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N \\/ ca ' Sa TA = etal 1 GRAMMAR verb be: /and you ences with contractions. a Rewrite the 1 Lam Lisa Pin Lisa 2 Youare not in class 3. | Youarentinclas3 - | 3 Lam not Henry | I'm net_Heary 4 Youare nota teacher You're net _a teacher 5 Tam Maria i ‘Tim Marto | 6 Youarein my class | Your? in my class 7 Lam in room 4 Am intoom4 8 Youare not Carlos, © Complete the dialogues. 1A Excuseme. Are. Andy? B No, _f'mnot_.1'm ee AL 5A Hello Ate You Lisa 6A Hi Ber Gomez? B Hi NPA Rob, B Yes La .Niceto meet you. You're not Gorles my "Nelly Goodbye” ie Bony you say song, "Hel From the estions(7) bb Write negative Elsentences or questions (71 1 Pminclass 2.) Fin not nas 2 ea student.[Z] ‘Are you astudent? 3 I'm Sam. I'm not Sam _ — 4 You're in my class-E] You' se not in my class 5 Pminroom4 Am Lia rooma? 6 You're Liz.) Are_you Lia? a 7 Cmateacher.E] Im not a teacher 8 You're inclass 4.2) Aie_you in cass 4? i Linda. Arcioutienys + 4 Brese eA in B No, Im agterm Max, B Yes, 007 11m Anna Jones, 7A Excuseme. Am Tinroom 72 8A Excuseme Ae You B No; y my teacher? Neat aren B Yelom - es, 100m Peter Wilson, scaneado con CamScanner 2 VOCABULARY numbers 0-10; day 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress; ‘hh /av, and /i/ a Underline the stressed syllable. excuse hella qumiber photo b QUAD Listen and check. ‘Then listen again and repeat the words. repeat seven © Write the words in the chart. |e — | 288 j— hello might ad MateTH Listen snd check. Then isten again and “repeat the words. of 4 LISTENING the week ae {4:0 Listen. Check (/) the sentence you hear Order the letters to make number a make numbers, 17 4 Hello, 'm Tony f oon re Four b Hi, Pm Tom toe mn ten 2 a You're in my class. nr nie nine 7b Youaren’t in my class. onmie one 3 4 a Fmnotastudent three frre? b Pmastudent ctuelo +wo 4 fa Areyou innumber 5? 7 GITHE eighe eight you in number 9? Lx Six 5 __a Excuseme, what’s your name? neue seven 7b Sorry. whats your name? 10 OZRE Zesco oo “Ts ean 11 VIEF five pie ee . b Write the next word 1 Friday Saturday - Sunday Monday USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES 2 Sunday Monday Tuesd Wednes Learn these words and phrases. 3 Tuesday © Monday Sunday Saturday hello ‘he'loo 4 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fuday hi fh 5 Friday Thursday Wednesday TOs doy] Sey iat 6 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday | Nicetomeetyou. /nats tu mit yu 7 Thursday Wednesday Tuestay— Menday SVbare yourgame? Avnts Yor nein! Excuse me? “tk’skyuz mi Sorry. sari See yousoon. /si yu sun’ goodbys god'bar Escaneado con ComScanner

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