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This material is developed by Enhance Your Future Pty Ltd for Australian Institute of
Science and Technology (AIST)

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................................... 3
UNIT INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 6
ABOUT THIS RESOURCE................................................................................................................................. 6
ABOUT ASSESSMENT..................................................................................................................................... 7
ELEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA..................................................................................................... 9
PERFORMANCE AND KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE.............................................................................................. 10
PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE........................................................................................................................... 10
KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE............................................................................................................................... 10
ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS.......................................................................................................................... 12
PRE-REQUISITES.......................................................................................................................................... 12
TOPIC 1 – IDENTIFY SUPPORT PROCEDURES................................................................................................. 13
IDENTIFY SUPPORT REQUIRED BY CLIENT..................................................................................................... 14
SUPPORT REQUIRED BY THE CLIENT..........................................................................................................................14
HOW SUPPORT THAT IS REQUIRED BY THE CLIENT CAN BE IDENTIFIED.............................................................................15
Service requests............................................................................................................................................15
SUPPORT-CALL DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................................................16
REVIEW SUPPORT-CALL DOCUMENTATION.................................................................................................................17
INCLUDE ESCALATION PROCEDURES............................................................................................................ 18
REVIEW SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT.........................................................................................................................18
DESCRIBE THE STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE OF SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS (SLAS).............................................................18
Description of the service to be provided.....................................................................................................18
Reliability the service will provide.................................................................................................................19
Responsiveness that the service provider has agreed upon.........................................................................19
Procedures for making service requests.......................................................................................................19
Monitoring and reporting procedures..........................................................................................................19
Consequences if the service provider does not meet the agreement...........................................................19
Clauses and constraints................................................................................................................................19
ESCALATION PROCEDURES......................................................................................................................................20
VERIFY SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS WITH CLIENT CONTACT...........................................................................21
CLIENT CONTACT..................................................................................................................................................21
Verify support requirements.........................................................................................................................21
TOPIC 2 – UNDERTAKE SUPPORT................................................................................................................. 22
PROVIDE SUPPORT ACTIVITY REQUIRED BY THE CLIENT...............................................................................22
PROVIDING SUPPORT TO THE CLIENT........................................................................................................................22
Quality assurance and its purpose................................................................................................................22
Quality management plans..........................................................................................................................23
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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
OR OTHER SPECIFIC PROCESS....................................................................................................................... 24
THE IMPORTANCE OF CLIENT CONTACT.....................................................................................................................24
THE IMPORTANCE OF CLIENT CONTACT THROUGHOUT THE SUPPORT PROCESS..................................................................24
METHODS OF MAINTAINING CONTACT WITH THE CLIENT..............................................................................................25
Other specific processes................................................................................................................................25
DOCUMENT ACTION TAKEN FOR SUPPORT ACTIVITY...................................................................................26
DOCUMENTING ACTION TAKEN...............................................................................................................................26
DESCRIBE DOCUMENTATION STANDARDS AND TOOLS..................................................................................................26
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)..................................................................................26
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)..........................................................................................27
Australian Standards AS...............................................................................................................................27
Organisational standards.............................................................................................................................27
Project standards..........................................................................................................................................27
Policies relating to cataloguing, sign-off, storage, distribution and revision of documentation.................28
ACKNOWLEDGE PROTOCOL DIFFERENCES DURING SUPPORT ACTIVITY........................................................29
TOPIC 3 – GATHER FEEDBACK...................................................................................................................... 30
SUBMIT RESOLUTION DOCUMENTATION TO CLIENT CONTACT.....................................................................30
RESOLUTION DOCUMENTATION...............................................................................................................................30
SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION TO CLIENT CONTACT.........................................................................................................31
CONTACT CLIENT TO DETERMINE SATISFACTION WITH SUPPORT PROCESS..................................................32
CONTACT CLIENT ON COMPLETION..........................................................................................................................32
DETERMINE CLIENT SATISFACTION WITH THE SUPPORT PROCESS....................................................................................32
Quantitative feedback..................................................................................................................................33
Qualitative feedback.....................................................................................................................................33
Complaints as feedback................................................................................................................................33
Asking about satisfaction.............................................................................................................................33
CONDUCT FOLLOW UP ACTION, AS REQUIRED............................................................................................. 34
FOLLOW UP TO ENSURE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION......................................................................................................34
PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR FOLLOW UP AS REQUIRED................................................................................34
SCHEDULED FOLLOW UP........................................................................................................................................34
TOPIC 4 - REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE............................................................................................................... 35
PROVIDE CLIENT ICT SUPPORT SERVICES...................................................................................................... 35
DESCRIBE THE CLIENT BUSINESS DOMAIN..................................................................................................................35
PRODUCTS.......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Comparison and contrast tables for industry approved hardware and software........................................38
EXPLAIN HELP DESK AND MAINTENANCE PRACTICES.....................................................................................................41
Help desk.......................................................................................................................................................41
Help directory...............................................................................................................................................41
Documents accessible in the help directory..................................................................................................41
Other support functions that may be provided............................................................................................42
Documenting the help desk..........................................................................................................................42

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
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Components of a maintenance strategy......................................................................................................44
DISCUSS THE ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS AND DEGREE OF STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT.........................................................45
Conduct stakeholder analysis.......................................................................................................................45
EVALUATE CURRENT SYSTEM FUNCTIONALITY.............................................................................................................46
SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................. 48
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................ 49

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
This resource covers the unit ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to liaise with client users while
providing information and communications technology (ICT) support.

It applies to individuals who apply high level technical and specialised knowledge in
assisting users.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of


About This Resource

This resource brings together information to develop your knowledge about this unit.
The information is designed to reflect the requirements of the unit and uses headings to
makes it easier to follow.

You should read through this resource to develop your knowledge in preparation for
your assessment. At the back of the resource are a list of references you may find useful
to review.

As a student it is important to extend your learning and to search out textbooks, internet
sites, talk to people at work and read newspaper articles and journals which can provide
additional learning material.

Your trainer may include additional information and provide activities, PowerPoint
slide presentations, and assessments in class to support your learning.

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
About Assessment
Throughout your training we are committed to your learning by providing a training
and assessment framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is
translated into practical on the job improvements.

You are going to be assessed for:

 Your performance and knowledge using written and practical activities that
apply to a workplace environment.
 Your ability to apply your learning to the workplace.
 Your ability to recognise common principles and actively use these on the job.

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for the assessment
of this unit. The assessment is a competency based assessment, which has no pass or
fail. You are either competent or not yet competent. Not Yet Competent means that you
still are in the process of understanding and acquiring the skills and knowledge required
to be marked competent.

The assessment process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are

required to achieve a satisfactory result in each of these to be deemed competent

All of your assessment and training is provided as a positive learning tool. Your
trainer/assessor will guide your learning and provide feedback on your responses to the
assessment. For valid and reliable assessment of this unit, a range of assessment
methods will be used to assess practical skills and knowledge.

Your assessment may be conducted through a combination of the following methods:

 Written Activity
 Case Study
 Observation
 Practical tasks
 Short answer questions
 Third Party Report
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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
The assessment tool for this unit should be completed within the specified time period
following the delivery of the unit. If you feel you are not yet ready for assessment,
discuss this with your trainer/assessor.

To be successful in this unit, you will need to relate your learning to your workplace.
You may be required to demonstrate your skills and be observed by your assessor in
your workplace environment. Some units provide for a simulated work environment,
and your trainer and assessor will outline the requirements in these instances.

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
1. Identify support 1.1 Identify support required by client
1.2 Review support-call documentation to identify client
contact person

1.3 Review service level agreement (SLA) and

appropriate procedures to determine action, and include
escalation procedures

1.4 Verify support requirements with client contact

2. Undertake support 2.1 Provide support activity required by the client

2.2 Maintain communication with client contact

throughout support activity by email, phone or other
specific process

2.3 Document action taken for support activity

2.4 Acknowledge protocol differences during support


3. Gather feedback 3.1 Submit resolution documentation to client contact

3.2 Contact client to determine satisfaction with support


3.3 Conduct follow up action, as required

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
This describes the essential knowledge and skills and their level required for this unit.

Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:

 Undertake support services, including:

 Identifying support requirements and procedures

 Client contact

 Documenting support provided

 Liaise with user to obtain feedback

 Act on feedback as appropriate

Note: Evidence must be provided for at least TWO clients.

Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

 Describe the client business domain and importance of client contact

 Compare and contrast the key features and capabilities of current industry
accepted hardware and software products

 Explain help desk and maintenance practices

 Describe quality assurance practices relating to information and

communications technology (ICT) support

 Discuss the role of stakeholders and degree of stakeholder involvement

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
 Evaluate current system functionality

 Describe the structure and purpose of service level agreements (SLAs)

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Gather evidence to demonstrate consistent performance in conditions that are safe and
replicate the workplace. Noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances
must be typical of those experienced in the systems administration and support field of
work, and include access to:

 Special purpose tools, equipment and materials

 Industry software packages

 SLAs

 Escalation procedure/s

 Documentation processes

Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.

This unit must be assessed after the following pre-requisite unit:

There are no pre-requisites for this unit.

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Welcome to the unit ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to liaise with client users while
providing information and communications technology (ICT) support.

It applies to individuals who apply high level technical and specialised knowledge in
assisting users.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of


In this unit you will learn how to:

 Identify support procedures

 Undertake support

 Gather feedback

Let’s begin!

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Identify support required by client
When providing ICT support services to the client, it will be necessary to make sure that
the support that is required by the client is able to be identified and clarified so that
appropriate support can be provided as required and as agreed within the service level
agreement between your organisation and the client organisation.

The client which service may be provided to includes a range of persons who service
level agreements or support agreements are held with. It is important to have a strong
understanding of who the client is in order to make sure that appropriate support is
able to be provided.

Client may include:

 Employees

 External organisations

 Individuals

 Internal departments

Support required by the client

The support that is required by the client may vary and will be dependent on the type of
service level agreement that is held by the client.

Example service requests include:

 Password changes

 Access and authentication changes

 Configuration changes

 Alteration to a part of the network

 Upgrades
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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
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 Changes to software applications

How support that is required by the client can be

There is a range of methods that can be used to identify the support that is required by
the client, and these may include:

Service requests
A service request will be generated from the users of the ICT network and will generally
be regarding an item or condition that the user does not have but needs. Service
requests may also be related to technical issues, information and support requirements
of the users.

In some cases, incidents and errors that occur within the system will be processed using
the same set of procedures as general service request but will usually be escalated
quicker than a minor incident.

In some cases, a more streamlined service request system will be created, and this will
include a system that generates a range of automatic or manual tickets that will be
received by the support department.

In some cases, system alerts will be generated showing the need for client support that
in some cases will not have been identified by the client yet.

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Review support-call documentation to identify
client contact person
When a request for service has been received, or the need for service has been identified
it will be necessary to make sure that the support call documentation will be reviewed
in order to identify the client contact person for the particular support need.

Large and complex organisations may have many different departments and therefore
may have a range of different contact persons that will need to be contacted for a range
of different types of support needs.

In some cases, the level of support or the type of approval that is required will result in
the support person for a particular type of support being altered.

Support-call documentation
Support call documentation is a series of documents that will detail a range of
information regarding the support types that a client may request and then a range of
different personnel that may need to be contacted in the event that type of support
request has been made.

Support call documentation should detail:

 All support types serviced

 Timelines for returning calls or responding to requests

 Person to be contacted for each type of service request or service type

 Hours of contact that are preferred

 Hours of contact that are available

 Methods of contact available

 Methods of contact preferred

 Approval types

 Internal escalation procedures and referral procedures

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
 Position held (sometimes includes limited information regarding the chain of

Review support-call documentation

When a service request has been received, it will be necessary to make sure that the
support call documentation that applies to the specific organisation, department and
support type is able to be accessed.

Once support-call documentation has been identified it will be necessary to make sure
that it is carefully reviewed and that all instructions and requirements are read and
understood so that the contact person and relevant details are able to be identified.

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Review service level agreement (SLA) and
appropriate procedures to determine action and
include escalation procedures
It will be necessary to review the service level agreement or SLA and appropriate
procedures in order to determine the action and include escalation procedures.

Review service level agreement

It will be necessary to review the service level agreement that is held with the client in
order to determine the action and escalation procedures that apply so that all
appropriate requirements are able to be included.

Describe the structure and purpose of service level

agreements (SLAs)
Service level agreements are contractual agreements that are made between a service
provider and a client. SLA’s define the specific level of service that the client will expect
to receive from the service provider. Service level agreements should be output focused
and detail the specifics on exactly what the customer will receive from the service

Service level agreements should include:

Description of the service to be provided

The description of the service to be provided should include:

 All maintenance areas that services will be provided to

 The purpose of the service

 The expected outcomes of the service

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Reliability the service will provide
The reliability that the service will provide includes agreements on the amount of
downtime that the network may experience downtime, it is customary that this will be
explained as a percentage and defined based on a range of different circumstances.

Responsiveness that the service provider has agreed upon

The responsiveness that the service provider has agreed upon will include the
timeframes that the service provider will adhere to when responding to service requests
and provide routine service support.

Procedures for making service requests

It will be necessary to define the procedures for making service requests to the service
provider in the event of issues within the system or needs of the users, clients or
business requirements.

Monitoring and reporting procedures

Within the service level agreement, it will be necessary to ensure that a range of
monitoring and reporting procedures are determined in order to define, how the
performance of the system and the agreement will be maintained.

Consequences if the service provider does not meet the agreement

It will be necessary as a part of the service level agreement to ensure that a range of
consequences are written regarding the actions that will be taken if the service provider
does not adhere to the service level agreement.

Clauses and constraints

There may be a range of clauses and constraints that are required to be included in the
service level agreement in order to specify the circumstances that fall outside of the
service level agreement.

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Escalation procedures
All organisations will have a range of maintenance response-level escalation procedures
that must be abided by at all times when dealing with the management of faults and
network or system problems.

Organisational response level escalation procedures will outline:

 Types of network faults and issues and the level or category that they fall into

 Who the fault will be escalated to and within what time frame

 How the fault will be managed after the initial escalation

 Details of category or level changes and escalations

 Details of all subsequent escalations that fall within the organisational limits

Example fault level escalation procedure table:

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Verify support requirements with client contact
Once all possible internal information has been reviewed and the current service level
agreement, support call documentation and support request have been reviewed it will
be necessary to verify the support requirements with the client contact.

It is important to ensure that you are informed before you contact the client in order to
make sure that professionalism and appropriate company image and control is able to
be maintained.

Client contact
The client contact is the designated person that has been provided in order to liaise with
regarding the support requirements that apply to the particular organisation. It will be
necessary to establish communication with the client contact using the support-call
documentation and the preferred method of contact in order to verify the support
requirements with the contact.

The client may be contacted using a variety of methods as per the support call
document, and these may include:

 Chat

 Email

 Phone

 Face to face meeting

Verify support requirements

The process of verification will include the clarification and confirmation of the support
request and the collection of any further information and approvals that will be
required in order to complete the request.

It is essential to obtain as much information as possible during the process of

verification to make sure that all support requests are able to be actioned and approved
as required following the verification procedure.

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Provide support activity required by the client
Once the details, of the specific support that is required, has been verified, it will be
necessary to provide the support activity that is required by the client.

Providing support to the client

When support is provided to the client, it is essential that it is provided according to the
specifications and requirements of:

 Support request

 Verification with the client

 Service level agreements

 Quality assurance practices and levels agreed

 Industry standards

All support provided should be undertaken to agreed quality standards and as per the
service level agreement that applies to the specific client.

Describe quality assurance practices relating to

information and communications technology (ICT)
Quality assurance practices relate to ICT support as they are agreed on levels of quality
that must be provided by throughout the delivery of support. In most cases these will be
included as a part of service level agreements that are made with the organisation and
must be abided by appropriately throughout all service provision.

Quality assurance and its purpose

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Quality assurance systems are complex sets of policies, procedures and actions that are
put in place within an organisation in order to ensure that each phase of each task that
is conducted within an organisation is planned and controlled in a manner to ensure
that specific benchmarks of quality are able to be consistently achieved throughout all

Quality can be related to:

 Outcomes

 Safety

 Records

 Consistency

 Productivity

 Efficiency

 Compliance

 Alignment with organisational goals

 Continual improvement

Quality management plans

Quality management plans set out the levels of quality within the workplace that are
deemed to be acceptable. The quality management plan will set out a range of policies,
procedures and actions that will be required in order to manage quality levels in the
workplace successfully.

The quality management plan will focus on the following main areas:

 Work outcomes are designed to meet agreed requirements and standards

 Work processes are efficient and tracked effectively

 Issues of non-compliance with the quality plan are identified and corrected

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
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Maintain communication with client contact
throughout support activity by email, phone or
other specific process
When providing support to a client as a part of the provision of ICT support services, it
will be necessary to ensure that appropriate communication is maintained with the
client throughout the support activity.

The importance of client contact

Establishing appropriately timed period client contact is important for a range of
reasons such as:

 Establishing and maintaining a good business relationship

 Maintaining awareness of client needs

 Maintaining an awareness of changes in the client circumstances which may

result in the need for further changes

 Providing the client with the opportunity to ask questions

 Ensuring that the client feels important and that their business is valued

 Maintaining potential contractual compliance

The importance of client contact throughout the

support process
It is important that client contact is maintained throughout the process of service
provision in order to make sure that:

 The client is aware of the process

 The client is aware of the status of the support provision

 The client is aware of any further information requirements

 The client is aware of any further approvals that are required

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Methods of maintaining contact with the client
It is important that contact is maintained with the client according to the requirements
of the support call documentation and the service level agreement and a range of
different methods can be used for communication.

Methods that can be used for communication may include:

Regular updates may be sent via email in order to advise the client of status or other
requirements that apply to the support; these will be timed as appropriate and
depending on the specific support provided and the client needs.

Phone call updates may be required for certain types of support provided, and it is
important that these calls are made as per the agreement with the client or in order to
respond to the client or meet client needs.

Other specific processes

There is a range of other specific processes that may be used for the maintenance of
communication throughout the provision of support, and these may include:

 Meetings

 Face to face discussion

 Presentations

 Chat

 Internal or external communication or ticketing programs

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
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Document action taken for support activity
Once the support has been provided, it will be necessary to make sure that the action
taken by the client is suitably documented. Documentation of the actions undertaken is
important to make sure that the client and own organisation are able to track any
changes made to the client system and for payment and other contractual requirements.

Documenting action taken

When documenting action taken, it will be necessary to make sure that the following
items are included:

 Service action identifier codes

 Date and time

 Service provider ID

 All actions are taken

 Any relevant details to actions taken

 Any changes made to system architecture or configuration

 Any changes made to the documentation

 Any other important information

Describe documentation standards and tools

There is a range of documentation standards and tools that may be used when creating
documentation to meet organisational standards, and these may include:

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent organisation
that works with agencies and regulatory bodies from 165 different countries to
determine and create standards that can be referred to, to ensure that your
documentation is of the correct standard. Access is granted via membership that your
organisation can take out. Relevant standards can be browsed and purchased online.

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The IT management collection can be purchased to advise on standardised
requirements for documentation requirements.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) was founded in 1906, the IEC
(International Electrotechnical Commission) is the world’s leading organisation for the
preparation and publication of International Standards for all electrical, electronic and
related technologies. These are known collectively as “electrotechnology”. Standards
and guidebooks can be purchased from the IEC.

There are two major types of standards that the IEC recommends for documentation
creation they are:

 Product standards, which specify the characteristics and functional

requirements of a product

 Process standards, which specify the way in which products are to be


Australian Standards AS
Australian Standards AS is a non-government organisation that collects analyses and
distributes agreed standards on a range of topics. Information on standards related to
documentation can be found on the website. The intention of the
Australian Standards is to provide guidelines on accepted standards within Australia.

Organisational standards
These are standards that have been decided upon by your organisation. Before
commencing the creation of documentation, it is essential that you check which external
standards if any that your organisation routinely follows and request User
Documentation creation standards and guidelines from your supervisor.

Project standards
These are standards that may have been decided specifically for the project you are
working on; these can be obtained internally from the Project Manager or your direct

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Policies relating to cataloguing, sign-off, storage, distribution and
revision of documentation
These are internal guidelines and rules that determine how you will create and handle
your documentation. These will be contained within your organisation's policies and
procedures handbook, task notes or from your supervisor.

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
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Acknowledge protocol differences during
support activity
When providing ICT support service to a client, it is important to make sure that they
are aware of all of the changes and actions that were conducted during service

In the event that there are any protocol differences throughout the process of the
service, it is essential that these are acknowledged by the client so that they are aware of
what has taken place.

In some cases the protocol for providing the service may have varied from:

 Current standards

 Current system architecture

 Service level agreements

 Current system functionality

It is essential that all protocol differences are acknowledged to the client in order to
make sure that the client can:

 Track changes effectively

 Make necessary approvals

 Update relevant documentation

 Provide further instruction

Due to the fact that you are working with a client system and network, it is essential that
all differences and changes are advised and acknowledged so that the client is able to
respond to them as required.

Differences in protocol may result in the need for further actions to be undertaken, and
it is important to make sure that these are able to be taken as required.

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Course Code and Name
Submit resolution documentation to client
Once the support has been provided, it will be necessary to submit the resolution
documentation to the client in order to finalise the support.

Resolution documentation
Resolution documentation is a set of documentation that provided the client with a full
overview of the service request and the actions that have been taken to resolve and
complete the service as required.

Resolution documentation may be simple or complex depending on the needs of the

client and the particular service that was provided.

In some cases, there will be a time requirement that is attached to the submitting of
resolution documentation, and it is important that these timelines are abided by if they

Resolution documentation may include:

 Timelines of entire service provision

 Details of all contact

 Details of all actions taken

 Updated architecture plans

 Notes on all changes made

 Notes on differences in protocol

 Outcomes of the service

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ICTSAS509 - Provide client ICT support services Version 3
Course Code and Name
Submit documentation to client contact
When resolution documentation has been prepared it will be necessary to make sure
that it is submitted to the client contact in the manner requested, within the timeline

Submissions must be:

 Complete

 Accurate

 On appropriate template

 Submitted following required protocol

 Submitted within the required timeframe

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Contact client to determine satisfaction with
support process
Once the client resolution documentation has been submitted, it will be necessary to
contact the client in order to determine their satisfaction with the support process and
the level of the support provided.

Contact client on completion

On completion of the job, it will be necessary to make sure that the client is contacted in
order to follow up on the provision of service and to ensure that client satisfaction is
able to be determined.

Determine client satisfaction with the support process

As a part of the management of own business practices, it is important to make sure that
the client was satisfied and in the event that there were not what actions could be taken
to resolve dissatisfaction with the current client or clients in the future.

It is important to determine client satisfaction through feedback collection and the

collection of any complaints if required.

Feedback is the process of providing or providing constructive and specific information
that will inform the need for improvements and reinforce elements of an action that was
desirable and should be built on.

Feedback may be collected using a range of different methods including:

 Discussions

 Focus Groups

 Surveys

 Direct Questioning

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 Feedback reports

Quantitative feedback
Collects data in the form of numbers; this means that aspects can be measured and
expressed in numbers as percentages or ratios. Quantitative Research tells us ‘how
many’, ‘how much’, ‘to what extent’ or ‘what size’ something is.

Qualitative feedback
Collects exploratory data, it asks a variety of carefully planned questions that seek the
underlying reasons, opinions and motivation behind different actions and situations.

Complaints as feedback
Another form of feedback that is collected is complaints.

All organisation will need to have an appropriate complaints procedures that ensure

 All participants are able to complain

 All participants are aware of how to complain

 All participants are aware of the complaints procedures and timelines

It is essential that all participants are made aware of the complaints procedure for the
organisation and are advised to make complaints if they feel that they have not been
treated in a fair or reasonable manner or there is an issue with the service delivery that
they have received

Asking about satisfaction

It is important to ask the client directly is they were satisfied with the level of service
that they received and to make sure that specific information is able to be collected
regarding what aspects of the service went well and what they would like to see
changed for future service provision.

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Conduct follow up action, as required
It is important that a range of follow up actions are able to be conducted as required in
order to make sure that the job is appropriately completed and all remaining tasks have
been completed.

Follow up to ensure customer satisfaction

It is important to follow up a short time after the completion of the job in order to
determine if there is any need for further actions to be undertaken and to make sure
that the job is responding as expected.

Follow up should consist of:

 Asking questions

 Checking for further actions required

 Checking for satisfaction

 Asking the customer if any further actions by you are required

 Completing all required and agreed actions

Provide additional information or follow up as required

It will be necessary to ensure that should any additional information be required or any
follow-up actions that these are determined and provided as an appropriate follow-up
to complete customer service appropriately it is essential that the customer has
received exactly what they needed and are completely satisfied.

Scheduled follow up
In some cases scheduled follow up will be required in order to complete any remaining
job tasks that needed to be completed at a later date, it is important to make sure that all
follow up tasks are routinely completed as required and that the client is satisfied with
the outcomes of the work appropriately.

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Provide client ICT support services

Describe the client business domain

It will be necessary to conduct an analysis of the role of ICT in the client’s business
domain so that ICT needs and support are able to be suitably understood and met as

The client business domain is the scope, nature and boundaries that apply to the specific
area of the business that is being investigated.

The business domain may be defined by:

 ICT system boundaries

 Organisational boundaries

 Interactions with clients

 Information and data that pertain to the domain

 Software and hardware that pertains to the domain

When defining the ICT requirements relevant to the business domain, it will be
necessary to ensure that the following sources of information are shared:

 Documentation relating to the business domain

 Specifications relating to systems within the business domain

 Reports and statements regarding the boundaries of decision making and

interactions that can occur within the domain

 The placement of the domain within the overall business

 All ICT infrastructure within the domain

 All actions and tasks that are conducted which require ICT technology to be

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Compare and contrast the key features and capabilities

of current industry accepted hardware and software

The software is the range of applications that the organisation will require in order to
meet all business requirements and specifications for the ICT plan.

The software has a range of features and capabilities in relation to ICT, and these may

 Controlling hardware

 Accessing virtual environments

 Collecting information

 Sharing information

 Analysing information

The software may include:

 Commercial

 Customised software

 In-house

 Network management

 Operating system

 Packaged

 Patches

 Vendor propriety

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The IT network elements are the range of hardware devices that must make up the IT
portion of the network. This will include the use of the internet and all digital

IT network elements are capable of:

 Transferring information

 Managing security

 Sending data

 Connecting hardware elements together

 Providing a physical network

IT network elements may include:

 Gateway

 Local area network (LAN) switch

 Router

 Server

 Wireless network

 Multimedia

 Optical network

 Radio network

 RFID equipment

 Switching equipment

 Transmission equipment

 Voice and data equipment

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The process of comparing and contrasting is the process of identifying any similarities
or differences between different features and capabilities of items. The purpose of
comparing and contrasting is to identify which of the products have the particular
features and capabilities that are needed for the ICT network and the organisation.
There are so many variables when it comes to the key features and software products
and careful contrasting and comparison, and in order to do this effectively, it will be
necessary to utilise a structured and systematic approach. The manner in which data is
organised will determine how clear the contrasting and comparison process will be.

Methods for data organisation for the effective comparison and contrast of current
industry accepted hardware and software products may include:

 Matrix

 Table

 List

The features of a software or hardware product are the physical and other items that
define what the item has. These features will then, in turn, decide the capabilities of
software or hardware item. The capabilities of hardware or software item are the
abilities or functions that they item can achieve.

In order to successfully compare and contrast industry approved hardware and

software items, it will be necessary to determine all of the features and capabilities of
each item through a careful analysis of their technical specifications and other
manufacturer’s information and then compile them.

It will then be necessary to place the items into a table, list or matrix to enable them to
be easily contrasted and compared.

Comparison and contrast tables for industry approved hardware and

Comparison and contrast of industry-approved routers:

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Comparison and contrast of industry-approved switches:

Contrast and comparison of industry-approved cables:

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Contrast and comparison of network firewall software:

Explain help desk and maintenance practices

Help desk

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The help desk is a chat or phone support service that many organisations will run for
their networking equipment.

Help desk professionals will utilise issue tracking software to aid them in effective:

 Troubleshooting

 Solving problems

 Identifying causes of issues

 Pinpointing problems

 Answering questions

 Providing support information

Help directory
Helpdesk documentation can include written guides or instructions that are either
electronic or hard copy. Helpdesk documentation is a form of support documentation
that is written to enable the help desk personnel to troubleshoot issues and provide
advice and guidance to the client on how to use the software or hardware items
correctly and to its full potential. Helpdesk documentation will need to be created to
agreed organisational and help desk personnel requirements.

Documents accessible in the help directory

Documentation that may be accessible in the help directory includes:

 Copies of User Manuals

 Copies of Technical Manuals

 Copies of Teaching Manuals

 Detailed explanations of the content of User Manuals and user advice

 Detailed explanations of the content of Technical Manuals and user advice

 Detailed explanations of the content of Teaching Manuals and user advice

 Thorough and comprehensive troubleshooting advice on all possible issues

that may arise due to systems, application or user error
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 Copies of all templates included within the customised software application

 Lists of all Macros codes that have been included in the software application

Other support functions that may be provided

There is a range of other support functions that may be provided including:

 Ticket systems

 Reporting systems

 Maintenance logs

 Error reporting systems

Documenting the help desk

The documentation of help desk and maintenance practices should include:

 Purpose

 Scope

 General functions

 Procedures

 The information contained within systems

 Process flow charts

Example process flowchart for a help desk system:

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Example documentation of maintenance strategy flowchart:

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Components of a maintenance strategy

There is a range of components that should be included in a maintenance strategy, and
these will include:

 The scope

 The philosophy that the maintenance strategy will be based on

 All actions that will need to be carried out

 The timing of all actions

 Resources, personnel and equipment that will be required

 The internal and external support that will be required

 Decision-making processes regarding repairs or replacements

 Schedules

 Reporting needs

 Monitoring needs

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 Continual improvement needs

 Costs

 Contingency plans

 Roles and responsibilities

Discuss the role of stakeholders and degree of

stakeholder involvement
When preparing to undertake the identification of business requirements, it is
important to identify and explain the role of internal and external stakeholders relevant
to the activity. It is essential to understand the roles of internal and external
stakeholders in relation to the gathering of data relevant to the identification of business
requirements in relation to ICT and other focuses of the business analysis process.

The role of internal and external stakeholders varies but can include participation in:

 Decision making

 Reporting

 Conducting activities

 Analysing information

 Conducting different work tasks

When setting out to identify the roles of stakeholders relevant to the identification of
business requirements, it will be necessary to conduct a stakeholder analysis of each
group of stakeholders within the organisation. A stakeholder analysis will determine
the level of input and engagement and define the specific roles of each group relevant to
the gathering of data that can be used to identify business requirements.

Conduct stakeholder analysis

A stakeholder analysis is a structured and systematic investigation into the different
stakeholders within the organisation.

A stakeholder analysis can involve:

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 Mapping of stakeholders and tasks conducted using the ICT infrastructure

 Information collection of all job tasks and process flows

 Consultation with stakeholders

Evaluate current system functionality

It will be necessary to evaluate current system functionality in order to determine the
need for ICT services provision.

Evaluations may be based on assessments of:

 Network architecture

 Software architecture

 Programming and links

When evaluating current system functionality, it will be necessary to ensure that a range
of factors about the system is defined, and this may include a description of:

 Information processing capacity

 Information storage capacity

 Security capabilities

 Use authentication and access

 Number of users that the system supports

 Amount of bandwidth that the system uses to complete tasks

 Error reporting

 Amount of traffic that the system can handle

 Current hardware and software functionality and capability

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It is essential that all aspects of the functionality of the system are assessed and
explained to allow for effective planning, and forecasting of the potential system needs
as the business either grows or moves into a different strategic direction.

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Now that you have completed this unit, you should have the skills and knowledge to
liaise with client users while providing information and communications technology
(ICT) support.

If you have any questions about this resource, please ask your trainer. They will be only
too happy to assist you when required.

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Chapter 10: ICT Support Documentation and ICT Support Services Retrieved: 8 May

4 types of maintenance strategy, which one to choose? Retrieved: 8 May 2018

Maintenance philosophy Retrieved: 8 May 2018

IT Audit Checklist for Company Communications Retrieved: 8 May 2018


ICT Maintenance Retrieved: 8 May 2018

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