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Wright State University ME 315/515, Fall 1995

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering


1. An inventor claims to have invented an adiabatic steady-flow device with a single

inlet-outlet that produces 100 kW when expanding 1 kg/s of air from 900 kPa,
300ºC to 100 kPa. Is this claim valid? (20 points)
2. Water in my coffee cup (D = 8 cm, H = 10 cm) takes 3 minutes, 40 seconds to
boil in my microwave oven. The water is initially at 20ºC. Determine the power
output of the microwave oven. (20 points)
3. A rigid, insulated tank which is initially evacuated is connected through a valve to
a supply line that carries steam at 1 MPa and 300ºC. Now the valve is opened,
and steam is allowed to flow slowly into the tank until the pressure reaches 1
MPa, at which point the valuve is closed. Determine the final temperature of the
steam in the tank. (20 points)
4. A Carnot engine receives 500 kJ of heat per cycle from a high-temperature source
at 652ºC and rejects heat to a low-temperature sink at 30ºC. Determine the
thermal efficiency of this Carnot cycle and the amount of heat rejected to the sink
per cycle. (10 points)
5. A reversible adiabatic steam turbine operates between the following conditions: pi
= 2 MPa, Ti = 600ºC, pe = 0.01 MPa. The mass flow rate of the steam is 5 kg/s.
Determine the power output of the turbine in kW. (15 points)
6. An isentropic air compressor operates between pi = 101.3 kPa, Ti = 80ºC, pe = 0.4
MPa. Find the exit temperature of the air and the work input in kJ/kg. (15 po9ints)

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