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22. J. F. Kelly, K. G. Horton, Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 25, 1159–1165 (2016). Biological Sciences Research Council grant BB/J004286/1 to J.W.C. Tables S1 to S8
Data are available at Dryad at References (23–49)
G.H.’s visiting scholarship was funded by the China Scholarship SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Council. We acknowledge the support provided by COST—European
Cooperation in Science and Technology through the Action ES1305 Materials and Methods 27 June 2016; accepted 22 November 2016
“ENRAM.” The project was supported by UK Biotechnology and Figs. S1 to S8 10.1126/science.aah4379

BRAIN RESEARCH Interestingly, in a smaller fraction of cases, we

found the opposite: dendritic Ca2+ anticorrelated

Active cortical dendrites with stimulus strength (Fig. 2A), which may be
indicative of a parallel coding scheme such as
predictive coding (15). The correlation of den-
modulate perception dritic Ca2+ to behavior was quantified using a
similarity index (SI) (16) and compared to chance
level by shuffling the stimulus intensities of the
Naoya Takahashi,1 Thomas G. Oertner,2 Peter Hegemann,3 Matthew E. Larkum1*
original data (Fig. 2B). In 34% (267 of 785) of
cases, the SIs deviated from chance. The fraction
There is as yet no consensus concerning the neural basis of perception and how it operates
of dendrites responding to salient whisker de-
at a mechanistic level. We found that Ca2+ activity in the apical dendrites of a subset of
flections was greater in mice engaged in the task
layer 5 (L5) pyramidal neurons in primary somatosensory cortex (S1) in mice is correlated
than naïve (untrained) mice (fig. S2).

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with the threshold for perceptual detection of whisker deflections. Manipulating the
We also investigated the discriminability of
activity of apical dendrites shifted the perceptual threshold, demonstrating that an active
dendritic Ca2+ by evaluating the behavioral out-
dendritic mechanism is causally linked to perceptual detection.
come (hit or miss) versus the Ca2+ response near

the threshold for behavior—i.e., the discrimi-
ecent studies in awake rodents indicate that sponses), with low false alarm rates (i.e., the lick- nation index (DI) based on a receiver operating
dendritic Ca2+ activity in L5 cortical pyra- ing rate at zero stimulus intensity), within 2 weeks, characteristic (ROC) analysis (17) (Fig. 2C) (also
midal neurons is elevated during cognitive at which point we determined the psychometric see methods in the supplementary materials). In
processes (1–4). These studies are in line function for whisker stimulation by using a range 22% (173 of 785) of dendrites, the dendritic Ca2+
with the proposal that the Ca2+ electrogenic of intensities above and below the perceptual de- near threshold alone could be used to predict the
properties of the apical dendrites of pyramidal tection threshold (Fig. 1D). The perceptual detection behavior with prolonged increases in Ca2+ sig-
neurons (5, 6) amplify the effects of feedback in- threshold for individual animals was determined nals in “lick” trials, but not in “no-lick” trials (Fig.
puts [apical amplification (7)] to superficial cor- by fitting the psychometric function with a sigmoid 2D, *DI > 0, P < 0.05; and Fig. 2E, left). Again, in
tical layers (8, 9). There is evidence for the crucial function (14) (Fig. 1E). The behavioral thresholds some neurons (68 of 785), the behavior was pre-
role of feedback to primary sensory regions in remained at the same level across sessions over dicted by a decrease in dendritic Ca2+ (Fig. 2D,
perceptual processes (11, 12), but it still remains days (Fig. 1F). The delay between the whisker *DI < 0, P < 0.05; and Fig. 2E, right). In another
to be demonstrated experimentally that perception deflection and an animal’s reaction (first lick) in group of neurons with high SIs and low DIs,
depends on a dendritic mechanism. We reasoned “hit” trials was shorter in the trials of salient evoked Ca2+ signals increased with increasing
that the decisiveness of this mechanism could be stimuli than in threshold stimuli (Fig. 1G). amplitudes of whisker deflection but were inde-
tested by examining dendritic Ca2+ activity around We simultaneously performed fast-scanning pendent of behavioral outcome, suggesting that
the perceptual threshold that corresponds to the two-photon Ca2+ imaging from apical dendrites these neurons coded for information orthogonal
transition from subliminal to liminal perception of L5 neurons in the C2 barrel column in primary to perceptual detection (Fig. 2E, middle). We
in humans (13). The apical amplification hypoth- somatosensory cortex (S1) (Fig. 1H). In each field characterized the temporal and spatial features
esis predicts that dendritic Ca2+ activity in a sub- of view (175 by 175 mm), 98.1 ± 17.8 apical den- of perception-relevant dendrites (DI’s P < 0.05).
set of neurons correlates to this transition, leading drites were identified at 200 to 300 mm below the The timing of the dendritic Ca2+ increases for
to the detection of stimuli (Fig. 1A). To test this pia (mean ± SD, n = 8 sessions from 8 mice). high stimulus strengths was faster than that for
experimentally, we used a whisker-based tactile During the behavior, large Ca2+ transients were near-threshold stimuli, and the dendritic Ca2+
detection task in mice (10) combined with two- observed in some apical dendrites after whisker mostly preceded the behavior (Fig. 2F and fig. S3).
photon Ca2+ imaging of pyramidal apical dendrites deflections (Fig. 1I). To investigate the relation- We found a small but significant relationship
in S1. Additionally, we investigated the causal rela- ship between dendritic activity and perceptual between the physical location of the dendrites
tionship between dendritic Ca2+ and perceptual behavior of the animal, Ca2+ responses were de- and their DI (Fig. 2, G and H).
detection by testing whether manipulating den- termined for seven different stimulus intensities Activation of dendritic Ca2+ channels results
dritic Ca2+ currents alters detection. around the behavioral threshold (Fig. 1I, verti- in enhanced firing of individual L5 pyramidal
Animals were first trained to report whisker cal columns). We compared the activity in “lick” neurons in vivo (18). We monitored the firing
deflections by licking to obtain water rewards trials (Fig. 1I, lower rows) to “no-lick” trials (upper activity of L5 neurons while the animal performed
(Fig. 1, B and C). The C2 whisker was selectively rows) and averaged the responses over all trials the whisker detection task (Fig. 3A). The results
stimulated using a magnetic coil (fig. S1). The (bottom traces). of 40 cells recorded from L5 (depth, 577.8 to
mice learned the task (>80% correct “hit” re- How does dendritic Ca2+ relate to behavior for 774.0 mm below the pia) in behaving animals were
this whisker detection task? To examine this, we pooled. Mean firing rates were 11.1 ± 14.2 Hz,
plotted the dendritic Ca2+ response as a func- ranging from 0.68 to 63.1 Hz (mean ± SD, n = 40
Institute for Biology, Neuronal Plasticity, Humboldt tion of stimulus intensity—i.e., the neurometric cells from 10 mice). In a fraction of neurons,
Universität zu Berlin, D-10117, Berlin, Germany. 2Institute for function—versus detection probability as a func- perceived whisker stimuli increased firing ac-
Synaptic Physiology, University Medical Center Hamburg- tion of stimulus intensity—i.e., the psychometric tivity, resulting in positive correlations between
Eppendorf, D-20251, Hamburg, Germany. 3Institute for
Biology, Experimental Biophysics, Humboldt Universität zu
function (Fig. 2A, right). In some cases, the in- neurometric and psychometric functions (Fig.
Berlin, D-10115, Berlin, Germany. crease in dendritic Ca2+ closely followed the be- 3B). As seen in dendritic Ca2+ activity, we also
*Corresponding author. Email: havioral performance of the animal (Fig. 2A). observed some cells for which the firing activity

SCIENCE 23 DECEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6319 1587


Fig. 1. Behavior perceptual detection threshold All lick Stimulus Deflection

Detection prob.
for a whisker detection task. (A) Apical amplification ‘AA’ Stepwise ‘Hit’ lick angle (°) 1.0

0 1.2 2.2 3.4 4.7 6.1 7.7

(AA) hypothesis (7) in a sensory detection paradigm. FB 0.5
300 θ = 0.71
Above the perceptual detection threshold, in addition

Sorted trial #
to feed-forward information (blue arrows), pyramidal L5 Water reward 0

Deflectoin (°)
200 0 1 2
neurons in primary sensory cortex receive long-range 10 Stim intensity (a.u.)

feedback (FB) (red arrow) inputs from other cortical 5

0 100

Detection prob.
regions arriving at distal tuft dendrites. Active den- 0 1 2 1.0
dritic Ca currents conjugate early sensory with Stim intensity Stim intensity (a.u.)
0 0.5
feedback information (6), leading to sensory per- 30

Response window Lick response Reaction time Day 1 6
ception. (B) (Top) Behavioral task design. (Bottom) (+) (-) 0

Stimulus 0 0 1 2
Deflection angle of whisker is proportional to stimu- (+) Hit Miss
Lick −0.4 0 0.4 0.8 Stim intensity (a.u.)
(-) FA CR
lus intensity. Mean amplitude (color) plotted with Reward Time to stimulus (s)
individual data (gray) (n = 7 mice) (see also fig. S1).
10 µm Stimulus
(C) Stimulus paradigm (left) and table of behavioral 0.4 ***

Reaction time (s)

outcomes classified into four categories–i.e., hit, miss, 10 trials

false alarm (FA), and correct rejection (CR) (right). 0.3
(D) (Top) Raster plot of lick events (gray) in 357 trials
0.2 400%
from a single session sorted by intensity of the pres-
30 µm
ented stimulus. Rewarded (hit) licks marked in blue.

0.1 GCaMP6s 0

(Bottom) Histograms of response timings of first lick 0 1.5 3.0 L5 in L5
at different stimulus intensities. (E) Psychometric func- Stim intensity (a.u.)

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100 µm 100%
tion for the behavioral performance shown in (D).
(F) Psychometric functions over 6 days, obtained from
the same mouse. (G) (Left) Reaction times for stimuli above thresholds plotted as a function of stimulus intensity (n = 15 sessions from 15 mice). (Right) Reaction
times for near-threshold stimuli and salient (maximum) stimuli. (H) Two-photon Ca2+ imaging from the apical dendrites of L5 neurons expressing GCaMP6s
(left) in the C2 barrel column (bottom right). (Inset) Horizontal imaging plane (216 µm from pia). (I) Ca2+ signals in an apical dendrite marked in (H) during the
detection task organized according to increasing stimulus intensity (columns) and trials (rows), separated based on the behavioral response (“lick” or “no-lick”)
by a blank row. (Bottom) Average and SEM of Ca2+ responses for all trials of a given stimulus intensity.

Fig. 2. Apical dendritic Ca2+ activity during the

A 1s Psychometric B Real
perceptual detection task. (A) (Left) Three- #1 #2 Neurometric
1.0 Chance
dimensionally reconstructed apical dendrites (#1 and

#2) in the same field of view. Imaging plane is shown in 0.5 #1 (SI = 0.72)

red. (Middle) Averaged Ca2+ responses to various stim-


#1 10% 0 #2 (SI = −0.38) 0.1


ulus intensities from the two different apical dendrites. #2 5%

−0.5 0

(Right) Neurometric functions of the dendritic Ca2+


0 1.5 3 −1 0 1
activities compared with behavioral performance (psy- 50 µm Stimulus Stim intensity (a.u.) Similarity index (SI)

chometric function). (B) Correlation between neu-

C Miss D : *P < 0.05 E #1 **DI = 0.65 DI = −0.094
#2 SI = 0.60
**DI = −0.73
#3 SI = −0.73
rometric and psychometric functions evaluated by

10 trials

1.0 : **P < 0.01 SI = 0.72

Discrimination index (DI)

Hit Miss

the similarity index (SI) based on Euclidean dis-

tance. Distribution of SIs from real data (gray) com- 0.5
Ca2+ at near-θ stim
pared with chance level (brown). (C) Schematic of 0

ROC analysis (17): The discrimination index (DI)—

#2 0 200% 0 100% −20 30%
the likelihood that dendritic Ca2+ activity predicted −0.5 1s
AUC 10%
the animal’s detection of near-threshold stimuli— #3 Hit 20%
0 1 −1.0
estimated based on the area under the ROC curve Miss 4%
P(Ca2+Miss) −1.0 −0.5 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.2
(AUC). (D) (Left) Dendritic responses characterized DI = (AUC − 0.5) × 2
Similarity index Fraction
Near-θ stim
by SIs and DIs. Dendrites with high discriminability
shown in color. Statistical significance of DI was F Near-θ stim Hit , Salient stim Hit G H All pairs
Miss *DI < 0 ***
computed by a permutation test. (Right) Histo- *DI < 0
Stimulus First lick *DI > 0
*DI > 0 *DI < 0

gram of DIs. (E) (Top) Examples of individual den-

Cumulative fraction

0 1.0
dritic Ca2+ responses to near-threshold stimuli
for the three cases in (D). (Bottom) Average Ca 10 %
activity during hit (blue) and miss (purple) trials.
(F) (Top) Timing of the Ca response to near-threshold

0.4 0.4 0
and salient stimuli in discriminatory dendrites (*P < ** 0 100 200
0.05) aligned by the onsets of the stimuli (left) or by 0 0 30 µm Inter-dendrite distance (µm)
0 0.5 −0.5 0 0.5
the timing of an animal’s first (rewarded) licks (right).
Time (s) Time (s)
Average traces shown with SEM (n = 173 dendrites
for *DI > 0, n = 68 dendrites for *DI < 0). (Bottom)
Histograms of onset timings of Ca2+ responses in dendrites with *DI > 0 to near-threshold and salient stimuli in hit trials (stimulus-aligned, **P = 9.7 × 10−3; first
lick–aligned, P = 1.0, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). (G) Spatial distribution and interdendritic distance of imaged dendrites (outlined) in a single field of view with
discriminatory dendrites denoted by color. (H) Cumulative fraction of dendritic pairs as a function of distance between imaged dendrites (n = 39,232 pairs,
gray), dendrites with *DI > 0 (n = 2456 pairs, magenta), and dendrites with *DI < 0 (n = 319 pairs, blue) (all pairs versus *DI > 0, ***P = 4.2 × 10−14, Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test).

1588 23 DECEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6319 SCIENCE


Stimulus : *P < 0.05 **DI = 0.49 DI = 0.18 **DI = −0.40

#1 SI = 0.87 #2 SI = 0.39 #3 SI = −0.43
5 mV 1.0 : **P < 0.01

Discrimination index (DI)


5 trials
0.2 s #1

Hit 0.5
(> 80 Hz)

10 trials

us −0.5

#3 1s

5 Hz
−1.0 5
−1.0 −0.5 0 0.5 1.0 0 0.3 10
Similarity index (SI) Fraction Near-θ stim


10 Hz
*DI < 0 *DI > 0 **
1 1 4 2 *

%spikes in bursts

cell #

(Hit vs. Miss)

0 5 3
0 **r = 0.44
10 9 2 1
1.0 0.4 0.4 Real −5

SI = 0.29

Chance Near-θ stim 1


Salient 5
0.5 0.2 0.2 9 18 8

0 0 0
−1 0 1

DI 0

*D 0


0 0 −3 Discrimination index

0 1.5 3 −1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1
Stim intensity (a.u.) Similarity index (SI) Time after first lick (s)

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Fig. 3. Firing behavior of L5 neurons during the perceptual detection whisker stimuli for the three cases in (D). (F) (Top) Normalized firing responses
task. (A) (Top) Juxtacellular recording from behaving animals. (Middle) Raster to near-threshold and salient stimuli in neurons with high discriminability (DI’s
plot of the firing activity of an L5 neuron in the C2 barrel column. Green dots in *P < 0.05) aligned by the timing of behavioral reaction (first lick). (Bottom)
(A) and (E) indicate spikes in burst events (>80 Hz). (Bottom) Peristimulus Average PSTHs shown with SEM. (G) (Left) The proportion of spikes in bursts [i.e.,
spike time histograms (PSTHs). (B) Neurometric function of the neuron in (A) green versus black/gray dots in (E)] for near-threshold stimuli in hit trials relative
compared with the psychometric function. (C) Distribution of similarity indices to miss trials as a function of DI (Pearson’s correlation coefficient r = 0.44, **P =
(SIs) between neurometric and psychometric functions. (D) Firing responses 8.7 × 10−3). (Right) Average proportional bursting for hit versus miss, shown with
of recorded neurons were characterized by SI and DI, as in Fig. 2D. (E) Example SEM for discriminatory neurons (*DI < 0, *DI > 0) and nondiscriminatory neurons
raster plots and PSTHs of firing responses of L5 neurons to near-threshold (DI ~ 0) (**P < 0.01, *P < 0.05, Dunn’s test after Kruskal-Wallis test).

negatively correlated to animal behavior. In 38% profoundly suppressed ongoing Ca2+ activity in perceptual detection threshold (Fig. 4F). All of
(15 of 40) of recorded cells, firing activity cor- apical tufts in awake animals (Fig. 4A). On the the manipulations to down-regulate dendritic
related (or anticorrelated) beyond chance to ani- other hand, application of baclofen in vivo does activity shifted the psychometric function to the
mal behavior (Fig. 3C). The same ROC analysis not affect sensory-evoked subthreshold activity right toward higher stimulus intensities but did
performed on dendritic Ca2+ (Fig. 2C) was used in L5 neurons (18). Importantly, baclofen also not alter the gain (slope) nor the false alarm rate
to determine the DI for the likelihood that a strongly shifted the animals’ behavioral responses (fig. S6) (25).
change in firing could predict the animal’s be- to higher stimulus values (Fig. 4B, left, and fig. Finally, we tested the consequence of up-
havior when near-threshold stimuli were given S6B) with the largest changes occurring at the regulating apical dendrites of L5 neurons on
(Fig. 3, D and E). About 23% (9 of 40) of cells perceptual detection threshold (Fig. 4B, right). the animals’ perceptual detection. The apical
increased their firing activity to near-threshold Saline had no effect on perceptual detection (fig. dendrites of L5 neurons expressing ChR2 were
stimuli preferentially in “hit” trials, whereas 25% S6, E to I). photostimulated using a fiberoptic cannula, which
(10 of 40) decreased their firing activity (Fig. 3D). We expressed a chloride-conducting channel- directed the 470-nm light specifically to superficial
In most cells that significantly correlated to the rhodopsin (iChloC) (21) in L5 neurons in the C2 layers in a single barrel column. This spatially
animal’s behavior (DI’s P < 0.05), the firing change barrel column. Brief illumination with blue light confined dendritic activation efficiently shifted
preceded the licking reaction of the animal (Fig. in the superficial cortical layers induced a pro- the detection threshold toward lower stimulus
3F) (11 out of 19 neurons). The burstiness of firing longed suppression of Ca2+ activity in the apical intensities (Fig. 4H and fig. S6S). Importantly,
correlated to discriminability (Fig. 3G), suggest- dendrites of L5 neurons expressing iChloC (Fig. reinforced activity of apical dendrites caused an
ing that burst firing is more salient for perceptual 4C). Ex vivo experiments confirmed that depth- increase in false alarm rate, indicating that den-
detection (19). However, burst firing was less pre- calibrated 470-nm light used in vivo effectively dritic activity could contribute to the intrinsic gen-
dictive of behavior than spike rate alone. In sum- blocked Ca2+ spikes in apical dendrites without eration of sensory perception (fig. S6U). Together,
mary, changes in firing corresponding to perceptual any effects on somatic excitability (fig. S5). In- these results suggest that the activity in apical
detection occurred in a similar proportion of L5 activating the superficial dendrites with iChloC dendrites of L5 neurons is causally linked to the
pyramidal neurons as observed with dendritic also caused a significant impairment in the ani- perceptual behavior of the animal.
Ca2+ activity. mals’ detection probability of threshold stimuli The results presented here show that a Ca2+-
Our data show that dendritic Ca2+ signals are (Fig. 4D). dependent mechanism in the apical dendrites of
correlated to animals’ perceptual behavior. Indeed, We took advantage of an innate inhibitory circuit L5 pyramidal neurons causally influences percep-
the timing between dendritic Ca2+ activity and lick- in the cortex known to down-regulate dendritic tual detection (6). They are consistent with recent
ing behavior suggests a causal relationship (Fig. 2F activity (22, 23), the dendrite-targeting somato- studies showing that dendritic Ca2+ activity is
and fig. S3). To investigate causality, we manip- statin (SOM) inhibitory cells. This circuitry has correlated with behavior (1, 2, 4). Our data show
ulated dendritic activity pharmacologically and op- been shown to gate dendritic excitability (4, 24). that this dendritic mechanism is activated at the
togenetically during the task. The g-aminobutyric We therefore suppressed dendritic activity by ac- crucial transition from subliminal to liminal de-
acid type B (GABAB)–receptor agonist baclofen tivating SOM cells with channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) tection and can therefore be regarded as a neural
suppresses dendritic Ca2+ spikes (fig. S4) (20). Here, (Fig. 4E). Suppression of dendritic activity via correlate for perceptual detection. Four contrast-
local application of baclofen to superficial layers SOM cell activation significantly increased the ing approaches that manipulated dendritic activity

SCIENCE 23 DECEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6319 1589



10 µm #3 L5
10 µm
Baclofen injection Fiber-optic
200 µm 10 µm S1
400% * cannula
#1 10 s ** 400% C2
Baclofen 20%
#2 iChloC ChR2 ChR2
on apical tuft #3 0 1 mm
in SOM cells 1 mm
in L5 pyramidal 470 nm 10 s in L5 pyramidal

Control LED off LED off LED off

Detection prob. at θ -stim

Detection prob. at θ -stim

Detection prob. at θ -stim

Detection prob. at θ -stim

Baclofen ** * LED on LED on LED on ***
Detection probability

Detection probability

Detection probability

Detection probability
1.0 0.8 1.0 0.6 ** 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.0

0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Off On Off On Off On
clo l
Re n
Ba ntro

0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0.5 1

Stim intensity (a.u.) Stim intensity (a.u.) LED Stim intensity (a.u.) LED Stim intensity (a.u.) LED

Fig. 4. Dendritic activity causally linked to perceptual detection threshold. apical dendrites coexpressing iChloC and GCaMP6s (top). (D) (Left) Psy-

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(A) (Left) Schematic diagram of local application of GABAB-receptor agonist, chometric curves with [light-emitting diode (LED) on] and without (LED off)
baclofen, to superficial layers of C2 barrel column. (Right) Ongoing Ca2+ activity iChloC activation. (Right) Same as (B), with iChloC activation (n = 8 mice, **P =
in apical dendrites of GCaMP6s-expressing L5 neurons before and after the 5.8 × 10−3, paired t test). (E) (Left) Controlling dendritic activity by activating
baclofen application. (B) (Left) Psychometric curves with and without local ba- dendrite-targeting SOM inhibitory cells. (Right) Specific expression of ChR2-
clofen application. (Right) Effect of baclofen on the detection probability at the eYFP in SOM cells in the C2 barrel column of S1. (F) Same as (B) and (D), with
threshold stimulus intensity compared with control conditions [n = 5 mice, **P < SOM-cell activation (n = 7 mice, ***P = 9.2 × 10−4, paired t test). (G) (Left)
0.01, *P < 0.05, paired t test with Bonferroni’s correction after one-way repeated- Optogenetic local activation of apical dendrites of L5 neurons expressing ChR2
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)]. (C) (Left) Optogenetic inactivation of using a fiberoptic cannula with a 45°-mirror tip. (Right) Expression of ChR2-eYFP
apical dendrites of L5 neurons expressing iChloC. (Right) Brief illumination with in the C2 column and local photostimulation with the fiberoptic cannula. (H) Same
blue light followed by a prolonged suppression of Ca2+ activity (bottom, n = 120 as (B), (D), and (F), with ChR2 activation (n = 9 mice, ***P = 2.1 × 10−4, paired
traces from 10 dendrites, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05, Dunnett’s test after ANOVA) in t test).

(both up and down) also significantly shifted the RE FERENCES AND NOTES 27. M. Murayama, E. Pérez-Garci, H. R. Lüscher, M. E. Larkum,
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1590 23 DECEMBER 2016 • VOL 354 ISSUE 6319 SCIENCE

Active cortical dendrites modulate perception
Naoya Takahashi, Thomas G. Oertner, Peter Hegemann and Matthew E. Larkum

Science 354 (6319), 1587-1590.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aah6066

Now you feel it, now you don't

What determines the detection of a sensory stimulus? To address this question, Takahashi et al. combined in vivo
two-photon imaging, electrophysiology, optogenetics, and behavioral analysis in a study of mice. Calcium signals in
apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons in the somatosensory cortex controlled the perceptual threshold of the mice's
whiskers. Strong reduction of dendritic calcium signaling impaired the perceptual detection threshold so that an identical
stimulus could no longer be noticed.

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