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Weeks 16-18, Sessions 46-54 Upon completing the lesson, students will be able to:
o Application 355 min LO37: Develop marketing tools;
o Review & Second Periodical 180 min LO38: Effectively negotiate and make deals with
Examination (Practical Examination) 5 min customers;
o iLS/eLMS LO39: Create reports that measures success of
TOTAL 540 min business performance; and
iLS/eLMS Activities 120 min LO40: Evaluate effectivity of business plan.
(Sessions 51 & 54)
eLMS Assessment 90 min
(Session 48)


o Computer  Inform the class that they will be using their eLMS
o LCD projector account in completion of the activity
o Files: 07 Culminating Activity requirements for the subject.
 07 Activity 1.pdf
 07 LCD Slides 1.ppsx
 iLS Guide for Instructors.pdf
 iLS Guide for Students.pdf
o Software requirements
 MS PowerPoint

I. SHS-iLS Expo
180 min SHS-iLS Expo
1. Present the outline of activities for this lesson on Slide 1 of 07 LCD Slides 1. This
activity will happen on Week 16, Session 48.

Steps 2-6
Activity: iLS Activity
Learning Objectives: LO37, LO38, & LO39

2. Refer to iLS Guide for Instructors for the instructions and rubric in this activity. Invite
two (2) other teachers to judge the different criteria on the rubric.
3. Remind the class to have 15 customers answer the survey form given on week 15
iLS/eLMS activity, and collect the forms afterwards for the sake of evaluation.
4. To promote collaborative learning in SHS classes, the iLS for this applied subject may
be merged or “threaded” with the following courses:
a. For TVL Track, ICT Strand – Computer & Communications Technology:
Empowerment Technologies; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion;
Broadband Technology; and Computer Networks
b. For TVL Track, ICT Strand – IT in Mobile App & Web Development:
Empowerment Technologies and Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion
c. For TVL Track, ICT Strand – Digital Arts:
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions; Empowerment
Technologies: ICT; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion; Digital Video
& Audio Production; and 3D Modelling

07 Culminating Activity (Instructor’s Guide) *Property of STI

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d. For TVL Track, IA Strand – Consumer Electronics:

Empowerment Technologies; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion;
Mobile Technology; and Broadband Technology
e. For TVL Track, HE Strand – Culinary Arts:
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions; Empowerment
Technologies; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion; Catering
Management & Control System; and Introduction to Bread & Pastry
f. For TVL Track, HE Strand – Hotel Operations and Tourism Operations:
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions; Empowerment
Technologies; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion; and Tour Guiding &
g. For TVL Track, HE Strand – Restaurant & Bar Operations:
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions; Empowerment
Technologies; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion; Coffee
Concoctions; and Wine Service Management
h. For Academic Track, STEM Strand – Science, Technology, Engineering &
Empowerment Technologies and Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion.
i. For Academic Track, ABM Strand – Accountancy, Business & Management:
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions; Empowerment
Technologies; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion; Applied
Economics; Business Ethics & Social Responsibility; and Work
Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity.
j. For Academic Track, GA Strand – General Academic:
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions; Empowerment
Technologies; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion; Applied
Economics; and Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating
k. For Academic Track, HUMMS Strand – Humanities & Social Sciences:
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions; Empowerment
Technologies; Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion; Trends, Networks,
and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century; Community Engagement,
Solidarity and Leadership; and Work Immersion/Research/Career
Advocacy/Culminating Activity.
5. To facilitate the smooth integration of various disciplines in the curriculum, the iLS
student groupings in this subject and the said courses should also be the same -- with
subject teachers cooperating for instruction across content areas and coordinating
assessment of student output based on specific skills/disciplines. Collaboration and
integration will benefit:
a. You/other teachers in leveraging available resources and learning opportunities;
b. Your students in making connections between their subjects;
c. You/other teachers in scheduling and not assigning too much iLS
homework/activity; and
d. Your students in knowing that you/their teachers are aware of what they are
learning in other classes.
6. In preparation for the Reflection/Processing of SHS-iLS Expo (Final Conference of
the Businesses of the Future Program – My First Business Plan), each group should
answer 07 Activity 1, and submit completed income statement which covers
business transactions from week 10. Refer to Page 4 of the iLS Guide for
Instructors for the rubric.

Transition: Proceed to the Next Activity.

Institutional Outcomes: Character, Change Adept, Communicator, Critical Thinker

07 Culminating Activity (Instructor’s Guide) *Property of STI

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II. Reflection/Processing of SHS-iLS Expo

175 min Reflection/Processing of SHS-iLS Expo

Steps 1-3
Activity: Reflection
Learning Objective: LO40

1. Host the Final Conference of the Businesses of the Future Program – My First
Business Plan and invite two (2) other guest teachers.
2. Show Slides 2-5 Recognize the following groups:
a. Most Favored Business by Customers – Group with the highest average score for
the four (4) customer satisfaction indicators
b. Best in Sales – Group with the highest sales
c. Best in Marketing Tools – Group with the best poster, brochure, packaging, or
other promotional materials that allure public to acquire their products/services.
d. Highest Net Profit – Group with highest net profit (refer to the income statement)

3. Show Slides 6-7 and have an open class discussion about the questions therein. You
may add questions.

Transition: Proceed to the next activity.

Institutional Outcomes: Character, Change Adept, Communicator, Critical Thinker

180 min Review/Second Periodical Examination (Practical Examination)
1. Review the students on Session 52, of Week 18 for the incoming practical examination.
Allot the whole session for the review.
2. Keep in mind that Session 53 is intended for the practical examination.

Transition: Proceed to the next activity.

Institutional Outcomes: Character, Change Adept, Communicator, Critical Thinker

07 Culminating Activity (Instructor’s Guide) *Property of STI

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5 min Weeks 16-18
1. Show Slide 8 and instruct the groups in the iLS activity to log in to their eLMS
accounts and access the module 07 Culminating Activity.

2. Instruct them to do the following activities:

a. Forecasting
b. My Contribution

Institutional Outcomes: Character, Change Adept, Communicator, Critical Thinker

Morato, E. (2016). Entrepreneurship. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
Learn4u. (2008, March 15). Eureka junior – my first business plan. Retrieved from

07 Culminating Activity (Instructor’s Guide) *Property of STI

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