revolving door”: Individuals regularly switch back and forth between
working for both the private and public sectors in Malaysia. Such
circumstances – known as the ‘revolving door’ – allow for active government
participation in the economy and public-private relations to become elusive.
The risk of corruption is high and regulating public-private interactions
becomes difficult, also allowing for corruption to take place with impunity.
Another factor which highlights the extent of ambiguity between the public
sector and private corporate ownership is that Malaysia is also a rare example
of a country where political parties are not restricted in possessing corporate
3. Access to information: As of April 2013, no federal Freedom of Information
Act exists in Malaysia. Although, Selangor and Penang are the only Malaysian
states out of thirteen to pass freedom of information legislation, the legislation
still suffers from limitations. Should a federal freedom of information act be
drafted it would conflict with the Official Secrets Act – in which any document
can be officially classified as secret, making it exempt from public access and
free from judicial review. Additional laws such as the Printing Presses and
Publications Act, the Sedition Act 1949 (subsequently replaced with the
National Harmony Act), and the Internal Security Act 1969 also ban the
dissemination of official information and offenders can face fines or
imprisonment.[14] Malaysia suffers from corporate fraud in the form of
intellectual property theft.[17] Counterfeit production of several goods
including IT products, automobile parts, etc., are prevalent.[17]

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