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One Pot Green Synthesis of Graphene-Iron Oxide Nanocomposite

(GINC): An Efficient Material for Enhancement of Thermoelectric
Abhijit Dey,a* Sudipta Panja b, Arun Kanti Sikder, a* Santanu Chattopadhyayb**

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

5 Received (in XXX, XXX) Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX, Accepted Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX
DOI: 10.1039/b000000x
We report for the first time, a green method for graphene- Pr doping, copper telluride, Bi2Te3 nanowires, magnesium
iron oxide nanocomposite (GINC) synthesis by dispersing 50 silicide, n-type SiGe bulk alloys, CuxS and β-Zn4Sb3 [9-17]
graphene and nano iron oxide (Fe2O3) in ethanol via showed improved thermoelectric performance. Among these
10 ultrasonication followed by micro-wave irradiation. This is a material, Bi2Te3 is found to be the best room temperature
simple method of making a broader range of graphene-metal thermoelectric materials [18-21]. However, organic materials like
oxide nanocomposites with excellent dispersion of 3D conjugated polymers are becoming more potential candidates due
nanoparticles over 2D graphene. In addition, we have also 55 to their enhance thermoelectric power factor and figure of merit
demonstrated the synthesis of highly conductive PVAc-GINC [22-25]. In addition, their low thermal conductivity (k= 0.1–0.5
15 and PVAc-graphene composites by ultrasonication followed W m-1 K-1), [26,27], easy processibility, flexibility, non toxicity,
by hot compaction for thermoelectric application. Graphene stability and cheaper cost in comparison to chalcogenides make
and GINC concentration were judiciously varied and them more beneficial. In addition, several other advantages like
optimized for the sake of high electrical conductivity and 60 mechanical robustness for better durability, application as a
Seebeck coefficient. The fabricated PVAc-GINC film thermoelectric paint over armor vehicle for stealth application
20 exhibited a conductivity of 2.18 × 104 S/m with a Seebeck and cloths based on flexible thermoelectric materials based fabric
coefficient of 38.8 µV/K. Hence, the power factor (PF) reaches for energy harvesting from body heat. These applications are very
to 32.90 µW m-1K-2 which is 27 fold higher than the difficult to achieve in case of chalcogenide based material.
thermoelectric material based on PVAc- graphene composite. 65 In polymer composite, higher power factor, i.e. S2σ, can
This PF value is found to be maximized, ever reported be achieved by two mechanisms: doping the polymer [28-30] or
25 without using conducting polymer. blending with different conducting nano fillers[31-33] like CNT
Graphene was discovered by Geim and Novoselov [1] in [34-35] and graphenes [36-39]. Studies on the thermoelectric
2004 and awarded with the noble prize in the year 2010 in properties of these composites are found them to be competitive
physics. Since then a number of researchers have been trying to 70 with respect to chalcogenides, however, their efficiency is still
extract effective properties out of it. It has the potential to attract lower [28, 31, 32]. Among several polymers,(3,4-
30 widespread attention due to its unique properties like high carrier ethylenedioxythiophene): poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS),
mobility [2], room temperature quantum effect and ambipolar [23, 40] poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), [41] and polyaniline
electric field effect. These unique properties of graphene reduced (PANI)[38, 42-44] are regularly used due to their intrinsic high
effectively by increasing the number of graphene layers until 75 electrical conductivity. The electrical properties of the polymer
reaches to 3D form [3, 4] i.e. Graphite. It is a bulk form of can easily be enhanced without affecting the thermal conductivity
35 graphene with multilayer structure. Graphene with 10 or less and mechanical flexibility [45]. This reason of enhancement in
graphitic layer exhibit distinct properties compared to the bulk electrical conductivity is usually explained by percolation law.
form [5].These dictinct properties make graphene, one of the This law predicts a drastic increase in electrical conductivity after
interesting material for composite, electronic and advance 80 reaching to a percolation threshold [46, 47].
mechanical resonator [6,7]. Here, we demonstrated the simple preparation method of
40 Thermoelectricity is an upcoming field which deals with smart GINC. Fe3O4 based GINC has been reported to be prepared
materials to convert heat into electricity. Recently, thermoelectric following the solvothermal reaction [48]. However, novelty of
materials have gained tremendous research interests as clean and our methodology is its simplicity, economic nature and eco-
green energy source that helps in energy harvesting from waste 85 friendliness. The required raw chemical grades and
heat. The efficiency of thermoelectric materials is expressed as instrumentation are described elaborately in supporting
45 ZT= S2σT/к, where ‘S’ denoted by thermopower i.e. Seebeck information (†See S-1 in the ESI). The structure, composition
coefficient, σ is denoted by electrical conductivity, к is thermal and morphology of the samples have been characterized by the
conductivity and T is absolute temperature [8]. Nowadays, some Raman spectra, Raman mapping, Fourier transform infrared
inorganic materials like Ag-doped Cu2Se and Cu2Te, SrTiO3 by 90 spectroscopy (FTIR), environmental scanning electron

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microscope (ESEM), high resolution transmission electron

microscopy (HRTEM), powdered X ray diffraction (XRD) and
BET experiment.
In addition, an in depth study of thermoelectric
5 properties (electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and power
factor) of PVAc polymer with different fillers like GINC,
graphene have been evaluated and presented. In spite of high
Published on 09 December 2014. Downloaded by University of California - San Francisco on 16/12/2014 02:41:10.

thermal conductivity, these materials could be engineered in a

simple way to enhance thermoelectric properties of synthesized
10 polymer nanocomposite. PVAc was selected because of its good
adhesive nature and binding capability with lower thermal
conductivity. These properties help to increase the filler loading

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Scheme 1: Schematic representation of synthesis and application
and efficiency of thermoelectric material. Graphene used as a of graphene-iron oxide nanocomposite (GINC)
substrate which helps to increase the electrical conductivity Results and Discussion
15 drastically. A few oxides such as iron oxide [49], nickel oxide, 3.1 Characterization of GINC
cadmium oxide and doped zirconium oxide exhibit impressive TE 60 Fig. S-3 (see ESI) represents the color variation between
properties for various application. There are many known stable graphene (black), nano iron oxide (red) and GINC (coffee color.
iron oxide stoichiometries available. Amongst them, Fe2O3 is the Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) images
compound that has been studied for its TE property. An analysis and FESEM images (see Fig. 1) depict continuous dispersion of
20 of a limited number of reports suggests that Fe2O3 can be a iron oxide nano particle over graphene nano sheet. Uniform
promising TMO for TE application at high temperatures as it 65 decoration of nano iron oxide was observed over the graphene
exhibits high TPFs at room as well as elevated temperatures. sheet.
Fe2O3 thin films have been shown to exhibit peak S i.e Seebeck
coefficient of 1650 µV/K in the temperature range of 270-290 K.
25 A peak σ i.e. electrical conductivity of 5.5×103 S/m has been
reported in the same temperature range, resulting to a large TPF
of 1.5×104 µW/m.K2. In GINC, nano Fe2O3 was decorated over
the graphene sheet during exfoliation. After nano Fe2O3
decoration, the staking nature of graphene sheet reduced Fig.1: I and II, ESEM images and III, FESEM images of
30 drastically. Hence reduce the tendency of graphene to graphite graphene and graphene iron oxide nanocomposite (GINC) (†See
transformation process.
70 also S-4 in the ESI).
2. Experimental
High resolution transmission electron microscope
During nanocomposie preparation, nano iron oxide
(HRTEM) and SAED pattern were captured to inspect the quality
and nano graphene were prepared separately. Nano iron oxide
of nano iron oxide decoration in the graphene layers. Fig. 2
35 was prepared from iron nitrate i.e Fe (NO3)3 in two step process.
shows, HRTEM micrographs with SAED pattern of graphene,
Firstly, preparation of citrate polymeric gel followed by
75 nano iron oxide and GINC. The results confirm the size of iron
calcination of gel († see also S-2 in the ESI). The graphene was oxide and graphene are in the nano scales. Graphene sheets are
prepared in three steps as reported in the literature [49]. In the clearly visible. Both nano iron oxide and graphene were found to
first step, graphite oxide was prepared from graphitic flakes by be crystalline in nature as confirmed by SAED pattern. According
40 Hummers method. In the second step, thermally expanded to Fig.2c, iron oxides nano particles were placed over the
graphene oxide (TEGO) was prepared by thermal 80 graphene sheet forming the nano composite. It shows nicely
expansion/exfoliation at 1050 °C (Ar, 30s). Finally, graphene arranged lattice fringes as demonstrated in the HRTEM images.
nanosheet (GNS) was obtained by hydrogen reduction of TEGO GINC was also found to be crystalline in nature.
at 400 °C for 2 hours.
45 For making GINC, 50 mg graphene was first dispersed in nano iron
absolute ethanol by ultrasonication for 40 min. After oxide
ultrasonication, nano iron oxide was added into the graphene 85

dispersion with ultrasonication continued for 120 min. After

ultrasonication, the dispersed composite solution was kept as
50 ambient condition for drying. After evaporation of ethanol,
nanocomposite was deposited on the petri dish. The deposited
nanocomposite placed into the microwave reactor for 2 min for 90

better exfoliation. After cooling, the GINC was collected in to the

sample vial (Scheme 1).

95 Fig.2: HR-TEM image (I, II) and SAED pattern (III) of (a) nano

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iron oxide, (b) graphene, (c) graphene-iron oxide nanocomposite generated due to a two phonon double resonance process has also
(GINC). (†See also S-4 in the ESI). been observed. The lower intensity D band indicates the presence
Fig.3 shows FTIR traces of graphene, iron oxide and of a small amount of defects on graphene flakes. Coleman and
GINC. GINC spectra reveal the presence Fe2O3 signature with coworker suggested [42] that the defects mainly present at the
5 low defect content in graphene. Raman Spectroscopy was used to 15 edges of the flakes while the basal plane was found to be free of
examine the quality of graphene sheet before and after defects. The I(D)/I(G) of the graphene-iron oxide composite
nanocomposite formation by above mentioned techniques. The increased by 2 times (0.993) with respect to pure graphene
Published on 09 December 2014. Downloaded by University of California - San Francisco on 16/12/2014 02:41:10.

most pronounced Raman traces are D band at 1310 cm-1 (0.497). Several defects with sp2 domain were formed during
corresponds to defect and G band 1575 cm-1 corresponds to in nanocomposite preparation.. Fig. 3 (b) shows characteristic
10 plane vibration of sp2 carbon. 2D band at 2627.4 cm-1 which is 20 Raman signatures. The decoration of nano iron oxide over
graphene substrate is confirmed by Raman mapping (See Fig.3c).

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(c) Fe2O3 Graphene

traces traces

25 Fig. 3: (a) FTIR and (b) Raman spectra of graphene, nano iron oxide, GINC (c) Raman mapping of GINC (†see also S-5 in the ESI)

Fig. 4, depicts the typical XRD scans of GINC, nano iron oxide intact. According to the Scherrer equation, the calculated
and graphene. All the peaks are assigned to respective crystallite size of GNS and nano Fe2O3 were 28 nm and 38nm,
crystallographic phases. X-ray diffractogram of GINC (Fig. 4) 35 respectively. From BET analysis (†see S-6 in the ESI) the size of
30 reveals characteristics peaks corresponding to graphene as well as GINC was found to be 43nm.
nano those owing to Fe2O3. It is revealed that during processing,
the crystallographic planes of graphene and iron oxide remain


Fig.4: XRD profiles of nano iron oxide, graphene and GINC


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3.2. Thermoelectric Application of GINC From Fig. 5a, it can be realized that the electrical
Thermoelectric properties mainly consist of three parameters, i.e. conductivity of PVAc- GINC composite increased up to 4-5 order
Seebeck coefficient or thermopower, electrical conductivity and . compared to PVAc graphene composite. Raw PVAc is having an
These properties were measured and calculate the power electrical conductivity of 10-13 S/m. The electrical conductivity
5 factor(PF). For measurement of above mentioned properties, 60 was measured at ambient conditions. After two months, they
synthesis of thermoelectric polymer nanocomposite and its showed identical results. This indicates good stability of the
properties measurement procedure are as follows: nanocomposite with a period of time. The Seebeck coefficient
Published on 09 December 2014. Downloaded by University of California - San Francisco on 16/12/2014 02:41:10.

Synthesis of thermoelectric polymer nanocomposite (see Fig. 5b) also exhibit increasing trend and reaches to a
Polymer nanocomposites were prepared through very simple maximum with 80 wt. % filler concentration, then decreases. Fig.
10 method. Both fillers (i.e. graphene, nano iron oxide and GINC) 65 5c exhibits, the variation of power factor (PF) as a function of
and PVAc water emulsion were dispersed ultrasonically for 30 filler concentration. According to Fig. 7c, PF increases and
min at 35 kHz. After ultrsonication, mechanical stirring reaches to a very high value, 32 µW m-1K-2 at 80 wt.% filler

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continued for 4 hours at 250 rpm. After getting proper dispersion, concentration. This value is found to be highest ever reported
casting was carried out in an aluminum tray. Complete drying in the literature for PVAc based system without containing
15 was performed by placing the sample in a vacuum oven at 105 ˚C 70 conducting polymer. The improvement of electrical conductivity
for 4 hrs. Now, the dried sample subjected to hot pressing at 120 was following the percolation law of the composite which
˚C with 5 min preheating time and 3 min compression (Pressure predicts an enhancement of electrical conductivity upto a critical
10 T approx). By following above mentioned methodology, concentration level of filler. These phenomena come into play,
polymer nanocomposite sheets were prepared and subjected to
when two dissimilar materials with a large difference in electrical
20 the measurement of thermoelectric properties.
75 conductivity are mixed.
Thermoelectric Power/ Seebeck coefficient (S) Measurements.
To measure the thermopower as a function of
temperature, a 30mm × 6 mm × 1 mm pieces [50] of the polymer
nanocomposite film was cut and placed on a thermal insulating
25 fiberglass. A Peltier heater was positioned at one end of the
sample with a thermally conductive epoxy (electrically insulating
2763 Stycast), while the other end, a piece of copper (drainage of
heat) made a contact with the Peltier cooling module. The
temperature gradient and voltage drop along the film was
30 measured with thermocouples arranged in series (electrically
insulated from the sample with 2763 Stycast) with two copper
wires. To be sure that the thermal gradient and the voltage drop
were being measured at the same place, two small Cu films were
attached to the PVAc-GINC film with thermally/electrically
35 conducting silver epoxy (Dupont 4929N). The thermocouple and
the voltage wires were attached to these Cu films. The
thermoelectric voltages were monitored with respect to
temperature difference by Keithley 2182A nanovoltmeter. The
base temperature was changed with Peltier cooling module. The
40 thermoelectric power was determined by two independent means:
after reaching a steady state through an applied current to the
heater and by fitting the linear V vs ∆T response to a heating
pulse. The deviation between both methods and between different
experimentation was always lower than 5%.
45 Electrical Resistivity Measurements. Due to the high electrical
conductive nature of the composite, electrical resistivity was
measured by using delta mode four probe method. The smallest
possible current was sourced (100mA) by Keithley 6220 and
voltage was monitored with a Keithley 2182A nanovoltmeter.
50 The smallest possible current was used in order to avoid heating
of the sample at low temperature. To measure electrical
conductivity, polymer nanocomposite sample with a dimension of
8mm × 3mm × 1mm have been prepared and subjected to the test.
The detail procedure for electrical resistivity measurement was
55 given in †S-7 in ESI.

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Fig. 5: (a) Electrical conductivity (b) Seebeck coefficient (c)

power factor as a function of graphene concentration at room
temperature (300K). The arrow indicates the enhancement of all
5 the three properties, i.e. electrical conductivity, Seebeck
coefficient and power factor at a concentration level of 80-90 wt.
Published on 09 December 2014. Downloaded by University of California - San Francisco on 16/12/2014 02:41:10.

During the study of thermoelectric properties, PVAc-

GINC composite showed 10 fold increases in electrical
10 conductivity and two times increase in Seebeck coefficient was
observed compared to the PVAc-graphene composite with equal
filler loading (80 wt%). Hence, the calculated power factor for
PVAc-GINC composite (density: 1.47 g/cc) increases up to 27

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

times compare to PVAc-graphene composite (density: 1.32 g/cc).
15 For PVAc-GINC composite, thermal conductivity is found to be
3.21 W/mK. Hence, ZT approaches to 0.0031. This is one of the
30 Fig. 6: Schematic diagram to explain enhancement of electrical
noble findings. In GINC, nano iron oxides were decorated over
2D graphene sheet. Presence of nano iron oxide particle helps to conductivity and Seebeck coefficient simultaneously. ( )
destroy thermally conductive network but electrical network represent electrical conduction and ( ) thermal conduction
20 remain intact [52] .When GINC is employed as conducting filler,
which not only decouples σ and S, but also enhances both the To justify the novelty of the present work, a comparative
parameter simultaneously. However, the enhancement of Seebeck summary of the latest results based on PVAc matrix (see Table 1)
coefficient is marginal with respect to electrical conductivity in 35 and other composites of inorganic and organic materials have
case of PVAc-GINC composite. We are reporting this feature for been highlighted in S-8 and S-9 in ESI.
25 the 1st time for GINC. The thermal insulating nature of the PVAC
assists to reduce the thermal conductivity of the matrix which is
very important in thermoelectric field.

Table 1: Summary of thermoelectric properties of various PVAc based carbon material composites.

Sample σ, S/m S, µV/k κ, W/mK Calculated

PF (S2σ) µW m-1K-2
PVAc +CNT (20%) [Ref. 52] 4800 (300K) 40-50 (300K) 0.18-0.34 at PF= 7.8-12
PVAc+SWCNT (40%) [Ref. 53] 900 40 0.25 PF= 1.44

PVAc+SWCNT (3 wt. %) + GA 22-49 39-42 0.22-0.25 PF=0.033

[Ref: 54]
PVAc+Au+ CNT [Ref. 55] 105 --- Unaffected Unaffected

PVAc+ DOC + MWCNT (7-12%) 32-63 5-10 0.13-0.17 PF= 0.34-0.50

PVAc+ TCPP+ MWCNT (7-12%) 10-100 22-26 0.14 PF= 0.079-0.34
PVAc+ DOC + DWCNT (7-12%) -- 50-70 0.15 PF=0.045- 0.096
PVAc+ TCPP + DWCNT (7-12%) -- 70-82 0.155-0.16 PF= 0-0.204
[Ref. 56]
PVAc+ polyethyleneimine (10 wt. %) +CNT 420-1250 -66- -75 -- PF= 1.89- 7.03
with 99% purity (20 wt. %)
+ SDBS (20-60 wt. %),
PVAc+ CNT with 99% purity (20 wt.%)+ 320-430 -65- -80 -- PF= 1.35- 2.752
SDBS(20 wt. %) + PEI (0-40 wt. %),
PVAc+ CNT with 99% purity (20 wt. %) +
SDBS (40 wt. %)+ PEI (0-40 wt%), 440-920 -110 - 110 -- PF= 5.32- 11.13
Composition IX
[Ref. 57]
PVAc+ Au deposited CNT (0-20 wt. %) 6×105 2.5 -- PF= 3.75
+PEDOT: PSS (15% vol. Replacement by Au)
[Ref. 55]
PEDOT:PSS+ PVAc + CNT(35-75%) [ Ref. 50] 5×104 19-34 0.2-0.4 PF=30-110
- 1.35×105

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Present work
PVAc + GINC (80 wt. %) 2.18×104 38.8 - PF= 32.90
PVAc + Graphene (95%) 2.89×103 20.7 - PF= 1.24
Published on 09 December 2014. Downloaded by University of California - San Francisco on 16/12/2014 02:41:10.

3. Conclusions Acknowledgements: The authors are thankful to Dr.

In summary, a novel, economical and green route has been Tejeshree Bhave, Dr. Prasanth Alegaonkar, DIAT, Pune and Dr.
developed by using ultrasonication and microwave irradiation. P.Wadgaonkar and his group
5 Other metal oxide-graphene composites can also be processed .
easily by following the above mentioned method. Large scale
Notes and references

RSC Advances Accepted Manuscript

production can be achieved by using this simple method. In a
High Energy Materials Research Laboratory(Defence
addition, we have also demonstrated the synthesis of highly
Research & Development Organization), Sutarwadi, Pune,
conductive PVAc-GINC and PVAc-graphene composites by India-411 021
10 ultrasonication followed by hot compaction for thermoelectric Fax: (+91)-20-25869316, E-mail: abhidey_bkn
application. Graphene and GINC concentration were judiciously 30 Rubber Technology Centre, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
varied and optimized for the sake of high electrical conductivity *Corresponding Authors. Fax: (+91)-20-25869316, E-mail:
and Seebeck coefficient. The fabricated PVAc-GINC film ( Shri Abhijit Dey)
exhibited a conductivity of 2.18 × 104 S/m with a Seebeck (Dr. A.K.Sikder)
15 coefficient of 38.8 µV/K. Hence, the power factor (PF) reaches to 35 (Dr. Santanu Chattopadhyay)
32.90 µW m-1K-2 which is 27 fold higher than the thermoelectric
† Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: [details of raw
material based on PVAc- graphene composite. This PF value is
materials, instrumentation, nano Fe2O3 synthesis, Photograph of nano iron
found to be maximized, ever reported without using conducting oxide, graphene and GINC, additional HRTEM images, BET data,
polymer. We also expect superior thermoelectric properties by Raman mapping, Detail procedure for thermoelectric properties
20 incorporation of conducting polymer and ionic liquid. 40 measurement, Summary of thermoelectric properties of the best
composite of inorganic and organic materials.]. See
DOI: 10.1039/b000000x/

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