Descriptive Essays Practice (Lower Form)

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Name: Class: Date:

Descriptive Essay Practice 1

The 1) Pangkor Island Beach Resort sits on the long stretch of a

2) beachfront. Nothing beats the 3)
offerings of its pure 4) beaches.
This 5) beach resort is a great place to just relax and spend
quality time with family and friends. It is very much 6) and
7) . There are 8) activities that one
can do there, such as scuba diving, windsurfing, snorkelling, jet skiing, boat riding, sea
fishing, motorcycling and jungle trekking. Visitors can also enjoy the 9)
beach scenery while feeling the 10) sea breeze blow
gently on them.
The resort is largely inhabited by fishing folks who live in the scattered fishing
settlements especially on the eastern side. It is indeed a 11)
hideaway for holidays makers.
Descriptive Essay Practice 2

Zoo Negara is a 1) place to visit. One can spend an 2)

day touring it. It is a world of animals, 3)
and 4) .
When one enters the lively zoo grounds, one first sees a big cages where the
animals are kept. Many types of animals like the lions, tigers, elephants and monkeys are
seen inside their cages. The animals move about 5) inside their
cages. Birds are also inside their cages on trees. Many 6) visitors spend
hours taking pictures of the birds and animals.
Many 7) fearless animal trainers and zoo attendants are seen
feeding the animals or bathing them. Of course, visitors take the opportunity to take shots
of them doing so. They also notice a sign that says ‘Do Not Feed The Animals’. The visitors
are lucky if they happen to be at the zoo when performances by the zoo animals are on.
These animals have been trained to give the visitors an entertaining time. The Zoo Negara
is indeed an 8) place to the locals and tourist. It is indeed
Malaysia’s pride and tourist attraction.
Descriptive Essay Practice 3

Dear ,
My favourite family member is my mother. Her name is .
She is in her middle thirties . As she works as a manager in charge of a group big staff,
she is 1) and 2) to her staff. They find her
3) and always seek her help in solving work problems.
Not only is my mother 4) , she is also very 5) .
She has an oval face with big brown eyes. She is very 6) and has a
good taste in clothes. My friends say she is really a good-looking woman. As for me, I
admire her for her good qualities. She is 7) , 8)
9) .
Her friends find her very 10) and 11)
to be with. This explains why she has a lot of friends and everyone loves her
as she is very 12) with them. Yes, I am very proud of my mother.
In your next email do describe your favourite family member.
Descriptive Essay Practice 4

A giraffe is a 1) . Considered as one of the tallest

animals, adult giraffes range from 14 to 19 feet tall. They weigh between 1750 and 2800
Giraffes have a relatively 2) unless provoked. The giraffe has
not two, but three horns. The third horn is situated right between and just above its eyes.
This is symbolic of the “third eye” which manifests about intuition, delicate perception,
and heightened sensory awareness.
Its long neck has only seven vertebrae, but each is greatly elongated. A giraffe’s
front legs are slightly longer than the rear legs. The skin patterns may help camouflage
them from predators. Some subspecies have patterns that are
3) and always seek her help in solving work problems.
Not only is my mother 4) , she is also very 5) .
She has an oval face with big brown eyes. She is very 6) and has a
good taste in clothes. My friends say she is really a good-looking woman. As for me, I
admire her for her good qualities. She is 7) , 8)
9) .
Descriptive Essay Practice 4

One 1) , while having 2) at
a restaurant, I noted there were three other 3) . I wondered who
they were by just looking at them.
Firstly, seated at the first table was a 4) . He had
5) hair, wore 6) and 7)
and was 8) some notes. A 9)
lay on the table. I guessed that he was a 10) .
Next, at another table was a 11) woman. She
was 12) dressed and was looking intently at a file. I placed her
as 13) .
Then, at another table was a 14) gentleman. He
looked 15) in his suit and had a 16) beard
and moustache. A briefcase was 17) . I placed him as a
18) .
From my observations, I concluded that the way we dress and the way we carry
ourselves often portray an image of 19) . Con men out to
deceive people dress their best to hide their true intentions. As such we should not
be taken in by 20) . We should be wary.

Descriptive Essay Practice 4

A Firefighter’s Life
is a firefighter. He works at a 1)
. He joined the 2) when he was 3)
and now he is 32. He loves the job as his 4) has
always been to be a firefighter.
The work of firefighter is 5) . They not only 6)
fires, they also get 7) victims out of 8)
vehicles. Sometimes they are called to get rid of 9)
like snakes that have entered 10) .
Firefighters work in 11) . There is always a group on duty to
respond to 12) at any time of the day.
Firefighters face many 13) in the course of their work. They
may be 14) or worse still be killed in a fire. The 15)
is from falling beams or thick 16) or sudden explosions.
If is a special breed of people who opt to become firefighters. I am not one of them. I
am too 17) . We salute these people who put their loves on the
18) to save others.
Section D: Question 5


Cheat! by Alan Baille
A Night Out retold by John Escott
Based on the short story, write about one of the theme of the short story. Give examples from the
short story to explain your answers

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