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IEEE ISIE 2006, July 9-12, 2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Considerations of Direct Torque Control for Switched

Reluctance Motors
Hai-Jiao Guo
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan

Abstract-Switched reluctance motors (SR motors) have The torque produced in SR motors can be derived from
attracted so much attention because its desirable features, coenergy. Assuming negligible mutual coupling between phases,
including simple construction, high reliability and low cost. In the phase torque produced in the kth phase is given as
addition, the useful technique called direct torque control (DTC),
that has been confirmed at induction motors (IMs) and blushless
DC motors (BLDCMs), has been proposed applied to SR motors. Tk 8W/(0,
ik) (1)
But basic principle of SR motors is different from IMs and
BLDCMs, the recognition of DTC for SR motors similar to IMs where k (= A, B, C) represent the index of phases, W/ (0, ik) is
and BLDCMs will be incorrect mistake. In the paper, we study the coenergy stored in the kth winding, ik is the phase current in
the DTC technique applied in SR motors, and give a physical the kth winding, 0 is the rotor position. If magnetic saturation is
expression about the DTC technique used in SR motors. Some neglected, then the coenergy in the kth winding is given as
considerations about difference from conventional motors have
been invested and some important inherent characteristics of
DTC technique used in SR motors have been cleared. W/(0, ik) = kLk(0) ikdi 2 Lk(0) i, (2)

where Lk (0) is the linear inductance of the kth winding. Thus,

I. INTRODUCTION phase torque produced in the kth phase can be expressed as
SR motors have a simple laminated structure without either 1 .2 dL(0)
permanent magnets or rotor windings, and rotates by the 2 dO
reluctance torque produced from magnetic saliency between
stator poles and rotor poles. Thus, the motors have some The motor torque can be expressed as
advantages such as simplicity, solid construction, high speed k= AkB- (4)
driving, and ruggedness in hazardous environments. But SR k=A,B,C
motors have not been used as much as IMs and BLDCMs
because it produces large torque ripples and large noise. B. DTC technique of SR motors
SR motors produce large torque ripples and large noise due
Recently, some studies have succeeded in torque ripple to the motor's doubly salient structure. Some studies have
reduction of SR motors using Direct Torque Control(DTC) succeeded in torque ripple reduction of SR motors using DTC
technique that has been confirmed at IMs and BLDCMs. technique [1]. The DTC method has some advantages such as
Because SR motors have strong nonlinear characteristics, it is a simple algorithm and instantaneous response to the torque
litter difficult to clearly express the principle of DTC from reference.
theoretical analysis. Considering the basic principle of SR
motors is different from IMs and BLDCMs, the reason about
the DTC applied in SR motors will also be different.
In the paper, we will show a graphical image about the DTC mm
principle derived from an approximation theoretical analysis.
The difference about the rotated magnetic flux between IMs
and SR motors will be revealed. In addition, some
characteristics connecting to future variable speed control and
sensorless driving have been invested.
II. SR MOTORS AND DTC TECHNIQUE Stator pole are : 30 deg.
A. Basic characteristics of SR motors Rotor pole arc 32 deg.
Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of an SR motor Stack length :51 mm
considered in the paper. The rotor and stator are made up of Number of winding / pole * 72 turns
non-oriented silicon steel laminations cutting to shape. This SR Core material : 35RM290
motor called 3-phase-6/4-SR motor has 6 stator poles and 4
rotor poles, is driven using 3-phase exciting. Fig. 1. Structure of the SR motor.

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Considering the structure of SR motors, it is better to operate under the assumption that the current i is relatively constant
a motor at saturate state in order to obtain strong torque and during the control of the flux acceleration and deceleration.
large power density. But it brings a difficult to theoretical That is, the magnitude of the stator flux vector defined as the
analysis the driving condition because the strong nonlinear peak of the stator flux is kept constant and only its spatial
characteristics that dominated the driving process. So it is also
difficult to derive the DTC technique suitable for SR motors. position is varied.
An approximate theoretical analysis of DTC applied in SR III. DETAIL DISCUSSION OF DTC TECHNIQUE OF SR MOTORS
motors has been proposed as follows [1], [2]
A. Graphical expression of DTC technique used in SR motors
dW, = dWm + dWf (5)
Unfortunately, the section II does not give a clear physical
where dWe, dWm and dWf are the differential electrical energy, image about the result of (9), so we can admit the approximate
the differential mechanical and field energy respectively. analysis but can not understand the principle by image.
We will give a graphical expression of DTC technique used
dW~a= /f diL
tEi f9=const
+ w
00 dLo z=const (6)
in SR motors. Let considering the magnetic characteristics as
shown in Fig. 1. Fig.1 (a) is a linear characteristic; (b) is a usual
di + 0 d=const
i nonlinear characteristic, and (c) shows as well as nonlinear
characteristic but is an idea case when the magnetization curve
dW =eidt =ido ad1c +i
1 dlc (7) is like a square [3]. From the Fig. 1 the co-energy of SR motors
ai 00 dOcon (7
can be believed as
By substitution of (6), (7) into (5) it can be found that
<iWK (10)
dWm = i a0
aod7li=const ao dO Lconst '
(8) and the torque can be believed as
2i 0 awf
T =dWm .a0s
dO a0 a0
2 00 li=cons.
00 i=cons.
(1 1)

where 0(O, i) is the nonlinear stator flux linkage as a function of

rotor position 0 and current i. The last relation of (9) is based on
that due to saturation in the SR motor, the influence of the
second term in (9) is small. From (9), the sign of the torque is
directly related to the sign of 08s/8O because unipolar drives in
SR motors are normally used and the current in the motor is
always positive. A positive change of 08s/8O will be defined as
"flux acceleration", whereas a negative change of 8fs/8O will
be defined as "flux deceleration". Thus the torque is controlled 1


0:i WC
--- A; \ "Wer band
Fig. 2. Tracks of the stator flux vector.
by an acceleration or deceleration of the stator flux relative to
the rotor movement. Wf
Hence, DTC method for SR motors is defined as follows
a) The magnitude of the stator flux linkage is kept constant
(within amplitude hysteresis bands), i
b) Torque is controlled by accelerating or decelerating the Fig.3. Typical magnetic characteristics.
stator flux,


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So we can easily to understand (9). Thus, the physical image of
the approximation analysis result (9) can be expressed as under
the condition assuming the magnetic characteristic is idea

B. Flux linkage vector behavior in DTC technique of SR (a) Steady state of speed
motors 1500 [rpm]
As expressed above, when using DTC technique to SR motors,
a feature similar to IMs and BLDCMs is that the stator flux
linkage vector is kept at a constant amplitude (within
amplitude hysterisis bands) as shown in Fig.2. So it is easy to
bring a result that the flux linkage vector of SR motors using
DTC technique is controlled as sinusoidal rotating just like the
way in IMs and BLDCMs. But it is incorrect, because if the
flux linkage vector is controlled as sinusoidal rotating, then we (b) Flu-
lose the freedom to control the torque as constant. That is a
major difference between SR motors and IMs and BLDCMs
when using the DTC technique. To confirm this difference, we (b) Flux
construct a simulation model using SIMULINK shown in Fig.4.
Torque comnp arator

Fig. 4. Simulation model of an SR motor using DTC (c) Enlarged view of (b)

5 . Fig. 7. Steady state characteristics (a) speed, (b) flux, (c) enlarged view of (b).

0 Refcarence torque O.z 45r

---- ystle cis width~:±01 Actual positior 0
30 Stator flux an le
;15 0.86 0*87 0.88 0.89 0.9
Ttine (sec) Utot
Fig. 5. Characteristic of torque.

'Lid 30
-45I 1.005 1.01 1.015 102 1.025 1.03
Time [s]

tm 4


-61 I 1l MS 101
.0 1.015 1.02 1025 1.03
Time [s]
4 C20 2 4 6 8 (b)
a (of x lf Fig. 8. Characteristics of angle of stator flux vector compared with actual
Fig. 6. Track of flux linkage. rotor position: (a) actual position and stator flux angle (b) error.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. Downloaded on June 24,2021 at 12:44:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
The simulation results in Fig.5 and Fig.6 show both flux
linkage and the torque are controlled well under appreciate
hysterisis bands. But the detail analysis shows the difference
from Fig.7 that gives the flux linkage vector track when the
speed is at steady state near 1500 [rpm]. Fig.7(c) clearly shows
that the rotating speed of the flux is not sinusoidal rotating and
sometime the flux linkage vectors take back behavior in order
to contain the torque as constant (keep in hysterisis bands).

C. Difference between the angle offlux linkage and the angle

of rotor
In driving of SR motors using DTC technique, it is necessary
to calculation the angle of flux linkage vector. Because the
angle of flux linkage vector is very similar to the rotor position,
it is an idea to using the angle of flux linkage vector to (a)
construct a sensorless driving system. So it is necessary to
clear up the relation between the tow angles. Using the same
simulation model shown in Fig.4, we obtain the results shown /pm
in Fig.8. In Fig.8 (a), it is clear that the angle of flux linkage
vector have three times deviations from the angle of rotor
positions in every period of 45[deg.]. But the reason has not
been explained until now. It is important rather in extending to
sensorless control, but in understanding the behavior of the
DTC technique used in SR motors. Considering the angle of
the deviation, it will be found that it is coincide with "flux
acceleration" or "flux deceleration" that is the control strategy
of DTC technique. The deviations are evidence that shows the
DTC technique used in our simulation model is working as
expected. In order to construct a sensorless control system
using DTC, a compensation method for the deviations has been
considered, and will be proposed at the conference of 2006EPE. (b)
Fig. 9. Track of the one cycle of exciting in magnetic characteristic.
It is considered as easy to extend the DTC technique of SR
motors to variable speed control using PI controller. But as
expressed above, SR motors are actively operated at saturation
condition in order to obtain strong torque. So the strong
nonlinear characteristics bring a difficult to theoretically
analysis to determine the flux linkage reference from the speed
reference. It is also a difference between the SR motors and
IMs or BLDCMs. 6'
Considering when a motor is operated under base speed, so
the area of the operation from the flux and current
characteristic is shown in Fig.9 (a). The area is nearly same for
the speeds that are under base speed, thus the torque will be 6;Uoi
z200U 3i0U0 400U
Annn JLP
constant and the maximum flux is also nearly same. That gives Rcefrence speed [rpm]
us a reason to determine the reference of flux for speed range Fig. 10. Reference flux characteristics versus reference speed.
below the base speed as a flat characteristic as shown in Fig.9.
For the speeds that are over the base speed, the track of one
cycle of exciting is shown in Fig.9 (b). It is clear that when the


Authorized licensed use limited to: Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. Downloaded on June 24,2021 at 12:44:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

T' This research was partially supported by the Ministry of


Voltage 1Xr3 dEducation, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for

Scientific Research (Category C, No. 17560267) from Japan
Society for Promote of Science. The author expresses his
thanks to the members of Ichinokura laboratory in Tohoku
University for their discussion.
B @¢ + R
rm~ ~ ~ Tlof ioa t R2t1>- 1i )dt
B I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~k
~~L( A(X~ uxXall ))

IDSPIS,A505 DS I 0 3 N [1] A. D. Cheok, and Y.Fukuda, "A New Torque and Flux Control Method
for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives," IEEE Trans. Power Elect., vol.
17, No. 4, pp. 543-577, July 2002.
Fig. 11. Structure of the simulation using Fig. 10. [2] D.A. Staton, W.L. Soong, and T.J.E. Miller, "Unified theory of torque
production in switched reluctance and synchronous reluctance motors,".
IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 31, pp.329-337, Mar./Apr. 1995.
[3] J. V. Byrne and J. G. Lacy, "Characteristics of saturable stepper and
reluctance motors," in Proc. Conf Small Elect. Mach., 1976, pp.93-96.
[4] T. J. E. Miller, "Electronic Control of Switched Reluctance Machines,"
Newnes, 2001.
[5] K. Sasaki, H. Goto, T. Watanabe, H. J. Guo, and O.Ichinokura:
"Reduction of Torque Ripple in a SRM through Direct Torque Control,"
J. Magn. Soc. Japan, Vol. 29, pp. 577-581, 2005.

IMiii r g r- 4 1. 4

i %_~~L

H 10 IS i9 5 3041

Fig. 12. Simulation result for variable speed driving.

speed is higher the maximum of flux is lower. This gives us a

hint to determine the reference of flux from speed for the range
over the base speed based on the magnetic characteristics as
shown in Fig. 0. A simulation model is constructed in Fig.I 1,
and the simulation result is shown in Fig. 12.

Several important considerations have been discussed. These
are quite useful not only in understanding the DTC technique
used in SR motors but for the future development.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. Downloaded on June 24,2021 at 12:44:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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