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1. What is a diode?
Ans. Diode is an electrical component that allows flow of current in only one direction.

2. Differentiate a pn jun diode and zener diode.

Ans. Difference between pn junction diode and Zener diode is that pn junction diode allows
flow of current in only forward direction whereas Zener diode allows flow current in both
forward and backward direction.

3. What are the two effect using zener diode in reverse bias?
Ans. Zener effect and avalanche effect.

4. How does zener diode works in breakdown region?

Ans. It works as a constant voltage source as the voltage across it is nearly independent of
the current supplied through it.
5. Define avalanche effect and zener breakdown effect?
Ans. Avalanche effect is the sudden increase in the flow of an electrical current through a
nonconducting or semiconducting solid when a sufficiently string force is applied.
Zener effect is a type of electrical breakdown that occurs in a reverse biased pn junction
when a electric field enables tunneling of electrons from the valence to the conduction band
of a semiconductor, leading to a large number of free minority carriers which suddenly
increase the reverse current.
6. what will happen to the zener diode and RL when Vin is fluctuated?
Ans. The voltage across RL will remain constant whatever be the value of current flowing
through Zener diode.
7. What will happen to zener diode when RL is changed from 2kOhm to → 1 kOhm?
8. What will happen to Vz when Rs is change for the same values?
Ans. As Rs increases Vz decreases and vice versa.

1)what are lisajas pattern why used

Ans. When both pairs of deflection plate (horizontal plate and vertical plate) of CRO are connected
to two sinusoidal voltages, the patterns appearing at screen are called Lissajous pattern.

Lissajous pattern are used to analyze the signals applied to deflection plates of CRO. They are used
to calculate phase difference between two sinusoidal voltages having same frequency and to
determine the ratio of frequency signals applied to the vertical and horizontal deflection plates.

diff type of

2)what is ripple factor

Ans. The ratio of rms value of ac component to the dc component in the rectifier output is known as
ripple factor. 4

what is transformation utilisation factor

Ans. Transformer utilization factor is the ratio of AC power delivered to load to the DC power rating.

3)what is rc phase shift oscillator

Ans. RC phase shift oscillator is a linear oscillator that produces a sine wave output. It uses RC
network to provide the phase shift required by the feedback signal. 7

4) universal gate- nand

truth table of not gate

5)diff types of fm wave

Ans. Analog fm wave and digital fm wave.

disadv. of fm modulation

Ans. Equipment cost is higher and requires a larger bandwidth. It has more complicated receiver and
transmitter. The antennas of fm systems should be kept close for better communication.

1) what is modulation?
Ans. Modulation is the process of varying one or more properties of a periodic waveform,
called the carrier signal, with a separate signal called the modulation signal that typically
contains information to be transmitted.
2) What is pinch off voltage?
Ans. Pinch off voltage is the drain to source voltage after which the drain to source
current becomes almost constant and JFET enters into saturation region and is
defined only when gate to source voltage is zero.
3) How is half wave rectifier not as good as full wave rectifier?
Ans. In half wave rectifier only the positive half cycle of the input voltage appears across the
load whereas in full wave rectifier both positive and negative half cycle of input voltage
appears across the load.
4) What is form factor
Ans. The ration of rms value to average values of an ac signal is called form factor.

4 types of rectification

Values of all the 4*

5) What is Lissajous pattern?

6) Which axis it is formed?

7) What is the axis called?

8) JFET 2 types?

Ans. P channel JFET and N channel JFET.

9) Rectification mode of pn junction diode

Ans. Forward bias.

10) Threshold JFET

Ans. If Vgs is made more and more negative, a value of Vgs is reached for which the channel is
completely depleted and no current flows regardless of Vds applied. This value of Vgs is called
threshold voltage.

11) Relation b/w barrier potential and cutting voltage

Ans. Barrier potential is directly proportional to cut in voltage.

12) What is knee voltage?

Ans. The forward voltage at which the flow of the current during the PN Junction of the diode
begins increasing very quickly is commonly known as knee voltage.
13) Emax and Emin

1) lissajous pattern in the circuit

2) alpha beta

3) pinch off voltage

4) zener breakdown to avalanche breakdown conversion

(zener diode)

5) moseft JFET

6) emitter doped (heavily)

7) collector doped (moderately)

8) base doped (lightly)

9) transformer utilisation factor

10) Q point

Ans. Q point is the steady state dc voltage or current at a specified terminal of an active device such
as a diode or a transistor with no input signal applied.

1) Why we use 3 dB only while plotting voltage gain graph?

Ans. At cut off frequency, we assume that the output power decreases to half of its value and
when we convert this difference in dB, we get to know that maximum output power decreases
by 3dB at the cut off frequency.

2) Characteristics of OPAMP
Ans. Infinite open loop gain, infinite input impedance, zero input offset voltage, infinite
output voltage range, infinite bandwidth with zero phase shift and infinite slew rate, zero
output impedance, zero noise, infinite common mode rejection ratio, infinite power supply
rejection ratio.
3) Regions of transistor
Ans. Cutoff region, active region, saturation region.
4) Ic 741 how many pin and name all
Ans. 8 pins. Offset null, inverting input, non inverting input, negative voltage, offset null,
output, positive voltage, not connected.

5) modulation

1Modulation index

Ans. The ratio of the difference and sum of the maximum and minimum amplitudes of modulated
wave is modulation index.

2Modulation percentage

Ans. Modulation index expressed in percent is known as modulation percentage.

3Types of pn junction

Ans. Light emitting diode, photo diode, Solar cell, Zener diode.

4Effect of 3 RC circuits in op.amp

Ans. The op-amp is used in the inverting mode, so output signal will be 180˚ out of phase. The
feedback RC network provides the exactly 180˚ phase shift. So the total phase shift is 0˚.

And repeated almost

1. In Modulation index was is Emax if I am provided with the modulated wave equation
Ans. Emax will be Ec + Em.

2.Value of R and C used in RC phase shift oscillator experiment

Ans. 10k ohm and 0.1 micro farad.

3. What is the utility of RC network used

4. Value of phase provided as a whole network

Ans. 0 degree

5. Value of phase provided by each set as we use 3 of them

Ans. 60 degree.

6. -3dB Wala

7.In CE amplifier identify biasing circuit

Ans. Voltage divider biasing.

9. How many types of biasing we have studied

Ans. 4 Fixed bias, Emitter bias, Voltage divider bias, collector feedback.

9. What type of biasing has been used in the common emitter amplifier biasing circuit, identify it
10. Cutoff and barrier potential relationship

11. Explain the graph of forward biased condition

12. Explain why barrier potential comes into scene

13.Types of diodes which we have studied

Ans. Pn junction diode and Zener diode.

14. Advantages of eft over bjt

Ans. Produce less noise, more temperature stable, easy to fabricate, not as sensitive to radiation as

15. Why do we use biasing in a transistor.

Ans. Transistor biasing used so that transistor can operate in active region and q point is stabilized.

16. In lassajious pattern, the phase different between the two modulated wave is 90 degree and
(Sir:"write 8 in ur note book then break them, u get two 0s , now what do we get in the y-axis and x-

1. Pinch off voltage in jfed

2. Modulation definition

3. How a lissavious pattern form (procedure)

4. Fy= 2fx, and 2 condition phase angle is 0 and 90 degree. Will the lissavious pattern be some or
difference. Explain

5. Frequently oscillation formula, f=0.065/RC

6. Op amp ka 5th pin ka name and what it use for.


1. Full wave rectifier graph

2 half wave rectifier graph

3.Semi conductor characteristics

Ans. Higher resistivity than metals, temperature coefficient of resistance is negative.

4. Transistor characteristic

5. What is Amplitude modulation

Ans. The information signal changes the amplitude of carrier wave without changing the frequency
or phase is amplitude modulation.

6. Different regions of BJT

Ans. Emitter region, Base region, collector region.

7. JFET symbol

8.ZOR gate

9.Amplitude modulation

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