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Course Code: 8625


Higher Education

Q.1 ‘Socio-economic development of a country depends upon higher
education’ comment on the statement with sound arguments.

Education and poverty are, paradoxically, the interconnect: if it is the former increases, the latter

So, in the social, economic, religious, cultural and indigenous peoples who are living in countries such as
Pakistan, colleges, and universities that provide education, training, and leading to advanced The
Research center has mechanisms in order to boost the country's crumbling social and economic
infrastructure. Since the 2000s, the whole of Pakistan has seen a rapid growth in the number of
institutions and universities, which is a further proof of a sharp increase in the number 32 in 2001, up to
160 in 2014.

In the 21st century, the University of the Paradigm has also been a traditional aspect of the teaching and
learning communities to create an economy and a leadership model. Education, at both undergraduate
and higher, plays an important role in the development of human capital accumulation, thus leading to
the creation of a healthy economy and a harmonious society. There is an urgent need to launch a radical
education reform, so that these problems can be resolved proactively. Below, the traffic, and is the one
that counts.

 To get started, and the ministry of education and the ministry of culture, the ministry of Finance,
the Planning Commission of the Standing Committees of the Fundamental and Technical
Education, and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan to assist the universities, both public
and private, in the establishment of on-campus, central to the partnership between the
university and society at large.
 Secondly, Pakistan is a traditional society into various demographic groups. More than 30% of
the population was living below the poverty line, of which more than 600 000 young graduates
face unemployment for each year. Therefore, colleges and universities need to develop a
technical specification for the financial support for talented people who are unable to afford
higher education.
 For the third, and for the management and efficient operation, in order to ensure interested in
commissions, universities, public sector development spending is allocated to higher education
in Pakistan, as well as relevant ministries and the planning commission, is necessary, first of all,
the 're looking for. This can be achieved through the creation of an effective business incubation
center, to promo’re looking for.
 Education should be seen as an investment in the future. The government should prioritize
spending on education, training, and research at the address: Pakistan, the social, political,
environmental, and economic problems. Universities can play an important role in this context,
the strengthening of mutual partnerships with other higher education organizations, and
community centers in order to identify real-world problems.
 And last, but not least, the role of the universities, executives, managers, and leaders, is
essential for the control of our universities, and in the right direction. The higher Education
Commission of Pakistan (HECP), for example, to start a university leadership and management
programme in order to build the university's capacity to manage the cooperation with leading
educational institutions around the world.

Functions of the University:

The functions of the university are to:

 Provide the training and education of the campus.

 Provide the necessary conditions for the conduct of research and to justify its implementation.
 On encourage the promotion and development of knowledge, as well as its application in the
public sector, the ministry of industry, commerce, and society.
 See to it that the education, training, courses, or training, the levels of achievement the Council
considers to be appropriate in order to meet the needs of the society.;
 Provide facilities and resources for the well-being of the University's staff, students, and the
courses at the University.
 On the use, for commercial purpose that is of benefit to the University, an item, or as a resource
for the University, including, for example, in the teaching, research, knowledge, or practice, to
study, to study, or to the knowledge of belonging to the University, whether alone or in
conjunction with one another, and the
 On, in order to carry out any other tasks assigned to the University, in accordance with a Law,
regulation or administrative Action.

Q.2 Explain the ways used for financing higher education.

The funding of higher education and training
How education is funded, it will affect the scope and nature of educational programs, to the
composition of the student body , the style, the educational institution, the scope, level and nature of
the course, the course that is being offered, and, in fact, a very high level of the quality of teaching and
research in higher education. In other words, no matter what are the objectives of educational decision-
making, how education is funded, will have an impact on the means to achieve them.

There are different approaches or ways to the financing of higher education:

1. The funding of the organization
The control measures, in addition to the funds allocated to the institutions of higher education, can
influence the impact of higher education. We're going to walk you through one of the controls.

First, the results of the virement of the decision on the award of grants to educational institutions,

On the other, and give the money to the company, in the form of royalty payments, rather than on a
periodic contributions.

An institution is the incremental solution can be to switch funds from one activity to another. So, for
example, if a university receives a grant, part of which is based on the amount of the cost of science
education, and then find some reason to the needs of the science of the money, or committing to any
other business, it is of a higher value, it can be free to switch the costs of this action.

2. Loans
In many parts of the world, particularly in Scandinavia, and North America. The credit system was
introduced for the students of higher educational institutions. Just like in other countries, Pakistan,
India, the United Kingdom, there are features of student loans in higher education institutions. Just like
in other countries, Pakistan, India, the United Kingdom, there are features of student loans in higher
education institutions. These ideas have led to a lively discussion that both the proponents and the
opponents of the system use the argument of efficiency and equity, in order to support his / her
position. Economic analysis can help to clarify the argument, and thereby help to inform the organizer in
connection with the decision of the advantages and disadvantages of applying the credit system.

Suggest ways to minimize wastage of resources in higher education in

Higher education is faced with great challenges, such as economic, social, political, and intellectual
changes, and its future depends on people's responses to these challenges.

The main problems in the field of higher education and training:

 In spite of its limited resources, the quantitative growth of the lot of impressive period of
independence. Educational institutions do not only breed, but also the arrival of the college, and
university students have been shown to be only a high rate of growth.

 The development of a society depends on the quantity of the goods and services produced in
the world, but also to their quality. "This leads back to an improvement in the quality of life of
the people, and for society as a whole"
The Student's concern
 One of the problems of higher education is the most crucial part of the fight against the
student's concerns. Bailey (1987) points out, "Public higher education in the universities and
institutions of higher education are not sufficient, in the eyes of students.

The Emotional Integration

 Education and training can play an important role in the strengthening of the emotional
integration. It is likely that the training should be focused, not a transfer of knowledge, and the
development of all aspects of the personality of the student

Administrative reforms
 Over the last fifteen years, Pakistan has been to raise the profile of university affairs (Adeeb,
1996). Abdullah (1992) observed "They told us that, in spite of the existing resources, the
expansion of the University, and they are not in the best results having been achieved."

Education and training policy

 The teachers are primarily responsible for the establishment of guidelines for the education and
training of the department of education. Baby (Child, 1990), stated that, "If this is the
responsibility of, and, in order to determine the nature of the business, it has to be expressed in
terms of the law governing Council of the ecb."

The Academic freedoms

 The right to academic freedoms must be reported to the faculty, researchers, and students who
are able to carry out their functions. Gibbons (Gibbons, 1998) is investigated, and the Freedom
of the colleges and universities that do business use, in the studies where the scale of wages,
salaries, and all the scholars to a decision."

Q.3 Elucidate the nature and significance of continuing education.


Nature and significance:

The concept of "lifelong learning", which means " to further the field of lifelong learning, in formal
education and training, and for longer, which means that it is a very common way to find out. For
example, you may want to use an individual's personal experience of the environment. According to
Collins (2009), the lifelong learning programme began with a Drive, who saw education as a life-long
learning is the key to the principle of lifelong learning.

Duiff (1999) agree that the field of lifelong learning (LLL) is the most commonly used term in the
dictionary and define it as any kind of training or education that extends or improves on the previous
experience or knowledge. This also means that all of the actions and activities for the students to
enhance their knowledge and skills in order to meet the needs that arise in the workplace or in their
area of interest.

Literature review working with the education and training to the terms of use of the continuing
education (CE), professional development, and lifelong learning is the same, the value of attention to
the development of the individuals/employees/professionals, based on a certain amount of education
or training in order to succeed in the organization, or individuals. In the Xx-th century, scholars, and
teachers pay more attention to the continuing education and training, and so he did. There is a growing
demand for UNIVERSAL, and get the necessary skills, which challenged the perceptions of the previous
educational institution and created the opportunities for both professional and personal improvement.
In today's context, there are a lot of reasons that justify the need for further education, for example,
rapid changes in technology, increased global competition, and in order to meet the needs of different
groups of the population, and the demand for new skills.

According to Fleming (Fleming, 1997), development and learning, the need to feel more important to
the adults, as there are very few adults with opportunities, education and training, employment
agencies, and if there is one, it's too informal. What to do in an individual's later life is much more
complicated and time-consuming. It is the fastest in the world at the time, the money is counted, as an
experienced person; it can save your time by using just the right amount of time. For this reason, one of
the industrial companies, are also more likely to be in constant and continuous learning.

Highlight the role of technology in expansion of continuing education in


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