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Brewing Manual

Keroche Brewery

Issued by: Brewers Date Reviewed: 12 June 2017 Document ref: KRCH-Brew-306
Approved by: Brewmaster Revision No: 1 Draft
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1. Purpose
Describes how the mashing process is carried out to achieve saccharification, liquefaction and
the correct degree of fermentability in the wort

2. Scope
This procedure applies to Process from the mash tun vessel to transferring into Lauter Tun. The
Brewmaster is responsible for the recipe and the mashing process is carried out by the Brewer.

3. References
Suppliers manual.

4. Definitions
Saccharification: This is the process of breaking down complex carbohydrates into fermentable
Saccharified Mash: mash containing fermentable sugars
Fermentability: Measures the degree to which the wort can be fermented by yeast. Higher
fermentability will give lower attenuation limit
Attentuation limit: the lowest PG that wort can be fermented to with a particular strain of yeast
5. Process overview
The mash, which is a mixture of grist and warm water at a specified temperature are
transferred to the mash vessel. Salts and acid are then added as per brand requirement to
give optimum conditions. The mash is then put through a controlled program where there are
defined temperatures and holding times. During this process, enzymes are active and malt
carbohydrates are saccharified and bought into solution. The exact times and temperatures
can be adjusted by the Brewmaster to control the fermentability of the wort. The total time in
mash vessel is as per Brewing process Specification. The whole process is controlled by a
SCADA system.

6. Safety precautions and PPE

Safety shoes, safety goggles, ear plugs, Safety gloves, Dust masks

7. Checks prior to process

7.1 Brewmaster provides the recipe to be followed as per Brewing plan
7.2 Check if all drainage valves between Millstar and mash vessel are closed
7.3 Ensure availability of steam, required quantity of grist: hot water ratio.
7.4 Do not mash in if it likely that the Lauter Tun will be unavailable in 2 hours time (and so
delay transfer of mash from Mash Vessel)
Brewing Manual
Keroche Brewery

Issued by: Brewers Date Reviewed: 12 June 2017 Document ref: KRCH-Brew-306
Approved by: Brewmaster Revision No: 1 Draft
Page 2 of 3


8. Operating procedure
8.1 Select the correct mashing program on the scada system.
8.2 At the end of mashing in, maintain the mash at mashing in temperature(55) for required
time as per Brewing process specification for protein rest.
8.3 Heat the mash to next set temperature for starch degradation and rest the mash at the
set temperature and time for the brand. During rest ensure that the agitator is running
and maintain mash temperature. Agitator runs at two speed namely fast speed
during raising of temperature and slow speed during rest.
8.4 After 15minutes of set rest time, take a sample of the mash for Iodine test. The Iodine
test should be negative (ie the colour of the Iodine should be yellow)
8.4.1 In case it is still “positive” the rest has to be extended until the result is “negative”.
8.5 Monitor and maintain the set temperature by opening and closing steam valves (done
automatically by SCADA) to the vessel to ensure that the required temperatures are
achieved throughout the mashing period.
8.6 After resting the mash at the set temperature, time, and the iodine test is negative, raise
temperature to mash-off temperature as per Brewing Process specification to denature
the active enzymes.
8.7 Once the mash-off temperature is attained the Brew should be transferred to Lauter Tun
without delay

9. Sampling
Iodine (saccharification) test done by Brewer during hold at set temperature as per Brewing
Process Specification

10. Calculations

11. Documentation
Brewing Process record
Brewing Process Specification

12. Checks after Process

12.1 Ensure mash vessel is empty

13. Process Control

Defect Control Measure Action taken in Action by
case of deviation
Iodine tests positive Iodine test Inform brewmaster Brewer
Extend rest time at set
Brewing Manual
Keroche Brewery

Issued by: Brewers Date Reviewed: 12 June 2017 Document ref: KRCH-Brew-306
Approved by: Brewmaster Revision No: 1 Draft
Page 3 of 3

Carry out iodine test
In case of persistence
Investigate and rectify
Mash stand Process temperature Too low Brewer
Temperatures monitoring on the Raise temperature by
SCADA opening steam valve

14. Appendix
Brewing Process record
See Brewing Process Specifications (KRCH-Brew-203)

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