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"Last Name" "First Name" "Username" "Student ID" "Last Access"

"Availability" "AS1=15% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1054548" "AS2=15% [Total

Pts: 100 Score] |1060121" "AS3=15% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1065834" "QZ1=20%
[Total Pts: 100 Score] |1061867" "QZ2=20% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1061869"
"ME1=15% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1061951" "MG1% [Total Pts: up to 100
Percentage] |1037108" "M1GRADE [Total Pts: up to 100 MAPUA SCEGE] |1067422"
"AS4=15% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1060149" "AS5=15% [Total Pts: up to 100
Percentage] |1077170" "AS6=15% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1072623" "QZ3=20% [Total
Pts: 100 Score] |1076032" "QZ4=20% [Total Pts: up to 100 Percentage] |1077173"
"ME2=15% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1076038" "MG2% [Total Pts: up to 100
Percentage] |1077177" "M2GRADE [Total Pts: up to 100 MAPUA SCEGE] |1077179"
"AS7=15% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1072657" "AS8=15% [Total Pts: up to 100
Percentage] |1086162" "AS9=15% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1085039" "QZ5=20% [Total
Pts: 100 Score] |1076978" "QZ6=20% [Total Pts: 100 Score] |1090766" "ME3=15%
[Total Pts: 100 Score] |1090367" "MG3% [Total Pts: up to 100 Percentage] |
1094329" "Total [Total Pts: up to 1,500 Score] |1037107" "M3GRADE [Total Pts: 100
Text] |1097250"
"ALEGRE" "DENISE MARIELLE" "" "2019102719"
"2021-05-14 18:54:01" "Yes" "70.00" "81.25" "88.75" "92.50"
"92.50" "72.00" "83.80" "2.25" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "85.00" "85.00" "88.00" "79.825" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75
" "92.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,171.25" "3.00"
"ANCHETA" "MARK HONEY" "" "2019101919"
"2021-05-15 11:21:07" "Yes" "81.25" "92.50" "88.75" "70.00"
"70.00" "88.00" "80.575" "2.25" "77.50" "77.50" "70.00
" "85.00" "85.00" "88.00" "80.95" "2.25" "85.00" "85.00
" "81.25" "65.00" "50.00" "65.00" "70.4375" "1,157.25" "3.00"
"ANDRES" "MELISSA" "" "2019102228" "2021-
05-14 20:46:06" "Yes" "70.00" "92.50" "65.00" "77.50" "85.00"
"72.00" "77.425" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "60.00" "70.00
" "70.00" "88.00" "72.325" "3.00" "81.25" "81.25" "77.50
" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,103.75" "3.00"
"AQUINO" "GABRIEL ANGELO" "" "2019102055"
"2021-05-14 14:52:00" "Yes" "70.00" "92.50" "65.00" "70.00"
"70.00" "88.00" "75.325" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75" "60.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "88.00" "75.325" "2.75" "81.25" "81.25
" "77.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,104.75" "3.00"
"ARCALA" "SOFIA ANGELA" "" "2019104820"
"2021-05-15 11:01:02" "Yes" "70.00" "92.50" "65.00" "70.00"
"70.00" "88.00" "75.325" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75" "60.00
" "70.00" "70.00" "92.00" "72.925" "3.00" "81.25" "81.25
" "77.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,101.25" "3.00"
"BALANQUIT" "RICAMAE" "" "2017130117" "2021-
05-14 12:47:58" "Yes" "70.00" "88.75" "85.00" "70.00" "70.00"
"72.00" "75.3625" "2.75" "81.25" "81.25" "70.00" "77.50
" "77.50" "80.00" "77.875" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "81.25" "75.8125" "1,144.50" "2.75"
"BALTAZAR" "KRISTINE" "" "2017141758" "2021-
05-12 16:11:57" "Yes" "70.00" "88.75" "85.00" "70.00" "70.00"
"80.00" "76.5625" "2.75" "81.25" "81.25" "70.00" "70.00
" "70.00" "64.00" "72.475" "3.00" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "81.25" "75.8125" "1,129.00" "2.75"
"BAUTISTA" "CHARLES" "" "2019101142" "2021-
05-14 16:32:00" "Yes" "70.00" "71.25" "78.75" "70.00" "70.00"
"76.00" "72.40" "3.00" "70.00" "70.00" "81.25" "70.00
" "70.00" "80.00" "73.1875" "3.00" "85.00" "85.00" "92.50
" "100.00" "60.00" "92.50" "85.25" "1,167.25" "2.00"
"BAYAZID" "SJ LOUIS" "" "2019104549" "2021-
05-15 13:10:02" "Yes" "77.50" "65.00" "92.50" "60.00" "60.00"
"76.00" "70.65" "3.00" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00" "77.50
" "77.50" "70.00" "74.125" "2.75" "70.00" "70.00" "73.75
" "70.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.25" "1,077.25" "3.00"
"BELGICA" "TRISHIA MAE" "" "2017142174"
"2021-05-14 20:17:02" "Yes" "77.50" "65.00" "92.50" "77.50"
"70.00" "84.00" "77.35" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "84.00" "76.225" "2.75" "70.00" "70.00
" "73.75" "70.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.25" "1,126.75" "3.00"
"CADANG" "MARY ROANNE" "" "2011103225"
"2021-05-15 13:10:02" "Yes" "70.00" "81.25" "88.75" "60.00"
"60.00" "76.00" "71.40" "3.00" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "72.00" "74.425" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75
" "92.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,086.75" "3.00"
"CALBAY" "GRACE LUCILETTE" "" "2017141903"
"2021-05-15 14:38:02" "Yes" "55.00" "96.25" "96.25" "70.00"
"70.00" "76.00" "76.525" "2.75" "85.00" "85.00" "73.75
" "70.00" "70.00" "70.00" "75.0625" "2.75" "77.50" "77.50
" "77.50" "100.00" "65.00" "85.00" "80.625" "1,167.25" "2.25"
"CAYETANO" "ERICA DANIELLE" "" "2017142801"
"2021-05-14 10:59:57" "Yes" "55.00" "96.25" "96.25" "70.00"
"70.00" "84.00" "77.725" "2.50" "85.00" "85.00" "73.75
" "70.00" "70.00" "92.00" "78.3625" "2.50" "77.50" "77.50
" "77.50" "100.00" "65.00" "85.00" "80.625" "1,197.25" "2.25"
"CORONEL" "BIANCA GABRIELLE" "" "2019110894"
"2021-05-15 13:29:02" "Yes" "70.00" "88.75" "85.00" "70.00"
"70.00" "72.00" "75.3625" "2.75" "81.25" "81.25" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "72.00" "76.675" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75
" "70.00" "77.50" "77.50" "81.25" "75.8125" "1,136.50" "2.75"
"CUNANAN" "KRISTINE" "" "2019102471" "2021-
05-14 21:49:00" "Yes" "70.00" "88.75" "85.00" "70.00" "70.00"
"76.00" "75.9625" "2.75" "81.25" "81.25" "70.00" "77.50
" "77.50" "80.00" "77.875" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "81.25" "75.8125" "1,148.50" "2.75"
"CUVIN" "MAJES IMANWEL" "" "2019110371"
"2021-05-15 10:54:08" "Yes" "70.00" "92.50" "65.00" "73.75"
"70.00" "84.00" "75.475" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75" "60.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "88.00" "75.325" "2.75" "81.25" "81.25
" "77.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,104.50" "3.00"
"2021-05-14 15:34:00" "Yes" "81.25" "92.50" "88.75" "92.50"
"73.75" "88.00" "85.825" "2.00" "77.50" "77.50" "70.00
" "85.00" "85.00" "92.00" "81.55" "2.25" "85.00" "85.00
" "81.25" "65.00" "50.00" "65.00" "70.4375" "1,187.50" "3.00"
"DANCEL" "DANIEL RONI" "" "2021-05-14
08:08:58" "Yes" "81.25" "92.50" "88.75" "70.00" "70.00" "92.00
" "81.175" "2.25" "77.50" "77.50" "70.00" "85.00" "85.00
" "76.00" "79.15" "2.50" "85.00" "85.00" "81.25" "65.00
" "50.00" "65.00" "70.4375" "1,149.25" "3.00"
"2019102049" "2021-05-13 21:13:57" "Yes" "70.00" "88.75"
"85.00" "73.75" "73.75" "72.00" "76.8625" "2.75" "81.25
" "81.25" "70.00" "77.50" "77.50" "72.00" "76.675" "2.75"
"73.75" "73.75" "70.00" "77.50" "77.50" "81.25" "75.81
25" "1,144.00" "2.75"
"DEL ROSARIO" "FRITZ RUSSEL" "" "2019104567"
"2021-05-15 01:40:01" "Yes" "77.50" "65.00" "92.50" "0.00"
"0.00" "72.00" "46.05" "IP" "73.75" "73.75" "" "60.00
" "60.00" "64.00" "65.55882" "IP" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" "504.75" "ABS"
"DIAMANTE" "TYRONE" "" "2019105106" "2021-
05-15 13:14:02" "Yes" "81.25" "92.50" "88.75" "73.75" "73.75"
"88.00" "82.075" "2.25" "77.50" "77.50" "70.00" "85.00
" "85.00" "84.00" "80.35" "2.25" "85.00" "85.00" "81.25
" "65.00" "50.00" "65.00" "70.4375" "1,160.75" "3.00"
"DULAY" "JENIE" "" "2019102114" "2021-05-14
18:05:59" "Yes" "70.00" "92.50" "65.00" "70.00" "73.75" "96.00
" "77.275" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "60.00" "92.50" "92.50
" "84.00" "80.725" "2.25" "81.25" "81.25" "77.50" "50.00
" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,127.50" "3.00"
"GACULA" "MARY JOY PATRICIA" "" "2018169919"
"2021-05-15 11:20:07" "Yes" "77.50" "65.00" "92.50" "70.00"
"73.75" "88.00" "77.20" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "67.50" "67.50" "92.00" "73.425" "3.00" "70.00" "70.00
" "73.75" "70.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.25" "1,125.00" "3.00"
"GAGARIN" "JOSE RICARDO" "" "2019102160"
"2021-05-13 17:09:00" "Yes" "70.00" "92.50" "65.00" "70.00"
"70.00" "84.00" "74.725" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75" "60.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "84.00" "74.725" "2.75" "81.25" "81.25
" "77.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,096.75" "3.00"
"GALANG" "MILES JUSTINE" "" "2017141862"
"2021-05-14 11:02:59" "Yes" "70.00" "71.25" "78.75" "73.75"
"73.75" "92.00" "76.30" "2.75" "70.00" "70.00" "81.25
" "77.50" "77.50" "88.00" "77.3875" "2.50" "85.00" "85.00
" "92.50" "100.00" "60.00" "92.50" "85.25" "1,206.25" "2.00"
"GAMIL" "GIL GERALD" "" "2017142765"
"2021-05-15 13:48:02" "Yes" "70.00" "71.25" "78.75" "73.75"
"70.00" "80.00" "73.75" "3.00" "70.00" "70.00" "81.25
" "60.00" "60.00" "92.00" "70.9875" "3.00" "85.00" "85.00
" "92.50" "100.00" "60.00" "92.50" "85.25" "1,177.00" "2.00"
"GONDA" "NAIZMITH ZORELL" "" "2021-05-14
16:26:00" "Yes" "55.00" "96.25" "96.25" "77.50" "77.50" "80.00
" "80.125" "2.25" "85.00" "85.00" "73.75" "77.50" "77.50
" "84.00" "80.1625" "2.25" "77.50" "77.50" "77.50" "100.0
0" "65.00" "85.00" "80.625" "1,207.75" "2.25"
"LANGCAY" "JOSE MARINI" "" "2019102733"
"2021-05-15 10:43:07" "Yes" "70.00" "88.75" "85.00" "73.75"
"73.75" "70.00" "76.5625" "2.75" "81.25" "81.25" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "72.00" "76.675" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75
" "70.00" "77.50" "77.50" "81.25" "75.8125" "1,142.00" "2.75"
"MABAGOS" "KYLA JEANINE" "" "2017142060"
"2021-05-14 20:37:00" "Yes" "55.00" "96.25" "96.25" "70.00"
"70.00" "84.00" "77.725" "2.50" "85.00" "85.00" "73.75
" "77.50" "77.50" "80.00" "79.5625" "2.50" "77.50" "77.50
" "77.50" "100.00" "65.00" "85.00" "80.625" "1,192.75" "2.25"
"MATA" "DESEREE" "" "2017141854" "2021-05-15
12:53:02" "Yes" "77.50" "65.00" "92.50" "70.00" "73.75" "88.00
" "77.20" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00" "77.50" "77.50
" "88.00" "76.825" "2.75" "70.00" "70.00" "73.75" "70.00
" "60.00" "81.25" "70.25" "1,131.00" "3.00"
"OSAL" "ANGELO" "" "2019161165" "2021-05-11
12:00:44" "Yes" "55.00" "96.25" "96.25" "70.00" "73.75" "80.00
" "77.875" "2.50" "85.00" "85.00" "73.75" "70.00" "70.00
" "80.00" "76.5625" "2.75" "77.50" "77.50" "77.50" "100.0
0" "65.00" "85.00" "80.625" "1,185.00" "2.25"
"PANGILINAN" "MICKAELA ARXÑ" "" "2018104150"
"2021-05-15 12:17:08" "Yes" "81.25" "92.50" "88.75" "70.00"
"50.00" "84.00" "75.975" "2.75" "77.50" "77.50" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "84.00" "77.35" "2.50" "85.00" "85.00
" "81.25" "65.00" "50.00" "65.00" "70.4375" "1,121.75" "3.00"
"PUBLICO" "HELENA NIKKA" "" "2017130138"
"2021-05-15 12:22:02" "Yes" "81.25" "92.50" "88.75" "73.75"
"70.00" "96.00" "82.525" "2.25" "77.50" "77.50" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "80.00" "76.75" "2.75" "85.00" "85.00
" "81.25" "65.00" "50.00" "65.00" "70.4375" "1,153.50" "3.00"
"PUNSALAN" "JOHN PATRICK" "" "2019150723"
"2021-05-14 19:03:01" "Yes" "70.00" "92.50" "65.00" "70.00"
"60.00" "84.00" "72.725" "3.00" "73.75" "73.75" "60.00
" "70.00" "70.00" "76.00" "70.525" "3.00" "81.25" "81.25
" "77.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,071.25" "3.00"
"PUYAT" "LAWRENCE" "" "2017141877" "2021-05-15
13:35:02" "Yes" "70.00" "71.25" "78.75" "70.00" "73.75" "76.00
" "73.15" "3.00" "70.00" "70.00" "81.25" "70.00" "70.00
" "76.00" "72.5875" "3.00" "85.00" "85.00" "92.50" "100.0
0" "60.00" "92.50" "85.25" "1,167.00" "2.00"
"ROLLO" "ISSABELLE KRICIA" "" "2019105149"
"2021-05-14 19:21:00" "Yes" "70.00" "81.25" "88.75" "70.00"
"77.50" "92.00" "79.30" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "76.00" "75.025" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75
" "92.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,134.25" "3.00"
"ROXAS" "JOHN JERICHO" "" "2019104826"
"2021-05-15 14:56:03" "Yes" "81.25" "92.50" "88.75" "92.50"
"77.50" "88.00" "86.575" "2.00" "77.50" "77.50" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "80.00" "76.75" "2.75" "85.00" "85.00
" "81.25" "65.00" "50.00" "65.00" "70.4375" "1,171.75" "3.00"
"SAGARAL" "SHAOS" "" "2019110209" "2021-
05-15 11:30:02" "Yes" "55.00" "96.25" "96.25" "70.00" "70.00"
"84.00" "77.725" "2.50" "85.00" "85.00" "73.75" "77.50
" "77.50" "70.00" "78.0625" "2.50" "77.50" "77.50" "77.50
" "100.00" "65.00" "85.00" "80.625" "1,182.75" "2.25"
"SAMONTE" "KENZO LOUIS" "" "2019140619"
"2021-05-14 10:36:59" "Yes" "70.00" "81.25" "88.75" "73.75"
"73.75" "76.00" "76.90" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "84.00" "76.225" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75
" "92.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,126.25" "3.00"
"SAN MIGUEL" "ANDREI PAOLO" "" "2019103038"
"2021-05-15 11:17:08" "Yes" "77.50" "65.00" "92.50" "70.00"
"70.00" "80.00" "75.25" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "85.00" "85.00" "72.00" "77.425" "2.50" "70.00" "70.00
" "73.75" "70.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.25" "1,110.75" "3.00"
"2021-05-13 18:18:02" "Yes" "70.00" "71.25" "78.75" "73.75"
"81.25" "76.00" "75.40" "2.75" "70.00" "70.00" "81.25
" "77.50" "77.50" "88.00" "77.3875" "2.50" "85.00" "85.00
" "92.50" "100.00" "60.00" "92.50" "85.25" "1,197.75" "2.00"
"SARMIENTO" "MARIA TRISHA" "" "2019102612"
"2021-05-13 16:34:33" "Yes" "70.00" "81.25" "88.75" "85.00"
"73.75" "92.00" "81.55" "2.25" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "92.00" "77.425" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75
" "92.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,161.50" "3.00"
"SIAGA" "ZAIRA YUSZEL" "" "2019102149"
"2021-05-14 03:01:58" "Yes" "70.00" "81.25" "88.75" "70.00"
"70.00" "76.00" "75.40" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "88.00" "76.825" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75
" "92.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,122.75" "3.00"
"SIM" "ARVEE LUIZ" "" "2019102404" "2021-05-14
10:52:59" "Yes" "55.00" "96.25" "96.25" "85.00" "85.00" "76.00
" "82.525" "2.25" "85.00" "85.00" "73.75" "70.00" "70.00
" "88.00" "77.7625" "2.50" "77.50" "77.50" "77.50" "100.0
0" "65.00" "85.00" "80.625" "1,215.25" "2.25"
"2021-05-15 13:36:02" "Yes" "70.00" "88.75" "85.00" "70.00"
"73.75" "80.00" "77.3125" "2.50" "81.25" "81.25" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "68.00" "76.075" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75
" "70.00" "77.50" "77.50" "81.25" "75.8125" "1,144.25" "2.75"
"2021-05-11 12:15:41" "Yes" "70.00" "71.25" "78.75" "50.00"
"50.00" "47.00" "60.05" "IP" "70.00" "70.00" "81.25"
"77.50" "77.50" "76.00" "75.5875" "2.75" "85.00" "85.00"
"92.50" "100.00" "60.00" "92.50" "85.25" "1,101.75" "2.00"
"TIMBAS" "SOPHIA ISABELLA" "" "2017131119"
"2021-05-14 20:26:01" "Yes" "77.50" "65.00" "92.50" "70.00"
"70.00" "88.00" "76.45" "2.75" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "88.00" "76.825" "2.75" "70.00" "70.00
" "73.75" "70.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.25" "1,127.25" "3.00"
"TUAZON" "JOHN JOVET" "" "2017142532"
"2021-05-15 11:18:08" "Yes" "77.50" "65.00" "92.50" "70.00"
"77.50" "88.00" "77.95" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "77.50" "77.50" "92.00" "77.425" "2.50" "70.00" "70.00
" "73.75" "70.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.25" "1,138.75" "3.00"
"UMALI" "FRANCIS AARON" "" "2019102912"
"2021-05-15 13:22:08" "Yes" "70.00" "81.25" "88.75" "73.75"
"73.75" "80.00" "77.50" "2.50" "73.75" "73.75" "70.00
" "65.00" "65.00" "76.00" "70.025" "3.00" "73.75" "73.75
" "92.50" "50.00" "60.00" "81.25" "70.1875" "1,109.75" "3.00"
"VILLAR" "MARK ANGELO" "" "2017142774"
"2021-05-14 10:50:58" "Yes" "70.00" "71.25" "78.75" "70.00"
"70.00" "76.00" "72.40" "3.00" "70.00" "70.00" "81.25
" "92.50" "92.50" "92.00" "83.9875" "2.25" "85.00" "85.00
" "92.50" "100.00" "60.00" "92.50" "85.25" "1,201.75" "2.00"
"ZOLINA" "ALCHRIS NIÑO" "" "2019105003"
"2021-05-15 11:34:02" "Yes" "81.25" "92.50" "88.75" "70.00"
"70.00" "88.00" "80.575" "2.25" "77.50" "77.50" "70.00
" "73.75" "73.75" "88.00" "76.45" "2.75" "85.00" "85.00
" "81.25" "65.00" "50.00" "65.00" "70.4375" "1,146.00" "3.00"

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