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Module 1

Topic #1. Explain how information systems impact business strategy and processes within the
supply chain.
 Description- Firstly there is information system which refers to the elements which
consist of people, hardware, software, and telecommunication for the process of storage
and distribution. It converts raw data into useful information. Moreover, it helps in better
decision making. In supply chain management the process starts from raw material then
the material goes through with the supplier. Manufacturing and distribution of goods is
next step from where the products adopt by retailers and it will end with point of
consumption. This includes product development, marketing operations, distribution and
finances. Information system plays important role in supply chain because through which
managers make their decisions and execute their transactions.
 Feelings- I have learnt a lot about the concepts on information systems and supply chain
and their impact on business strategy. I am feeling positive towards my future about what
I learnt in this session. Information system provides visual concept and finances.
Information system has made the things easy in the manual and fasten the delivery and
production. It helps the suppliers, companies and customers by providing one place
together for all and share the reviews and helps in business growth. The contribution of
this concept in my personal life is this will help me in managing time properly in my
studies and job life. Our feeling and thoughts can help us to be punctual in personal life.
The way of working in the personal life will be better than before.
 Evaluation- the good experience of learning is that I have understood the concepts of
information system and business strategy within supply chain. Now I am able to manage
the finances with good manner, building good relation with team members, productivity
level and so on. There was no bad experience in learning at all. I already explain the key
takeaways in the good experience and another thing is it will help me in the future
whenever I have to start any business so that I will use the strategies which I have learnt
in the lecture. Moreover, that will help me a lot to manage the each and every thing in my
 Analysis- In supply chain information system provides the accountability and improved
visibility. It allows companies to have a better control over the activities such as
production and distribution. This information will help me in the future to manage the
things in the better way. I will get to know the things in the business will operate through
the information system in supply chain. I will handle the machines and different
software’s in the organization.
 Conclusion- information system have a great impact on supply chain because it is easy to
operate the software and machines within the organization. It helps to make the
production fast, lower cost, providing new customers, building good relations between
customers and managers and so on. It will also help managers to execute the transactions
easily with the information system in the supply chain.
 Action plan- I have learnt a lot in this topic that will help me in the future. There were
many ways to deal with machines, software through information system in the supply
chain. I will manage the things accurately. If I will run my own business information
system will help me in reducing cost, maximize profits, coordinate effectively with
employees and I will use each and every method which I learnt in this module with
proper planning.

Topic #2. What methods can be used for selecting and evaluating information systems projects
and aligning them with the firm’s business goals?
 Description- Associations need a data frameworks plan that depicts how data innovation
upholds the achievement of their business objectives and records all their framework
applications and data innovation (IT) foundation segments. Enormous organizations will
have an administration construction to guarantee the main frameworks projects get need.
Basic achievement factors, portfolio investigation, and scoring models can be utilized to
recognize and assess elective data framework projects.
 Feelings- I have learnt a lot in the lecture, about using the methods of selecting and
evaluating information system and connecting them to the organizational goals. Projects
should be based on the ability to support business strategy. For selecting information
system for the firm firstly filling needs are necessary because today’s business
information system go beyond more complex and solving the functions performed and
needed by an organization.
 Evaluation- the learning experience was really good I understand the all the concepts in
brief that how to select the information system and Single-criterion cost-benefit analysis,
multicriteria scoring models and ranking methods, and portfolio approaches are the most
used methodology for choosing and prioritizing IS initiatives. Review all existing and
future projects, create a methodology for prioritizing all projects, and align projects with
the business strategy's strategic goals.
 Analysis- Many firms consider IT investments to be strategic. As a result, making a
decision in this field necessitates the assessment of both quantitative and qualitative
elements. As a result, using multicriteria decision models to assist the DM or a group of
DMs in picking IS that have the most potential to contribute to an organization's business
has been recommended.
 Conclusion- The competitive strategy, in essence, determines an organization's goals and
objectives. As a result, the structures, features, and functions of every information system
are determined by a company's competitive strategy. The design of supporting
information systems is determined by the structure of a company's business processes.
This will align the information system by selecting and evaluating with business’s goals.
 Action plan- the things I have learnt in this lecture will help me in the future. Critical
success factors, portfolio analysis, and scoring models can be used to identify
and evaluate alternative information systems projects. I will also use the methods of
information system in my business to make it more successful.

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