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Literally no one wonder this pandemic will come. This pandemic stole the lives of our parents, brother,
sisters, grandparents and even our friends .It also cost the economy to drop off and it leads to a big
unemployment rate especially here in the Philippines. The virus doesn’t care if who you are,what status
in your community you belong even if your rich or poor. You are not safe. Everyody is just asking when
will this pandemic ends. But to be honest , it is in our hand, if we will follow those minimum health
standards or die .This past few months ,a lot of vaccines had been roled out without ensuring if it is 100
percent efficient and effective. Before ,a lot is confidence and excited about the vaccines because they
thought that these vaccines can really end this pandemic. But with all the news coming out about the
effectiveness and safetiness of the vaccines , a lot of people are scramming, scared and to be exact they
are not trusting the vaccines anymore. A lot had reported of being died from the vaccines and others are
experiencing severe side effects. And for me , this is the number 1 reason why those people are being
scared using vaccines. For me , I am already tired seeing people struggling and also tired with this
pandemic. This pandemic cost too much and probably will last long if and only if we will not be
disciplined enough. We people should unite, those vaccines are just secondary weapons in our fight
against Covid 19 but Unity and Care for each other are the powerful weapon we can use most especially
our faith to God. He is the creator and he had a plan and whatever it is we need to join the ride of the

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