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During your chosen study times, focus. The more focused and dedicated you
are, the more effective your study time will be. If you go over your allotted
time, great! Your hyper-focus helped you to study hard and prepare even
more than you’d planned. If you’re finding it difficult to focus, take a short
break to stretch, breathe or enjoy some refreshments.

5. Reward yourself

Focusing on studying during a pandemic, especially under quarantine or

shelter-in-place orders, comes with particular difficulties. If you’ve managed
to study and focus for the duration of your goal time, be sure to reward
yourself! The reward could be an extra hour of binge-watching your favorite
show, eating an indulgent dessert, taking a nap or anything else that you
enjoy. This will reinforce good study habits and, of course, it will be a well-
deserved treat.

6. Keep reading

Whether you’re reading for pleasure or for reference, keep at it. Reading has
been proven to help with vocabulary, grammar and comprehension on
standardised tests. It will also help to stimulate your mind in your downtime.

7. Set realistic goals

When coming up with your study plan, be sure to set goals that you can
actually achieve. If you plan to study for three hours a day while perhaps also
juggling a full-time job that you’re now trying to do from home, you may fall
short and lose motivation. Read some of our study and time management
tips to help determine a manageable study schedule.

Remember that we’re always here for you as well! Give The Economist
GMAT Tutor a try—free seven-day trials are available and the programme
can be done at your own pace from home.

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Motivational tips for studying at home

These are uncertain times with the corona virus

pandemic, with limited teaching on campus and
restrictions regarding health and travel. We fully
understand that it might be hard to stay motivated
for your studies. To help you to structure your
workday and to study efficently toward the exams,
we have put together som tips and advice.


Main content
Many students experience isolation, anxiety and are worried about their
studies and work. This might lead to pondering which can prevent you from
functioning as well as you normally do. But do not despair, we have some
tips that may help you to function optimally despite the current situation.

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