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Online Booking System for Sports Facility

and Equipment


Document Purpose......................................................................................................................................3
Project Objective & Scope...........................................................................................................................3
Project & System Prerequisite.....................................................................................................................3
Business Rules.............................................................................................................................................4
Non-functional requirements..................................................................................................................4
In Scope Functional Requirements..........................................................................................................4
Epics As a USER....................................................................................................................................4
Epics As an Admin................................................................................................................................4
Out of Scope functional requirements..................................................................................................11
Technology Stack.......................................................................................................................................11
Development Practices..............................................................................................................................11
Entry Criteria......................................................................................................................................11
Exit Criteria........................................................................................................................................11
Project Wireframes...................................................................................................................................12
ABC Inc. has many campuses in India with state-of-the-art infrastructure that provides luxurious
cafeterias, lively and unconventional working space and promotes fitness and sports activities among
employees. At present if an employee wants to book a sports facility or equipment it is managed
manually and results into conflicts of schedule and unaccounted equipment assignment. Therefore, the
intention is developing a digital way to manage the booking capabilities of sports facility and equipment.

Document Purpose
The purpose of the document is to outline the business requirements and project scope. All business
requirements must be reflected in a version of this document in order to be included in the final
implementation. In addition, this document highlights the in-scope and out of scope functionality,
constrains, risks and assumption.

Project Objective & Scope

The project has an objective to replace the existing inefficient manual ways of booking sports facilities
and equipment with an online booking portal for employees and an online management console for
Administration team.

The scope of the project is to develop an intuitive booking portal on the web that is accessible via
employees on the local intranet site. The scope is outlined as “In Scope” and “Out of Scope”
functionalities, with an intention to avoid scope creep of additional features and ambiguity around the
functionality of features. The document also details any risks, assumptions and constrains considered in
the scoping exercise.

At this phase of the project, the inventory management for equipment is not in the project scope,
however, users will be able to specify if they need equipment or not – so that when they show up for
the game at facility, the support staff must be able to hand over the same.

Project & System Prerequisite

- Online reservation web application is to be accessibly only via Intranet and not on the internet
- Intranet authentication completed via Microsoft Active Directory, therefore, all users who can
access INTRANET will be able to access this application via SSO
- Only employees’ access
- Each City has only one Office location with multiple sports facilities
- All campus locations are 24/7 and so are the sports facilities
- Group reservations are handled by back office
- Each transaction in the system will send out an email to the organiser and admin
o Create, Edit, Delete a reservation
o Status change of reservations
o State change of reservation
o Booking confirmations
Business Rules
- Campus location and Sports location cannot be deleted, it can only be activated / deactivated or
edited to change text
- Sports equipment is by default available for all locations – no management required
- Sports facility will have a One to ONE mapping with Campus location. Campus location will have one
to many mappings, however if the sports facility is already mapped with any campus- new campus
to sport facility mapping will not be established. Campus and sport facility will have a parent child
relation respectively
- Time and slot definition are only for sport facility and not campus
- Default slots are for 1 hour with 24/7 availability for each sports facility
- Multiple slots may be selected or available to select in case of team reservations
- Duration range may be selected in case of team reservations
- Equipment option doesn’t need to be defined in Admin console as equipment will be available at all
sport facilities by default
- Admin will only be able to create booking for teams and not individuals – considered automatically
approved after creation
- Facility cannot be added to an inactive location

Non-functional requirements
- SSO functionality
- 1-hour automatic system slot creation for facilities
- Email to be sent out to users in less than 15 mins of transactions / function execution
- Application communication to database should be real time to ensure no double booking is

In Scope Functional Requirements

Epics As a USER
- Login / SSO authentication
- View upcoming / scheduled reservations
- Create, Edit and Delete a reservation
o Individual
 Approved instantly
o Team
 Requested and approved / rejected by Admin
- View announcements by Admin

Epics As an Admin
- Login / SSO Authentication
- Create, edit, inactivate Campus and Sport facility
- Booking Management
- Announcements Management
User Stories – As a USER
As a standard user, I need to login to the Online Booking portal so that I can perform various actions
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to login to the application without keying in any credentials
- Navigate to the landing page / dashboard post login
- Able to see information and perform actions

- User status is active in AD and has valid authentication credentials in het system
- If the user status in-active, user won’t be able to login to machine at all thus login to intranet is not

As a standard user, I need to review sports reservations scheduled by me in past so that I can edit, or
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to view the list of upcoming reservation made by the user (if any)
o Individual
o Team
 Show a green check icon for confirmed reservation
 Show only “Cancel” for non confirmed
- Able to Edit or Cancel button for existing upcoming Reservation

- Reservations already created for Individual cannot be changed to Team reservation

As a standard user, I need to create a reservation as “Individual” so that I reserve a time to play a game
at the campus location sports facility
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to navigate through a form with options to select and complete the reservation
- Abel to select “Individual” as an option in reservation form
- Able to check mark “Yes” if sports equipment is to be reserved
- Able to select the number of participants in the drop-down list
- Able to view and select the campus location from drop down list
o By default, the user campus location will be selected – user must click on the drop down if
the user wishes to change the value for location field
- Able to show an alert / disclaimer pop to user when selected location is outside of current
campus location. The pop up should have agree and cancel button
- Able to click agree if reservation is to be made for location outside of current campus location
or cancel to go back to the screen in background
- Able to view and select the sports facilities available based on the campus location selected
- Able to see & select the dates available for the selected facility in the specific campus
o Dates not available will be greyed out
- Able to see and select time for the sports facility in the specific campus
o Time not available will be greyed out
- Able to click “Submit” to complete the reservation
- Able to click “Cancel” to discard the information in the reservation form and refresh the page
o Alert to confirm again if the user clicked on cancel
- Able to see a pop-up confirmation message on the screen when agree with an option to the
pop up close
o Content to be defined for the confirmation message
- Able to receive an email on the company email address with confirmation
- Able to see the reservation in the upcoming reservation without the green check mark i.e.
waiting for approval

- Highest number in the drop down to be 20, however not more than 4 participants can be
selected for an individual game
- If the user is selecting an option outside of current campus location, the system should send an
alert and look for user consent
- Content for the pop up to be defined
- Value in the sports facility drop down will be dynamically driven on the basis on campus
location Selected
- The selection of participants field doesn’t impact any fields values
- Specific sports facility can only be reserved by one user for a specific time, system won’t allow
multiple bookings in this case

As a standard user, I need to create a reservation as “Team” so that I reserve a time to play a game at
the campus location sports facility
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to navigate through a form with options to select and complete the reservation
- Able to select “Team” as an option in reservation form
- Able to check mark “Yes” if sports equipment is to be reserved
- Able to select the number of participants in the drop-down list
- Able to view and select the campus location from drop down list
o By default, the user campus location will be selected – user must click on the drop down if
the user wishes to change the value for location field
- Able to show an alert / disclaimer pop to user when selected location is outside of current
campus location. The pop up should have agree and cancel button
- Able to click agree if reservation is to be made for location outside of current campus location
or cancel to go back to the screen in background
- Able to view and select the sports facilities available based on the campus location selected
- Able to see & select the dates available for the selected facility in the specific campus
o Dates not available will be greyed out
- Able to see and select time for the sports facility in the specific campus
o Time selection for team’s reservation can be a range of time for multiple hours or more
than one slot can be selected
o Time not available will be greyed out
- Able to see and input text into the Comments box for any comments to be left for admin /
support staff
o Only available for Team reservations – no comments required for Individual reservations
- Able to click “Cancel” to discard the information in the reservation form and refresh the page
o Alert to confirm again if the user clicked on cancel
- Able to click “Submit” to send out a request for confirmation
- Able to see a pop-up confirmation message on the screen
- Able to see the reservation in the upcoming reservation without the green check mark i.e.
waiting for approval

- Same as for user story 3

As a standard user, I need to see announcements made by the admin so that, I can educate myself for
any team reservations or announcements by admin
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to see announcements sent by Admin
- Able to scroll through the announcements
- Able to see when the announcement was made

- Announcements are not one to one from Admin – it’s admin to all
- Announcements will not have any links or hyperlink

As a standard user, I need to see announcements made by the admin so that, I can educate myself for
any team reservations or announcements by admin
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to click on the Edit button to edit follow information for individual events
o Edit the participants count
o Edit the Sport Facility
o Edit the date and time
- Able to cancel the event
o Show pop up to confirm the cancel action
o Able to confirm the action
- Able to see event cancellation confirmation as a pop up on screen

- Campus location cannot be changed in the edit functionality
- Date and time availability will be real time / last updated

User Stories – As an ADMIN

As an admin user, I need to login to the Online Booking portal so that I can perform various actions
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to login as admin
- Navigate to the landing page / dashboard post login
- Able to see various actions / sections
o Pending approvals
o Manager users
o Manage Locations & Equipment’s
o Manage Bookings

- User status is active in AD and has valid LDAP credentials
- If the user status in active, user won’t be able to login to machine at all thus login to intranet is not
- Admin console will be accessible by suffixing /admin

As an admin user, I need to see pending approvals list so that I can make a review the pending request
to draw a decision
Acceptance criteria
- Able to click on View button to see a pop up with reservation information with following fields
o Requested by – Username
o Campus Location
o Sports Facility
o Equipment Request – Yes / Null
o Comments
o Approve
 Able to click the button to approve the request
o Reject
 Able to click the button to reject the request
o Close button
 Able to click the button to close the pop-up box
- Able to approve the request from listing without opening the pop up
- Able to reject the request from listing without opening the pop up

- Only pending approval list will show up here. All approved will sit under the manage bookings tab
- Rejecting a request will delete the request from requesters screen – upcoming reservations
- Email will be sent out to the requestor in case the request is cancelled with next step
- Email will be sent out in case of approved request
- Change to the information such as Campus location, Sports facility are not permitted by the admin –
in case of changes required – admin will cancel the request and user will have to create a new one

As an admin user, I need to see the list of users so that I can make a review and make user(s) an admin
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to see an icon / link to go to manage user page from dashboard
- Able to see the list of users on the manager user screen
- Able to mark the user as ADMIN

- Only active users will show up on this list
- Status of Active is maintained in the system AD
- No Save button required
- No email to be sent out by system on this

As an admin user, I need to input Campus and Sport facility location so that I can create a new campus
with sport facility
Acceptance Criteria
- Able to see and click on the Add Campus button
- Able to input follow information on creating a campus
o Campus Name
o Address
o Ability to add / input / map sport facility at the specific campus
o <Campusname> <Sport name> <Number> - this is the naming convention to be used
- Ability to mark the sport facility as active / inactive
o Time slots doesn’t need to define, this should be system driven default to 1-hour slot with
24 slots for a day operating 24/7 including weekends
- Ability to save the campus / sport facility information
- Ability to cancel / discard the information on page – refresh back to home page of admin

Assumptions / Rules
- Each name must be unique
- Sport facility cannot be added to a location that’s inactive or when no selection is made in the
location drop down
- Data is going to populate immediately no submit button click required
As an admin user, I need to see the list of campus and sports facility so that I can edit campus or Sport
Acceptance Criteria
- Ability to see the list of facilities by selecting a campus from top drop down
- Ability to edit the list of campus by adding more or making text changes
- Ability to activate or deactivate the sporting facility or campus from the listing
- Ability to manage sport facility to campus mapping to campus locations
- Able to edit the mapping (business rules to be followed)
o If campus is deactivated for some reasons, it would stop to show up on front end for users,
therefore it would not show relative sporting facilities as well

As an admin user, I need to see the bookings made in past (individual and team) so that I can edit
review data
Acceptance Criteria

- Ability to see a consolidated list of booking made in past by individual & team
- Ability to see the status of each team booking
o Cancelled
o Rejected
o Approved
- Ability to view the details from the list
o Who booked it?
o When for
o Equipment was required
o Team / Individual
o Status

As an admin user, I need to see an option to make a booking so that I can reserve team on behalf of
Acceptance Criteria
- Ability to create a booking on behalf of someone and input follow information (for teams booking
o Requested by – Username
o Campus Location
o Sports Facility
o Equipment Request – Yes / Null
o Comments

- All reservations created by admin to be automatically considered an approved
- Individual bookings cannot be made by admin
As an admin user, I need to see an option to view and download reports so that I can analyse the data
Acceptance Criteria

- Able to navigate through the dashboard and click on Reporting tab

- Able to see following selection criteria
o By date & range
o By Campus
- Able to view the report in the admin console
- Able to see an option to download the report in CSV format


- Report can only be downloaded in CSV format

- Reporting is accessible by the Admin only

Out of Scope functional requirements

- Ability to make bookings on behalf by a standard user
- Ability to manage access via RBAC (Role based access control)
- Ability to cancel booking where the user is not organiser but participant
- Ability to accept or reject the request as participant
- User’s won’t be able to add other users to the reservations
- Users won’t be able to see other users in the team reservations
- Quantity or listing management of sports equipment
- Deleting a campus or sports facility
- Inviting members to join a reservation
- Inventory management for Equipment is not considered in the scope, this will be managed real time
by the support staff – users will be able to express whether equipment is required or not

Technology Stack
- The application is to be developed home grown in exiting language used for Intranet i.e..>NET with a
SQL Database
- Standard SAML 2.0 Authentication via Active Directory

Development Practices
Entry Criteria
- Project Kick-off
- Sign-off on BRD/FRD
- Agreement on Project Plan
- Scrum Discussions to overcome blocks on daily basis

Exit Criteria
- Project Plan
- Source Code
- Code review records
- Unit Tested code modules as per Sprint Plan
- Production deployment plan with cut over activities

Project Wireframes

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