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ELC internship.

I don´t know what I want to do yet but this is what might be it. I think its interesting and I can see
myself doing this later as my job.

1. Andromeda. It’s a physical therapy organisation. They help with all

2. I want to do physiotherapy as a job. I would like to do the research from where the pain
comes from because if you have pain somewhere in your body and you come here to a
physiotherapist it always has a cause somewhere else in the body. I cant really find anything
of what the company stands for but its there to help people with physical pain.

3. My education is bilingual gymnasium, I can work pretty well with others and I have patience
if it comes to research.

4. Its close and from what I saw already because I have been there as a patient everyone was
nice and it had nice kind off work place.

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