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There are many advantages in applying multimedia elements in training.

1: Flexibility and Convenience:

Using online multimedia training can be the answer to the flexibility that your
employees need to stay on track while training. Being able to train online around their
own schedule gives employees the opportunity to fit the training into their productivity
workflow however best suits the situation.
2: Diverse Teaching Materials:
The multimedia platform of eLearning delivers teaching materials through the diverse
methods of text, music, photos and pictures, animation and interactive modules. All of
these can improve your employees’ ability to learn, and to retain the knowledge they’ve

3: Increases Learning Effectiveness:

Approximately 65 percent of people are visual learners, which makes the video
component of eLearning essential to increasing engagement. Video content delivered in
an episodic format is known to increase the retention of  knowledge by dividing the
learning into manageable portions.

4: Reduces Training Costs:

Multimedia training can reduce the costs of your training department in numerous ways.
It reduces the time it takes to learn, thereby reducing costs. The Hudson Institute of
Indianapolis has conducted research that concluded an average of 40% time reduction
when using online learning and multimedia as opposed to more traditional methods.

Whether you are working on mac or windows, for better performance you have to follow
certain steps and considerations described below:

1. The file formats should be compatible with our multimedia authoring software and the
medium of delivery we are using (for file storage etc.).
2. Decide the capabilities of sound’s playback that the end users offer.
3. Determine what kind of sound is needed for our working (such as background,
special effects, and dialogues). Decide where these events will occur in the flow of your
4. Decide where you and when you want to use this digital audio or the video on which
you are working.
5. Acquire source material by creating it from scratch or purchasing it from the
affordable sources and edit them according to your project.
6. Test the sounds and videos to be sure they are timed properly in accordance with the
project’s needs.

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