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By :

Nama : I Gede Wahyu Galang Fajar

Nim : 19101231

Kelas : T (TI-MTI)


TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021

Global warming

Scientists made an alarming discovery in the 1980s. They found that the average
temperature of the Earth's surface is slowly rising. This trend is called global warming.
Today we know that global warming is increasing as more and more gases enter the

Greenhouse effect

A greenhouse is a greenhouse where plants grow. Glass lets light in and at the same time
prevents heat from escaping. This heat keeps the plant warm, even when it's cold outside.
The same is true of Earth's atmosphere. This allows sunlight in and prevents carbon dioxide
and other gases from escaping. We need these gases but too much of them traps more heat.

The cause of global warming

For a long time, people on our Earth did not think much about greenhouse gases. The
situation changed as people started to use more energy in the form of fossil fuels, such as
oil, gas and coal. We burn fossil fuels to power factories, run cars, generate electricity and
heat homes. When fossil fuels burn, they let carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Over the past few decades, people have also cleared a lot of forests. Trees use carbon
dioxide when they make their own food. Fewer trees means less carbon dioxide is removed
from the atmosphere.

Possible effects of global warming

Scientists have different opinions about how warm the Earth's surface will actually get. The
increase is likely to be between 1.5°C and 6°C by 2100. Warmer weather will see ice sheets
and glaciers melt. Sea levels can rise dramatically. Plants, animals, and people living in
coastal areas can all be in danger. Weather can change in many areas of the world. Floods,
droughts, and destructive storms can be the result.

People in colder areas may welcome warmer weather but those living in already hot areas
may suffer from new illnesses. At the same time, some animals may not survive because
they cannot adapt to the new environment. They can move to another place to live there.

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