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Drug Name Drug Classification Mechanism of Action and Drug Action Drug Effects Interactions
Indications (Serious/Common)
Generic Name: Pharmacologic: Mechanism of Action: Pharmacokinetics Side effects (common by Drug – Drug
A: Well absorbed from the system): May increase the risk of
Aspirin salicylates Produce analgesia and reduce upper small intestine; bleeding with warfarin,
inflammation and fever by absorption from enteric-coated EENT: tinnitus heparin, heparin-like agents,
Therapeutic: inhibiting the production of preparations may be thrombolytic agents,
prostaglandins. Decreases unreliable; rectal absorption is GI: dyspepsia, epigastric dipyridamole, clopidogrel,
Trade Name: antipyretics, nonopioid platelet aggregation. slow and variable. distress, nausea, abdominal tirofiban, or eptifibatide,
analgesics Therapeutic Effects: pain, anorexia, although these agents are
Zorprin Analgesia. Reduction of D: Widely distributed. Crosses hepatotoxicity, vomiting. frequently used safely in
Bayer Buffered Aspirin Dosage: inflammation. Reduction of the placenta; enters breast milk combination and in sequence.
Adprin-B Recommended: fever. Decreased incidence of Hemat: anemia, hemolysis
Pain/Fever - PO, Rect transient ischemic attacks and M: Extensively metabolized Ibuprofen:
MI. by the liver. Half-life: 2–3 hr
(Adults): 325–1000 mg Derm: rash, urticaria May negate the cardioprotective
for low doses; up to 15–30 hr
every 4–6 hr (notmto exceed antiplatelet effects of
with larger doses because of
4 g/day). Extended-release Misc: physical dependence, low-dose aspirin.
Indication(s): saturation of liver metabolism.
tablets—650 mg every 8 hr psychological dependence,
or 800 mg every 12 hr. Inflammatory disorders tolerance. May increase risk of bleeding
E: inactive metabolites
including: Rheumatoid arthritis, with cefotetan
excreted by the kidneys.
Inflammation - PO (Adults): Osteoarthritis. Mild to moderate Adverse Reactions and valproic acid.
Amount excreted unchanged
2.4 g/day initially; increase pain. Fever. Prophylaxis of (Serious, life-threatening)
by the kidneys depends on
to maintenance dose of 3.6– transient ischemic attacks and Life-threatening May increase activity of
urine pH; as pH increases,
5.4 g/day in divided doses MI. Unlabeled Use: Adjunctive GI: GI bleeding penicillins, phenytoin,
amount excreted unchanged
(up to 7.8 g/day for acute treatment of Kawasaki disease. Misc: Allergic reactions methotrexate, valproic acid,
increases from 2–3% up to
rheumatic fever). including Anaphylaxis oral hypoglycemic agents, and
and Laryngeal Edema. sulfonamides.

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 1
Prevention of Transient Urinary acidification increase
Ischemic Attacks - PO Pharmacodynamics Contraindicated in: reabsorption and may increase
(Adults): 50–325 mg once Route: P.O Hypersensitivity to aspirin serum salicylate levels.
Onset: 5 – 30 min
daily. or other salicylates;
Peak: 1- 3 hr
Duration: 3 - 6 hr Alkalinization of the urine or
Prevention of Myocardial Cross-sensitivity with other the ingestion of large amounts of
Infarction/Antiplatelet NSAIDs may exist (less antacids increase excretion and
Effects - PO (Adults): 80– with non-aspirin decrease serum salicylate levels.
325 mg once daily. salicylates);
Suspected acute MI—160 mg May blunt the therapeutic
as soon as MI is suspected.
Bleeding disorders or response to diuretics and ACE
thrombocytopenia. inhibitors.

Increase risk of GI irritation with


Drug – Food
Foods capable of acidifying the
Urine may increase serum
salicylate levels.

Drug – Laboratory
Monitor hepatic function before
antirheumatic therapy and if
symptoms of hepatotoxicity
occur; more likely in patients,
especially children, with
rheumatic fever, systemic lupus
erythematosus, juvenile arthritis,
or pre-existing hepatic disease.

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 2
May cause increase serum AST,
ALT, and alkaline phosphatase,
especially when plasma
concentrations exceed 25
mg/100 mL.

Treatment of Overdose/
Antidote (if any):
Monitor for the onset of tinnitus,
headache, hyperventilation,
agitation, mental confusion,
lethargy, diarrhea, and sweating.
If these symptoms appear,
withhold medication and notify
health care professional

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 3
Nursing Process: Aspirin (ASA)

Assessment Nursing Diagnoses Planning Nursing Interventions with Appropriate Patient Evaluation/ Expected
(Priority Problems) Rationale (Italic) Teaching/Education Outcomes of Care
The patient will: General
▪ Patients who have ▪ Acute pain ▪ Report pain relief or ▪ Exercise extreme caution in ▪ Instruct patient to take ▪ Relief of mild to
asthma, allergies, and ▪ Impaired physical decrease in pain intensity administering ASA to children salicylates with a full glass of moderate discomfort.
nasal polyps or who are mobility ▪ Demonstrate and teenagers. ASA has been water and to remain in an
allergic to tartrazine are understanding of the implicated in the development of upright position for 15– 30 ▪ Increased ease of joint
at an increased risk for drug’s action by Reye’s syndrome in conjunction min after administration. movement. May take 2–
developing accurately describing with “flu-like” illnesses. 3 week for maximum
hypersensitivity drug side effects and Febrile, dehydrated children ▪ Advise patient to report effectiveness.
reactions. precautions. can rapidly develop ASA tinnitus; unusual bleeding of
▪ Immediately report toxicity. gums; bruising; black, tarry ▪ Reduction of fever.
▪ Assess pain and effects such as ▪ Monitor vital signs, especially stools; or fever lasting longer
limitation of movement; unresolved, untoward or temperature. Increased pulse than 3 days. ▪ Prevention of transient
note type, location, and rebound pain persistent and BP may indicate ischemic attacks.
intensity before and at the fever, blurred vision, discomfort: accompanied by ▪ Teach patients on a sodium-
peak after administration. tinnitus, bleeding, and pallor and/or dizziness may restricted diet to avoid ▪ Prevention of MI.
changes in color of stool indicate bleeding. effervescent tablets or
▪ Assess fever and note or urine. ▪ Monitor for signs of buffered-aspirin preparations.
associated signs gastrointestinal bleeding or Tablets with an acetic
(diaphoresis, tachycardia, hepatic toxicity. ASA is a local (vinegar-like) odor should be
malaise, chills). irritant to the GI tract with discarded.
anticoagulant action that is
metabolized in the liver. ▪ Advise patients on long-term
▪ Monitor gastrointestinal therapy to inform health care
elimination; conduct guiac stool professional of medication
testing for occult blood. regimen before surgery.

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 4
▪ Monitor CBC for signs of Aspirin may need to be
Baseline assessment prior to anemia related to blood loss. withheld for 1 week before
administration: ▪ Obtain charcter, duration, surgery.
▪ Monitor serum salicylate location, and intensity of pain
levels periodically with and the presence of Side Effects
prolonged high-dose inflammation. ▪ Caution patient to avoid
therapy to determine ▪ Monitor for allergic responses. concurrent use of alcohol with
dose, safety, and efficacy, ▪ Monitor urinary output and this medication to minimize
especially in children edema in feet or ankles. possible gastric irritation; 3 or
with Kawasaki disease. Medication is excreted through more glasses of alcohol per
the kidneys. Long term use may day may increase risk of GI
▪ Prolongs bleeding time lead to renal dysfunction. bleeding.
for 4–7 days and, in large ▪ Monitor CBC, BUN< creatine
doses, may cause and urinalysis. ▪ Caution patient to avoid
prolonged prothrombin ▪ Monitor for sensory changes taking concurrently with
time. Monitor hematocrit indicative of drug toxicity: acetaminophen or NSAIDs for
periodically in prolonged tinnitus, blurred vision. more than a few days, unless
high dose therapy to ▪ Evaluate blood salicylate levels, directed by health care
assess for GI blood loss. especially in the elderly. Elderly professional to prevent
patients are particularly at risk analgesic nephropathy.
due to diminished kidney and
liver function related to aging. ▪ Transient Ischemic Attacks
or MI: Advise patients
receiving aspirin
prophylactically to take only
prescribed dose. Increasing
dose has not been found to
provide additional benefits.

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 5

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