Adrenergic Agonist Notes

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: B ® Hi fs | PF . ik Lea i | {Albuterol : Amphetamine __E, \ oe) yay) > oy ai ii rT i PATS EY | T | | x Page No.[_] J woh yen — City = ol aCe —_ = 4 —_ oH on ae aduenalineg [sox] — bemton God ‘ wo = =f = cH = NH. oe Cremer oF O44 i . (gop | . pAdseenasgic —oponict oe ee . Tho as medication uihich mimic the action of adtnaline and __| nosaduenaline —pourmotiianemidtoye Siyenfpahalic nleuhon, Ack [& 7) O me | P Fr 7 fara] ; oS | nuwsecbinimiution ot odsuuingic tenon a Path is Aimifos tp thet sf —chelinurg yuo extpt Newie tu nndm ic te Verran Tie CLG Seen reesei a as fs ee a ee - Pe eae ees steno JIC 5 Newolwonsnicdloy aru — Adsemnaline ole uoduenabine 4 Syrdhuis slottage ee Release eee *} Recluse btacbing - a ¢ : 7 = & | Removal ot biavimitsion Of —orkion 6) rca Beaunims Synthesis 4 adsenalitne Syodheaii occu. in cis, Ani ond —adsesal medulla, via addene igie—neusioe. > 4. —_—_____ ; ' XY o> HE C= C00 oe Se pusy oa ~ L : HOLD THRO eee _ \odonine ny clystod ives Typtotine fy _piteuvacr and ing 2 b Aodtum Linked —_ channel —fnta —axoblaum 4 adheanas gic hiwaen and —enisigg —debendawt path, i : tt Ppa te Aida phenalaines —~ * SemESEcee becueed (aa PP Ogee 7 . 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