Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Teacher Education Anthony D'Silva - Paper

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Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Teacher Education:

Effective sets of tools for learning
Anthony D’Silva, Notre Dame Institute of Education Pakistan
Fouzia Nawaz, Notre Dame Institute of Education Pakistan
Zeeshan Paul, Notre Dame Institute of Education Pakistan

Abstract: Currently in teacher education in Pakistan, the concept of Information and Communications Technology
(ICT) has become one of the sets of tools for teaching and learning whereby the mere objective is to promote creativity
among the student teachers. Guderya’s, (2004) research is an example of how the integration of computers can be a
means of improving teaching and learning within a Pakistani schools system. Her research supports the positions that
for an effective use of ICT students have to see it demonstrated and be encouraged to acquire information through a
variety of tools for learning. This implies that the role of teachers is more that of a facilitator rather than information
provider. Besides the traditional application of skills development, ICT has objectives to achieve which encompass the
constructivist mode of learning in which the learner makes conscious efforts to assemble and make meaning of the
knowledge presented at hand (Roblyer, Edwards & Havriluk, 1997). The following paper focuses on the practical
application of ICT in its B.Ed and M.Ed courses at Notre Dame Institute of Education (NDIE). The staff and students
at NDIE have been using different modes and skills that encompass ICT strategies these includes such as multimedia
presentations, MS Publishers, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash and blogging on the net and so on.


This paper shares experiences with ICT based teaching which has provided an opportunity for
enriched learning experiences for student-teachers and the faculty. Student-teachers from all over
Pakistan are studying at NDIE and belong to public and private schools. The courses offered at
NDIE include Certificate in Education, Bachelor of Education, International Graduate Certificate
in Education and Master of Education (Karachi University & Australian Catholic University).
This implies greater challenge for the faculty to cater to their individual needs as students’ ICT
competence varies from person to person and the schools they come from. Therefore to cater to
their individual needs is at the same time a challenge and an implication for teacher education. The
Computer Curriculum Studies unit designed at NDIE helps them to experience with ICT, which is
revised each year to ensure it is up-to-date with new technological advancement.

NDIE is committed to raising the standards of education in Pakistan. It sees as its primary
responsibility equipping students with knowledge of new technologies so that they can become
self-directed learners and contribute to the creation of a national environment where both equity
and diversity are honoured.

In order to strive for its mission, the Board of Governors and faculty of NDIE ensure that better
facilities and an encouraging environment are to be provided for all its student-teachers. Today,

ICT is one of the sets of the learning tools that are being used at NDIE by the students and the
faculty. The Intel Pakistan has started a Master Trainer Program, “Teach to the Future” for the
professional development of the faculty and NDIE as institutional member of Intel, is endeavoring
to adopt with relevant adaptations across B.Ed curriculum. Its objective is to train the faculty to
enhance student teachers’ creativity beyond the walls of the classroom and ultimately move them
towards life-long learning..

In terms of facilities, NDIE holds well equipped computer lab with Pentium IV, 22 desktop
computers and two lap tops for classroom presentations by the students. Through local area
connection (LAN) administration all the PCs in the computer lab, main office, staffroom and
library are connected through a server whereby data from one PC can be transferred to another PC,
folders of students and the faculty is managed from any computer terminal. This provides students
with an opportunity to experience the technology and its effective use for enhancing their skills
with ICT. For example students use the internet for research on specific topics and send their
assignments to the faculty members through email attachments.

All students graduating from NDIE complete a unit on Computer Curriculum Studies (CCS),
which is designed to focus on teaching of the use of ICT as a teaching and learning resource. The
main components of CCS comprise what and how of teaching, the use of multimedia software
such as MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop, Flash, MS Movie Maker and MS Publisher.
Application of the content of the unit to practical means, the use of computer software is part of
day to day feature of teaching and learning as NDIE encourages student-teachers to apply their
learning of computer and ICT by preparing assignments on computer, designing PowerPoint
presentation, research variety of topics, prepare colourful soft board displays, design newsletters
on MS Publisher and so on.

One NDIE B.Ed-IGCE graduate and also current M.Ed student has developed flash based software
which explains the steps involved in calculating the measures of central tendency, of students’
scores, class mark sheet etc which is a part of their evaluation and measurement course. This
programme takes input from the user in the key fields such as mid value and frequency. So, the
user is actually involved in finding out the required answer and not totally depending on the

programme. By following the standard algorithm, students (the users) reinforce the steps involved
in reaching the conclusions.

Currently he is working on a Flash-based game which aims at improving students’ referencing

skills. The game comprises multiple levels of difficulty, as the user qualifies at one stage of the
game he/she reaches the advanced and more challenging level. For example, easy (beginners)
levels of the game ask the user to select the required fields for referencing a book. On the other
hand, an advanced level of the game requires the users to actually find the mistakes from the given
references on the computer screen.

Besides this, the M.Ed students are learning to use the SPSS programme in their research studies
unit for collected data. The M.Ed students from the batch 2006 – 2007, as part of their Graduate
Professional Experience (GPE) Unit, have constructed, designed and uploaded on to the NDIE web
page, some interactive resources for teachers to access for their professional development. These
resources are related to Learning Disabilities, Teaching of Urdu, and Assessment as a Means to
Learning. The NDIE web site is the product of the designing skills of an NDIE graduate.

Use of ICT as one of the sets of tools for effective learning among student-teachers is supported by
Lockard, Adams, and Many (1994) who opine that the quality of teaching through technology-
based classrooms is one the many challenges faced by teachers within the present scenario of
technological world. Technology-rich classrooms have shifted the role of the teacher from
information provider to information facilitator. The new technologies together with sophisticated
interactive and participative multimedia software require a radical change in the approach to
teaching and learning in the classrooms.

The ICT component of the graduate programmes at NDIE is an enriched learning experience for
the faculty and the student-teachers. There is evidence that students have enhanced their creativity
through their involvement in tasks based on ICT. During their classroom presentations, and also in
their teaching practicum, students incorporate the educational software available at NDIE to
develop their assignments, presentations, projects, educational posters, research, lesson plans and

the teaching aids by using the particular software effectively. In addition, at M.Ed level students
employ ICT tools for research analysis and locating local and foreign literature.
The students use interactive software’s such as the DK Multimedia products, GCSE
software’s etc. in all fields of general science, mathematics, and economics. The students use
these software’s in their class presentations and in doing their assignments.

To enable better understanding of the teaching-learning interplay, some of the animated versions
of ‘learning theories’ (in Psychology) are being used. These theories enhance the individual
student’s pace of learning as well as provide them better and thorough understanding of their
students in the future.

The challenge for teacher educators and the student-teacher is the use of ICT tools effectively as its
use is time consuming in terms of planning and presentation. At NDIE, ICT is found to be one of
the most effective sets of tools for long-term learning of concepts in science, mathematics and
commerce and so on. Because of the fact that learner gets involved in the content presented
through animations, sound and videos it is assured that the interest of the learner is retained.

For Planned Future Development, NDIE’s web development team aims to provide an online forum
where its graduates will be able to post their queries and obtain valuable suggestions from the
faculty and other colleagues. This will build on the learning network of students and teacher.


Goderya-Sheikh, F. (2004). An investigation of the opinion of the government school

teachers versus private school teachers regarding the factors inhibiting the
advancement of secondary school students learning outcomes through computer assisted
learning. Unpublished Master Thesis, University of Karachi, Karachi Sindh, Pakistan.

Henderson, M. V. (2003). New Literacies, Standard and Teacher Education. Retrieved

September 2007 from

Lockard, J., Adams P. D. & Many, W. A. (1994,). Microcomputers For Twenty-First Century
Educators. 3rd ed. New York: HarperCollins College.

Roblyer, M.D., Edwards, J., & Havriluk, M.A. (1997). Integrating educational technology
into teaching. New Jersey: Merrill.

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