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3 , MAYIJUNE 1988

Design Procedure for Switched-Reluctance Motors

Abstract-Switched-reluctance motors have gained attention in the reluctance motor. Selection of major dimensions, number of
variable-speed drive market. The savings in manufacturing cost of the
turns, and thermal considerations are discussed in Section III.
motor due to its simplicity of construction and use of minimum number
of switching devices in the drive circuit are two important factors in its A verification Of the design based On the computed flux
favor compared to any other motor drive, The presented concern is with linkages versus current characteristics is given in Section IV.
some of the design aspects of the switched-reluctance motor for nonservo Operational limits based on the incremental gain criterion are
applications. Towards this objective, a step-by-step procedure is devel- derived in Section V. Section VI contains the conclusion.
oped for the design of switched-reluctance motors.
I. INTRODUCTION The output equation relates the bore diameter, length,
speed, and magnetic and electric loading to the output of a
S WITCHED-reluctance motors have been developed for
electric propulsion, fan, pump, and even servo
applications. They have simple constructional features of
machine. In general, the conventional machines are designed
starting from the output equation. A similar development of
concentrated windings but with no windings on the rotor itself the output equation for the switched-reluctance motor will
[l], [2]. They have some of the operational features of a make its design systematic. Moreover, the experience of the
synchronous motor and lend themselves to programming of machine designers can be effectively used in the design of
their torque and speed profiles. Due to the unidirectional these new machines, as they could use the commonality
current requirement in the switched-reluctance motor, its between these and the conventional machines to start with at
converter has a minimum number of switching devices least. While the output equation of the switched-reluctance
compared to a conventional inverter-fed synchronous or motor will be significantly different from that of the conven-
induction motor drive. tional machine, the emphasis here is placed on their similari-
In spite of its growing popularity, very few papers have ties.
dealt with the design aspects of the motor itself [2]-[4]. While Fig. 1 shows a schematic of a switched-reluctance motor
a finite-element analysis has brought to light the complexity of with six stator poles and four rotor poles. Fig. 2 shows the flux
the machine [5], it has not given way to a simple design linkages versus current characteristics of the switched-reluc-
procedure that could be used with minimum computational tance motor for the unaligned and perfectly aligned position of
effort. the stator and rotor poles. Unaligned position of the stator and
The present paper attempts to fill the void in the design rotor poles means that the center of the stator pole is in
procedure for the switched-reluctance motor. The output between the two rotor poles. The area enclosed by 0, A, B, C,
equation is developed in a manner very similar to that used for 0 denotes the output mechanical energy of the motor for one
conventional rotating machines, thereby bringing the design stroke. Using equations developed in [4], the voltsecond
engineer's experience to bear on this new machine. The major relationship for a flat-topped phase current i is
dimensions are worked out using the output equation. While
existing procedures are used for the computation of induc- {L;-L,}i= vt (1)
tances, the sensitivity of their prediction on the performance where
calculation is given. A criterion to find the upper limit of the
stator excitation is introduced relating the incremental ratio of L: aligned saturated inductance per phase,
mechanical energy and stator current. L, unaligned inductance per phase,
This paper is organized on the following lines: Section I1 V applied voltage,
contains the derivation of the output equation for the switched- t time taken for the rotor to move from the unaligned to
aligned position.
Paper IPCSD 87-36, approved by the Electric Machines Committee of the Also
IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1986 Industry
Applications Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, September 28-October 3.
Manuscript released for publication August 25, 1987.
R. Krishnan is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
R. Arumugan and J. F. Lindsay are with the Department of Electrical where
Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West,
Montreal, PQ, Canada H3G 1M8. P, stator pole arc, rad.
IEEE Log Number 8719044. Wm rotor speed, rad/s.

.OO @ 1988 IEEE



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Fig. 1 . Schematic of switched-reluctance motor

Writing the flux linkages in the aligned position as


A$ * L * PJ2.0; area of the stator pole, (7)

D bore diameter,
L axial length of the stator pole,
B flux density at the aligned position,
Tph number of turns per phase.
The stator current may be obtained from the specific electric
loading A,, which is defined as

S t a t o r current, H
2 Tphim
A, = ~

Fig. 2. Flux linkages versus stator current for switched-reluctance motor.
where m is the number of phases that conduct simultaneously.
Defining In the case of a 614 motor, such as the example being
considered, only one phase conducts at a time. The power
Ls, developed is
L:: Pd = kekd vim (9)
A" = L y L , (4) where V and i are peak phase values, kd is the duty cycle
and substituting (3) and (4) in (l), defined in (lo), and ke is the efficiency. The duty cycle can be
expressed as

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where bore diameter, the following is obtained:

8; current conduction angle for each rising inductance

q number of phases = Ps/2,
P, number of rotor poles.
From (18), D is evaluated if rated speed B , A,, k2, kd, and k
Combining (5) and (6) are known. It is possible to start the iterative process of design
with reasonable values.
Pd=ke * kd ( & ) ( l - - & ) BAspDzLN, (11) In general, at the rated operating point the range of k2 is

where N, is the rotor speed in r/min. 0.65<kz<0.75. (19)

Equation (11) can be rearranged to resemble that of the
The values of B for the aligned position can be taken as the
conventional output equation of ac machines and is given by
allowable maximum for the core material. The specific
electric loading in amp-conductors per meter is in the range of

where 25 000 < A , < 90 000. (20)

kl=- The duty cycle kd can be assumed to be one to start with.
Using the above starting values, bore diameter D is
1 obtained. The airgap is determined by the machining tolerance
k2= 1 -- and assembly techniques. Small machines have airgaps of
ah4 about 0.25 mm.
The torque can be expressed as The ratio between the length to bore k need not be arbitrary.
It is decided by the nature of application and space constraints.
T= kd ke * k3 * k2 * ( B ASP)* D 2 L (15) For nonservo applications the range of k can be
0.25 < k < 0.70 (21)

k3=4* and for servo applications

Note that the torque and power output are proportional to the
product of specific electric magnetic loadings and bore
volume. k2 is the only variable dependent on the operating B. Number of Turns
point of the motor and is determined by the stator phase cur- The relationship between rotor and stator pole-arc is
rent, magnetic characteristics of the core materials, and discussed in [ 2 ] .Using (8) the number of turns per phase Tphis
dimensions of the motor. For a given operating point, k2 is a calculated for a given current. The conductor size is chosen
constant. Hence to access the maximum output power of the such that the available winding space will be filled. The
switched reluctance motor, k2 needs to be calculated at the resulting current density is calculated and checked against the
maximum stator current. For that matter, the flux linkages maximum permissible value, which is dependent on the cooling
versus current for the aligned and unaligned positions are to be methods employed in the motor. If there is no restriction on
estimated for various values of stator currents. For kd equal to the outside diameter the winding space can be calculated from
one, the power developed is maximum for a given stator the number of turns, the area of cross-section of the conductor,
current. It is usual to find that the maximum possible duty and the insulation thickness. The height of the stator pole is
cycle is less than one. Furthermore, torque and power control then derived from the winding space.
are exercised by the variation of duty cycle similar to a From (8), for a given specific electric loading and bore
chopper-controlled dc motor. The speed is controlled by the diameter it can be seen that the product of TPhand i is a
frequency of switching of the phases resembling that of a constant. The best values are those that would satisfy the
synchronous motor. following mutually contradictory demands:
111. SELECTION (i) small current and inductance, and
A . Diameter and Length (ii) small values of resistance and inductance of the winding
implying a smaller number of turns.
Since the switched-reluctance motor is normally used as a
variable-speed device, it is appropriate to have a base speed An engineering trade-off has to be made with thermal
specification. At the base speed, the motor is expected to considerations in perspective. Again it must be emphasized
deliver the rated torque and hence the rated output power. here that the selection of i and Tphis also dependent on the ac
Using (12) to correspond to the rated power output and supply available for rectification and subsequent input to the
keeping the stack length as a multiple or submultiple of rotor converter to corltrol the switched-reluctance motor.

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C . Thermal Consideration TABLE I

The thermal capability of the motor is one of the important

Number of stator poles 6
characteristics. The thermal capability is determined by the Number of rotor poles 4
losses in the machine, the available surface area for cooling, Stator outside diameter 19.4 cm
and additional cooling arrangements such as a fan, etc. The Rotor bore diameter 12.205 cm
Core length 5.076 cm
copper losses are considered first. If R is the per-phase Airgap length 0.025 cm
resistance of the stator winding, the total copper losses for Back iron width 1.25 cm
non-overlapping currents in the stator is given by Number of turn/phase 536
Stator pole arc 0.418 rad
Rotor pole arc 0.628 rad
Pc,=q . I 2 * R (23)

I= i/G
and is the rms value of the current. Hence
(24) i1

Writing the resistance in terms of number of turns, etc., I-

-5 . 1 /
L 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Excitation in Amps
where a, is the area of cross section of the conductor, K, is the
product of the resistivity, and I is the mean length of turn. Fig. 3. Flux linkages versus excitation current for designed switched-
reluctance motor.
Substituting (26) in (25),

Since the maximum Tph*iis a constant, copper losses are

proportional to current density. Note that to minimize copper
losses, the current density has to be decreased.
The core losses in the switched-reluctance motor consist of .-
hysteresis and eddy current losses. To reduce the eddy current a
losses, the stator and rotor cores are laminated. As for the '0 5 I0 15 20 25 30 35 40 I

E x c 1 t a t I o n , Rmps
hysteresis losses, the frequency of flux reversal and its path
determine its magnitude. Note that the stator poles do not have Fig. 4. Inductance at aligned position versus stator excitation
flux reversals but that the back iron experiences it in segments
for each switching of the phases. The rotor poles experience inductance introduces an error in the computation of k2 and
one flux reversal per revolution. In contrast to the ac hence in the output equation. Note that
machines, the procedure for calculating the core losses in a
switched-reluctance motor remains a research problem.

The design of a switched-reluctance motor from the output The analytical technique to calculate the unaligned induc-
equation is to be verified from the flux linkages versus current tance may have 50-100 percent error compared to its actual
characteristics for both the aligned and unaligned positions. value, thereby introducing 10-15 percent prediction error in
The flux linkages, and hence the values of inductances, are the motor output. The dimensions of switched reluctance
analytically obtained using the procedure given in [6]. While machine are given in Table I. The machine has been designed
the evaluation of aligned flux linkages can be very accurate, with the same bore and length of an existing induction motor to
the same cannot be said for the unaligned values. The leakage enable future performance comparisons between the two types
fluxes and the path of the mutual flux complicate the accurate of motors. The flux linkages versus current characteristics are
estimation of the unaligned flux linkages and unaligned calculated and are shown in Fig. 3 for M-19 steel. Fig. 4
inductance [5]. Finite-element analysis techniques have been displays the inductances at the aligned position as a function of
used to accurately estimate the unaligned flux linkages and the stator current. k2 and the ratio of the aligned to unaligned
inductances [5]. The inaccurate value of the unaligned inductances versus stator current are shown in Fig. 5. Such a

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and the inductances are given as the slopes of the characteris-

1.001 40t
tics shown in Fig. 2.
It can be seen that L , > L, in the present design example,
and hence the incremental gain g,;, decreases with increasing
stator current. It can be proved that the maximum value of g,;
occurs when L, = L , and is given by

g,; = A,.


Excitation i n Rmps
A procedure for the design of a nonservo switched-
k2and ratio of aligned to unaligned inductances versus stator current.
reluctance motor has been described in the paper. The design
Fig. 5.
is based on the output equation similar to that of conventional
ac machines. Selection of values and verification through
simple analytical techniques have been given. A criterion to
evaluate the operational limit is developed. A motor based on
this design is under construction, and experimental correlation
is expected in the near future.

J. Byrne and J. C. Lacy, “Electrodynamic system comprising a
variable reluctance machine,” U.S. patent 3 956 678, May 1976.
P. J. Lawrenson, J . M. Stephenson, P. T. Blenkinsop, J. Corda, and N.
N. Fulton, “Variable-speed switched reluctance motors,” IEE Proc.,
I I I vol. 127, pt. B, no. 4, pp. 253-265, July 1980.
20 40 60
J. W. Finch, M. R. Harris, A. Musoke, and H. M. B. Metwally,
Stator current, A “Variable speed drives using multi-tooth per pole switched reluctance
Fig. 6. k2B versus stator current for designed switched-reluctance motor. motors,” in Proc. Thirteenth Ann. Symp. on Incremental Motion
Control Systems and Devices, May 1984, pp. 293-301.
T. J. E. Miller, “Converter volt-ampere requirements of the switched
reluctance motor drive,” in Conf. Record IEEE-IAS Ann. Meeting,
Oct. 1984, pp. 813-819.
wide variation of k2 affects the power developed per ampere R. Arumugam, D. A. Lowther, R. Krishnan, and J . F. Lindsay,
input if all other machine variables are constant. This is shown “Magnetic field analysis of a switched reluctance motor using a two-
dimensional finite element model,” IEEE Trans. Magnet., pp. 1883-
in Fig. 6, relating the product of flux density and k2 versus 1885, Sept. 1985.
stator current. From the output equation it could be realized J . Corda and J . M. Stephenson, “Analytical estimation of the minimum
that the ‘power developed per ampere is proportional to the and maximum inductances of a double-salient motor,” in Proc. Inf.
Conf. on Steming
_ . Motors and Systems, k e d s , England, 1979, pp.
product of flux density and k2. 50-j9.
Based on the maximum current of 20 A and base speed of
1800 r/min the design calculation yields an output power of
2866 W. This calculation is on the basis of 85-percent
An increase in the stator current results in enhanced
mechanical power output of the switched-reluctance motor,
but the enhancement of mechanical energy is not uniform for R. Krishnan (S’SI-M’82) received the B.E.,
M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering.
all the operating points, particularly in the saturated region. At He taught for seven years in India. He was Staff
those points the return diminishes, necessitating an operational Engineer and Principal Investigator of ac servo
limit on the maximum excitation current. The incremental drives projects at Gould Research Center, Rolling
Meadows, IL, between 1982 and 1985. Since
mechanical energy per input current can be written as September 1985 he has been an Associate Professor
in the Electrical Engineering Department at Vir-
Ai ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
A Wm
g .=-_
- A,
+ is, (L, - L,) +-
(L,- L u ) (3 1) Blacksburg. His teaching and research interests are
in high-performance vector-controlled variable-
speed drives, switched-reluctance motor drives, electrical machine design,
and static power conversion. He has published more than 40 papers on these
where A, is the intercept on the flux linkages axis from the topics. He has developed a graduate program in electric motor drives and
saturated portion of the aligned position curve, shown in Fig. machine design at Virginia Polytechnic.
2. is, is the operating stator current at which the incremental Dr. Krishnan is a recipient of four IEEE-IAS awards for his papers, both
presented and published. He has been an Associate Editor of the IEEE
values are calculated. A i denotes the incremental stator TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS since June 1987. He is a
current, A W,,, is the resulting mechanical energy per stroke, member of the IAS Machine T o o l s , Robotics, and Factory Automation

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Committee and the Chapter Chairman of IEEE-IAS Virginia Mountain James F. Lindsay (M’67-SM’78) was born in
Section. Glasgow, Scotland, in 1932 He received the B Sc
degree with honors in electrical engineering from
Glasgow University in 1954 and the Ph.D. degree
R. Arumugam received the B.E. and M.Sc. from McGill University, Montreal, PQ, Canada in
(Eng’g.) degrees in electrical engineering in 1969 1973.
and 1971, respectively, from the University of He has held positions with the Belmos Company,
Madras, India. Ltd in Scotland from 1954 to 1956, the Royal
From 1971 to 1976 he was with the Department Military College of Science in England from 1956
of Electrical Engineering, Government College of to 1958, and Nova Scotia Technical College from
Technology, Coimbatore, India. Since 1976 he 1958 to 1965, prior to his current appointment at
has been with the Power Systems Engineering Concordia University, Montreal, where he is a Professor in the Department of
Division, Anna University, Madras, where he is Electrical Engineering His research activities are in the area of machines and
engaged in teaching and research. Presently he is on motor drive systems, and he is a coauthor of two undergraduate textbooks
leave, pursuing his research on switched-reluctance Dr. Lindsay is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, a Fellow
motors and working towards the Ph.D. degree at Concordia University, of the Engineering Institute of Canada, a Member of the Canadian Society for
Montreal, PQ, Canada. His research interests are in electrical machine design, Electrical Engineering, and is regi5tered as an Engineer with the Order of
finite-element analysis, and power systems. Engineers of Quebec.


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