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At the end of this module you will be able to:

1. identify hazards and risks in the workplace;

2. familiarize OHS signs and symbols; and
3. discuss personal hygiene and proper handwashing.

What’s In

Directions: Choose the letter of your answer and write it in your TLE notebook.
1. What is the proper way of storing tools and equipment?
A. wash and dry properly before storing
B. store them far from the point of use
C. store knives with the sharp edge up
D. place the dishes anywhere you want
2. Why are tools and equipment needed to be stored properly?
A. to avoid accidents B. to impress the customers
C. to have a good income D. to create a good atmosphere
3. Where are you going to store the knife?
A. in the sink the oven
C. in the drawer the baking pan
4. Which of the following is not a proper way of storing things?
A. Have a designated place for each kind of tools
B. Put frequently used item far from the point of use
C. Cutting board should be stored vertically to avoid moisture collection
D. Do not overcrowd storage area
5. Which part of the kitchen you will place an electrical equipment?
A. near the faucet B. inside the drawer
C. under the table D. beside the door

What’s New

Activity 1. Directions: Describe the images below. Choose your answer from the
words in the box. Write the letter of the correct answer.

A. Tools are not properly kept.

B. The floor is slippery.
C. The man is not careful in handling the ingredient.
D. The foods are not covered on the table.
1. 2.

3. 4.

What is it?
● Definition of Terms

Hazard. It is something that can cause harm.

Risk. It is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm.
Workplace. It is a place where people work.
Injury. It is a damage or harm of the structure or function of the body caused by an
outside force, which may be physical or chemical.
PPE or Personal Protective Equipment. It is a protective clothing, hairnet, face mask,
gloves or other suits or equipment designed to protect the person’s body free from
infection or injury.
Quality standard. It is a set of exact specifications to become a source of action.
Sanitation. It is the practice or way to create a place that promotes good health.
Anatomical. It is relating to bodily structure.
Physiological. It is relating to the way in which bodily part functions.
Psychological. It is relating to the mental and emotional condition of a person.
Stress. It is the body’s way of responding to any kind of demand.
There are many sources of workplace hazards. Examples are electricity,
chemicals, working up a ladder, noise, a bully at work, stress, etc. that has the ability to
cause harm or damage the health of a person in a particular situation.
Types of workplace hazards:

1. Safety hazards. It has a lacking and insufficient machine locks, unsafe workplace
situations, unsafe work practices.
(slippery floor surface )

(tripping on electrical cord)

2. Biological hazards. It is caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and


(mixed foods inside the refrigerator) (pandemic outbreak)

3. Chemical hazards. They are solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous materials, dust or fumes.
(Disinfectant sprays, pest sprays)

(bleach, dishwashing liquid)

(chemical injected in a dressed chicken)

4. Ergonomic hazards. It is an anatomical, physiological, and psychological demands

on the worker, such as repetitive and strong movements, vibration, high temperatures,
and incorrect postures arising from improper work techniques and improperly designed
working areas and tools.

(wrong body posture in lifting)

(improper handling of equipment)

5. Physical hazards. It has something to do with noise, vibration, energy, weather,

electricity, radiation and pressure.

(wet floor)

(too much pressure in the blender)

6. Psychological hazards. Those that are mainly causing stress to a worker. This
kind of hazard extremely bothers an individual which affects his health or well-

(unhealthy relationship with co-workers)

(pressure from work

Examples of hazard in the workplace

Hazard in the Workplace Hazard Example Harm Caused To People

1. Object or thing Paring knife Cut/wound
2. Source of energy Electricity Electrical shock
3. Condition Wet floor Slips or falls
4. Substance Benzene (widely used Leukemia
industrial chemical)

Risk is the possibility of something bad happening. It may also apply to situations
with property or equipment loss. For example: Having a vacation in the place during a

The following are factors that influence the level of risk:

1. exposure to any hazardous situation
2. exposure to pollution
3. serious effects on the state of exposure

Examples of safety measures or actions in a given situations

Hazards Risks Safety Measures/Actions

1. Manual handling of ●Back injury ●Remind and teach
hand tool such as ●Repetitive strain workers of correct carrying
knives, mortar and and lifting process
pestle, electric mixer
2. Incorrectly carrying ●Back injury ●Remind and teach
and lifting heavy ●Repetitive strain workers of the correct way
things of the correct way of lifting
process. Tasks rotation
3. Repetitive ●Back or limb injury ●Remind and teach
movements, bending ●Repetitive strain workers of the correct way
and awkward of lifting process. Task
working positions rotation
4. Trip hazards ●Injury ●Let workers know and
take away trip hazards
before starting to work

What is an adverse health effect?

A general definition of adverse health effect is "any change in body function or
the structures of cells that can lead to disease or health problems".

Here are the following adverse health effects.

 Physical injury
 Disease
 Decrease in life span solvents
 Effects on children, grandchildren, etc. (inheritable genetic effects)
 Effects on the ability to accommodate additional stress
● Change in the way the body functions, grows, or develops
 Effects on a developing fetus (teratogenic effects - disturbs the
development of the fetus, fetotoxic effects -poisonous effect to the

What’s More

Activity 2. Self- Assessment

A. Directions: Identify the following workplace hazards according to its type.
Choose the letter of your answer and write it in your TLE notebook.

A. Safety hazards D. Ergonomic hazards

B. Biological hazards E. Physical hazards
C. Chemical hazards F. Psychological hazards

_______ 1. Causing stress to a worker

_______ 2. Unsafe work practices/conditions
_______ 3. Noise, vibration, energy, weather, electricity, radiation and
_______ 4. Solid, liquid, vapor or gaseous materials, dust, fume or mist
_______ 5. Caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and
_______ 6. Incorrect postures arising from improper work techniques

B. Directions: Identify what is ask. Choose your answer from the words inside the box.

Hazard Injury
Workplace Fetotoxic

_______________ 7. A place where people work.

_______________ 8. Damage or harm of the structure or function of the body
caused by an outside force, which may be physical or chemical.
_______________ 9. Something that can cause harm.
_______________ 10. Poisonous effect to the fetus.



What’s New

Activity 1.Directions: Describe the images below. Choose your answer from
the words in the box.

signs and symbols storing techniques

hazards and risks workplace area

1. 2. 3. 4.

What is it

Occupational Health and Safety or OHS is an interdisciplinary area pertaining

to protecting the safety, health and well-being of people undertaking the work. The goal
of all occupational health and safety programs is to promote a safe workplace.

Signs or symbols of OHS in the workplace:

Safety signs are used to identify, warn and help workers to avoid accidents in the
workplace or on the road.

Safety signs consist words, messages and pictorial symbols with various shapes,
size and colors.

Sign colors definition:

Red color. It states immediate hazardous situations that may result to death or
other serious injuries like Danger signs and Fire symbols.

Orange Color. It represents a possibly unsafe condition that can cause serious
injury and is indicated by Warning signs.

Yellow color. It is used to alert on unsafe practices, which if can’t be avoided,

may results in minor or moderate injuries like Caution Signs.

Green color. It indicates the emergency exit location, first aids and other safety

Blue color. It is used to give safety information.

What’s More
Activity 2. Self-Check

A. Directions. Choose the answer from the box below. Write your answer in your

Safety signs Green color Yellow Color

Red color OHS Hazards

_______________ 1. It is an interdisciplinary area pertaining to protecting the

safety, health and well-being of people undertaking the work.
_______________ 2. The alert signs that help in giving safety information.
_______________ 3. States immediate hazardous situations that may result to
death or other serious injuries like Danger Signs and Fire
_______________ 4. It indicates the emergency exit location, first aids and other
safety equipment.
_______________ 5. It is used to alert people on unsafe practices, which if can’t
be avoided, may results in minor or moderate injuries like
Caution Signs.

B. Directions: Identify the following color signs according to its definition. Write
only the letter of your answer.

A. B. C. D. E.

_____ 6. Safety information

_____ 7. Danger signs
_____ 8. Caution signs
_____ 9. Serious injuries
_____ 10. Safety equipment



What’s New
Have you experience eating without washing your hands? What happened?

What is it?
Personal hygiene is a health practice or habit that helps an individual maintain its
good physical condition. This means maintaining yourself clean to avoid harmful
bacteria most especially in the preparation of food.

Good personal hygiene habits:

1. Washing the body often will help remove your body odor.
2. Regularly wash and trim your hair to maintain a neat and tidy appearance.
3. Wash hands with soap and water before preparing or handling any food so that
disease causing germs may not get onto your hands. If the germs are not
washed off before eating or handling the food, germs may get onto the food.
4. Trim your nails especially if your work is in the food service.
5. Wear proper attire at work. Do not wear loose clothes when working. Make sure
your aprons are also clean.
6. Do not work with food when your hands have a cut or infection. It may lead to
food poisoning.
7. Don’t smoke while preparing or handling food as ashes may get into the food.
8. Wear PPE at all time. It keeps you and the food safe at all times.
9. Use a separate towel or cloth in drying dishes, wiping work surfaces, and in
wiping your hands.
10. Visit your dentist at least once a year. Dentist can correct any dental problems
you may have.

Proper Handwashing

Handwashing prevents the spread of diseases and illnesses. Washing hands

with soap removes germs from our hands. This will help prevent the spread of

Right way in washing your hands:

1. Wet hands with clean running water and apply it with soap.

2. Rub and scrub your hands properly making sure that you scrub your palms, back
of your hands, between your fingers, under your nails, and in your wrists.

3. Continue rubbing for at least 20 seconds or you are to sing a “Happy Birthday
Song two times (2X)”.
4. Rinse hands properly under running water.

5. Dry hands using a clean towel or air dry.

What’s More

Activity 2. Self-Check
A. Directions: Number the right way of handwashing in the correct order.
Use numbers 1 to 5. Write your below/
________ Dry hands using a clean towel or air dry.
________ Continue rubbing for at least 20 seconds or you are to sing a “Happy
Birthday Song two times (2X)”.
________ Rub and scrub your hands properly making sure that you scrub your
palms, back of your hands, between your fingers, under your nails,
and in your wrists.
________ Wet hands with clean running water and apply it with soap.
________ Rinse hands properly under running water.
What I Have Learned

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct and write F if it is wrong.

_____ 1. You are to visit the dentist at least twice a year.

_____ 2. Smoking while preparing foods is good to make a good taste.
_____ 3. Washing the body often helps remove body odor.
_____ 4. You have to wear Personal Protective Equipment at all times.
_____ 5. Use the same towels in wiping the work surfaces and in wiping your


Now, that you are finished accomplishing the module, let us check what you have

Directions: Answer the questions/statements given below by writing the letter of

the correct answer.

1. It states immediate hazardous situations that will cause death or other serious
injuries like Danger signs and Fire symbols.

A. Red color B. Blue color

C. Yellow color D. Green color

2. This has something to do with noise, vibration, energy, weather, electricity, radiation
and pressure.
A. Chemical hazards B. Ergonomic hazards
C. Physical hazards D. Biological hazards

3. The decrease in life span is an example of a:

A. Signs and symbols in the workplace
B. Adverse health effects
C. psychological effects
D. Occupational health and safety

4. It is a damage or harm of the structure or function of the body caused by an outside

force, which may be physical or chemical.
A. Injury B. Risks
C. Handwashing D. Safety
5. It is an improper work techniques and improperly designed working areas, tools, and
A. Safety hazards B. Physical hazards
C. Ergonomic hazards D. Biological hazards

6. Which is not an adverse health effects?

A. Mortality rate B. Bodily injury
C. Effects on children D. Change in body functions
7. It is something that can cause harm.
A. Risks B. Hazards
C. Equipment D. Injury

8. Those are hazards that basically cause stress to a worker.

A. Safety hazards B. Physical hazards
C. Ergonomic hazards D. Psychological hazards

9. It is the lacking and insufficient machine locks, unsafe workplace situations, unsafe
work practices.
A. Safety hazards B. Physical hazards
C. Ergonomic hazards D. Biological hazards

10. The following are examples of hazards EXCEPT:

A. Knife B. Wet floor
C. Food D. Electricity

11. It is caused by organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

A. Ergonomic hazards B. Safety hazards
C. Biological hazards D. Physical hazards

12. The following are the types of workplace hazards EXCEPT:

A. Physical B. Social
C. Ergonomic D. Chemical

13. It indicates the emergency exit location, first aids and other safety equipment.
A. Red color B. Blue color
C. Yellow color D. Green color

14. It is an awkward postures resulting from improper work methods

A. Safety hazards B. Physical hazards
C. Ergonomic hazards D. Psychological hazards

15. It is the chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm.
A. Risks B. Hazards
C. Equipment D. Injury

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