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I did an interview with someone from Andromeda. Which is a place for physiotherapy. I asked her 15
question and this is what I got as answers. (the answers are just what she said to me).

1. Why did you chose the profession?

She chose the profession because she like biology and wanted to work with people.

2. What study did you do?

She did the study LOF in Heerlen.

3. How long did it take to get the needed certificates?

It took 5 years to get the certificate physiotherapy and after this specializations and courses
which are still going on.

4. Did you want to do the job as a kid?

Yes, she got interested as a kid because she had to go there for her back and this gave the feeling
she wanted to do this profession.

5. What are the fun sides of the job?

The fun sides are that you see multiple people a day. The human body is fascinating and it is a
nice journey to see how the patients get their pain/problems relieved.

6. What are the down sides of the job?

A lot of paperwork behind the laptop.

7. Are there a lot of difficult patients?

Most of the patients are nice but there are less nice experiences with patients and this makes it a
bigger challenge to help them

8. Why did you chose the specialization in pelvis?

You have to build up a bond with the patient to work with them else it will be hard to too book
and it’s very beautiful if the result is positive.

9. Is the job more working the together or on your own?

It is more working alone but there is a lot of contact between people in the same profession.

10. Do you work in a team?

You work together in a team of 10 physiotherapists and with this team you are part of a bigger

11. What are important qualities for this job?

Interest in people and physics. Being social is important too.

12. Which course did you follow in high school?

13. Is it possible to work on different locations?

Yes this is possible, there are multiple locations where you can work it depends on the company
of you have to work one day on one location and the other day on another locations.

14. Is it easy to get a job in this sector?

There is a lot of need to these people especially with specializations.

15. Was there someone that influenced your choice to become physiotherapist?

There wasn’t a person only experiences influenced the choice.

These are all the answers of the interview I got and I think it was very helpful and I have a better
view on the profession now.
Reflection interview.

When it was announced that we had to do an internship I wasn’t too happy to do it

because I didn’t really know what to expect. But when it all got a bit clear I saw it as a
good opportunity to see what I want to do later on in life. I had no idea what I wanted to
do after high school but I had some interests. One of them was the human body and with
physiotherapy this is the main subject.
The preparation for the interview was quite easy. I already had someone to do it with
because of my grandpa. He goes to a physiotherapist for his pelvis and he said that she
would like to do it with the interview. The woman I did the interview with was very kind
and answered all the question in a good way. Doing the interview was a bit of finding a
way. She was very busy so the best way to do it was via mail. This gave me very clear
answers which made it easier. Most answers were quite short but I got enough
information to get a better view on it.
I am still interested after hearing all about the profession and it is something I could see
myself doing as work. I also want to help people and this is from what she says a good
job to do achieve it. The study isn’t too long either and specializations are possible to get
during you’re already working. Since there is also need these people it is easier to get a
job and this also makes it more likely for me to do it. I think it isn’t that nice that we
couldn’t actually go there because this would have given an even better view but I am
still happy with what I learned from this experience. I actually still have contact with her
and can still ask any questions if I want too. I think I am very lucky with the person I got
for this interview and I’m very thankful that she answered my questions.
Overall this has been a great way of finding out interests and getting to know more about
it. I would like to do another one. The only that could have made it better was the
opportunity to actually go there but this wasn’t an option unfortunately. I learned a lot
of new things and some of the answers wasn’t as what I expected just like how much
need there is for people in the sector of physiotherapy.
Vin van de Langenberg TG3A.

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