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Drug Name Drug Classification Mechanism of Action and Drug Action Drug Effects Interactions
Indications (Serious/Common)
Generic Name: Pharmacologic: Mechanism of Action: Pharmacokinetics Side effects (common by Drug – Drug
A: Administered IV only, system):
Propofol N-methyl-D-aspartate Decreases cerebral blood resulting in complete CNS depressants: Additive
(NMDA) receptor agonist flow, cerebral metabolic absorption. CNS: Headache, CNS depressant, respiratory
Trade Name: depressant, and hypotensive
oxygen consumption, and dizziness
Therapeutic: D: Rapidly and widely effects; possibly decreased
Diprivan, intracranial pressure and Resp: Cough emetic effects of opioids
distributed. Crosses the
Fresenius, General Anesthetics increases cerebrovascular blood-brain barrier well; CV: Bradycardia,
Propoven resistance, which may play a rapidly redistributed to Hypotension, Droperidol: Possibly
Dosage: role in propofol’s hypnotic other tissues. Crosses the Hypertension decreased control of nausea
Recommended: effects. placenta and enters breast GI: Abdominal and vomiting
Adult <55 yr and ASA milk. Protein Binding: cramping, Hiccups,
I/II IV (Diprivan or 95–99%. Drug – Food/Herbal
Nausea, Vomiting
generic): IV 40 mg q10sec Drug – Laboratory
Indication(s): Derm: flushing.
until induction onset; M: Rapidly metabolized by
Local: burning, pain, Treatment of Overdose/
maintenance: 100-200 the liver.
To provide sedation for stinging, coldness, Antidote (if any)
mcg/kg/min or IV BOL
20-50 mg prn, allow 3-5 critically ill patients in numbness, tingling at IV Toxicity and Overdose: If
E: Urine
min between q10sec until intensive care. site. overdose occurs, monitor
induction then 3-6 MS: involuntary muscle pulse, respiration, and BP
Half-life: 3–12 hr (blood continuously. Maintain patent
mg/kg/hr brain equilibration halflife movements,
airway and assist ventilation
ICU sedation 2.9 min). perioperative myoclonia. as needed. If hypotension
Adult: IV 5 mcg/kg/min GU: discoloration occurs, treatment includes IV
over 5 min; may increase of urine (green). fluids, repositioning, and
by 5-10 mcg/kg/min over vasopressors.
5-10 min until desired
response (Diprivan or

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 1
generic): 0.3-4 mg/kg/hr, Adverse Reactions
max 4 mg/kg/hr (Fresenius Pharmacodynamics (Serious, Life
Propoven) Route: IV threatening)
Available forms: Inj 10
Onset: 40 seconds Resp: Apnea
mg/ml in 20 ml ampule, 50
ml, 100 ml vials Peak: Unknown Misc: Propofol Infusion
Duration: 3 – 5 minutes Syndrome

Hypersensitivity to
propofol or its
components, to eggs or
egg products, or to
soybeans or soy

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 2
Nursing Process: Propofol

Assessment Nursing Planning Nursing Interventions with Appropriate Patient Evaluation/ Expected
Diagnoses Rationale (Italic) Teaching/Education Outcomes of Care
(Priority Problems)
▪ Assess respiratory status, ▪ Impaired gas The patient will: ▪ Prepare emergency equipment General ▪ Monitor patient
pulse, and BP continuously exchange related ▪ Experience to maintain airway and response to therapy
therapeutic effects ▪ Inform patient that this
throughout propofol therapy. to respiratory provide mechanical (analgesia, loss of
medication will decrease
Frequently causes apnea depression (e.g., adequate ventilation when patient is not consciousness).
mental recall of the
lasting > 60 sec. Maintain anesthesia during able to maintain respiration procedure.
patent airway and adequate ▪ Impaired skin procedure). because of CNS depression. ▪ Monitor for adverse
ventilation. Propofol should integrity related ▪ May cause drowsiness or effects (e.g.
▪ Monitor temperature for
be used only by individuals to immobility ▪ Be free from, or dizziness. Advise patient to respiratory depression,
prompt detection and request assistance prior to
experienced in endotracheal secondary to experience minimal, hypotension,
treatment of malignant ambulation and transfer and
intubation, and equipment for effects of adverse effects. bronchospasm, skin
hyperthermia. Maintain to avoid driving or other
this procedure should be positioning breakdown, etc).
dantrolene on standby. activities requiring alertness
readily available. during anesthesia ▪ Verbalize an
for 24 hr following ▪ Evaluate patient
and immobility understanding of the ▪ Monitor vital signs and ECG administration. understanding on drug
▪ Assess for the mentioned drug’s intended use, readings to assess systemic
▪ Risk for injury therapy by asking
cautions and adverse effects, and response to CNS depression ▪ Advise patient to avoid
related to CNS alcohol or other CNS patient to name the
contraindications (e.g. drug required precautions. and provide appropriate
depressive drug depressants without the drug, its indication,
allergies, hepatic and renal support as needed.
effects advice of a health care and adverse effects to
impairment, etc.) to prevent professional for 24 hr
▪ Provide safety measures (e.g. watch for.
any untoward complications. following administration.
adequate lighting, raised side
▪ Monitor patient
rails, etc.) to prevent injuries.
▪ Perform a thorough physical compliance to drug
assessment (e.g. weight, therapy.
neurological status, vital

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 3
signs, heart sounds, skin ▪ Educate client on drug therapy ▪ Induction and
color and lesions, bowel to promote understanding and maintenance of
sounds, etc.) to establish compliance. anesthesia.
baseline data before drug ▪ Amnesia.
▪ Provide comfort measures
therapy begins, to determine ▪ Sedation in
(e.g. pain relief, skin care,
effectiveness of therapy, and mechanically
etc.) to help patient tolerate
to evaluate for occurrence of ventilated patients in
drug effects.
any adverse effects an intensive care
associated with drug therapy. setting.

▪ Monitor laboratory test

results (e.g. liver and renal
function tests) to determine
possible need for a reduction
in dose and evaluate for

▪ Assess level of sedation and

level of consciousness
throughout and following

▪ When using for ICU

sedation, wake-up and
assessment of CNS function
should be done daily during
maintenance to determine
minimum dose required for

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 4
sedation. Maintain a light
level of sedation during these
assessments; do not
discontinue. Abrupt
discontinuation may cause
rapid awakening with
anxiety, agitation, and
resistance to mechanical

Janeirah Q. Manalundong
Faculty, College of Health Sciences NSG 105: PHARMACOLOGY DRUG STUDY 5

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