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Jesus' Corner (Baptism)

Baptism as a Sign of Repentance: Why Jesus was Baptized?

"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:17. This statement is coming from
the mysterious voice who revealed that Jesus Chrst is His begotten Son. Jesus Christ is the coming
Messiah that was predicted from the prophecies in the Old Testament. God revealed Himself through
Jesus Christ, the Human form of Him. Baptism is symbolizes the repentance of our original sins coming
from our biological parents. Why did Jesus Christ received Baptism as he is the only sinless person on

According from a site Our Sunday Visitor, "The baptism of Jesus marks the inauguration of His public
ministry. His emergence from a life of seeming obscurity into a life growing popularity on account of His
preaching, miracles, healings and proclamation of mercy and forgiveness." Jesus is the King of all Kings
who has a power, care, hospitality, and most importantly are His purity and acceptance for loving people
despite of their sins. People's perspective for a King then are those who have power and wealth that can
rule everything using those authoritative objective. Yet Jesus is very far from their ideal king. Jesus was
sent to the world as the fulfillment, however He lives in the world simple, just like a normal people and
in the level of poor that is why people refused to believed that He is the Son of God. The King of

Baptism signifies the cleansing of our sins. Jesus obeyed His Father's will. Baptism of Jesus also
symbolizes of accepting His mission to save people, His willingness to serve people and lead them the
way back to our God as he the mediator between the relationship of people and God. He knows that He
will die by hands of His own people, He knows that He will suffer, and lastly He know how His
unfortunate fate already but despite of those He still whole heartedly accepted it. That signifies His love
to His people even if they turn their backs to Him.

Baptism is the repentance of our sins also it is not just like that. They are many ways of how we will
repenting our sins so that we will be forgiven. Besides from Baptism the most effective way for it is also
one of the Sacraments and that is Confession. There is a process of it to achieve the forgiveness that we
asked. In addition, we have to understand the true significance of the Baptism of Jesus so that individual
will able to realized and apply it to their lives so they will gain encouragement to fulfill their mission in
lives with the guidance of the Father as what Jesus did. Jesus is our model of how will we live in the
world that filled with goodness in our hearts and that is to serve people who are suffering and help sick
people who have forgotten about God already.
My Corner (Baptism)

A Sinner yet is still Loved

Baptism is one of the sacrament and is a scared ceremony through which people promise to follow the
path of Jesus Christ. Some people do not understand the true meaning of this divine ceremony and how
important it is to our lives as Christians. Through baptism we share the divine life and mission of our
savior, Jesus Christ. What does Baptism really mean?

When you are baptized, you are considered to agree on Jesus' presence upon you to serve the people
warmly without complaining. In Jesus' Corner His Baptism symbolized the beginning of His mission as
the fulfillment. As well as to humans it is also our starting line to our own mission that is desires for us
along the journey of living in the world which is created by God. Life is a gift, given chances are worth
living to continue surviving despite of the consequences we have faced from committing a sin. Life is not
life when you did not conquer the challenges coming from us. Being insensitive of those circumstances
will never make you heart feel contentment and you will always feel lost and lacking to yourself. In
addition, when you are baptized, this is also the conversion to new life, this time, your sins are forgiven
by God, given you the opportunity again to live simply yet with goodness in your heart. Asking for His
guidance for fulfilling our missions, He will then provide you. He will help you and gives you the sign of
options that you have to decide of your path and life that you want to.

Baptism is part of God's plan. Nobody is perfect, after repenting from our sins we will make mistakes
again and God knows it. He knows it that we will experience unfortunate results ahead us. Despite of
those mistakes, He always loves us. He will still truly love us. No one can ever love an individual
devotedly like God does, He can only the one who will accept you even if you committed sins. Despite of
your imperfections, He will still accept you in His arms, even if you are the most sinful human being on
Earth but still God will never abandon you even if you cause Him pain. God never demands us in return
of His love to us. However, there is one thing that He only wants is that His people will come back to Him
as He widely open the gates for us and warmly welcome us to His kingdom in which is also our home. By
that, we can find the real happiness and filled the emptiness of ourselves.

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