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English Class



1. Months​: February, June
2. Seasons​: winter
3. Years​: 2004
4. Times of day​: the morning, the afternoon, the evening (not night)
5. Dates​: March 1st
6. Days​: Tuesday, New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day
7. Times​: 6 o’clock, half past two, 7.45
8. Festival Periods​: Christmas, Easter, night, the weekend


1. Countries and cities​: France, Paris
2. Rooms​: the kitchen
3. Buildings​: a shop, a museum
4. Closed spaces​: a park, a garden, a car

5. Transport​: a bike, a bus, a train, a plane, a ship (not a car)
6. A surface​: the floor, a table, a shelf, the balcony, the roof, the wall
School, home, university, the airport, the station, a bus stop, a party, the door
Exercise 1:
In /on /at
1. I often listen to music __ my car.
2. __ my room I have a poster ___ the wall and a photo of my parents ___ the table by my
3. My family are from Zurich, but they live __ Munich.
4. She lives ___ the city centre.
5. There’s some sugar ___ the shelf __ the cupboard.
6. They swam ___ the sea and then went for a walk ___ the park.
7. There’s a Post Office __ the end of this road, ___ the corner of Old Street.

Exercise 2:
1. I hate driving ___ night, getting up early __ the morning, and working ___ weekends.
2. Our flight leaves ___ Monday at 7.30 ___ the evening and arrives ___ midday ___
3. We have an exam ___ Friday afternoon.
4. In most countries, banks and offices are closed ___ Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
5. Computers were invented ___ the 20th century.
6. Albert Einstein was born ___ 14 March 1879 in Germany, and he died ___ 1955 in the
7. ___ Easter we went to Italy, and we’re going again __ the summer, probably the first two
weeks ___ August.
Stay at home - ficar em casa
Sunset - pôr do sol
Busy - ocupado
Meat - carne
Unusual - incomum
Take my time - tome meu tempo / não tenho pressa
Popular - popular
Beach - praia

Exercise 3:
1. The secretary is very _______ - she has a lot of work.
2. That restaurant is _______ because the food is good.
3. The opposite of “usual” is _______.
4. I like to __________! I don’t like to be in a hurry.
5. In the summer I go to the _____ every day.
6. I love the ______, when the sky is orange and red.
7. Vegetarians don’t eat _____.
8. I don’t want to go out tonight. I want to __________.

Vocabulary 2

Sleep like a rock - Dormir como uma pedra (profundo?)

Night owl - Coruja da noite
Subconscious - Subconsciente
Insomnia - Insônia
Early Bird - Madrugador
Sleepwalk - Sonambular

Exercise 4:
1. If it is hard to wake you up, it means you __________.
2. I think I’m a __________, my energy peak is at 10 pm.
3. Some people believe that dreams are messages from our __________.
4. I try not to stay in bed when I have _________. I usually go for a walk or read a book.
5. I don’t have problems with waking up at 6 am for work - I’m an _________.
6. I don’t invite friends to stay overnight because I __________, and they might be scared.

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