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BS (4 Yeears) for Aff

ffiliated Collleges

Codde Subbject Title Cr. Hrs S

MATH-407 Rin
ng Theory 3 VII
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Matthematics


Ring Theeory

• Construction
C of new rings
• Direct
D sums, polynomial rings
• Matrix
M rings
• Divisors,
D unitts and associiates
• Unique
U factorrisation dom
• Principal ideaal domains anda Euclideaan domains
Field Exttensions

• Algebraic and
A d transcendeental elementts
• D
Degree of exttension
• A
Algebraic exttensions
• R
Reducible andd irreduciblee polynomiaals
• R
Roots of poly

mended Book

• I. N. Herstein, Topics in Alggebra, (Xeroxx Publishingg Company Mass,

M 1972)
• B. Haartley and T. O. Hauvkes, Rings, Moodules and Linear
L Algebbra, (Chapmaann and Hall
• Ltd., London, 19770)
• R. B. Allenly, Rin
ngs, Fields and
a Groups:A An Introducction to Absttract Algebraa, (Edward
• Arnold, 1985)
• J. Rose, A Course on Rings Theory,
T (Cam
mbridge Uniiversity Presss, 1978)
• G. Biirkhoff and S.
S Maclane, A Survey off Modern Allgebra, (Maccmillan, New w York, 19644)

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