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Wrestling with the Demand

of New Normal

Saying that we are now okay in our present situation is an understatement. As

we are experiencing the effects of COVID-19 which is turning more than a year
old, we are having its effects especially as educators. The education sector is
one of the sectors most affected by the crisis because of the lockdowns it
Despite of the media maximizing- pointing to the nation’s unreadiness, the
government and all other stakeholders are scaling up efforts to ensure that
children continue with their studies.

The Department of Education has done many initiative for the sake of all the
people- teachers, staffs, students and home facilitators got affected ,do adjust
and do the necessary things needed to adapt to the present situation that we
can call- the new normal.
For the educators, they were given and still being given by tasks of attending
different seminars and doing things needed to gain more knowledge and
wisdom on how to be effective and efficient educators despite of the given
For the students on how they are going to adapt and adjust provided the
choices of different learning modalities that they can choose upon.
To the different schools, the volume of transferees from private schools and the
lack of teachers that will take this additional task.

We cannot even agree on having lighter workloads being also front liners. We
are experiencing lots of struggles. But as what as expected, we must be flexible,
resourceful, effective and efficient in our fields just like any other professionals
who are coping up with the things needed to.

As school heads, there are lots of challenges that we are even encountering in
this times that they say we are now in a better state, lo and behold, we are the
ones being attacked by the problems in our own schools. Those things like-
changing and adding facilities in order to cope up with the protocols needed,
making sure that all teachers, guardians and students are doing things in order
for the teaching and learning process to be effective and good.
Verily, things we experience amidst the COVID-19 pandemic will be very
different. Yet, me and my co-workers together with the DepEd are optimistic
that despite the various socio-economic situations of families which affect the
provision of learning support in the home, and the peculiar needs of different
learners, we can still give quality education which is accessible and responsive in
the new normal.

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