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Kawasaki vN1500


This quick referenceguide will assistyou in

locating a desiredtopic or procedure.
aBend the pages back to match the blacktab
of the desiredchaoternumberwith the black
tab on the edge at each table of contents
a Referto the seclional table o{ contents for
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Kawasaki vN1500


All rights reserved. No partsof this publicationmay be reproduced,stored in a retrievalsystem,or trdnsmitted

in any form or by any means,electronic mechanicalphotocopying, recording or otherwise,without the prior
written permissionof Ouality AssuranceDepartment/ConsumerProducts Group/KawasakiHeavy Industries,
No liabilitycan be acceptedfor any inaccuraciesor omissionsin this publication,although everypossiblecare
has been taken to make it as completeand accurateas possible.
The right is reservedto make changesat any time without prior notice and without incurringan obligationto
make such changesto productsmanufacturedpreviously. See your dealerfor the latestinlormationon product
improvementsincorporatedafter this publication.
All intormationcontained iri this publication is based on the latest product informationavailableat the time
of publication. lllustrationsand photographsin this publicationare intendedfor referenceuse only and mav not
depict actual model component parts.

@ Kawasaki
Heaw Industries.
Ltd.1996 FirstEdition(1) : Feb.'15,1996 (M)

A ampere(s) tb pounds(s)
ABDC after bottom dead center m meter(s)
AC alternatingcurrent mrn minule(s)
ATDC after top dead center N newton(s)
BBDC beforebottom dead center Pa pascal(s)
BDC bottom dead center PS horsepower
BTDC beforetop dead center psl pound(s)per squareinch
degree(s) Celsius I revolution
DC direct current rpm revolution(s)per minute
F farad(s) TDC top dead center
degree(s)Fahrenheit TIR total indicatorreading
ft loot, feet volt(s)
g gram(s) watt(s)
n hour(s) o ohm(s)
L liter(s)


To protectthe envilonmentin which we all live,Kawasakihas incorporated crankcase emission

(1) and exhaustemission(2) control systemsin compliancewith applicableregulationsof the
UnitedStatesEnvironmental ProtectionAgencyand CaliforniaAir Resources Board. Additionally,
Kawasaki has incorporated an evaporative emission control system (3) in compliance with
applicableregulationsof the CaliforniaAir Resources Boardon vehiclessold in Californiaonlv.
1. CrankcaseEmissionControl Svstem
This system eliminatesthe releaseof crankcasevapors into the atmosphere. Instead,the
vapors are routed through an oil separatorto the intake side o{ the engine. While the engine
is operating,the vaporsare drawn into combustionchamber,wherethey are burnedalong
with the fuel and air suppliedby the carburetionsystem.
2. ExhaustEmissionControl Svstem
This systemreducesthe amount of pollutantsdischargedinto the atmosphereby the exhaust
of this motorcycle. The fuel and ignition systems of this motorcycle have been carefully
designedand constructed to ensurean efficientenginewith low exhaustpollutantlevels.
3. EvaporativeEmissionControl System
Vapors caused by fuel evaporationin the fuel system are not vented into the atmosphere.
Instead,fuel vaporsare routedinto the runningengineto be burned,or storedin a canister
when the engine is stopped. Liquid fuel is caught by a vapor separatorand reiurnedto the
fuel tank.

The CleanAir Act, which is the Federallaw coveringmotor vehiclepollution,containswhat is

commonly referredto as the Act's "tamperingprovisions."
"Sec.203(a) The {ollowing
actsand the causingthereo{are prohibited...
(3)(A) for any personto removeor renderinoperativeany deviceor elementof design installed
on or in a motor vehicleor motorvehicleenginein compliancewith regulationsunder
this title prior to its sale and deliveryto the ultimatepurchaser,or for any manufacturer
or dealer knowingly to remove or render inoperativeany such device or element of
design after such sale and deliveryto the ultimatepurchaser.
(3)(B) forany personengagedin the businessof repairing, servicing,
selling,leasing,or trading
motor vehicles or motor vehicle engines, or who operatesa fleet of motor vehicles
knowingly to removeor renderinoperativeany deviceor elementof design installedon
or in a motorvehicleor motorvehicleenginein compliancewith regulations underthis
title following its sale and deliveryto the ultimatepurchaser..."

(Continuedon next page.)

o The phrase "remove or render inoperative any device or element of design" has been
generally interpreted as follows:
1. Tampering does not include the temporary or rendering inoperative of devices or
elements of design in order to perform maintenance.
2. Tampering could include:
a. Maladjustment of vehicle components such that the emission standards are
b. use of replacement parts or accessories which adversely affect the performance
or durability of the motorcycle.
c- Addition of components or accessoriesthat result in the vehicle exceeding the
d. Permanently removing, disconnecting, or rendering inoperative any component
or element of design of the emission control systems.




Federallaw prohibits the following acts or the causing thereof: (1) The removalor rendering
inoperativeby any person other than for purposesof maintenance,repair,or replacement,of any
deviceor elementof design incorporatedinto any new vehiclefor the purposeof noisecontrol prior
to its saleor deliveryto the ultimatepurchaseror while it is in use,or (2) the use of the vehicleafter
such device or elementof design has been removedor renderedinoperativeby any person.

Among those acts presumedto constitutetamperingare the acts listed below:

a Replacementof the original exhaustsystemor muffler with a component not in compliancewith
aRemoval of the muffler(s) or any internalportion of the muffler(s).
a Removalof the air box or air box cover.
aModifications to the muffler(s) or air intake system by cutting, drilling, or other means it such
modificationsresult in increasednoise levels.
Thisservicemanualsupplementcontainsonly the aRemember to keep complete records of mainte-
informationuniqueto the modelscovered. lt must nance and repair with dates and any new parts
be used with the base servicemanual listed below. installed.
Readboth this supplementand the basemanualfor
complete information on proper service procedures
for the modelscoveredbv this manual.
How to Use This Manual

BaseManual PartNumber
In preparingthis manual,we dividedthe product
vN1500 99924-'t078 into its major systems. These systemsbecamethe
manual'schapters. All informationfor a panicular
system lrom adjustment through disassemblyand
This manual is designed primarilyfor use by inspectionis locatedin a single chapter.
trained mechanicsin a properly equipped shop. The Ouick ReferenceGuide shows you all of the
However, it contains enough detail and basic product's system and assists in locating their
intormationto make it useful to the owner who chapters. Eachchapter in turn has its own compre-
desiresto perform his own basic maintenanceand hensiveTable of Contents.
repairwork. A basicknowledgeof mechanics, the The PeriodicMaintenanceChart is located in ihe
proper use of tools, and workshop proceduresmust Generallnformationchapter. The chart gives a time
be understoodin order to carryout maintenanceand schedulefor requiredmaintenanceoperations.
repair satisfactorily. Whenever the owner has lf you want spark plug information,for example,
insufficientexperienceor doubts his ability to do the go to the PeriodicMaintenanceChartfirst. The chart
work, all adiustments, maintenance, and repair tellsyou how frequentlyto cleanand gap the plug.
shouldbe carriedout only by qualifiedmechanics. Next, use the Ouick ReferenceGuide to locate the
In order to perform the work efficiently and to ElectricalSystem chapter. Then, use the Table of
avoid costly mistakes, read the text, thoroughly Contentson the first page of the chapterto find the
familiarize yourself with the procedures before SparkPlugsection.
starting work, and then do the work carefully in a Whenever you spe these WARNING and
cleanarea.Wheneverspecialtoolsor equipmentare CAUTION symbols.heed their instructionsl Always
specified,do not use makeshifttools or equipment. follow safe operatingand maintenancepractices.
Precisionmeasurements can only be made if the
proper instrumentsare used, and the use of substi-
tute tools may adverselyaftect safe operation.
For the duration of the warranty period,
we recommend that all repairs and scheduled This warning symbol identifies special
maintenancebe oerformedin accordancewith this instructions or procedures which, if not
servicemanual. Any owner maintenanceor repair correctly followed, could result in personal
procedure not periormed in accordance with this injury, or loss of life.
manual may void the warranty.
To get the longest life out of your motorcycle:
I Follow the Periodic MaintenanceChan in the
ServiceManual. CATJTION
aBe alertfor problemsand non-scheduledmainte-
nance. This caution symbol identifi6s sp€cial
aUse propertools and genuine KawasakiMotorcy- instructions or procedures which, if not
cle parts. Special tools, gauges, and testersthat strictly observed, could result in damage to
are necessarywhen servicing Kawasakimotorcy- or destruction of equipmsnt.
cles are introducedby the SpecialTool Catalogor
Manual. Genuinepartsprovidedas sparepartsare This manual contains four more symbols (in
listed in the PartsCatalog. additionto WARNING and CAUTION)which will
aFollow the proceduresin this manual carefully. help you distinguishdiflerenttypes of information.
Don't take shortcuts.
o This note symbol indicates points of partic-
ular interest for more efficient and conven-
ient operction.

(a): indicatesa proceduralstep or work to be done.

(o): indicatesa proceduralsub-step or how to do
the work of the proceduralstep it follows. lt
also orecedesthe text of a NOTE.
(*): indicatesa conditional step or what action to
take based on the results of the test or
inspection in the proceduralstep or sub-step
it follows.

ln most chaptersan explodedview illustrationof

the system components follows the Table of
Contents. In these illustrationsvou will find the
instructionsindicating which parts requirespecified
tightening torque, oil, grease or a locking agent
during assembly.
G E N E R A TI N F O R M A T I O N1 . 1

Tableof Contents

B e f o r eS e r v i c i n g . . ..............1-2
M o d e lf d e n t i f i c a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............1-4
G e n e r aSl p e c i f i c a t i o .n.s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.6. 1
PeriodiM c a i n t e n a n cCeh a r t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- .8. 1
T e c h n i c al nl f o r m a t i o-nV - E n g i n e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... . . . ...... .. . . . . . . . . 1- 9
TechnicalInformation 4 Valvesand 2 SparkPlugsper Cylinder..........................1 -10
TechnicalInformation Deceleration - TorqueLimitingClutch................................1 -11
TechnicalInformation BalancerMechanism.......... ..................1-12
T e c h n i c aI ln f o r m a t i o nC o a s t i n g Enricher............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .1. 3.1
Technicallnformation-MaintenanceFreeBattery......... ..........1-14
TechnicalInformation- HydraulicLashAdjuster...... .................1-16
T o r q u ea n d L o c k i n gA g e n t . . . . . ......................1-21
S p e c i aTl o o l sa n d S e a l a n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-.2. .5. 1
C a b l eW , i r e ,a n d H o s eR o u t i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. .3.2. . . . . . 1
1 . 2 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N
Before Servicing
Beforestartingto seruicea motorcycle,carefulreadingof the applicablesection is recommendedto eliminate
unnecessarywork. Photographs,diagrams,notes, cautions, warnings, and detailed descriptionshave been
included wherevernecessary. Nevertheless, even a detailedaccount has limitations,a certainamount of basic
knowledge is also requiredfor successful work.
Especially note the following:
(1) Dirt
Beforeremovaland disassembly,clean the motorcycle. Any dirt enteringthe engine or other parts will
work as an abrasiveand shortenthe life of the motorcycle. For the same reason.before installing a new
part,clean off any dusl or metalfilings.
(2) BatteryGround
Removethe ground (-) lead from the battery belore performing any disassemblyoperationson the
motorcycle. This prevents: (a) the possibility of accidentallyturning the engine over while partially
disassembled. (b) sparksat electricalconnectionswhich will occur when they are disconnected. (c)
damageto electricalparts.
(3) lnstallation,Assembly
Generally,installationor assemblyis the reverseof removalor disassembly. But if this ServiceManual
has installationor assemblyprocedures,follow them. Note partslocationsand cable.wire, and hoserouting
during removalor disassemblyso they can be installedor assembledin the same way. lt is preferableto
ma* and recordthe locationsand routing as much as possible.
(4) Tightening Sequence
Generally,when installing a part with severalbolts. nuts, or scrqws, start them all in their holes and
tighten them to a snug fit. Then tighten them evenly in a cross pattern. This is to avoid distortion of the
part and/or causinggas or oil leakage. Converselywhen looseningthe bolts, nuts, or screws,first loosen
all of them by about a quarterturn and then removethem. Wherethere is a tightening sequenceindication
in this ServiceManual,the bolts, nuts, or screwsmust be tightened in the order and method indicated.
(5) Torque
When torque valuesare given in this ServiceManual, usethem. Eithertoo little or too much torque may
leadto seriousdamage. Use a good quality, reliabletorque wrench.
(6) Force
Commonsenseshould dictate how much force is necessaryin assemblyand disassembly.lf a pan seems
especiallydifficult to removeor install,stop and examinewhat may be causing the problem. Whenever
tapping is necessary,tap lightly using a wooden or plastic-facedmallet. Use an impact driver for screws
(particularlyfor the removalof screwsheld by a locking agent) in orderto avoid damagingthe screw heads.
(7) Edses
Watch for sharp edges,especiallyduring maior engine disassemblyand assembly. Protectyour hands
with glovesor a pieceof thick cloth when lifting the engine or turning it over.
(8) High-FlashPointSolvent
A high-flash point solvent is recommendedto reduce fire danger. A commercialsolvent commonly
availablein North Americais Stoddardsolvent (genericname). Always follow manufacturerand container
directionsregardingthe use of any solvent.
(9) Gasket,O- Ring
Do not reusea gasket or O-ring once it has been in service. The mating surfacesaround the gasket
should be free ol foreign matterand perfectlysmooth to avoid oil or compressionleaks.
(10) LiquidGasket,Non-Permanent LockingAgent
Follow manufacturer'sdirectionsfor cleaning and preparingsurfaceswhere these compounds will be
used. Apply sparingly. Excessiveamounts may block engine oil passagesand causeseriousQamage.An
exampleof a non-permanentlocking agent commonly availablein North America is Loctite Lock'n Seal
(11) Press
A part installedusing a pressor driver,such as a wheel bearing,should first be coatedwith oil on its outer
or inner circumferenceso that it will go into placesmoothly.
(12) Ball Bearingand NeedleBeating
Do not removea ball bearingor a needlebearingunlessit is absolutelynecessary. Replaceany ball or
needlebearingsthat were removedwith new ones,as removalgenerallydamagesbearings. Installbearings
with the markedside facing out applying pressureevenlywith a suitabledriver. Only presson the racethat
forms the pressfit with the basecomponent to avoid damagingthe bearings. This preventsseverestress
on the balls or needlesand races,and preventracesand balls or needlesfrom being dented. Pressa ball
bearinguntil it stops at the stops in the hole or on the shaft.
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 3

(13) Oil Sealand GreaseSeal

Replaceany oil or greasesealsthat were removedwith new ones, as removalgenerallydamagesseals.
When pressingin a seal which has manufacturer'smarks,press it in with the marksfacing out. Seals
should be pressedinto place using a suitabledriver.which contactsevenly with the side of seal, until the
face of the seal is even with the end of the hole. Beforea shaft passesthrough a seal,apply a little high
temperaturegreaseon the lips to reducerubberto metal friction.
(14) Circlip,RetainingRing,and CotterPin
Replaceany circlips, retaining rings, and cotter pins that were removed with new ones, as removal
weakensand delorms them. When installingcirclips and retainingrings,take care to compressor expand
them only enoughto installthem and no more.
(15) Lubrication
Enginewear is generallyat its maximumwhile the engine is warming up and beforeall the rubbing
surfaceshave an adequatelubricativelilm. During assembly,oil or grease (whichever is more suitable)
shouldbe appliedto any rubbingsurfacewhich haslost its lubricative film. Old greaseand dirtyoil should
be cleanedoff. Deteriorated grease has lost its lubricativequality and may containabrasiveforeign particles.
Don't use iust any oil or grease. Some oils and greasesin particularshould be used only in certain
applicationsand may be harmfulif usedin an applicationfor which they are not intended.This manual
makesreferenceto molybdenumdisullide grease(MoS" ) in the assemblyof certain engine and chassis
pafts. Always check manufacturerrecommendationsbeforeusing such speciallubricants.
(16) ElectricalWires
All the electricalwires are either single-color or two-color and, with only a few exceptions,must be
connectedto wires of the samecolor. On any of the two-color wires there is a greateramount of one color
and a lesseramount of a secondcolor, so a two-color wire is identified by first the primarycolor and then
"yellow/red" wire;
the secondarycolor. For example,a yellow wire with thin red stripesis referredto as a
it would be a "red/yellow" wire if the colors were reversedto make red the main color.

Wire (cross-section) Name of Wire Color

Wire Strands

(17) Replacement Parts

When there is a replacementinstruction,replacethese partswith new ones everytime they are removed.
Thesereplacementpartswill be damagedor losetheir original function once removed.
(18) Inspection
When parts have been disassembled,visually inspect these parts for the following conditions or other
damage. lf there is any doubt as to the condition of them, replacethem with new ones.
Abrasion Crack Hardening Warp
Bent Dent Scratch Wear
Color change Deterioration Seizure
(19) Specifications
Specificationtermsare defined as follows:
"Standards":show dimensionsor performanceswhich brand-new parts or systemshave.
"Service Limits": indicatethe usable limits. lf the measurementshows excessivewear or deteriorated
performance,replacethe damagedparts.
1 - 4 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N
Model ldentification

VNl50O-D1 (US and Canada) Left Side View:

VNl50O-D1 (US and Canada) Right Side View:

G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N 1 - 5

VN1500-D1 (Other than US and Canada) Left Side View:

VN1500-D1 (Other than US and Canada) Right Side Viewi

General Specifications

Items vN1500-D1
Overalllength 2 500mm
Overallwidth 965mm
Overallheight 1100mm
Wheelbase 1 660 mm
Roadclearance 1 2 5m m
Seatheight 700 mm
Dry mass 292 ks, (CA)292.5ks
Curbmass: Front 138ks
Rear 172kg, (cA) 172.5ks
Fuel tank capacity 1 6L
Minimumturningradius 2.9m
Type 4-stroke,SOHC. V2-cylinder
Cooling system Liquid-cooled
Bore and stroke 1 0 2x 9 0 m m
Displacement 1 470 mL
Compressionratio 8.6:1
Maximumhorsepower 47 kW (64 PS) @4 700 r/min (rpm).
(FR) UTAC'snorm45 kW (61 PS) @4 700 r/min (rpm),
(ST) 33.2 kW (45 PS) @4 000 r/min (rpm),
(US) -
Maximumtorque 112 N-m (11.4 kg-m, 82.5 ft-lb) @3 000 r/min(rpm),
(ST) 86 N-m (8.8 kg-m,63.6ft-lb) @3 000 r/min (rpm),
(FR)-. (us)-
Carburetionsystem Carburetor,Keihin CVK40 x 1
Startingsystem Electricstarter
lgnition system Batteryand coil (transistorized)
Timingadvance Electronicallyadvanced(digital)
lgnitiontiming From5 " BTDC@800 r/min (rpm),
(CA)(ST)(AR)(FG) From5' BTDC@1 000 r/min (rpm)
Sparkplugs N G KD P R T E A - o
9r N D X 2 2 E P R - U g
Cylindernumberingmethod Frontto Rear.1-2
Firingorder 4 1

lnlet Open 18'BTDC,(ST)47' BTDC
Close 62' ABDC,(ST)41"ABDC
Duration 260".(Sr) 268'
Exhaust Open 62' BBDC,(ST)41' BBDC
Close 22' ATDC,(ST)51"ArDC
Duration 264, (Sr) 272'
Lubricationsystem (wetsump)
E n g i n eo i l :
Grade SE,SF,or SGclass
Viscosity SAE10W-40, 10W-50,20W-40.or 20W-50
Capacity 3.5 L (whenengineis completelydry)
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 7

Items vNl500-D1
Drive Train:
Type Gear
Reductionratio 1.517 (85/56)
Clutch type Wet multi disc
Type 4-speed,constantmesh,returnshift
Gearratios: 1st 2.5OO(40/16\
2nd 1.375(33/24)
3rd 1.035(291?8)
4th 0.781(25132)
Finaldrive system:
Type Shaft
Reductionratio 2.619 (15/21x33/9)
Overalldrive ratio 3.105@Topgear
Type API GL-5 Hypoidgearoil
SAE90 (above 5'C)
SAE80(below 5'C)
Capacity 200 mL
Type Tubular,doublecradle
Caster(rakeangle) 32
Trail 1 2 3m m
Fronttire: Type Tube
Size 130/90-16 67H
Reartire: Type Tube
Size 150/80-16 71H
Front suspension:Type Telescopicfork
Wheel travel 1 5 0m m
Rearsuspension: Type Swingarm
Wheel travel 87 mm
Braketype: Front Singledisc
Rear Singledisc
Battery 1 2 V 1 4A h
Headlight Type
Bulb 12 V 60/55W
Tail/brakelight 12v 5/21W x 2, (US)(CN)12V 8/27W x2
Alternator: Type Three-phaseAC
Ratedoutput 25 A x 14 V@6000 r/min(rpmr
Specificationsare subjectto change without notice,and may not apply to everyGountry.

(AR) : Austria (FG) : Germany (ST) : Swieerland

(CA) : California (FR) : France (US): United States
1 - 8 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N
Periodic Maintenance Chart
The scheduled maintenancemust be done in accordancewith this chart to keep the motorcycle in good running
condition.The Inillal maintenancels vllally imporlantand must not bo neglec{ed.

Yl$lll?:l| #^


Sparkplug - cleanand gap t a a a a a a
Air suctionvalve- checki O a a o a a
Air cleanerelement-clean t# a a a
Throttle grip play - check t a a a a
ldle speed - adjust a o a a
Evaporativeemissioncontrol system (CA)
a a a a a a o
Engineoil - change# 6 months a a a a a a a
Oil filter - replace a a a a
Radiatorhoses,connections- check t a
Coolant- change 2 years a
Finalgearcaseoil level- checkt a o a
Finalgear caseoil - change a a
Propellershaftjoint - lubricate o a
Clutchfluid level- checkt month a o a a a a a
Clutchfluid - change 2 vears a
Clutch mastercylindercup and dust seal
-reDtace 4 years
Clutchslavecylinderpistonseal- replace 4 years
Brakeliningor pad wear - checkt # a a a a a a
Brakefluid level - check t month a o a a a O a
Brakefluid - change 2 years a
Brakemastercylindercup and dust seal
- reoEce 4 years
Caliperpistonsealand dust seal- replace 4 years
Brakelight swirch - check i o a a a a a o
Steering- check t a a o o a a o
Steeringstem bearing - lubricate 2 years a
Frontfork oil - change 2 years a
Rearshockabsorberoil leak - checkt a a o
Front fork oil leak - check t a o a
Tire wear - check i a a a a a a
Spoketigthnessand rim runout - check t a a a a a a a
Swingarmpivo! lubricate a a a
Generallubrication- perform a o a
Nuts, bolts,and fastenerstightness- check 1 o a a a
# : Servicemore frequently when operating in high speed, frequent starting/stopping.dust, wet, mud, or other harsh
' : For higher odometerreadings,repeatat the frequencyintervalestablishedhere.
t : Replace,add, adjust,clean,o. torque if necessary.
(CA): CaliforniaVehicleonly
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 9
Technical lnformation - V-Engine

The VN1500 is equippedwith a 2-cylinderV-engine. The general

characteristicsof a V-engine are as lollows,
oThe combustion intervalbetweencylindersis not even (uneven-
interval combustion), which gives the V-twin its unique dynamic
exhaustsound and vibration. lt is not a methodicalsound or vibralion
but more like a heanbeator horse'shooves.

o Becausetwo connecting rods [A] are fitted to one crankpin, the

bending iorce and length of the crankshaftare about half that in a
paralleltwin engine. In other words, the inside of the engine can be
narrowerand the banking angle can be steeper.
o Regardingenginevibralion,there is lessprimaryvibration,which is the
largestsource of vibration,than in a paralleltwin engine.
1 . 1 0 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N
Technical Information - 4 Valves and 2 Spark Plugs per Cylinder
Kawasaki'sVN1500 engine is designedto have 4 valvesand 2 spark
plugs per cylinderfor more power at low and mid-rangeengine speeds,
betterdrivabilityand lower fuel consumption.
The 4-valve per cylinder design utilizing a combustion chamber of
greater capacity provides greater intake and exhaust port area for
increasedbreathing and combustion efficiency. One intake/exhaust
valve per cylinder has a limitation in engine power output.
IntakeValves [A] ExhaustValvesIB]

Also, with one spa* plug [A] on each side of the cylinder head,the
VN1500's large combustion chamber engine can burn the fuel/air
mixture in a wider areain a shortertime, resultingin an increasein mean
effectivepressureand torque.
G E N E B A LI N F O B M A T ] O N1 - 1 1
Technical lnformation DecelerationTorque Limiting Clutch
A machineequippedwith a 4-stroke engine may offer the advantage
of effectivebrakingwith the engine. lf the speed is reducedtoo abruptly
by down-shifting, brakingwith the engine can be excessive,causingthe
phenomenoncalled rear-wheelhop.
During cruising, power is transmitted in this order: crankshait .-t
clutch gear [A] .-+ clutch plates [B] .-+ outer clutch hub [C] + inner
clutch hub [D] + transmission[E] --+propellershaft --+rearwheel.

During an abrupt down-shift, this order is reversedand powerful

torque is transmittedfrom the crankshaftto the piston. In other words,
the rear wheel tries to tum the engine. while cylinder compression
pressureworks to preventthe rearwheel Jromturning so as to checkthat
movement so it is like a brakebeing appliedto the machine.
The outer clutch hub [C] and inner clutch hub [D] are engagedby
ramps (slopes) [F], and are pressedby the decelerationtorque limiting

clutch springs [G] so as not to separatefrom one another. Shown here
is the normaldriving statut where the torque is transmittednormallyand
the ramDsare not activated.

When the speed is suddenly reduced.the ramps [F] are activatedby

Abrupl Braklng
tho reversetorque generatedand the outer clutch hub [C] slides in the
axial direction against the spring [G] force, producing a gap with the (a
clutch platesIB]. causingthe clutch to slideto releasethe reversetorque,
Becauseengine braking is reduced during abrupt deceleration,the
rider can down-shift when cornering and the like without Jear oI
rear-wheelhop, therebyenioying a smoother ride.
That is the purposeol the decelerationtorque limiting clutch.
1 - 1 2 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N
Technical lnformation - Balancer Mechanism
The KawasakiV-twin engine uses a gear-drivensingle shaft balancer
system located in front of the crank having one weight on each side ol
the engine. The two connecting rods [A] are connecled to the same
crankpin,makingthe balancersystemsimple,light-weighi, and compact.
The balancershaft rotatesat the same rDmas the crankshaftbut in the

The inertial forces FB,FFof both pistons and the centrifugallorce of

both crankshaftcounterweights 2f create the unbalancedforce of Fl,
which is the maincauseoI enginevibration.
With one weight on each end, the balancershaft createsa force equal
to Fr reducingvibration.
As shown in the figure, the balancerweights are timed so they exert
centrifugallorces (BalancerForce:-F1) in the opposite directionto that
of the unbalanced force of the crankshaft Fl to keeD the svstem in
balance. This balanceis maintainedin anv crankshaftoosition.

BalancerMechanism FF Front Piston lnertialForce

FR Rear Piston lnertial Force
Fc ResultantForceoJ FFand FR
FI UnbalancedForce (ResultantForce)
-Fl BalancedForce
n : Crankhaft CounterWeight Forc6



r -Fl

1. Crankshaft 2. Crankpin 3. Balancer 4. Gears

I N F O R M A T I O N1 - 1 3
Technical Information - Coasting Enricher

Generally,the grealerthe engine displacementper cylinder,the leaner

the mixture during engine braking causing misfiring or backfiring. To
cope with these, a coasting enricher [A] is used for the VN1500. The
coasting enrichersystem preventsbackfiring during engine braking by
supplyinga richfuel mixtureto the engine.

When the motorcycleis cruising or accelerating,the engine vacuum is low, and the returnspring [3] pushesthe valve in
its opened position [5]. The passage[6] is open and ihe air runs through the pilotjet [7] for betteratomization.
During engine braking,a h igh vacuum is generatedbehind the buttefly valve [1 1]. This draws the diaphragm [2] against
the return spring [3] to close the valve 1121,and then the passage[6]. The mixture becomesrich to prevent backfiring
becausethe amount of air is reduceo

Coaling Enricher Syatem

DuringCruisingor Acceleration DuringEngineBraking

1 . Coasling EnricherJet Valve Opened L Pilot Screw

2. Diaphragm o. Passage 10.Air CleanerHousing
? ReturnSpring 7 . Pilot Jet 11 . ButterflyValve (ThrottleValve)
4. Cover 8. PilotAir Jet 12.ValveClosed
1 . 1 4 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

Fuel and Alr Supply ol Enrlcher System

|-'""'"- rrr4'l-'*''"''l+Fil.l

F cb-";l
* * - l A Fml

$@@ f:*':r
-]w @ @ Mixture

EI %
l;;'""-a Ftu';-l@
-l- Air

l=*;l CE: CoastingEnricher

Technical lnformation - Maintenance Free Battery

A maintenancelree battery is installedin this model. The maintenanceIree battery is a sealedtype, and so cannot be
performedthe electrolvtelevelcheck and toopinq-up.

(l) Construc-llon

Terminal(lead alloy) [A]

Sealcap [B]
Lid [c]
Positiveplate (lead and lead alloy) [D]
Pole (lead alloy) [E]
Negativeplate (lead and lead alloy) [G]
Safetyvalve [J]
Filter [K]

(ll) Main Festures

1) Maintenance{ree ......... lt is not necessaryto checkthe electrolyteleveland top-up the electrolyte.
As the electrolyteis retainedfirmly in the special separators,there is no
2) No electrolyte|eakage.................................
lree electrolyte in the battery.
lt can be used instantlyafterfilling only the electrolytewithout inilial
3) Instantactivationsystem.............................
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 1 5

4) One-pushmotionelectrolyte lt is possibleto fill the electrolyte

fi11in9............ bv easvone-pushmotion.
lf the batteryinternalpressurerisesabnormallyhigh, the safetyvalve
5) Safetyconstruction...............................-.....
opens to releasethe gas insidethe batteryto restorethe normal pressure
and prevent the battery from rupturing. After restoring the normal
pressure, the safety valve closes and the battery is sealed again.
Moreover,a ceramicfilter is disposedon top of the safetyvalve under the
lid to removerisk of ignition or explosioncausedby fire from outside.
6) Compactand high performance.................No presenceof free electrolyteallows the battery made lower in height.
thus resulting in enhanced volume efficiency. Moreovet gas being
absorbedinsidethe bafteryeliminatesthe need for a gas exhausttube.
7) Strong charge/dischargecharacteristics....ltcan amply withstand deep charge/dischargecycles.
(lll) Principle of Sealing Structure
A lead-acidbatteryoperatesunder the following chemicalreaction:
(+) (-) Discharge (-) (-r
PbO2 + 2H2SOa + Pb ? PbSO+ + 2H2O + PbSOa
(Lead peroxide) (Sulfuric acid) (Spongy lead) Charge (Lead sulJate) (water) (Lead sulJate)
Positiveactive Electrolyte Negativeactive Positiveactive Electrolyte Negativeactive
material material material material
Normallyin an ordinarylead-acidbatterywhen it comesto an end of a charge.where the lead sulfatebeing a discharge
product returnsto lead peroxide and spongy lead,the charge current flowing thereafteris used exclusivelyto decompose
electrolyticallywatef {rom the electrolyte,thus resultingin generationof hydrogen gas from the negativeplate and oxygen
gas from the positive plate. The gases so generatedare releasedout of the battery causing the amount of electrolyte
decreasedto reouireoccasionalwater reolenishment.
A maintenancefree battery,howevet is so designedihat, when it is overcharged,even if the positiveplate is fully charged,
the negativeplate remainsnot fully turned to spongy lead. Therelore,evenwhen the positiveplate is overchargedgenerating
oxygen gas,the negativeplate is no fully charged,hencegeneratingno hydrogengas.
Moreover,the oxygen gas generatedfrom the positive plate immediatelyreactswith the chargedactive materialon the
negativeplate,and returnsto watet with the ultimateresultof no water loss,

Pb + 1/202 -., (Pbo)

Negativeactive Oxygengenerated Negativeactive
material from positiveplate material
(Pbo) + H2SO4 --+ PbSOa + HzO
Electrolyre Negativeactive Water

Thus, the negativeplate is made as not to get fully charged. Evenif the overchargecontinues,the oxygen gas generated
inside the baftery is absorbedby the negativeplate, a processcalled orygen cycle. which keepswater loss theoreticallyat
nil, and allows the battervto be sealed.
1 - 1 6 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N
Technical Information - Hydraulic lash Adjuster (Hydraulic Valve ClearanceAdjuster)
The lash adjusterkeepsvalveclearanceat zero automatically,and gets
rid oJtroublesomevalveadiustmentas well as periodicinspection.
When comoaredwith the conventionalmechanicallifter,the hydraulic
lash adjusterhas almost no tappet noise and can provide constantvalve
timing due to full-time complianceof the valvewith the cam in spite of
changesin engine temperatureand rpm.
Accordingly, reliable engine performancesuch as better starting,
shonerwarm-up time, and more stableidling can be expected.

The center pivot rocker type lash adjusters [A] are fitted into the
rocker arm [B] at one end, while the other end rests on the end of the
valvestem [C].
lf air bubblesget into the lash adiuster,they will causetappet noise
at low engine speeds and cause valve bouncing at high speeds. To
preventair from getting in, there is an oil reservoir[D] high in the rocker
case to collect the oil sent to the cylinder head so that air bubbles [E]
can escapefrom the oil belorethe oil goes to the lash adjusters.
Also, two {ilters [F] at the reservoiroutlet are providedto keep dirt or
other contaminantsout ot the lash adiusters.

ln the lash adjuster,a caged ball (with a spring) is used as a check


RockerArm Reservoir[A] Oil Feed Passages[H]

ChamberIB] Ball - check Valve l
BallCage[C] PlungerSpring[J]
RockerArm [D] BallSpring [K]
O-ring IE] High Pressure Chamber[L]
Body [F] Oil Passage[M]

1. When the valve restson its seat,the plungerspring Ul pushesthe plunger [G] down. forcing the end of the rockerarm
IN] to move upwards until the rockercontactsthe cam basecircle [O] hard enough to keep zero valve clearance.
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 . 1 7

Valve Seated

2. As the cam rotatesand the cam flank [P] contactsthe rockerarm [N], the plunger [c] pushesthe plungerspring [J],
causinga risein oil pressurein the high pressurechamber [L] and forcing the ball-checkvalve l to closethe oil passage
[O]. Beforethe ball-checkvalve completelycloses,however,there is a moment of a.noil leakagethrough the oil seat
IR], allowingthe plunger[G] io sinka liftle(Primaryleak-down).

ValveSlarls Openlng: Oil pressurerisesand closesthe ball-checkvalve

1 - 1 8 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

3. Due to the incompressiblenatureof oil, the plunger [G] effectivelybecomesa solid, non-compressibleunit, and the cam
lobe [S] iorces its intake or exhaustvalve open [T]. While the valve is off its seat,there is also a small amount of oil
leakage(leak-down) [U] between the plunger [G] and the body [F] by valve spring force. allowing plunger to sink
[V] a little.causinga slight cam lift loss.

valve Fulty Open : Plungersinks slightly.allowing a little oil leakage.

With the intake or exhaustvalve restingon its seat,the rockerarm [N] does not push the plunger [G], but instead,the
plungerspring [J] forcesthe plunger [G] down and the ball valve l to open againstthe ball spring [K] to admit oil into
the high pressurechamber. The oil drawn in at this moment compensatesfor excessoil leakagein the former process
as well as ior changes in valve train component dimenslonscausedby heat and wear to keep the clearanceconstantly
at zero.
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 1 9

valve closed: Ball checkvalve opens to admit oil, compensatingfor the leak-down, heat expansion,and wear.

Lash adjusteroperationcan be shown as a graph. The leak-down allows for heat expdnsionof the engine parts (partic-
ularlythe valvestem), and preventsthe valvefrom being held off its seat in the closed position. And. the leak-down is minute
and becomeslessat high rpm.

Lash Adlusier Cfcle

Valveclosed (seated) Valvestartsopening. Valveclosed

180' 180' (seated).

CheckValveopened. CheckValveclosed.

Oil leakage,increasein leak-down

t Oildrawnin,compensation l< Amount of
I for leak-down I -oown

t Primary
Cam Rolation Angle
o Valve Lift
1 - 2 O G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

Servicing Pr€cautions
o Do not drop the lash adjusteror hit it sharply. lf it is deformed,the plungerwill not operatesmoothly.
oTo clean the adjuster,rinse it in clean keroseneand the blow it dry with compressedair. Do not dry it with a cloth to
oreventdust or lint contamination.
o Be careful not to get any adhesivesor liquid gasketon the adjusterduring servicing.
oPrior to installation,be sure to air-bleed it, using keroseneor engine oil as explainedin the Base Manual. Keroseneis
preferablefor rapid air bleeding. Do not leavethe HLA upsidedown or sidewaystoo long. Air will get into the oil.
After bleeding,installthe HLA ioto the rockerarm in the engine oil so that the oil gets into the rockerarm reservoireasily.
After installation,be careful not to tip the rockerarm assemblyand allow the keroseneor oil to leak oul of the rockerarm
oAlways keep the speci{iedamount of oil in the engine to preventair bubblesfrom gefting into the oil.
oStrictly observethe requiredperiodicreplacementof the engine oil and oil filter to keep air and other contaminantsout of
the oil and to preventabnormallyhigh oil line pressure.
o Insufficientengine oil will causeair to enterthe lash adiusterand developtappet noise or poor engine running at both low
and high speeds. Excessiveoil pressurewill causethe lash adjusterto hold the valveopen. resultingin hard starting,poor
idling and lossof power at high speeds. To preventsuch troubles,the oil line must be in good condition.
G E N E R A TI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 2 1
Torque and Locking Agent

The following tables list the tightening torque for the The table below, relating tightening torque to thread
majorfastenersrequiringuse oI a non-permanentlocking diameter,liststhe basictorque for the bolts and nuts. Use
agent or liquid gasket. this table for only the bolts and nuts which do not require
a specilic torque value. All of the valuesare for use with
Lettersused in the "Remarks"column mean: drv solvent-cleanedthreads.
G r Apply greaseto the threads.
EO: Apply engine oil to the threads and the seating BasicTorquelor GeneralFasleners
surface. Threadsdia. Torque
L : Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the
(mm) N-m Kg-m ft-lb
Lh : Left-hand threads. 9.4 - 4.9 0.35- 0.50 30 - 43 in-lb
O : Apply an oil to the threadsand seatingsurface. 6 5.9 - 7.8 0.60 - 0.80 52 - 69 in-lb
S : Tighten the fasteners {ollowing the specitied 8 1 4 - 1 9 1 . 4- 1 . 9 10.0- 13.5
10 25-34 2.O - 3.J 19.0- 25
12 44-61 4.5 - 6-2 55 - .+C
SS : Apply siliconesealant. 14 7 3 - 9 8 7.4 - 10.O
St i Stakethe lastenersto preventloosening. 16 1 1 5- 1 5 5 1 1 . 5- 1 6 . 0 8 3 - 1 1 5
R : Replacementpans 18 17.O- 23.O 1 2 5 - 1 6 5
20 225 - 325 2 3 - 3 3 165 - 240

Fastener Torque Remarks

N-m k9-m ft-tb
Fucl System:
Inlet Manifold Bolts 1.2 104in-lb
FuelTap PlateScrews 0.8 0.08 7 in-lb
Air CleanerBaseHolder Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Air CleanerBaseBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
A,irCleanerBaseScrews 1.1 0.11 1 0i n - l b
Air CleanerCover Screws 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Cooling System:
RadiatorHose Clamp Screws 2.5 0.25 22 in-lb
CoolantAir BleederBolt 7.8 0.80 69 in-lb
RadiatorFan Switch 18 1.8 13.0
Water TemperatureSwitch 7.8 0.80 .69 in-lb SS
WaterPump lmpellerBolt 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb Lh
Water PumDCover Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Water Pioe Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Engine Top End:
SparkPlugs 18 1.8 13.0
SparkPlug Retainer 12 1.2 104in-lb
Air Suction Valve Cover Bolts 4.9 0.50 43 in-lb
ChainTensionerMountingBolts O Q 1.0 d/ In-lD S
ChainTensionerCap 20 14.5 s
ChainTensionerLockbolt 11 1.1 95 in-lb S
, I F
CamshaftSorocketBolts 15 11.0 L
Oil HoseFlangeBolts 9.8 1.0 E/ rn-lb
RockerShafts 25 2.5 18.0
RockerCaseNuts 1 2m m 78 8.0 58 EO,S
8mm 25 z.c 18.0 s
RockerCaseBolts 6mm 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb D
CylinderHead Nuts 25 2.5 18.0 J
RockerCaseCover Bolts 8.8 0.90 /u rn-lb J
CamshaftChainGuide Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb L
CylinderNuts 25 2.5 18.0 D
InletManifoldBolts 12 1.2 104in-lb S
1 . 2 2 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

Fastener Torque Remarks

N-m kg-m ft-tb
Clutch LeverPivot Bolt 1.0 0.10 9 in-lb
Clutch LeverPivot Bolt Locknut 5.9 0.60 52 in-lb
Clutch ReservoirCap Screws 0 . 1 5' 13in-lb
Clutch Slave Cylinder BleedValve 7.8 0.80 69 in-lb
Clutch Slave Cylinder Bolts
Clutch Hose Banjo Bolts 25 2.5 18.0
Clutch Master CylinderClamp Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb S
StarterLockout Switch Screws 1.2 0.12 10 in-lb
PushRod GuideBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb L
Clutch Cover Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Clutch Cover DamperBolts (outside) oa 1.0 87 in-lb L
Clutch Cover DamperBolts (inside) 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb EO (tip)
Clutch Cover DamperScrews 4.9 0.50 43 in-lb L
ClutchHub Nut 145 15.0 110 EO
Engine Lubrication Systsm:
Oil FillerPlug 1.5 0.15 13in-lb
Oil ScreenPlug 20 2.0 14.5
EngineDrainPlug 20 2.0 14.5
Oil Filter (Cartridgetype) Hand-tightHand-tight Hand-tight o
o r1 8 or1.8 o r 1 3 . 0i n - l b
Oil FilterBolt 25 2.5 18.0 SS
Oil PressureReliefValve 15 1 F 11.0 L
Oil Hose Banjo Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Oil PressureSwitch TerminalBolt 0.15 13in-lb
Oil PressureSwitch 15 1.5 11.0 SS
Oil Pump MountingBolts 9.8 1.0 u/ rn-to
Oil Hose Banjo Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Oil Hose FlangeBolr (outside) 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Oil PipeHolderBolts (inside) 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb
Oil PipeClampBolts(inside) 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
CrankcaseOil Nozzle 3.4 0.35 30 in-lb
Engine Removal/lnstallation:
Downtube Bolts M 4.5 5J
EngineMountingBoltsand Nuts 44 4.5 33
EngineMounting BracketBolts 23 2.3 16 . 5
EngineGroundTerminalBolt 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Crankshaf t/Transmi*sion :
Crankcase Bolts 10 mm 39 4.0 ZJ J
8mm 21 15.0 D
6mm 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb S
CrankcaseBearingRetainerBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb L
CamshaftChain Guide Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb L
CrankcaseOil Nozzle 3.4 0.35 30 in-lb
ConnectingRod Big End Nuts 59 6.0 43 EO
Oil PressureReliefValve 1 q 11.0
Oil Hose Banjo Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
PrimaryGear Bolt 145 15.0 110 EO
WaterPumpChainGuideSpringHook Bolt 0.30 26 in-lb
WaterPumpChainGuide Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
WaterPumDChainGuide HolderBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Oil PressureSwitch TerminalBolt 1.5 0.15 13 in-lb
Oil PressureSwitch 15 1.5 1 1. 0 SS
Oil PipeClampBolts (inside) 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb L
BalancerGearBolt 85 8.7 EO
G E N E B A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 2 3

Fastener Torque Remarks

N-m kg-m ft-lb
StarterMotor Clutch Bolt 85 8.7 63 EO
StarterMotor Clutch Coupling Bolts 15 t.c 11.0
'I .0
Gear PositioningLever Bolt 9.8 87 in-lb
Shift Shaft ReturnSpringPin (Bolt) 20 2.0 14.5 L

shift Pedalclamo Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb

Shift LeverClamp Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
Shift Rod Locknuts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb (Rear:Lh)
Shift Drum BearingHolderBolts oa 1.0 87 in-lb
Shift Drum Cam Screw L
DamperCam Nut (FrontGear) zzo 23.0 too EO (threads)
PushRod Guide Bolts O Q 1.0 87 in-lb L
FrontAxle Clamp Bolts 34 25
Front Axle Nut 110 11.0 80 s
RearAxle Nut 110 11.0 80
Tire Air Valve Nuts 1 E 0.15 1 3i n - l b
Spoke Nipples 3.9 0.4 35 in-lb
Final Drive:
Oil PipeBanjo Bolts 12 1 ) 104in-lb
Oil Nozzle(Front Gear) 1 0 0.30 26 in-lb
Oil Plug (FrontGear) 18 1.8 13.0
NeutralSwitch 15 1.5 1 1. 0
Front GearCase Bolts: 6mm 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
8mm 25 2.5 18.0
DamperCam Nut (FrontGear) 226 23.0 too EO(threads)
Drive Gear Nut (Front Gear) 265 27.O 195 EO,St
DrivenGearAssemblyMounting Bolts 25 2.5 18.0
DrivenGear Bolt (Front Gear) 135 14.O 100 EO,St
BearingRetainerBolts (Front Gear) 8.8 0.90 . 78 in-lb
FinalGearCaseDrainPlug 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb
FinalGearCaseMountingNuts 29 3.0 22
Final Gearcase Studs
23 _
Final Gear CaseCover Bolts: 8 mm 2.5
10mm 34 3.5 25
PinionGearNut (FinalGear) 120 12.O 87 st,o
PinionBearingRetainer(FinalGear) z+c 25.0 180 Lh
RetainerStop Screw 16 1.6 11.5
CaliperBleedValves 7.8 0.80 69 in-lb
BrakeHose Banio Bolts 25 2.5 18.0
BrakeLeverPivot Bolt 1.0 0.10 9 in-lb
BrakeLeverPivot Bolt Locknut 5.9 0.60 52 in-lb
Front BrakeReservoirCap Screws 0.15 1 3i n - l b
Front BrakeLight Switch Screws 1.2 o.12 1 0i n - l b
Front MasterCylinderClamp Bolts 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb s
Front CaliperMounting Bolts 34 3.5 25
RearCaliperMounting Bolts 32 3.3 24
RearCalioerHolder Bolt 64 o.c 47
BrakeDisc Bolts z5 2.3 16.5
RearMaster CylinderMounting Bolts zc 2.5 18.0
RearMasterCylinderPush Rod Locknut 18 1.8 13.0
BrakePedalClamp Bolt 23 2,5 16.5
1 - 2 4 G E N E R A L! N F O R M A T I O N

Fastener Torque Remarks

N-m kg-m ft-rb
Upper Front Fork Clamp Bolts 20 2.O 14.5
Lower Front Fork ClamDBolts 34 25
Front Fork Lower Cover Bolts 7.4 0.75 65 in-lb
Front Fork CoverScrews 4.4 0.45 39 in-lb
Front Fork Bottom Allen Bolts zu z.u 14.5 L
Front Axle Clamp Bolts 34 3.5 zc S
RearShock AbsorberNuts 34 3.5 25
Swingarm Pivot Shaft 125 13.0 94 u
SteeringStem Head Bolt 44 4.5 55
SteeringStem Locknut Hand-tightHand-tight Hand-tight
or 4.9 or 0.50 or 43 in-lb
SteeringStem Nut Hand-tightHand-tight Hand-tight
or 4.9 or 0.50 or 43 in-lb
HandlebarClamDBolts 34 2 F 25
HandleHolderNuts 34 25
HandlebarEnd Caos t h I

HandlebarSwitch Housing Screws 3.4 0.35 30 in-lb

Upper Front Fork Clamp Bolts 20 2.O 14.5
Lower Front Fork Clamp Bolts 34 5.C 25
Front Fork Lower Cover Bolts 7.4 0.75 65 in-lb
Front Fork Cover Screws 4.4 0.45 39 in-lb
Front FenderBolts 6.9 0.70 61 in-lb
Downtube Bolts 44 4.5 33
Front Footpeg Bolts 34 5.3 25
RearFootpeg BracketBolts 20 2.0 14.5
SidestandBolts 44 4.5 33.
Electrical System:
SparkPlugs 18 1.8 13.0
Pickup Coil Screws 2.9 0.30 26 in-lb
AlternatorOuter Cover Bolts 12 1.2 104in-lb
AlternatorOuter Cover DamperBolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb EO(tip)
AlternatorInner Cover Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
AlternatorRotor Bolt ct o.u 43 EO
AlternatorStator Bolts 1a 1.3 1 1 3i n - l b L
Stator Lead Clamp Screw 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
StarterMotor TerminalLocknut 11 1.1 95 in-lb
StarterMotor TerminalNut 4.9 0.50 43 in-lb
StanerMotor AssemblyBolts 4.9 0.50 43 in-lb
StarterMotor Mounting Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in-lb
HeadlightBody Mounting Screws (inside) 2.9 0.30 26 in-lb
HeadlightRim Screws 1.0 0.10 9 in-lb
HandlebarSwitch Housing Screws 3.4 0.35 30 in-lb
RadiatorFan Switch 18 1.8 13.0
SidestandSwitch Bolt 8.8 0.90 78 in-lb L
Water TemoeratureSwitch 7.8 0.80 69 in-lb SS
Oil PressureSwitch TerminalBolt 1.5 0.15 13 in-lb
Oil PressureSwitch 1.5 11.0 SS
NeutralSwitch I E
1 1. 0
Turn Signal Light Screws 1.0 0.10 9 in-lb
Turn Signal Light Mounting Nuts 5.9 0.60 52 in-lb
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 . 2 5
SpecialTools and Sealant
Oil PressureGauge,5 kg/cm': 57001-'125 ValveGuideReamet,OTi57001-162

SteeringStem BearingDriver: 57001-137 ValveGuideArbor.07: 57001-1 63

InsideCircliDPliers:57001-143 ForkCvlinderHolderHandle: 57001-183

OutsideCirclipPliers:57001-144 CompressionGaugei 57OO1- 221

BearingPuller: 57001-158 Valve Spring CompressorAssembly- 51OO1-241

1 - 2 6 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

Valve Spting CompressorAdaptet, @28.2. 57OO1-243 Fuel L€velGauge: 57001-1017

BearingPullerAdapter:57001-317 CompressionGaugeAdapter,M1 2 x 1 -25: 57001- 101 8

l \o,/ l
V R\ \

BearingDriver:57001-382 SparkPlugWrench,Hex18: 57001-1024

Piston Pin PullerAssemblv: 57001-910 DamDerCam Holder: 570O1-1025

GearHolder: 57001-1015 Driven Gear Holder: 57OO1-1Q27

G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 2 7

Oil PressureGaugeAdapter,PT %: 57001-1033 SteeringStem BearingDriverAdapter: 57001-1074

v @
Fork Cylinder HolderAdapter: 57001-1057 HeadPiDeOuterRacePressShaft: 57001-1O75

Oil Seal& BearingRemover:57001-1058 Head Pioe Outer RaceDriver 57001-1 076

Rim Protector: 57001-1063 Piston Ring CompressorGrip; 57001-1095

Bead BreakerAssemblvt 57OO1-1O72 SteeringStem Nut Wrench: 57001-1 100

1 - 2 8 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

ForkOil SealDriver:57001-1104 ValveSeat Cutter Holder,07: 57001-1 126

Head Pioe Outer RaceDriver: 57001-1 106 ValveSeatCutterHolderBar: 57001-1128

Head Pipe Outer RaceRemover: 57001-1107 BearingDriverSet: 57OO1-1129

ValveSeat Cutter.45' - O32: 57001-1 115 PinionGearHolder: 57001-1165

ValveSeatCutter,32"- O35: 57OO1-112'l HexagonWrench,Hex27: 57OO1-121O

G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 2 9

ForkOuterTubeWeight 57001-'1218 ValveSeatCutter55" - 435: 57OO'l


FrontFo* Oil SealDriver:57001-1219 Oil FilterWrench: 57001.-1249

DriveShaft Holder: 57001- 1226 FinalGearCaseHolder: 57001-1250

Jack 57001-1238
% A

BearingRetainerWrench: 57001-1251

TiminsLisht 57OO1 BearingRemoverShaft: 57001-1265
1 - 3 0 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

BearingRemoverHead,oloxOl2: FlywheelHolden

CarburetorDfainPlug Wrench,Hex3: 57001-1269 Belt,o95 - lD108:57001-1358


ForkOil LevelGauge:57001-1290 VacuumGauge:57001-1369

Pilot Screw Adjust€r,C: 57OO1-1292 BearingRemov€rShaIt: 57O01-1377

BearingRemoverHead,O2OxO22t 57001-1293 lgniter Checker: 57001-1 378

G E N E R A TI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 3 1

HandTester:57001-1394 Bond(Liquidcasket-Black):92104-1003

Adapter#12: 57001-1397

AttachmentJack 57001-1398

CableLuber: K56019-021

KawasakiBond (Silicone Sealant): 56019-120
Gable,Wire. and Hose Routing

1 . Front Right Spark Plug Cap

RearRight Spark Plug Cap
Lead from the lower side of the
left ignition coil
Lead from the lower side of the
right ignition coil
5 . lgnitionCoilfor RearSparkPlugs
lgnition Coil for Front Spark
7 . Lead from the upper side of the
left ignition coil
Lead from the upper side ot the
right ignitioncoil
L Front Left Spark Plug Cap
10. Rear Left Spark Plug Cap
1'1. ClutchHose
13. Carburetor
14.Vent Hose
15. ChokeCable
16. ChokeKnob


1 l

G E N E R A TI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 3 3

1. Water Hose
2- Fuel Filter
3. FuelPump
4, Carburetor
5. Water Hose (To the ReserveTank)
6. CarburetorVent Hose
(Yellow. to the canister.CA)
7. Water Hose (To the radiator)
8. ThermostatHousing
9. Main Harness
10. Water Hose
(To the front cylinderhead)
1 1 .F u e lH o s e
12. FuelTap
14.VacuumSwitch Hose
(To the rearcylinder head)
15. LowerAir CleanerDuct
16.VacuumSwitch Hose
7. The air hole facesdownward.
18. White Mark
19. Clamp
20. FuelTank
21. VacuumSwitch Valve


1 - 3 4 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

1. ThermostatHousing
2. Water Hose
3. To the reservetank
4. Clamp
5. White Mark
6. WaterPump
7. lnsertthe hose until it touchesthe
water pump inlet step.
8. ReserveTank
Front 9. Overflow Hose:Run the hose be-
hind the reservetank and bewveen
the igniter and the starterrelay.
10. Run the hoseinsidethe frame.
11. Run the hosethroughthe clampof
the frame.
Insertthe hoseintothe clampon the
rearsideof the engine.
I N F O R M A T I O N1 - 3 5

Front View

1. FrontMasterCylinder
2. FrontBrakeHose
3. ClutchHose
4. Clamp
5. FrontCaliper
6. Align the handlebarpunch markwith the lowersideol the mating
7. To the speedometer
8. Speedometer Cable
9. Insrallthe brakehosewith itsguidespringon thecaliperside.
gearon the rightsideof the wheel.
10. Installthe speedometer
11. Run the speedometer cablethroughthe clampon the frontfender.



\ l

1. FrontBrakeHose
2. Clamp
3. Clamp
4. HandlebarSwirch Leads
5. ClutchHose
6. Throttle Cables
7. Grip End
8. Apply adhesiveto the grjp end cap and screwin
the cap counterclockwise.
9. Clamp the clutch hose(left),brake hose(right),
and the handleba.switch leads.
10. Run the throttlecablesabovethe water hose,
1 . Runthe chokecableon the rightsideof the surge
tank as nearas possibleoverthe vacuumswitch
hose,waterhoseand carburetorhoses.
I N F O B M A T I O N1 - 3 7

1 t
P l l
c t l
o l l
" L_l

h = o

oao > aO(J
1 . 3 8 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

1. Clampthe accessory leadswith theirconnectors12. To the turn signallight (left:green,right:grayleads)

backward. US: 3 leadseach. Other:2leadseach
2. Radiator3-Pin Connector(upper)and lgnitionSwitch Connectorwith the main harnesssidefitted in
RearBrakeLight Switch 2-Pin Connector the clamo
(lower) 14.White l\4ark:Positionhere.
3. To speedometer (whiteconnector) 15. FuelPump Connector:Connectit with the fuel pump bracket
4. To regulator/rectifier insertedbetween.
5. ChassisGroundTerminal 16. FuelSensorConnector
6. To meterindicatorlight (blackconnector) 17,To the enginegroundterminal
7. Run the yellow leadof the fuel pumpunder 18. Clampstightenedwith rearfenderbolls hold the tail/brake
the fuel hose. light and turn signalleads.
8. To the right handlebarswitch 19. Leadsfor the licenselight (exceptUS) and the tail/brake
L To the left handlebarswitch light and turn signalleads.
10.To the headlight 20. BatteryBand (batterypositive lead,accessarylead)
11 . To the city light (otherthan US, AS) 21 . Left Turn Signal Lead
22. RightTurn SignalLead
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N1 - 3 9


1. BafteryNegativeLead 9. To the taillightand rearturn signals

2. Run both harnessinto the bracket. 10. Run the clutchhosethroughthe Ieftclampunderthe bracket.
3. To the igniterand turn signals 11. Clamp;Insenthe clamptip into the holeand hold the harness
4. To the engineground and clutchhose.
5. Front 12. WiringStrap
6. Run the harnessinto the groove of 13. Run the clutchhosebetweenthe framepipeand the air cleaner
the batterycase. 14. Connectall the connectorsin the headlightbody.
7 . lnto the alternatorouter cover 15. Clampthe ignitionswitch leadon the framewith a band.
8 . Junction Box 16. Insertthe horn terminalsso that both leadshangdown.

1. Run the throttlecablesthroughthe rightclamp

underthe upperbracket.
2. Keep the clamp 3-8 mm away from the
3. RH lgnitionCoil
4. RadiatorFanConnector
5. RearBrakeLightSwitch Connector
6. RightHorn Lead
7. ThrottleCables
8. FramePipe
9. lnsertthe hornterminalsso that the horn leads
Wiring Strap(radiatorfan motor lead and rear
brakelight switch lead)
ll.lnstall the fuel level sensor with its harness
facinginsidethe trame,
12.Runthe luel levelsensordrainhoseon the right
sideot the holder.
13.Clampthe hose on the right side of the frame
14. Run the hosein front ot the crosspipe. Front
15. Clamp
16. FuelLevelSensorDrainHose
17. CoolantReserve Tank OverflowHose
18. FuelTank BreatherHose(exceptCA)
19. Clampthe {ueltankbreatherhose(exceptCA).
20. FuelTank Damper
2 1 .R u nt h e h o s et h r o u g ht h e h o l d e r .
G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N 1 - 4 1

f \ (13)

t----- -w /

1. Clampthe clutchhoseonto the framepipe. . FuelTank BreatherHose
2. UpperHolder 12. FuelLevelSensorDrainHose
3. Fitthe straptab ot the harnessinto the fuel 1 3 .F r o n t
tank bracket. 14.Securetwo hoseson the framepipe.
4. Lower Holder 15. Run the main harnessthroughboth lower holders.
5. To the rearturn signals. 16.To the stanermotor
6. White Mark 17. To the engineground
7. Clampthe sidestandswitch leadswrth 18.WiringStrap:Securethe hoseso that the oil level
a slackas littleas possibleonto the frame gaugeis visible.
pipebehindthe sidestandbracket. 19. RearBrakeHose
8. WiringStraps 20. Be carefulnot to damagethe leadsby pinch belween
9. Referto the next pagefor moredetail. the batterycaseand the frame.
(batterynegativeleadand main harness)
1 - 4 2 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N



1. Startercable
2. Pickup Coil: Install the pickup coil inside the
alternatorinner cover.
3 . Stator
4. Clamp
5 . Trimming
6 . To the starter relay: Pull the starter lead to this
directionas much as possible.
7 . Regulator/RectifierLead
L Holder
1 0 . Oil PressureSwitch Lead
11. Oil Pressure Switch
12. Grommet
13. NeutralSwitch
14. SidestandSwitch Lead
15 . C l a m p
16. Run the leadabovethe bracket.
17. Regulator/Bectifier Cover
18. AlternatorLead
19. Holder:Clampthe statorleadsand the pickupcoil
20. Grommetfor the stator lead
21 . Grommetfor the pickup coil lead
22. PickupCoil (1) (frontcylinder)
23. PickupCoil (2) (rearcylinder)
24. AlternatorlnnerCover
I N F O R M A T I O N1 - 4 3

Evaporative Emission Control System (California model only)

1. FuelTank L To the air cleaner

2. Red Hose(right) 9. Run the hosethroughthe clamp
3. Blue Hose(left) 10. Run the hosethroulh th" holeoi the toot box.
4. Band 11. Yellow Hose(Carburetor ventto the canister)
5. VacuumSwitchValve 12. Blue Hose(Separatorto the canistet
6. White Hose 13.GreenHose(Air cleanerhousingto the canister)
7. Carburetor 14. Canister
1 5. Separator
1 - 4 4 G E N E R A LI N F O R M A T I O N

Evaporative Emission Control System (California model only)


Tableof Contents

AirCleaner..-........... .............,...2-17
ElementRemoval.... .........,..2-17
ElementCleaningand Inspection.................,....2-17
LeftAir CleanerHousingRemoval......... ...,,......2-1A
RightAir CleanerHousingRemova|..................2-18
RightAir CleanerHousingInstallation ..............2-1 I
LowerAir CleanerDuct Removal......................2-1 9
S u r g eT a n kR e m o v a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1
FueTl ank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................2-ZO
FuefTank Removal. ............2-2O
FueT l a n k1 n s l a 1 1 a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -
FuelTankand Cap Inspection...........................2-21
F u e l T a n kC l e a n i n g . ............2-Zj
FuelTapRemoval... ............2-22
FuelTapInstallation ...........2-22
FuefTap Inspection ............2-22
EvaporativeEmissionControl System
(US CalilorniaVehicleonly)...................
Separator OperationTest......,.............-..,.


*@*r-*'F E

fr* il-
a E

2. ThrottleCable(decelerator)
3. ChokeCable
4. PilotScrew
5. Pilol (Slow) Jet
6. NeedleJet
7. NeedleJet Holder
8 . M a i nJ e t
9. Plug (US, ST)
10. Jet Needle
1 1. ElectricFuolPump @
G: Apply grease.
CL: ApplycableIubricant.
CA: California
ST: Switzerland
Us: UnitedStates (cA)
F U E LS Y S T E M 2 - 3

1. VacuumSwitchValve
2. LowerAir CleanerDuct
3. Air CleanerElement
4. FuelLevelSensor
5. Inlet Manifold
AD: Apply adhesive.
CA; California
S: Followthe specifictightening
T 1: 1 2 N - m ( 1. 2 k g - m .1 0 4 i n - l b )
T 2 : 0 . 8 N - m ( 0 . 0 8k g - m , 7 i n - l b )
T 3 : 9 . 8 N - m ( 1 . 0k g - m , 8 7i n - l b )
T 4 : 1 . l N - m ( 0 . 1 1k g - m ,9 . 5 i n - l b )



Evaporative Emission Control System ( California)

-r']|%{,)( I

,-S> i[-o,
r\6rY'T . l

1, Canister 3. VacuumSwitchValve 5. Air CleanerHousing

2. Separator 4. Carburetor
F U E LS Y S T E M 2 - 5

Air Cleaner


t l

Run the drain hose betweencvlinders.

1 . Stopper 5. UpperAir CleanerDuct 9. RightAir CleanerCover

2. SurgeTank 6. Air CleanerBases 10. DrainHose
lnlet 7. Air CleanerElement 1 ' 1, P t u s
Left Air CleanerCover 8. LowerAir CleanerDuct 12. O-ring

Item Standard
Throttle Grip Free Play 2-3mm
Make,type KEIHIN CVK4O
ldle speed 800 +50 r/min(rpm),
(CA)( FG)(AR)(ST)1 000+50r/min(rpm)
Pilot Screw (turns out, for reference) (2r%),(SI,2ut%')
Servicefuel level 0 - 2 mm belowthe float bowl matingsurface
Float height 19.0+2 mm
Mainjet #140
Main air.iet #100
Needleiet #6 (P/No.16017-1383),(ST,P/No.16017-1276\
Jet needle N2PT.(ST)N2PS
Pilot jet (slow jet) #45
Pilot air jet (slow air jet) #50
Starterjet #60
Throttlevalve angle 10"
High altitudecarburetorspecifications(US)
Pilotjet #42
[/ain jet #138
(AR):Ausrria (ST):SwiEerland
(CA): California (US): UnitedStates
(FG): Germany

Pilot Screw [A] Main Air Jet [F]

Pilot Jet [B] ValveSeat [G]
Jet Needle [C] FloatValve [H]
NeedleJet [D] NeedleJet Holder l
PilotAir Jet [E] Main Jet [J]

Sp€clalToob - Pres6ureCableLuber: K56019'{r21

Pllol Screw Adlustsr,C; 57001-1292
Carburcior Draln Plug wrench, Hex 3: 57001-1269
Fuel Level Gaugq 57001-1017
F U E LS Y S T E M 2 - 7
Throttle Grip and Gables

Free Play lnspection (Periodic lnspection)

aCheckthe throttlegrip iree play [A].
*lf the Jreeplayis incorrect,
adjustthe throttlecable.

ThrottleGrip Free Play

Standard: 2-3mm

Free Play Adjustment

aLoosenthe locknuts[A].
ascrew the adjusters[B] all the way in so as to give the throftle grip
plenty of play.
aTurn out the deceleratorcable [C] adjusteruntil there is no play.
aTightenthe locknut.
aTurn the acceleratorcable [D] adjuster until the proper amount of
throttle grip free play is obtained.
OTightenthe locknut.
*lf the proper amount of free play cannot be obtained by using the
adjustersat the throttle grip, use the adjustersin the middle of the
throttle cables.
aGive the throttle grip plenty oI play by turning the adjustersat the grip
in tully.
aRemovethe fuel tank (seeFuelTank Removal).
a Loosenthe locknuts [A].
aTurn the adjusters[B] in the middle of the throttle cablesall the way
in, so as to give the throttle grip plenty of play.
awith the throttle grip completely closed, turn the deceleratorcable
IC] adjusteruntil the inner cablejust becomestight.
aTightenthe locknut.
aTurn the acceleratorcable [D] adjuster until the correct throttle grip
free play is obtained.
oTightenthe locknut.

Operatlon wlth Incorrectly rouled or lmproperly adlusled cablea

could resull in an unsaleriding condilion,
Fuel SystemCleanlinesslnspection (Peiodic lnspeaion)

Gasollne b exlremely llammabla and can be exploslve under certaln

condltlons, Turn lhe lgnltlonswlbh OFF. Do nol smoke. Make sure
lhe area ls well-ventllaled and lree lrom any gource ol flame or
sparka; lhls Includes any appllance wllh a pilol lighl.

Fuel Tank (see FuelTank Removal)
Fuel Pump (see Fuel Pump Removal)
Right Air Cleaner Base, Upper Air Cleaner Duct. and Right Air
CleanerBaseHolder [A]

aPlace a suitable conduit [A] under the outlet at the bottom of the
carburetorJloatbowl. The conduit leadsto a suitablecontainer.
aTurn the luel tap to the RESposition.
aTurn out the drain plug a few turns and drain the float bowl.
SpeclalTool- CatbureiorDraln PIW Wrench,Hex 31 57001-1269 [B]
acheck to see if water or dirt comesout.
aTighten the drain plug and turn the fuel tap to the OFF position.
*lf any water or dirt appearsduring the above inspection,clean the iuel
system (see CarburetorCleaningand FuelTank Cleaning).

Sqvice Fuel Level lnspection

Gasollne ls erlremely tlammable and can be erploglve under ceriain

condltlons. Turn the lgnltlon swiish OFF. Do nol smoke. Make sure
lhe area ls well-ventllated and lree lrom any source ol llame or
sparks; lhls includes any appllance wnh a plloi lighl.

aRemove the carburetor,and hold it upright on a stand (see Carburetor

a Prepare an auxiliary fuel tank and connect the fuel hose to the
aPreparea fuel hose (6mm in diameterand about3OOmm long).
aConnect the fuel levelgauge [A] to the carburetorfloat bowl with the
fuel hose.
SpeclalTool - Fuel Level Gauge: 57001-1017
aHold the gauge [A] verticallyagainstthe side of the carburetorbody
so that the middle line [B] is severalmillimetershigher than the float
bowl mating surface[C].
aTurn the fuel tap to the ON position to feed fuel to the carburetorand
gauge,then turn the carburetordrain plug ID] out a few turns.
Speclal Tool - Carbureior Draln Plug Wrench, Her 3: 57001-1269
F U E LS Y S T E M 2 - 9

await until the fuel level in the gauge settles.

aKeepingthe gaugevertical,slowly lower the gauge until the middle
line is even with the float bowl mating surface.
ODo not lower the middle line below the float bowl mating suiace.
lf the gauge is lowercd and then nised again, the fuel level measured
shows somewhat higher than the actual fuel level. lf the gauge is
lowercd too fat, dumo the fuel out of it into a suitable container and
staft the prccedurc ovet again.
aRead the fuel level [E] in the gauge and compareto the specification.
aTighten the drain plug and removethe fuel levelgauge.
*lf the luel level is incorrect,adjust it (see Service Fuel Level Adjust-

ServiceFuel Level
SLandard: 0 - 2 mm below the float bqwl matingsurlace

ServiceFuel Level Adiustment

Gasollne ls extremely llammable and can be explGlve under cedaln

condiliona. Turn the ignilion swibh OFF. Do not smoko. Make sure
lhe area ls well-venlllaled and lree lrom any souree ol flame or
sparks;lhls Includesany appllancewlth a pllot llght.

aRemove the carburetor,and drain the fuel into a suitablecontainer.

aRemove the float bowl by taking out the screws.
aTap the pivot pin [A] out and removethe floals [B].
aWhen removingand installingthe pin. note the following.
o Be carefulnot to breakthe pin holder legs [C].
oWhen removingthe pin, tap ID] the left end of the pin.
Owhen installingthe pin,tap [E] the rightend of the pin.

aBend the tang [A] on the float arm very slightly to change the float

a Measurethe Iloat height tiliing the carburetorso that the tang on the
floatjust touches the needlerod in the iloat valve,
olncreasing the lloat height lowerc the {uel level and decreasingthe
float height raisesthe fuel level.

Floal Helghl
Sl,andard: 19 t2 mm
aAssemblethe carburetor,and recheckthe {uel level.
*lf the fuel levelcannot be adjustedby this method,the float or the float
valve is damaged,

Float Bowl Mating Surface[A]

Float Valve NeedleRod (contactedbut unloaded)[B]
Float [C]

Cafturetot Removal

Gasollne ls erlrsmely llammable and can be erploclve under corlaln

cfldlllons. T[rn lhe lgnlllol| swlbh OFF. Do not 8moke. llske su.e
the area b well-venlllabd and lree from any aounc€ of llam€ or
spad€; lhls Includos any appllance wnh a pllot llglrl.

Fuel Pump (seethis chapter)
Choke Knob [A]
RightAir CleanerHousing(seeAir CleanerHousingRemoval)

a Remove:
Right Air CleanerBaseHolder [A]
F U E LS Y S T E M 2 - 1 1

a Loosenthe carburetorclamp screw [A].

a Removethe right handlebarswitch housing and removethe throttle

AcceleratorCable [A] DeceleratorCable [B]
aRemove the carburetorand throttle cable lower ends.
astuff pieceof lint-lree, clean cloth into the inlet manifold to keep dirt
out of the engine.

ll dlrl or dusl ls allowed lo pass through Into lhe carburetor, lhe

throltle may become sluck, possibly causing an accidenl.

I did gets through lnto lhe engine, exceasive engine wear and
possiblyenglnedamagewill occur.

alnstall the holder clamp [A] as shown being careful ot the screw 12-13mm
position and the screw head [B] direction.
aTightenthe clampscrewso that the tab openingis 12 - 13 mm.

aFit the ridge [A] into the notch [B] on the inlet manifold.

a Installthe throttle cable lower ends.

AcceleratorCable [A]
DeceleratorCable IB]

alnstall the throttle cable holder [A] as shown.

aRun the carburetorvent hose,vacuum hose, and fuel hose according

to the Cable,Wire, and Hose Routing section of the GeneralIntorma-
tion chaoter.
aTurn the throttle grip and make sure that the throttle lever does not
contact the holder screw or hose.

aRemovethe carburetor(see CarburetorRemoval).

Gasollne la exlr€mely llammabte and can be exploslve undet cettaln

condltlons, Tum the lgnltlon sultch OFF, Do notsmoke. Make 3ure
lhe alea b well-venlllatsd and fres lrom any sounce of llame or
8pa|ks; thls Includ63any appllance wtth a pllot ght,

aThe pilot screw is set at the factory and should not be removed. But
if necessaryremovethe pilot screw as follows.
aTurn in the pilot screw and count the numberof turns until it seatsfutty
but not tightly, and then removethe screw. This is to set the screw to
its original position when assembling.
O For the US and Swiss models,removgthe pilot screw plug as Jollows:
punch a hole in the plug and pry it olt with an awl or other suitable

Durlng carburelor dbassembly, b€ careful not to damago the
dbphragm. l{eyer use a sharp edg€ io rcmove the dlaphragm.
F U E LS Y S T E M 2 - 1 3

aPush the needlejet [A] out from the insideof the carburetorwith your
a Replacethe O-ringsin the carburetor with new ones.

aTurn in the pilot screw [A] fully but nor tightly.and then back it out
the samenumberof turnscountedduringdisassembly.
OFor the US and Swiss models, install the pilot screw plug as follows;
install a new plug [B] in the pilot screw hole of the carburetorbody
[C], and applya smallamountof a bondingagent[D] to the circum-
ferenceof the plug to fix the plug.

Do not apply too much bondingagenl to lhe plug, or the pilol screw
ilsell may be lixed.

aTurn the carburetorbody upside-down,and drop the needlejet [A]

into placeso that the smallerdiameterend [B] of the jet goes in first.
acarefully screw in the needlejet holder [C]. lt will seat againstthe
needlejet, pushing the end of the jet into the carburetorbore.

Oonotlorce the needletel holder [A] and main iel [B] or overtlghten
lhem. Theycould be damagedrequiringreplacemenl.

aSet the float height as specified(see ServiceFuel LevelAdjustment).

aslip the jet needle [A] through the hole in the center of the vacuum
piston [B], and put the spring seat [C] on the top o{ the needle.
aAfter installingthe upper chambercover,checkthat the vacuum piston m--@
slidesup and down smoothly without binding in the carburetorbore.


Clean lhe carbut€lor In a well-venlllaled area, and take care thal

lhere b no spart or llame anywhere n6ar the worklng area; lhis
includes any appllance wilh a pllol llghl. Because ol lhe danger ol
highly tlammable llqulds, do nol use gasoline or low-llash polnl
aolvenl8 lo clean lhe carbureior.

Do nol use compressedalr on an assembledcarburelor,or the tloats
may bo cru5hedby lhe pressure,and the vacuum plstondiaphtagm
may be damag€d,
Remove as many rubber or plagtiq parts laom lhe catburetor as
possible belore cleaning the ca6ureior wllh a cleaning solullon,
Thls wlll prevenl damagg lo or dele oratlon ot the part6.
The carburolor body has plasllc parls that cannot be removed, Do
not uae a atrong carburelor cleaning solullon which could altad(
lhese parls; insisad, use a mlld hlgh-llash polnt cleanlng solullon
safs lor plastlc parts.
Do nol use wire or any olher hatd instrumenl to clean ca.bureior
parts, especially iets, as lhey may be damaged.

a Disassemblethe carburetor.
almmerse all the metal parts in a carburetorcleaningsolution.
a Rinsethe parts in water.
awhen the partsare clean.dry them with compressedair.
OBlow through the air and fuel passageswith compressedair.
aAssemblethe carburetor.

lnlet Manifold Removal

Carburetor(seethis chapter)
Inlet Manifold Bolts [A]
a Removethe inlet manifold tBl.

Inla Manifold Inxallation

Each O-rlng on the inlet manfold musl b€ fitied inlo lhe groove snugly
In lhe cyllnder head. OllrerwlBe, the O-rlng could bo damaged.

aLay the lower air cleanerduct betweenthe cylinders.

aPlace the one leg [A] of the manifold on the inlet flange [B] and fit
the O-ring into the groove ol the flange.
O Next,push the other leg [C] onto the other inlet flange [D] and fit the
O-ring intothe groove of the flange.

aMake surethat O-ringsfit into the groovessnuglyby shakingth€

manitoldholdersslightlyrightandleft. lf the manifoldhasI littleplay,
it is oK.

OF|ISI tighten all the manifold bolts [A] to a snug fit.

aSecondary tighten two lower manifold bolts to the specifiedtorque.
aFinally, tightan two upper manifold bolts to the specifiedtorque.
Torque - Inl€t llanlfold Bolb: 12 N-m (1.2 lg-m, 104

2 . 1 6 F U E LS Y S T E M
Fuel Pump

Gasoline ls exlremely tlammable and can be exploelve under cedaln

condlllons. Turn the lgnition6wibh OFF. Do nolsmoke. Maka sure
lhe area ls well-ventilated and free lrom any sourDe ol llame or
sparks;lhis includesany appliancewilh a pilot light
Be preparedlor fuel spillage.

a Remove:
FuelTank(seethis chapter)
Hose [A]
a Removethe fuel filter IB] Jromthe bracket.

Fuel Outlet Hose [A]
aRemovethe mountingbolts IC] and takeoff the luel pump ID].

aconnect the luel hose [A] from the fuel jiller to the pump fitting
marked"INLET" [B].
aRun the hosesso they will not be kinked or stretched.
a Installthe fuel filter [C] so that the arrow [D] on it shows the fuel flow
from the fuel tank to the fuel pump; the flange IE] faces rearward.
F U E LS Y S T E M 2 . 1 7
Air Cleaner

Screw [A] and Washer
Left Air CleanerCover IB]

aRemovethe element[A].
aPush a clean, lint-{reetowel into the carburetorintake to keeDdirt or
other foreign materialfrom entering

ll dlrl or dusl ls allowed to pass through Into the carburetor, the

lhrotlle may become stuck, possibly causlng accident,

ll dlrt geis through into lhe engine, excessive englne wear and
po8slblyenginedamagewlll occur.

ElementCleaning and lnspection (Periodic lnspection)

OIn dusty arcas, the element should be cleaned morc frcquently than
the recommended intetval.
oAftet riding thtough rain or on muddy rcads. the element should be
cleaned immediatelv.

a Removethe air cleanerelement (see ElementRemoval).

aCleanthe elementby tappingit lightlyto loosendust.
aBlow away the remainingdusl by applying compressedair [A] from
the insideto the outside (from the clean side to the dirty side).
avisually check the elementfor tears or breaksand check the sponge
gasket[B] also.
*lf the elementor gaskethas any tearsor breaks.replacethe element.

LeftAir CleanerHousingRemoval
FuelTank (seethis chapter)
SurgeTank (seethis chapter) [A] and Screw [8]

Air CleanerElement(seeAir CleanerElementRemoval)
Air CleanerBase Bolt [A] and Screws [B]
aRemove the air cleanerbase [C] and pull out the evoporativeemission
hose (CA) [D].
aRemove the upper air cleanerduct [E].

Right Air CleanetHousing Removal

Right Air CleanerCover [A]

Air CleanerBaseBolts and Screws [A]
aRemove the air cleanerbase [B] and pull out the engine breatherhose

o ioosen the duct clamp [D] and removethe uppel duct [E].

RightAir CleanerHousinglnstallation
oFit the rubberduct [A] onto the calburetor.
alnstall the duct clamp [B] as shown. 7.5-8.5mm
aTighten the clamp screw so that the tab opening is 7.5 - 8.5 mm.
Torque - Alr Clean€r B33e Holder Bolls: 9.8 N{n (1.0 kg{, 87 InJb)
Ah Cleaner Base BolE: 9.8 N-m (1.0 kg-m, 87 In-lb)
Alr Cleanet Baso Screw8r1.1 lt.|n (0.11kg-m,10 lnJb)
Alr Cleanel Covel Screwg' 9.8 N-tn (l.0 kg-m, 87 In-lb) Front


Lower Ah CleanerDuct Removal

Right and Left Air CleanerHousing (seethis chapter) ('"nt

Carburetor(seethis chapter)
Right and Left Air CleanerBase Holders [A]
InletManifold(seethis chapter)

aPull out the vacuum valve hose from lhe air cleanerduct.
aRemove the lower air cleanerduct [A] from the right side.

Surge Tank Removal

FuelTank (seethis chapter)
Left Air CleanerBaseand Upper Duct
Fuel Pump (seethis chapter)
aUnscrew the mounting screw [A].
a Pushdown and move lhe surgetank IB] right to clearthe holder.then
removethe surge tank.
Fuel Tank

Fuel Tank Removal

Gasollnels ex|lemelyllammableand can be erplosive undetcerlain

condllions. Turn lhe ignilionswitchOFF. Do not smoke. Make sure
lhe area is well-venlllatedand lree lrom any source of llame or
sparks;lhls Includesany appliancewilh a pilot lighl.

For Calilolnia model, il gasoline,solvenl, waler or any olher liquid
enlerslhe canisler,the canistert vaporabsorbingcapacllyisgreatly
reduced. ll lhe canlsterdoes becomeconlaminaied,replace il with
a new one.

aTurn the fueltap [A] to the OFF position.


a Remove:
Front Seat (see Framechapter)
a Unscrewthe bolt [A] and takeoff the meterunit IB].

FuelTank Bolts lAl
Fuel LevelSensorConnector
EvaporativeEmissionHoses(California model)
a Drainthe fueltank asfollows:
o Placea suitablecontainerunderthe Iuel tank.
oTurn the fueltap to the RESpositionto drainthe fuel into a container.

Fuel Tank lnstallation

oRead rhe aboveWARNING.
aRoute the hosescorrectly(seeGeneralInformationchapter).
aCheck the rubberdampe.s[A] on the frame.
*lf the dampersare damagedor deteriorated,replacethem.
a Be sureto installthe rubberdampeisin place.
O Be surethe hosesare clampedsecurelyto preventleakage.

OConnectthe lead connectors,

o Be surelo connectthe fuel levelsensorconnector fAl.
alnstall the meterunit,

Fuel Tank and Cap lnspection

ovisually inspectthe gasket [A] on the tank cap for any damage.
rtReplace the gasketit it is damaged.
aRemovethe fuel tank and drainit.
*Check to see if the breatherpipe [B] in the tank is not clogged.
*lf the breatherpipe is clogged, blow the bfeatherfree with compressed
*l{ the tank cap breatheris clogged, replacethe tank cap.

Do nol applycompressedair to lhe alr venl holes [C] In the tank cap.
Thls could damage and clog lhe labyrlnth In lhe cap.

Fuel Tank Cleaning

Cl6an lhe tank In a well-vEnlilaled arca, and take care lhat lhere are
no spa*s or rlame antrwherc near the working arca. Becauss of t||e
dangerol hlghly tlammableliqulds,do not use gasollneor low-llash
polnt solventBto clean lhe tank,

aRemove the tuel tank and drain it.

aPour some high-flashpoint solventinto the fuel tank and shakethe
tank lo removedirt and fuel deposits.
aPour high-flashpoint solvent through the tap in all leverpositions.
aPour the solvent out of the tank.
oRemove the fueltap [A] from the tank bytaking outthe bolts [B] with
aclean the fuel tap filter screensin a high-flash point solvent.
ODry the tank and the screenswith compressedair.
a Installthe {uel tap on the tank.
alnstall the {uel tank {see FuelTank Installation).

Fuel TapRemoval
a Removethe fuel tank and drain it.
a Removethe tap bolts [A] with nylon washersand takeout the fueltap.

Fuel Tap lns'tallation

aBe surethe O-ring is in good condition to preventleaks.
oBe sureto clampthe fuel hosesto the tap to preventleaks
aBe surethe nylon washersare in good condition to preventleaks.
o Do not usesteelwashers in place of the nylon washers,becausethey
will not sealthe bolts properlyand fuel will leak.

Fuel Tap lnspection

a Removethe fuel tap.
acheck the fuel tap filter screen [A] for any breaksor deterioration.
*lf the fuel tap scrsens have any bresks or ar€ deteriorated,they may
allow dirt to reachthe carburetor.causing poor running. Replacethe G)
fuel tao,
*lt the iuel tap leaks,or allows fuel to llow when it is at OFF position,
^ c\E
replacethe damagedgasket [B] or O-ring [C].
Torqo€ - Fuel Tap Pla|. Scrsws: 0.8 -m (0.08 kg-m, 7 In-lb)
cooUNG svsTEM3-1

CoolingSystem E
Tableol Contents


1. Air Bleeder
Coolant Bolt
2. Thermostat
3. RadiatorCap
4. Radiator
5. WaterPumplmpeller
6. DrainBolt
7. RadiatorFanSwitch
8. WaterTemperatureSwitch
9. WaterPumpDrainBolt


t N R
ao*l @@
s - L . 5

d'-m o

Lh: Left-hand Threads Tl :2.5 N-m (0.25ks-m22 in-lb) T3;18 N-m (1.8 kg-m,13.0ft-lb)
SS: Apply siliconesealant. T2:7.8 N-m (0.80kg-m,69 in-lb) T 4 : 9 . 8N - m( 1 . 0k g - m 8, 7 i n - l b )
(KawasakiBond: 56019- 120)

Coolant provided when shipping:

Type (recommended) Permanenttype antifreeze(soft water and ethylene
glycol plus conosion and rust inhibitor chemicalsfor
aluminumenginesand radiators)
Color Green
Mixed ratio Soft water 50%,coolant 50%
Freezingpoint - 35"c(-31"F)
Totalamount 2.3 L (reservetankfull levelincludingradiatorand engine)
Radiator Cap
ReliefDressure 93 - 123kPa(0.95- 1.25kg/cm,,14
- 18 psi)
Valveopeningtemperature 5 8 - 6 2 " C( 1 3 6 "- 1 4 4 ' F )
Valvefull openinglift 8 mm or more @95'C (203"F)

Sp€clalTools -
BearingDriyer Set 57001-1129
Bearlng RemoverShalt 57001-1265
Bearing RemoyerHead,Qlo x Ol2: 57001-1266
Sealant- KawasakiEond (SlllconeSealanl): 56019-120

Coolant Deteriorctio
n Inspection
o Removethe right side cover (see Framechapter).
avisually inspectthe coolant [A] in the reseryetank.
*lf whitish cotton-like wafts are observed, aluminum parts in the
cooling systemare corroded. It the coolant is brown, iton or steelparts
are rusting. In eithercase,flush the cooling system.
*lf the coolant gives off an abnormalsmell,check for a cooling system may be causedby exhaustgas leaking into the cooling syst€m.

Coolant Level Inspection

ocheck the level when the engine is cold (rcom or ambient temper
acheck the coolant level in the reservetank with the motorcycle held
upright. The coolant levelshould be betweenthe FULL leveland the
LOW level (ln the pholo, the tight side cover has been removed{or
Front [A]
ReserveTank IB]
FULL Level [C]
LOW Level [D]
*lf the cpolant level is lower than the LOW level,temove the right side
cover and the reservetank cap then add coolant to the FULL level.

For relllllng, add lhe specllled mlxture ol coolanl and sdl waler.
Addlng waler alone dlluie3 lhe coolant and d€gaades [8 anllcorro-
8lon properlLs.
The dlluted coolant can atiad( lhe alumlnum englne parb. In an
emergency, so{l weier can b€ added, but lhe dllulsd coolanl musl be
retJrned to lh€ correc-lmlrture ratlo ullhln a low daya.
It coolanl musl be added ollen, or lhe ressrue lank has run
compleloly dry, lhere ls probebly leakage In lhe coollng Eyatem,
Ched( lhe 3ysi6m lor leaka.

Coolant Draining (Periodic Maintenance)

To avold bums, do nol romove tre radlalot cep or lry !o cfiange lhe
coolant whon lhe englne ls stlll hol. lryaftunlll lt coolt down.
Coolant on tlre3 wlll mako lhem sllppery can causa an accldent ard
lmm€dlaialy uash away any coolant lhat spllb on lhe lrame, englne,
whsels, or olher palnled parl8.
Slnce coolanl ls ha.mful lo he human body, do nol uss lol drlnklng.

aPlace a container under lhe radiatordrain plug [A], then removethe


a Removethe meterunit on the fuel tank (see ElectricalSystemchapter).

aRemove the radiatorcap [A] in two steps. Firstturn the cap counter-
clockwiseto the fi6t stop, Then push and turn it further in the same
directionand removethe cap.
oThe coolant will drain from the radiatorand engine.

aRemovethe water pump drain plug [A]. The remainingcoolantwill

drain from the water pump [B].
o Placea suitable conduit under the drain hole oI the pump cover. The
conduit leadsto a suitablecontainer.

a Remove:
Right Side Cover (see Framechapter)
ReserveTank Bolts
aTurn over the reservetank [A], remove the hose [B], and pour the
coolant into a suitablecontainer.

Coolant Filling (Periodic Maintenance)

aTighten the drain plug al the bottom of the radiator.
aFill the radiatorup to the liller neck [A] with coolant, and install the
oPou in the coolant slowly so that it can expel the ah frcm the engine
and ndiatoL
aFill the reservetank up to the FULL level with coolanl, and install the

Sofl or dislllled waler musl be used wllh lhe anlllreeze (see Speclll-
calions in lhis chapler)in the cooling syslem.
ll hard water is uaed in lhe system,il causesscales accumulalionIn
lhe waler passages,and corciderably reducesthe elficiencyol lhe
coollng system.

Waterand CoolantMixture Ralio (whenshipping)

Soft Waler 't 50 Yo
Coolant i 50 oh
FreezingPoinl : -35"C (-31'F)
TolalAmounl : 2,3L

OChoose a suitable mixturc ratio by rclefiing to the coolant
manufacturet's dircctions.

aBleed the air from the coolingsystemusingthe air bleederbolt [A].

oTightenthe air bleederbolt.
Torque - CoolanlAir BleederBolt 7.8 N-m (0.80kg-m,69 inlb)

aBleed the air from the coolingsystemwhile the engineis running.

o Startthe enginewith the radiatorcap removedand run it until no more
air bubbleslAl can be seenin the coolant
oTap the radiatorhosesto force any air bubblescaught inside.
oStop the engineand add coolantup to the radiatorlillerneck.
alnstallthe radialorcaD.

aRemove the reservetank cap.

aFill the reservetank up to the FULL level [A] with coolant and install
the cap.

Do nol add more coolanl above lhe FULL level.

alnstall the right side cover.


Over a period ol time, the cooling systemaccumulatesrust,scale,and
lime in the water jacket and radiator. When this accumulation is
suspectedor obseryed,flush the cooling system. lJ this accumulationis
not removed,it will clog up the water passageand considerablyreduce
the efficiencyof the cooling system.
aDrain the coolingsystem(seeCoolantDraining).
aFill the cooling system with fresh water mixed with a flushing

Do not use a llushlng compoundwhlch b harmlul to lhe aluminum
englne and radlator. Carefully lollow lhe insuuc{lons supplled by the
manufacturer ol the cleanlng producl

awarm up the engine, and run it ai normal operating temperaturetor

about ten minutes.
astop the engine,and drain the cooling system.
aFill the svstemwith Iresh water.
Owarm up the engine and drain the system.
a Repeatthe previoustwo steps once more.
OFill the systemwith a permanenttype coolant and bleed the air irom
the system (see Coolant Filling).
Water Pump

WaterPump InstaIlation
aThere are aluminum washers [A] on each side of the bracket [B].
Replacethem with new ones when installing.
Torque - Waler PumpCover Bolb: 9.8 N-m (1.0kg-m,87 In-lb)
a Fit the idle adjustingscrew [C] onto the bracket.



M echanicaI Seal Replacement

*lf the mechanicalseal is damaged,the seal and ball bearingsis
probablydamagedaftera long time operation. Replacethe mechanical
seal,ball bearingsand oilseal.
oSplitthe crankcase(see Crankshaft/Transmission chapter).
ORemovethe water pump impeller.
aPull out the water pump shaft from the insideof the right crankcase.
aTake the bearing [A] out oi the right crankcase,using the bearing
Sp€cialTools- Beadng RemoverShai: 57001-1265[B]
Bearlng RemoyorHead,O1Ox O12; 57001-1266[C]

aUsing a thick-bladedscrewdriver.pry out the oil sea.

a Pressout the mechanicalseal [A] and ball bearing [B] from the insid€
of the right crankcasewith the bearingdriverset [C].
Sp€cial.Tool- Bearlng Drlver Set 57001-1129

O Be sure to replacethe mechanicalseal,oil seal,and ball bearingswith

new ones becausethese partswill be damagedby removal.
aApply plenty of high temperaturegreaseto the oil seal lips.
aApply oil to the outer circumferenceof the oil seal.
a Pr€ss the oil seal [A] into the hole from the inside of the right
crankcasewith the bearingdiver set so thal lhe spring side of the seal
lips is toward the insideof the crankcase.
SpeclalTool - BearlngDrlver Sst 57001-1129
a Pressthe oil seal in until the seal end is even with the step [B] oi the
holeas shown,

O Use the bearingdriverwhich has a largerdiameterthan the oil seal.

Do nol blod( lhe coolanl drainage ostlet passage wnh lhs oll seal by
prcs3lng lt ioo lar into lhe cover.

a Pressin each ball bearing [C] with its manufacturer'smark facing out
until it boftoms out.

aPress the mechanicalseal [A] into the hole with the bearingdriverset
[B] until its flange touchesthe step [C].

l{€ver lap on lfte m€cftanical 3e61,use a press only.
Be carcful not lo damage lhe seallng su.laca ol lhe mechanical seal.

alnstall the water pump shaft from the insideof the right crankcase.

aClean the sliding surface o{ a new mechanicalseal with a high-{lash

point solvent, and apply a little coolant to the sliding surfaceto give
the mechanicalseal initial lubrication.
aApply coolant to the surface of the rubber seal [A] and sealing seat
[B], and press the rubber seal and sealing seat inlo the impeller by
hand until the seat bottoms out.
aTighten the water pump impeller bolt by turning the bolt counter-
To.que - Waier Pump lmp€ller Bolt 9.8 N-m (1.0 kg-m, 87 hnb)
Radiator and Radiator Fan

The radlalor lan b connecGd dlr€clly !o lha baflery. The radlaior lan
may siarl even ll the lgnlllon swlich |3 ofi. NEVER TOUCH THE

aDrain the coolant(seethis chapter).
a Remove:
FuelTank (see Fuel Systemchapter)
RadiatorFan Motor Connector [A]

aRemovethe mountingbolt [A].

aLift up the radiatorto clearthe stoppers.
a Removethe radiator.

Radiator Cap Inspection

acheck the condition of the top and bottom valve sealsof the radiator
*lf any one of them shows visible damage,replacethe cap.
Bottom ValveSeal [A]
Top ValveSeal IB]
ValveSpring [C]

alnstall the cap [A] on a cooling systempressuretester [B].

owet the cap sealing surfaces with wabr or coolant to prcvent
prcssure leaks.
OWalching the pressuregauge,slowly pump the pressu(etester10 build
up the pressure. The reliefvalve opens, indicated by the gauge hand
tlicks downward. The reliefvalve must open within the relief pressute
range in the table below and the gauge hand must remainwithin the
specifiedrangeat least6 seconds.
cooUNG SYSTEM 3-11

Fadlalor Cap noll3l Pr€ssrl€

Stndad: Cl - 123 kPe (0.95 - 1.25 kgrcm,, 14 - 18 p6t) for
. 6 3€conds
*lf the cap holds too much pressure,or if the cap cannot hold the
specitied pressure.replace it with a new one.
3 - 1 2 C O O L I N GS Y S T E M

SurgeTank (see Fuel Systemchapter)
Coolant: Drainabout200 mL
Four Hoses [A]
BracketBolts IB]
aRemove the thermostathousing IC] along with the bracket.

aRemove the screws [A]. take off the cap [8], and take out the
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 - 1

Tableof Contents

Valve SeatWidth Inspection
(Wobble Method)
C y l i n d e r sP,i s t o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -
CylinderInstallation ...........-4-17
PistonInstallation... ............4-18
Piston Ring. Piston Ring
PistonRing End Gap.................
Muff|er.................... .................4-19
FrontExhaustPipeRemova|..............................4-1 9
RearExhaustPipeRemova|...........................,...4-1 9
FrontMufflerRemoval........................... ..........'4-2O
ChamberRemoval. .......,,.,..4-20
ChamberInstallation ...................................-......4-21
Mufflerlnstallation. ............4-21

(*): Referlo BaseManual.

4 - 2 E N G I N ET O P E N D

'-/ v

,/aaa N "z

l ,.-,.,

U ^
U @ @
g €

N .J

3",.f g
AD:Apply adhesive, T 1: 12 N - m ( 1. 2 k g - m ,1 0 4 i n - l b )
EO;Apply engineoil to the threadsand T2: 8.8 N-m (0.90 kg-m, 78 in-lb)
seatingsurfaceol 12 mm nuts. T3: 12 mm, 78 N-m (8.0 kg-m, 58 ft-lb)
S: Followthe specifictighteningsequence. T4: 8 mm, 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m, 18.Oft-lb)
SS: Apply siliconesealant. T5: 4.9 N-m (o.50 kg-m, 43 in-lb)
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 - 3

1. FrontExhaustPipe
2. RearExhaustPipe
3. FrontMutfler
,oo* b ^ffio 4.
bo ffio M: Apply molybdemum
@ n u g R: Replacement Parts
d s T 1 : 2 5 N - m ( 2 . 5k g - m ,1 8 . 0f t - l b )
4 q

(, . u : -\ +
. @

,6P- -.-'iS qe
21 \ e
o': /\ f,
% s 6 " \ \
: :*r\
g ^".p
o @*
,u ^@'
ll ,-@"
d s'
4 - 4 E N G I N ET O P E N D

1. CoolantDrainBolls
2. KACRUnit
"R" markedsidefacesup,
4. "RN" markedsidefacesup.
5, Arrow points to the Jront.
EO:Apply engineoil.
L: Apply a non-permanent
R: Replacemenl Parts
S: Followthe specific
T1; 9.8 N-m (1 .0 kg-m, 87 in-lb)
T2: 20 N-m (2.0 kg-m. 14.5ft-lb)
T 3 : 1 1 N - m ( 1 . 1k g - m , 9 5i n - l b )
T 4 : 1 5 N - m ( 1 . 5k g - m ,1 1 . 0f t - l b )
T5: 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m, 18.0ft-lb)

E N G ] N ET O P E N D 4 . 5

Item Standard ServiceLimit

Clean Air System:
Vacuum swilch valve closing pressure: Open --r Close 57 - 65 kPa
(430 - 490 mm Hg)
Camheight: Exhaust 33.36- 33.46mm 33.26mm
Exhaust(ST) 33.48- 33.60mm 33.38mm
lnlet 33.48- 33.60mm 33.38mm
Inlet (ST) 33.80- 33.92mm 33.70mm
Camshaft,camshaftcap clearance O25 0.020' 0.062mm 0.15mm
@17 0.016^ 0.055mm 0.14mm
Camshaftjournaldiameter, O25 24.959- 24.980mm 24.93mm
Camshaftbearinginsidediameter, O25 25.000- 25.021mm 25.08mm
Camshaftiournal diameter, a17 16.966- 16.984mm 16.93mm
Camshaftbearinginsidediameter. <D17 17.000- 17.O21mm 17.08mm
Camshaftrunout TIR0.02mmor less TIR0.1mm
Camshaftchain20-link tength 127.O- 127.4mm 128.9mm
Rockerarm insidediameter 16.000- 16.018mm 16.05mm
Rockershaft diameter 15.966-15.984mm 15.94mm
Cylinder Head:
(Usablerange) 685 - 1080kPa
(7.0- 11.0 kg/cm',100 - 156 psi)
@300r/min (rpm) by electricstarter
Cylinderheadwarp 0.05mm
Valveheadthickness: Exhaust 0.9 - 1.1mm 0.5mm
lnlet 0.9- 1.1mm 0.5mm
Valve stem bend TIR0.01mmor less TIR0.05mm
Valvestem diameter: Exhaust 6.955- 6.970mm 6.94mm
lnlet 6.965- 6.980mm 6.95mm
Valveguide insidediameter Exhaust 7.000- 7.015mm 7.08mm
tntet 7.000- 7.015mm 7.08mm
Valve/valveguide clearance
(wobblemethod): Exhaust 0.08^ 0.16mm 0.30mm
lntet 0.05- 0.13mm 0.27mm
Valveseatcutting angle 45,32,55
(ST): Switzerland

Cam Heighl Gamshatl Journab and Runoul

Cam Height
4 - 6 E N G I N ET O P E N D

Item Standard ServiceLimit

Outsidediameter: Exhaust 28.9- 29.1mm
lnlet 31.9 - 32.1mm
Width: Exhaust 0.5-1.0mm
lnlet 0.5-1.0mm
Valvespring lree length:
Outer(EX,lN) 42.3mm 40.7 mm
I n n e r( E X ,l N ) 37.8mm 36.4 mm
Cylinder, Piston:
Cylinderinsidediameter 102.000- 102.01 2 mm 1 0 2 . 1m
Pistondiameter 1O1.942- 101.957mm 101.79mm
Piston/cylinder clearance 0.043- 0.070mm
Oversizepiston and rings +0.5mm
Pistonring/groove clearance: Top 0.035- 0.070mm 0 . 1 7m m
Second 0.02- 0.06mm 0.16mm
Pistonring groove width: Top 1.025 - 1.040mm 1. 1 2m m
Second 1 . 2 1- 1 . 2 3 m m 1.31mm
Piston ring thickness: Top 0.97- 0.99mm 0.9mm
Second 1 . 1 7- 1 . 1 9m m 1. 1 0m m
Pistonring end gap: Top 0.30- 0.40mm 0.70mm
Second 0.40- 0.55mm 0.85mm
oil 0.3 - 0.9mm 1 . 2m m

Valve HeadThlckness ValveStem Bend

E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 . 7

SpeclalTools- For* Oll Level Gauge: 57001-1290

VacuumGauge: 57001-1369
Spart Plug Wr€nch,H€x 18: 57001-102
Compresslon Gaugs. 57OO1 -221
CompresslonGaugeAdapter,M l 2 x 1.25: 57001-1018
Valv6Spring Compr$sor Assembly: 57001-241
Valve Sprlng Compressor Adapler, O28.2: 57001-243
Valve Guide Arbor, Q7; 57001-163
Valve Gulde Reamer. (D7: 57001-162
ValveSeatCuller Holder,(D7;57001-1126
Valv6Seal CutrerHolderBar: 57001-1128
ValveSeatCulter,45" - O32: 57001-1115
Valve Seal Culler, 32" - O35: 57001-1121
Valve Seal CulGr, 55' - O35r 57001-1247
PlslonRing CompressorGrip: 57001-1095
PlslonRlng CompressorBell, O95 - 0108: 57001-1358
PlslonPln PullerA8sembly: 57001-910
Hexagor Wrcnc-h,Hex 27; 57001-1210

o Compressioncauge Adapter: 57001-'1183 and Valve Seat Cutter:57001-1 199 can also be used.

Sealant- KawasakiBond (SlllconeSealanl): 56019-120

4 - 8 E N G I N ET O P E N D
GleanAir System
Air Suction ValveRemoval
aFor rearair suction valve removal,removethe choke knob [A] and the
rearexhaustpipe (seethis chapter).
aRemovethe hose [B].
aunscrew the mounting bolts [C] and remove the air suction valve

Ah SuctionVafuelnstallation
aReplace the gasketwith a new one.
alnstall the air suction valveso that its wider side [A] ol the reed faces
Torque - Air SuctlonValve Cover Bolts:4.9N-m (0.50kg-m,43 In-lb)

VacuumSwitch ValveRemoval
aRemove the surgetank (see Fuel Systemchapter).
aPull off the hoses fAi and take out the vacuum switch valve f Bl.

VacuumSwitch Valvelnstallation
alnstall the vacuum switch valve so that the air hole [A] faces
oRoute the hosescorrectly(see GeneralInlormationchapter).
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 . 9

VacuumSwitch Valve Test

aRemove the fuel tank (see Fuel Systemchapter).
aRemove the vacuum switch valve.
aconnect the vacuum gauge [A] and syringe [B] (or fork oil level
gauge) to the vacuum hosesas shown.
SpecialTools- VacuumGauge: 57001-1369
Fork Oll Level Gauge: 57001-1290
Air Flow fcl

a Graduallyraisethe vacuum ( lower the pressure) appliedto the vacuum

switch valve,and check the valveoperation. When the vacuum is low,
the vacuumswitch valveshould permit air to flow. When the vacuum
raisesto 57 - 65 kPa {430 - 490mm Hg), it should stop air flow.
*lf the vacuum switch valve does not oDerateas described,replaceit
w|tn a new one.
oTo check ait flow through the vacuum switch valve, just blow
thtough the ait cleanet hose.

VacuumSwibh Valve ClosingPressure(Open--r Close)

Standard: 57 - 65 kPa (430 - 490 mm Hg)

CleanAh System Hose lnspection

aBe certain that all the hoses are routed without being flattened or
kinked,and are connectedcorrectlyto the air cleanerhousing,vacuum
switch valve,carburetorand air suction valvecovers.
* l{ they are not, correctthem. Replacethem if they are damaged.
Sscondary at cannotflow.

CleanAlr Syslem


1 . Rear Water Hose 6. FrontWater Hose 11. Air Vent Hose

Throttle Cables 7. Vacuum Switch Valve 12. RearRockerCaseCover
Carburetor 8. Front RockerCaseCover 13. ChokeCable
FuelHose 9. Vacuum Hose '14.
To RearAir SuctionValve
To Front Air Suction Valve 10. To Lower Air CleanerDuct
4 . 1 0 E N G I N ET O P E N D
Camshaft Chain Tensioner

This is a non-returntype cam chain lensioner. The push rod does
nol return to its original poEilion once it moves out to take up
camshaflchain slack, Observeall the rules lisled below:
Whenremovingahetensioner,do nol lake outthe mountingboltsonly
hallway. Retighteningthe mounling bolts from this posi on could
damage lhe lensioner and the camshaftchain. Once lhe bolt8 are
loosened,lhe lensionermusl be removedand reset as describ€din
Do not lurn over the crankshaftwhile lhe lensionerls removed. Thls
could upsel the cam ch€ln timing,and damagethe v€lves.

aFor the front chain tensioner,removethe lower air cleanerduct (see

Fuel Systemchapte0.
aLoosen the lockbolt[A] and removethe tensionercap IB].
aRemove the tensionermounting bolts [C] and take off the chain

aPush the stopper [A] to releasethe ratchet and push the push rod
IB] into the tensionerbody.

alnstallthe largerspring[A], and then the baltbearingassy[B].

oFit the ball bearing assy into the body until it boftoms out, using a
thin- bladedscrewdriver.
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 - 1 1

ascrew in the lockbolt [A] iinger-tight to hold the ball bearingassy.

alnstallthe retainerfBl.

alnstall the tensionerbody [A] and tightenthe mountingbolts [B] to

the soecifiedtorque.
Torque - ChainTensionerMounlingBolts:9.8 N-m (1.0kg-m,87 lnJb)

alnstallthe smallerspring [A] and the tensionercap IB].

oTighten the tensionercap to the specifiedtorque.
Torque * ChainTensionerCap:20 N-m (2.0kg-m,14.5lt-lb)

aloosen the lockbolt [A] and check to be surethat the largerspring

clicks.then tightenthe lockbolt.
Torque - ChainTensionerLockbolt:ll N-m (1.1kg-m,95 in-lb)
4 - 1 2 E N G I N ET O P E N D
Rocker Case Cover

oReplace the cover gasketwith a new one.
aTighten the cover bolts to the specifiedlorque following the tightening lnlet

Dowel Pins [A]
Torque - Rocker Caae Coyer EoliB: 8.8 N-m (0.91tkg-m, 78 In-lb)

. 7 I
6 @ - o

aApply adhesiveto the rubber dampers [A] and install them on the
rockercasecover [B] as shown.
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 - 1 3
Rocker Shafts, Rocker Arms, Rocker Case

Rocker Caselnstallation
cAt noN
The cylinder head and r@ker case are machinedin the assembled
stale,so lhey must be used as a sel.

alnstall the rockerarms lAl and retainingsprings[B] on each rocker

shaft as shown.
oThe exhaustrockerarm [C] on the chaintunnelside is differentfrom
the others.

aBeforeinstallingthe rockershaft,be surethe O-ringsarein place.

OTighten the rockershaftsto the specifiedtorque.
Tofque - RockerShafb: 25 N-m (2.5kg-m,18.0lub)
aApply silicone sealant [A] to the rockercase mating surfaceand the
outer circumferenceof the plugs as shown.
Sealant- KawasakiBond(SiliconeSealanl): 56019-120
o Do not applysiliconesealantaroundthe camshaftbearing.

aApply engineoil to both sidesof the rockercase012 mm nuts and

aTighten the rocker case bolts and nuts temporarily following the
tightening sequenceshown, and then tighten them to the specified lnlet
Torque - RockerCaseNutEO12mm: 78 N-m (8,0kg-m,58 fiJb)
RockerCaseNuls O8 mm: 25 N-m (2.5kg-m,18.0lt-lb)
RockerCase Bolts 06 mm: 8.8 N-m (0.90kg-m,78 in-lb)

oReplacethe oil filters[A] with new ones.

aAfter installingthe rockercase,fill the oil reservoirIB] with engine oil.
Torque - Oll HoseFlangeBolts:9,8 N-m (1.0kg-m,87 lnJb)
4 - 1 4 E N G I N ET O P E N D

Installation (Including Cahain Timing Procedure)

Rejer to p. 4-13 of the Base Manual, noting that the SwiEerland
model has differentchain timing.

Rear Camshalt (Switserland Model)

aAlign the TDC mark with the crankcaserib to position the rear piston
at TDC.
aEngage the camshaft chain sprocket with the camshaft chain as
Timing Marks [A] CylinderHead Upper Surface [C]
R Ma* [B]
o Pull the tension side (front side) of the chain taut to installthe chain.

Fronl Camshalt (Swilzerland Model)

aAlign the TDC mark with the crankcaserib to position the front piston
at TDC.
aEngage the camshaft chain sprocket with the camshaft chain as
Timing Marks [A] Cylinder Head Upper Surface [C]
F Mark [B]
o Pull the tension side (front side) of the chain taut to installthe chain.
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 - 1 5
CYlinder Head

Cylinder Compressi
on M easuranent
oUse the battery which is fully charyed.
aWarm up the engine thoroughly.
aStop the engine.
aRemove one spark plug and attach the compression gauge and
adapterfirmly into the spark plug hole. Do not removethe other spark
plug,only the plug lead.
aFor the other cylinder,removeboth spark plugs.
SpeclalTools- SparkPlug Wrench,Hex 18: 57001-t024[A]
CompressionGauge: 57001-221[B]
CompresslonGaugeAdaplor,ill2 x 1.25: 57001-1018
ausing the starter motor, turn the engine over with the throttle fully
open until the compressiongauge stops rising;the compressionis the

C)linder Compreseion
UsableRange: 685 ^ 1080kPa (7.0 - 11.0kg/cm,, 100 - 156 psl)
@300rrmin (rpm)
oThe compressiongauge adapter:5700'l -'l 183 can also be used.
aRepeat the measurementfor the other cylinder.
alnstallthe sparkplugs.
Torque - Spark Plugs: 18 N-m (1.8kg-m,13.0ft-lb)

The following table should be consulted if the obtainablecompressionreadingis not within the usablerange.
Problem Diagnosis Remedy(Action)
Cylindercompression Carbonaccumulationon piston and cylinder head, Removethe carbon depositsand replace
is higherthan usable and in combustionchamberpossiblydue to dam- damagedparts it necessary.
aged valvestem oil seal and/or damagedpiston
oil rings (This may be indicatedby white exhaust
Incorrectcylinder head gasketthickness. Replacethe gasketwith a standard
Damagedor missingcompressionreleasecam spring Replacethe spring.
Compressionreleaseweights do not move smooth- Replacethe compressionreleaseunit

Cylindercompression Gasleakagearoundcylinderhead Replacedamagedgasketand check

is lower than usable cylinder headwarp.
Bad condition of valveseating Repairif necessary.
HLA seizure. Replacethe HLA.
Incorrectpiston/cylinderclearance Replacethe piston and/or cylinder
Pistonseizure. lnsDectthe cvlinderand liner and
replace/repairthe cylinderand/or
piston as necessary.
Bad condition oI piston ring and/or piston Replacethe piston and/or the piston
nng grooves. nngs.
Comprqssionreleaseweights do not move smooth- Replacethe compressionreleaseunit,
4 - 1 6 E N G I N ET O P E N D

Cylinda HeadInstallation
oThe front cylinder head [A] has an F mark and the rearcylinder head
[B] has an R maft. Be carefulnot to mix them up.

The cyllnder head and rod(er cas€ are m€chlned In lhe a8semblsd
slale, so lhey nust be u3ed as a sel

aAfter tightening the rocker case nuls and bolts, tighten the cylinder
head nuts and the cvlinder nuts.
Torque - Cyllnder Head Nub: 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m, | 8.0 lub)
Cyllndar Nuts: 25 N-|n (2.5 kg-m, 18.0 lt-lb)
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 - 1 7

aReplace the cylinder base gasket with a new one, and install the
gasketsaligning the holeswith the crankcasewater holes [A].

oThe front cylinder [A] has an F mark and the rearcylinder lBl has an
R mark. Be carefulnotto mixthem up.

aStart with the rearcylinder.

aAlign the TDC mark with the crankcaserib to position the rearoiston
at TDC.
TDC Mark [A] for Rear Piston
Crankcase Rib [B]
Turn counterclockwisef Cl

aOil the piston rings and smearsome oil insidethe cylinder bore.
ausing the piston ring compressorassembly[A] with the chamfered
side IB] upward, installrhe cytinderblock [C].
Sp6cial Tools - PistronRlng Compressor crtp: SZOOT-1095
Pblon RlngCompressorBelt, O95-e108:
alnstall the front cylinder in the same way.
O Positionthe front oiston at TDC.

oThe frontchainguidehasan F mark[B] andthe rearchainguidehas

an R mark[C]. Becaretulnotto mixup thefrontandrearchainguides
[A] sincethe rearchainguideis longer.
oTightenthe cylindernutstemporarily.
OTightenthe cylindernuts to the specification(seeExplodedView)
aftet tighteningthe cylindetheadnuts to the speciliedtoeue.
4 . 1 8 E N G I N ET O P E N D

Pisnn Installation
olf a new piston ot cylindet is used, check piston to cylindet clearcnce
(seeSpecrtications), and use new piston ng.
aThe arrow [A] on each piston head must point forward.

Do not reuae snap rings, aa removal weakens and delormg lhem.
They could lell out and score the cyllnder wall,

aThe piston ring openings must be positioned as shown in the figure. Front
The openingsof the oil ring steelrailsmust be about 30 - 45' oJangle 30' - 45' 30' -45'
from the opening oI the top ring. ^
Top Ring[A] Oil Ring ExpandetID] o\@/o
SecondRing[B] Anow [E]
Oil RingSteelRails[C]
" \
t /
"top" ot " bottom".
oThe oil ting railshave no
alnstall the oil ring expander [A] in the bottom piston ring groove so
the ends [B] butt together.
alnstall the oil ring steel rails,one above the expanderand one below
o Spreadthe rail with your thumbs, but only enough to fit the rail over
the Diston.
o Releasethe rail into the bottom piston ring groove.

aDo not mix up the top ring and second ring.

"R" mark
alnstall the top ring [A] so that the [B] faces up.
"RN" mark
Olnstallth€ second ring [C] so that the [D] faces up.
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 - 1 9

a Loosenthe clamp bolts [A] on the exhaustpipe cover IB].
a Detachthe upper clamp [C] by sliding it down.
aDetachthe lowerclamp ID] by slidingit up.
aRemove the exhaustoipe cover.

O Removethe regulator/rectifiercover [A] on the left side.

aLoosen the left chamberbolt [B].

aRemove the lower cover [A].

aLoosen the rightchamberbolt [B].
aRemove the rearmuffler bolt and nut f Cl.

Front Footpeg BolG [A]
Front ExhaustPipe Clamp Bolt IB]
ORemovethe front exhaustpipe holder nuls [C].
OWhile raising up the mufflers by hand, take off the front exhaustpipe
o First,pull off the front end, and then the rearend.

Rear ExhaustPipe Removal

aRemove the regulator/rectifiercover on the left side and loosenthe left
LowerCover[A] RearExhaustPipeCoverIB]
Right ChamberBolt [C]
RearExhaustPipe Clamp Bolt ID]
Front ExhaustPipe Clamp Bolt [E]
RearExhaustPipe Holder Nuts lFl
RearMuffler Bolt and Nut [G]
4 - 2 0 E N G I N ET O P E N D

awhile pushing down the mufflers by hand, pull off the rear exhaust
pipe [A].

Front Muffler Removal

ChamberFlangeNuts [A]
Muffler BracketBolts [B]
aRemove the front muftler IC].

atf the chambet flange nuts arc difficuh to rcmove. spny a penetating
oil on the studs lAl and nuE l8l.

aRemove the fiont muftler (seethis chaptel).
a Loosenthe rearmulfler pipe clamp bolt [A].
a Remove the rear footpeg bracket bolts I B] .
O Removethe rearmuttler [C].

Chamba Removal
Front ExhaustPipe [A]
RearExhaustPipe IB]
Front and RearMuffleB [C]
Leftand RightChamberBohs ID]
aTake out the chamberIE].
E N G I N ET O P E N D 4 - 2 1

Chambu Installation
aReplace the muffler flange gasketwith new ones.
alnstallthe exhaustclamps[A] with its bolt downward.

Muffler lnstallation
aReplace the exhaustpipe holder gasketwith new ones.
a Installthe rearend [A] of the front exhaustpipe tirst,and then the front
end [B].
OTighten the front nut oI the rearexhaustpipe holderJirst and then the
rearnut {or easy installation.
aFifst. tighten all the bolts and nuts to a snug fit.
aSecondly, tighten the exhaustpipe holder nuts evenlyto avoid exhaust
aFinally, tighten the restoJthe mounting bolts and clamp bolls securely.
oThoroughly warm up the engine. wait until the engine cools down,
and retightenall the clamp bolts.

Tighten this nut first for easyinstallation.

Almost equal.

1 . RearMuffler 4. RearExhaustPipe 7. Front ExhaustPipe Cover

Front Muffler Front Muffler Cover 8. Chamber
RearExhaustPipe Cover 6. Front ExhaustPipe 9. Gasket
ctuTcH 5-1

Tableof Contents

E x p l o d eV d iew.................... .............................5-2
S o e c i f i c a t i o .n. s. . . . ................5-4
C l u t c hL e v e r . . . . . . . . ...............5-5
P o s i t i o nA d j u s t m e n. t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............5-5
c l u t c hF 1 u i d . . . . . . . . . ...................'
F l u i dL e v e Il n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . .
C l u t c hF l u i dC h a n g i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bleedingthe ClutchLine..........
M a s t e rC y l i n d e r . . . ................5-6
lnstallation........... ...........5-6
C l u t c hS l a v eC y l i n d e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................5-7
lnstallation........... ............5-7
A s s e m b l.v. . . . . . . . . . . .
C l u t c hC o v e r . . . . . - . . .....-.-........5-8
C l u t c hC o v e rR e m o v a | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................5-8
l n s t a l l a t i o. .n. . . . . . . . .
Clutch InnerHub Disassembly/Assembly.............
SpringPlateFreePlayMeasurement ......
Frictionand SteelPlateWarp lnspection............
ClutchHub SplineInspection
Cam Damperlnspection............
C l u t c hS p r i n gH e i g h tM e a s u r e m e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(.): Referto BaseManual.


EO:Apply engineoil.
L: Apply a non-permanent
6.)--Fs locking agent.
R: ReplacementParts

\> s: Followthe specific


s Si: Applysiliconegrease,
or PBC grease.
1. Staner Lockout Switch
2. ClutchSlaveCylinder


T 1 : 1 . 0 N - m ( 0 . 1 0k g - m ,9 i n - l b )
T2: 5.9 N-m (0.60 kg-m, 52 in-lb)
T3: 1 . 5 N - m ( 0 . 1 5k g - m ,1 3 i n - l b )
r4: 7 . 8 N - m ( 0 . 8 0k g - m , 6 9i n - l b )
t5: 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m, 18.0 ft-lb)
T6: 9 . 8 N - m ( 1 . 0k g - m , 8 7i n - l b )
n i 1. 2 N - m ( 0 . 1 2k g - m ,1 Oi n - l b )
T8: 4.9 N-m (0.50 kg-m,43 in-lb)
T9: 1 4 5 N - m ( 1 5 . 0k g - m ,11 0 f t - l b )

\\ N<
) \ _
v (T9)


G e ( \
& N
N &^A@\J
\Yy {\


Item Standard Service Limit

Clutch Fluid
Grade D.O.T.4
Brand (recommended) CastrolGirling-Universal
CastrolGT (LMA)
CastrolDisc BrakeFluid
Check Shock PremiumHeavy Duty
Clutch Lever Position 4-way adjustable(to suit rider)
Clutch Lever Free Play Non-adiustable
Clutch spring free height 4.3 mm 4mm
Spring platefree play 0.30-1.30mm
Frictionand steelplatewarp 0.2 mm or less 0.3 mm

SpecialTools - InsldeClrcllp Pllers: 57001-143

BearlngDrlvor Set 57001-1129
cLuTcH 5-5
Clutch Lever
The adjusier has 4 positionsso that the clutch levef position can be
adjustedto suit the operato/s hand.

aPush the leverforward and tum the adjustor [A] to align the number
with the triangulafmark [B] on the lever holder.
oThe distancefrom the grip to the lever is minimum at Number 4 and
maximumat Number1.
Master Gylinder

almmediately wash away any brakefluid that spills.
oset the clutch mastercylinder [A] to match its mating face [B] to the
punch mark [C] oi the handlebar.

oThe masiercylinder clamp must be installedwith the rearview mirror

boss [A] upward.
aTighten the upper clamp bolt [B] first, and then the lower clamp bolt
[C]. Therewill be a gap at the lower pan of the clamp aftertightening.
Torque - Clubh Masier Cyllnder Clamp Bolts: 9.8 N-m (1.0 kg-m, 87
aUse a new Jlatwasher on each side of the clutch hose fitting.
aTighten the clutch hose banjo bolt.
Torque - Clutch Hoae Ban o Bolt 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m,
aReplenish the clutch fluid into the reservoirand bleed the clutch line
(see Bleedingthe Clutch Line in the BaseManual).
acheck that the clutch line has proper fluid pressureand no fluid
Clutch Slave Cylinder
Relerto p. 5-6 of the Base Manual, noting the following.

aApply a non-permanentlocking agentto the threadsof the clutch slave
cylinderbolts [A].
aFinger tighten the clutch slavecylinder bolts.
aRemove the band from the clutch leverand releasethe clutch lever.
OTightenthe clutch slavecylinder bolts securely.
Clutch Cover

Clutch Cover Removal

aDrain the engine oil (see Engine LubricationSystemchapter).
Front ExhaustPipe [A] (see EngineTop End chapter)
Downtube IB] (see Framechapter)

OUnscrew the cover bolts [A].

a Using the pry points [B], take the cover off the crankcase.
o Do not rcmove the dampet covet fcf.

Tableof Contents
6 - 2 E N G I N EL U B R I C A T I O N

1 . HLA Oil Filter T 1 : 20 N-m (2.0 kg-m, 14.5ft-lb)

2. Front RockerCase r2: 1 8 N - m ( 1 . 8k g - m ,1 3 . 0f t - l b )o r
3. RearRockerCase hand-tight
4. Oil Screen T3: 2 5 N - m ( 2 . 5k g - m ,1 8 . 0f t - l b )
5. Oil Nozzle r4: ' 1 5N - m ( 1 . 5k g - m ,' 11 . 0f t - l b )
L: Apply a non-permanent lockingagent. T5: 1 . 5 N - m ( 0 , 1 5k g - m ,1 3 i n - l b )
R: ReplacementPans T6: 9 . 8 N - m ( 1 . 0k g - m . 8 7i n - l b )
SS;Applysiliconesealant. 1 7 : 8 . 8 N - m ( 0 . 9 0k g - m , 7 8i n - l b )
(KawasakiBond:560'19-120) T8: 3.4 N-m (0.35 kg-m, 30 in-lb)


@ .s$)*
\ n\.,'"
- P
6;r-@ \-

Item Standard
Engine Oil:
Grade SE, SF, oI SG class
Viscosity SAE10W-40.10W-50.20W-40,or 20W-50
Capacity 2.5 L (when filter is not removed)
2.7 L (when filter is removed)
3.5 L (when engineis completelydry)
Level (after idling or running) Between upper and lower level lines
Oil Pre$sureMeasurement:
Oil pressure@2 000 r/min (rpm),
oil temp.100"C(212'F) 345 - 440 kPa(3.5 - 4.5 ks/cm', 50 - 64 psi)

SpeclalTool8- Oil pr€asureGauge,S kg/cmz: 57001-125

Oll Pressure Gauge Adapier, PT %: 57001-tcl3
Oll Flller Wrerrch: 57(xll-l249
Sealant - Kawasakl Bond (Slllcons Sealanl): 56019-120
Oil Pipes
Referto P.6-9oi the BaseManual.notingthe following.

Outside Oil Hose Removal

aRemovethe engine(seeEngineRemoval/lnstallation
a Remove:
Oil Hose FlangeBolts [A] on RockerCase
Oil Hose Banjo Bolts on Right Crankcase

aRemovethe front oil hose IB] and the rearoil hose [C].

Outside Oil Hose Installation

a Run the front oil hose [A] over the inler pipe IB] as shown.
aRun the rearoil hose downward (seeabove).
aRun both oil hosesbetweenthe inletpipe and the cylinderfins.

alnstall each bottom end of the oil hosesas shown.

Front Oil Hose [A]
RearOil Hose[B]
Facethe paint marks [C] rearward.
Torque - Oil HoseFlangeBolts:9.8 N-m (1.0kg-m,87 inJb)
Oil HoseBanio Bolts [D]: 12 N-m (1.2kg-m,104 InJb)
Oil PressureMeasurement

aSplit the crankcase(see Crankshaft/Transmission chapter).
aRemove the relieJvalve [A] from the oil pump IB].
acheck to see il the valve slides smoothly when pushing it in with a
wooden or other soft rod, and see if it comesback to its seat by spring
o lnspect the valve in its assembled state, Disassembly and assembly
may change the valvepeiomance.

rtll any rough spos are found during above inspection,wash the valve
clean with a high-flash point lolvent and blow out any foreign
particlesthat may be in the valvewith compressedair.
Valve [A] Spring [B]

Clean i|e relle{ va|Ye In a w€ll-yenlilai3d area, and take car6 lhal
lh€re |3 no spad( or llame anywhgrg near lhe working area. Because
ol lhe danger d highly flammable llqulds, do nol use gasollne or
low4ash polnl solvenl,

*11 cleaning does not solve the problem, replacethe reliel valve as an
assembly. The relief valve is precision made with no allowance for
reolacementof individualDans.

Engine Removal/lnstal
Tableof Contents


WL: Apply soapand watersolution.

T1: 44 N-m (4.5 kg-m, 33 ft-lb)

T2: 23 N-m (2.3 kg-m, 16.5 ft-lb)
\svcmsft smqnl
r A , r Jr 6 i ! J r 1 Ji r . r ' r - , r - 1 : g l i t l O f i 6 q 1 6 € r A d t n ) q q u ? a

Sesf-iofi4 'J*L - .aooT d..qz

d?0f-f00Se |l8 LcaL tdcmioc^

t. i bt6d 6 .ttrv/ ti blod lii',c r'lyvolg1er91sreld stl, L}:lgorrpea

art ro ,rdenr lrf lnarcdat orh l:an |no{ a(! bldl ol trua a8
.tt|6 br. tt|d596 lr! airar blr&r fi .!!vo l]al yam sfgt'gtotolfl


:ri6rC a
' l rerq6riJ .-nel2yz pr1ilo.,J
8€e) tnEioo3
I'gtqEdl rr3trya ooitFif '1r).l si'trgnf st, lrQ rlorgn!
( r livtfr,uen $3tt6d 9d, rronno33rdla

gvoft9?l ||
{l,tlsrit illJl.rf1 t!)u-{3s2) iA; i'tsT '9,:l
llatq$d.: l,i:l qol i,nt0ol !Ba) [8] ?eqiq t?u6r1xfrr,eil fic6 I'iorl
( tsJrl(ir1,.ieteva lnrrl eee) i3l ?0.11e!,ollreri6olJ r,A
{rstuodt metaYa igt,rl l:i") qrfiri{ lg'll
i€tqcrlo tnBli.y? l.J|]1 sss) rn5T sgqiJ?
lcl afrsel OUi'l ih6qz
?3?ot1iri6v norr:ue ri/tr
7 - 4 E N G I N ER E M O V A L / I N S T A L L A T I O N
Engine Removal/lnstallation

Engine Removal
aSupportthe rearpartof the frameon the jack [A].
SDecialTools- Jack:57001-1238
AltachmentJack [Bl: 57001-1398

aSoueezethe brakeleverslowly and hold it with a band [A].

Be sure lo hold the front brake when removing lhe engine, or lhe
motorcyclemay lall over. lt could causean accidenland Inlury'

cAt noN
Be sure lo hold the lronl brake when removlng the engine, or lhe
motorcyclemay lall over, The engine or lhe motorcyclecould be

Coolant (see Cooling Systemchapter)
EngineOil (seeEngineLubricationSystemchapter)
aDisconnectthe batterynegative(-) terminal.

FuelTank [A] (see Fuel Systemchapter)
Frontand RearExhaustPipesIB] (seeEngineTop Endchapter)
Air CleanerHousings[C] (seeFuelSystemchaptet
Fuel Pump (see Fuel Systemchapter)
SurgeTank (see Fuel Systemchapter)
SparkPlug LeadsID]
Air SuctionValveHoses

RadiatorFan Motor Connector [A]
RearBrakeLight Switch Connector IB]
Radiator(see Cooling SystemchapteO
RearShift Pedal
AlternatorOuter Cover (see ElectricalSystemchapter)
Front Shift Pedal

a Disconnect:
Staner Motor Terminal
PickupCoil LeadConnector[B]
Oil PressureSwitch Terminal
NeutralSwitch Connector
Clutch SlaveCylinder
Clutch Hose (from the holder)

Horn Bolts [A]

Water Hoses [A] on CylinderHeads
Carburetor(see Fuel Systemchapter)

a Disconnectthe engine ground terminal [A].


Front ExhaustPipe (see EngineTop End chapter)
Engine Mounting BracketBolts [A]
Downtube Bolts IB]
Rear ExhaustPipe [C] (see EngineTop End chapter)

a Remove the downtube [D] with the right footpeg and rear master
cvlinder installed.

asupport the engine with a suitablestand [A].

EngineMounting BracketBolts IB]
EngineMounling Bolts and Nuts [C]

aDisengag€the propellershaft lrom the engine.

o Pull off the boots [A] and push on the lockpin [B] a little with a wire.
o Move the engine forward [C] to fre€ it lrom the rearpropellershaft.

owhen removing the engine, be caretul not to damage the shift shaft

o Removethe engine [A] from the motorcycleright side.

Engine lnstallation
alnstallthe rubber boots [A] on the rearend oJthe front bevelgearcase.
aFit the spring [B] into the front bevel gearioint.
a Put the lockpin [C] into the front bevelgearjoint.

aApply a thin coat of a high temperaturegreaseto the driven gearjoint

and to the propellershaft joint.
aPush on the lockpin [A] and move backthe engineto engagethe front
bevelgearjoint with the propellershaft joint.

aRun the brake hose [A] and the clutch hose [B] insidethe frame [C]
as shown.

p //
olnsert the rearmounting bolt from the left side of the engine to set the
€ngine into its Jinalposition in the frame.
Torque - DownEbe BoltE:44 N-m (4.5 kg-m, 33lt-lb)
Englna Mounllng Bolt8 and iluls: '14il-m (4.5 kg-m, 33 ltJb)
EnglneMountlngBrad(el Bolb: 23 N-m (2.3kg-m,16.5ftJb)
aRun the leads,cablesand hosescorrectly (see Cable,Wire and Hose
Routing section in the GeneralInformationchapter).
aConnect the engine ground lead [A] to the engine as shown.
About 30" [B]
Torque - Engin€GroundTermlnal Bolt 9.8 N-m (1.0kg-m,87 In-lb)

alnstallthe removedparts (seeappropriatechapters).

oAdjust the throttle cables (see Fuel Systemchapter).
aFill the engine with engine oil (see Engine Lubrication System
aFill the engine with coolant and bleed the air Jromthe cooling system
(see Cooling Systemchapter).
aAdjust th€ idling (seeFuel Sy6temchapt€rin this Manual and ths Ba66
aCheck the clutch ooeration.
aCheck the brakeeffectiveness.

Do nol aliempt io drlv€ lhe molorryclo untll a full brake lev6r or pedal
ls obtalned by pumplng lhe brake by6r or p€dal unlll lho pads are
agalnst the dbc. Tho brake will not funcllon on lhe lirst appllcallon
ol lhe lever or pedal I lhlg L9not doDe.

Tableof Contents

- gxplodedView ......... .................8-2 LH Balancer

WeighrInsta ation..........................8-6
........... .................8-5 Balancer
- Crankcase-................. BalancerShaftInsta11ation......................
Replacement ..........
ConnectingRod Removal.........
WaterPump ldle ShaftHotder....
ConnectingRod lnstallation...... PrimaryGear..........
: ConnectingRod Big End Bearing Removal.................
Insert/Crankpin Wear........................ Installation
Crankshaft Runout.... Transmission.......... ....................9-7
, Crankshaft Main Bearing/ RearShift PedalRemoval......_..............................8-7
Main JournalWear RearShift PedalInsta||ation.................................8-7
. Crankshaft Side C1earance........................ FrontShift PedalRemoval........_......_...................8-7
. StarterMotor Clutch. FrontShift PedalInsta11ation................................9-7
Removal................. ExternalShiit MechanismRemoval,....................8-8
- Installation............... E)dernalShift MechanismInsta||ation.................8-9
Disassembly .............. ExternalShift MechanismInsoection.......................*
Assernbly...................... Transmission ShaftsRemoval......
Inspection............... Transmission ShaftsInstallation,.
- Ba|ancer.................... .................8-6 Transmission Disassemb|y.....................,..,...,,......9_9
RH Balancer Weight Remova1..................,...,,..,.......' Transmission Assemblv......,.......,...........
' LH Balancer Weight Removal............... Shift Drum Removal.................
RH Balancer Weight Installation .............. Shift Drum Disassembly/Assemb1y..........................'
('): Referto BaseManual.


@r @*$ruw*
Nq d-I,A\Q)m (

kl\\* 6 0 @

^ m r&/6 . G
,6eV @^.R

LG: Apply liquidgasket.

SS: Apply siliconesealant.

EO:Apply engineoil.
L: Apply a non-permanent lockingagent,
Lh: Left-handThreads
T1; 39 N-m (4.0 kg-m. 29 ft-lb)
T2: 21 N-m (2.1 kg-m, 15.0ft-lb)
T3: 9.8 N-m (1 .0 kg-m, 87 in-lb)
T4: 3.4 N-m (0.35 kg-m, 30 in-lb)
T5: 59 N-m (6.0 kg-m,43 ft-lb)
T 6 : 1 4 5 N - m ( 1 5 . 0k g - m ,1 1 0 f t - l b )
T7: 2.9 N-m (0.30 kg-m,26 in-lb)

T8: 85 N-m (8.7 kg-m, 63 ft-lb)
T9: 15 N-m (1.5 kg-m, 11.0 ft-lb)
T10: 20 N-m (2.0 kg-m,14.5ft-lb)
1 . Align the marks.


Almost horizontal.


".83 re..

L; Apply a non-permanentlocking agent.
T11: 226 N-m (23.0 kg-m, 166 ft-lb)

Item Standard ServiceLimit

Crankshaft, Connecting Rods:
Connectingrod big end sideclearance 0.16- 0.46mm o.7
Connectingrod big end bearing
insert/crankpinclearance 0.026- 0.057mm 0.10 mm
Crankoindiameter: 54.981' 55.000mm 54.97 mm
Marking None 54.981- 54.991mm
54.992- 55.000mm
Connectingrod big end bore diameter: 58.000- 58.020mm
Marking None 58.000- 58.010mm
58.011- 58.020mm
Connectingrod big end bearinginsertthickness:
Brown 1.483- 1.487mm
Black 1.487- 1.491mm ___
Blue 1.491- 1.495mm
Connectingrod big end bearinginsertselection:
Con-rodBig End Crankpin Diameter BearingInsert
Bore Diameter Marking
Marking SizeColor PartsNumber
None o Brown 92028-1476
None None
Black 92028-1475
o o
None Blue 92024-147

Crankshaft sideclearance 0.05- 0.55mm 0.75mm

Crankshaftweb length 96.85- 96.95mm 96.6mm
Crankshaftrunout TIR0.02mmor less TIR0.05mm
Crankshaft mainbearinginsert/journal
clearance 0.025- 0.052mm 0 . 1 0m m
Crankshaft mainjournaldiameter 54.986- 55.000mm 54.96mm
Crankcasemain bearingbore diameter 55.025- 55.038mm 55.07mm
Shift fork ear thickness 5.9- 6.0mm 5.8mm
Gearshift fork groove width 6.05- 6.15mm 6.3mm
Shiftfork guide pin diameter 7.9- 8.0mm 7.8mm
Shiftdrum groovewidth 8.05- 8.20mm 8.3mm

SpeclalTools - DamperCam Holder: 57001-1025

FlywheelHolder: 57001-1313
Gear Holder; 57001-1015
OutsideCirclip Pliers: 57001-144
BearingDriver Set 57001-1129
Sealani- KawasaklBond (LlquldGasket-Bl8ck):92104-1003

LH BalancerWeightInstallation
a Be sure to position the rubber dampeF [A] as shown- Do not install
them insideout.
Torqus - Balancer G€ar Bolt 8ti N-m (8.7 kg.m, 63 ftJb)
Sta .r l|otor CluHr Bolt 85 t{fl (8.7 kg-m, $ ftnb)
c R A N K S H A F T / T R A N S M I S S t O 8N- 7

Rear Shift Pedal Removal

a Removethe front foolpeg [A].
a Unscrewthe clampbolt [B] and pull out the rearshift pedallCl.

RearShift Pedal lnstallation

alnstall the rearshift pedal [A] so that the pad [B] is almost horizontal.
Torque - RearShill PedalClamp Bolli 9.8 N-m (1.0kg-m,87 inJb)

Front Shift Pedal Removal

aRemove the alternatorouter cover (see ElectricalSystemchapter).
aUnscrewtwo clampbolts [A] and pull out the shift pedaljoint[B].

aUnscrew the clamp bolt [A] and pull out the fronr shift pedal IB].

Front Shift Pedal lnstallation

aLoosen the locknuts [A] and tum the shift rod [B] so that the outside
length of the locknuts is 88.5mm.
oThe rearlocknut has left-handthreads.

alnstall the front shift pedal [A] so lhat the punched mark on the shaft
is alignedIB] with the punchedmarkon the pedal.
aTighten the clamp bolt of the front shift pedal.
Torque - FrontShitt PedalClamp EolE: 9.8 N-m (1'0 kg-m,87 InJb)

aTurn the shift rod [A] so that the pad [B] of the front shift pedal is
almost alignedwith the engine bracket [C] when viewed from the left
aTighten the locknutssecurely.
Torque - Sh t Rod Locknuts:9.8N{ (1'0 kg-m,87 inJb}

olnstall the shift pedal ioint [A] so that the ioint clamp bolt heads [B]
face almostforward.
aTighten the clamp bolts.
Torque - Jolnl Clamp Bo[s:9,8 N-m (1.0kg-m,87 InJb)
alnstall the alternatorouter cover (see ElectricalSystemchapter).

alnslall the rearshift pedat [A] so that the pad [B] is almost horizontal
aTighten the clamp bolt.
Torque - Rear Sh l Pedal Clamp Bolt 9.8 N.m (1.0 kg-m, 87 lnJbl

ExternalShift MechanismRemoval
RearShift Pedal (seethis chapter)
AlternatorOuter Cover (see ElectricalSystemchapter)
Front Shift Pedal (seethis chapter)
Engine(see Engine Removal/lnstallationchapter)
RearShift Lever [A]
Front BevelGearCase[B]

aRemove the shift shaft [A] while pushingthe shift mechanismarm

lBl towardsthe shiftshaft [C].
aUnscrew the bolt and removethe gear positioning lever [D] and its

ExternalShift Mechanism Installation

alnstall the gear positioninglever [A] and the spring [B] in the
crankcase and tighrenthe bolt IC].
alnstall the front bevel gear case (see Final Drive chapter in the Base

olnstall the front shift leverand the rearshift lever [A].

o Installthe rearshift leveron the shift shaft so that the shift leveris at a
rightangleto the shift rod.
a Loosenthe locknuts IB] and turn the shift rod [C] so thar the outside
length [D] of the locknuts is 88.5mm.
Torque - Shifl Rod Locknuts:9.8 N-m (1.0kg-m,87 in-tb)

Table of Contents

E x p l o d eV diew.................... ............................9-2
S D e c i f i c a t i o.n. .s. . . ................9-3
W h e e f s( R i m s ) ...................9-4
R e a rW h e e lR e m o v a. l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................9-4
R e a rW h e e l n s t a l l a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . ..................9-4
W h e e lC o u p l i n gR e m o v a | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Spoke Inspection
Rim InsDection....
BalanceWeight lnstallation...........

(9u, d\
\> _,

G: Apply grease.
^7 \J
r w S: Followthe speciiictighteningsequence.
WL:Applysoapand watersolutionor rubberlubricant.
T 1 : 3 4 N - m ( 3 . 5k g - m ,2 5 f t - l b )
T 2 : 1 1 0 N - m ( 11 . 0k g - m ,8 0 f t - l b )
N) T 3 : 1 . 5 N - m ( 0 . 15 k g - m ,1 3 i n - l b )
T 4 : 3 . 9 N - m ( 0 . 4 0k g - m , 3 5i n - l b )

Item Standard Service Limit

Wheels (Rims):
Rim runout: Axial TIR 0.5mmor less T I R 2 . 0m m
Radial TIR 0.8 mm or less TIR 2.0 mm
Axle runout/100 mm TIR 0.1 mm or less T I R0 . 2 m m
Wheelbalance 1Ogor less
Balanceweights 1Og,209, 30g
Air pressure(when cold):
Front 200 kPa (2.0 kg/cm', 28 psi)
Rear 250 kPa (2.5 kg/cm', 36 psi)
Tread depth:
Front B R I D G E S T O N6E. :2 m m
D U N L O P4T. 5 m m lmm
Rear B R I D G E S T O N7E, :2 m m up to 130km/h
D U N L O P7: . 3 m m ( 8 0 m p h ) :2 m m
over130 km/h
(80 mph): 3 mm
Make.Type Size
EXEDRAG7O3,Tube 1 3 0 / 9 0 - 1 66 7 H
Standardtires: DUNLOPD404FG,Tube
G 7 O 2T, u b e 1 5 0 / 8 0 - 1 67 1H

SpecialTools - Jack: 57001-1238

Atlachmenl Jack 57001-1398
Bead BreakorAssembly: 57001-1072
Rlm Protector:57001-106it
InsideCircllp Pliers: 57001-143
Bearing Driver Set 57001-1129
Beadng RemoverShalt 57(x)1 -1377
Beadng RemoverHead,O20x O22: 57001-1293

Wheels (Fim)

Rear Wheel Removal

a Remove:
RearFender [A] (see Framechapter)
Frontand RearMufilersIB] (seeEngineTop Endchapter)

CaliperHolderBolt [A]
Axle Nut Cotter Pin IB]
Axle Nut [C]

aUse thejack and the attachmentor othersuitablemeansto lift the rear

of the motorcvcle.
SpecialToob - Jaclc 57001-1238[A]
AtlachmentJac*: 57001-1398fBl

a Pull out the axle,and slidethe rearwheel toward the right to disengage
the wheelfrom the finalgearcase.
a Move the rearwheel [A] back and removethe rearcaliperIB] with the
caliperbracket [C] installed.

Rear Wheel Installation

aApply greaseto the greaseseal ot the wheel.
aApply greaseto the ring gear hub splinqs [A] of the final gear case
alnsert the collar$[C] on both sidesof the hub.

alnsert the rearaxle [A] into the final gear case from the left side, and
engagethe ring gear hub splines[B] with the wheel couplinghub
To.que - Rear Axle Nut 110 N-m (11.0kg-m,80 ft-lb)
Rear Callper Holder Bolt 64 N-m (6.5kg-m,47lt-lb)

ll lhe axle nul ls nol securely tightened, an unsale riding condltion

may reault,

alnsert a new cotter pin [A] and bend it over the nut as shown.
aCheck the rearbrakeeffectiveness.

Do nol aftempt io drlve lhe motorcycle unlll a full brake pedal L9

obtalned by pumping lhe brake pedal unlll lhe pada are against lhs
disc. The brake will nol luncllon on lhe llrsl applicallon ot the pedal
if lhls is nol done. dffi
Hub Bearings (Wheel Bearings)

osince the hub bearings are made 10 extremelyclose tolerances.the
clearancecannot normallvbe measured.
ODo not rcmove any bearings for inspection. If any bearings arc
rcmoved, they wilt need to be replaced with new ones.
aTurn each bearing in the hub back and forth [A] while checking for
plays,roughness.or binding. It bearingplay, roughness,or binding is
found, replacethe beaing.
aExamine the bea ngseal [B] for tearsor leakage.
*lf the seal is torn or is leaking,replacethe bearing.

osince the front and rcar hub bea ngs ate packed with gtease and
sealed. Iub cation is not rcquircd.
F I N A LD R I V E 1 O - 1

Tableof Gontents

E x o l o d eVdi e w . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ..........................10-2
S p e c i f i c a t i o.n. .s. . . .............1O-4
FinaG l e a rC a s eO i 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
O i l L e v e l n s p e c t i o.n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
O i lC h a n g e
FinaG l e a rC a s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
R e m o v a.1. . . . . . . . . . . . .
l n s t a l l a t i oNno t e s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AssemblN v o t e s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B e v eG l e a rI n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . .
PinionJoint Inspection
B a l lB e a r i n gI n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . .
O i l S e a ll n s D e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B e v eG l e a rl n s o e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . .
OilSeal nspection...........................
Prooeller Shaft.....
R e m o v a.l. . . . . . . . . . . . .
l n s t a l l a t i oNno t e s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S l i d i n gJ o i n t l n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . .
S l i d i n gJ o i n t I n s p e c t i o n " . . . . . . . . . . .
F r o n tB e v e G l ears................-... .......................10-5
F r o n tG e a rC a s eR e m o v a l .....................10-5
F r o n tG e a rC a s eD i s a s s e m b(liyn c l u d i n g d r i v eg e a rr e m o v a l.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
D a m p eC r a mR e m o v a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DamoerCam InstallationNotes....................
FrontBevelGearAdjustment. ................10-6
B e v eG l e a rl n s D e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . .
C a mD a m p e Ir n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . .
B a l lB e a r i n gI n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . .
Needle Bearinglnspection
O i l S e a ll n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

('): Referto BaseManual.

1 O - 2 F I N A LD R I V E

Front Gears


EO:Apply engineoil.
G: Apply grease.
R: ReplacementParts
St Stakethe fasteners.
T 1: 1 2 N - m ( 1. 2 k g - m ,1 0 4 i n - l b )
T 2 : 1 8 N - m ( 1 . 8k g - m ,1 3 . 0f t - l b )
T3: 1 5 N-m (1.5 kg-m, 1 1 .0 ft-lb)
T4; 9.8 N-m (1-0 kg-m. 87 in-lb)
T5: 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m. 18.0 ft-lb)
T6: 265 N-m (27.0 kg-m, 195 ft-lb)
T 7 : 1 3 5 N - m ( 1 4 . 0k g - m ,1 0 0 f t - l b )
T8: 8.8 N-m (0.90 kg-m,78 in-lb)
F I N A LD R I V E 1 O - 3

Final Gears

@* EDfl@l Oz--r.r

T 1 :8 . 8 N - m ( 0 . 9 0k g - m , 7 8i n - l b )
G: Apply grease. r2: 2 9 N - m ( 3 . 0k g - m . 2 2f t - l b )
L: Apply a non-permanentlockingagent. T3: 2 3 N - m ( 2 . 3k s - m ,1 6 . 5f t - l b )
Lh: Left-handThreads f4l 3 4 N - m ( 3 . 5k s - m , 2 i f t ' l b )
O: Apply oil. T5: 1 2 0 N - m ( 1 2 . 0k g - m ,8 7 f t - l b )
HO:Applyhypoidgearoil. T6: 2 4 5 N ' m ( 2 5 . 0k s - m ,1 8 0 f t - l b )
St: Stakethe fasleners. r7: 1 6 N - m ( 1 . 6k g m , 1 1. 5 f t - l b )
1 O - 4 F I N A LD R I V E

Item Standard
Final Gear Case Oil
Grade API GL-s hypoidgearoil
Viscosity When above5'C (41"F)SAE90
When below 5"C (41'F) SAE80
Oil level Filleropeningbottom
Amount 200 mL
Final Bevel Gear Backlash 0.08 - 0.11 mm (at gearshaftspline)
Propeller Shaft Joint Grease 20 mL, high-temperaturegrease
Front Bevel Gear Backlash 0.10 ^ 0.15 mm (at geartooth)
Preload for Front Bevel Gear Bearing
Torquewrench 0.5 - 0.9 N-m (0.05 - 0.09 kg-m,4 - 8 in-lb)
Springscale 2.5 - 4.5 N (0.25 - 0.45 ks, 0.6 - 1.0 lb)

SpecialToob - Oil Seal & Bearlng nemoyer: 57001-1058

Jac* 57001-1238
Atachmenl Jack 57001-1398
PinionGear Holder: 57001-1165
Final Gear CaseHolder: 57001-1250
Bearlng Retalne.Wrench: 57001-1251
Fork Oll Seal Driver: 57001-1104
Drive Shalt Holder: 570iJ1-1,'26
Bearlng Drlver Seli 57001-1129
Beadng Driver: 57001-382
DamperCam Holder: 57001-1025
Drlven cear Holder: 57001-1027
BearlngPuller: 57001-158
BearlngPuller Adapter: 57001317
F I N A LD R I V E 1 O - 5
Front Bevel Gears

Front Gear CaseRemoval

RearWheel (seeWheels/Tireschapter)
Swingarm Pivot Shaft [A]
AlternatorOuter Cover (see ElectricalSystemchapter)

oRemove the propellershaft from the front driven gearjoint.

oTurn the propellershaft so that the lockpin accesshole [A] on the
propellershaft facesoutside.
aPush on the lockpin through the accesshole.

O Move back the propellershaft and slip the propellershaft off the driven
gearjointwhile pushingon the lockpin.
Shaft[A] SpringID]
Joint IB] Driven GearJoint [E]

Clutch SlaveCylinder [A] (see Clutch chapterin the Base Manual)
Shift LinkageLeverRearEnd [B]
aUnscrew the front bevelgear case bolts [C] to removethe tront bevel
1 0 - 6 F I N A LD R I V E

FrontBevelGar Adjustment
Reterto p. 1O-23 of the BaseManual, noting the following. Changethe shims for driven gear as follows.

Shims for Driven Gear

Thickness (mm) Old Part Number -r Modified Part Number
0.1 92025-1115 92025-1a26
0.15 92025-1074 92025-1818
0.5 92025-1079 92025-1819
0.6 92025-1080 92025-18?O
o.7 92025-1081 92025-1821
0.8 92025-1042 92025-1822
0.9 92025-1083 92025-1823
1.0 92025-1084 92025-1824
1.2 92025-1085 92025-1825

Tableof Contents
Exploded View

B: Apply brakefluid.
G: Apply grease.
R: ReplacementPans qjO 6D
S: Follow the specitictightening 9 ) -
sequence. \ a
Si: Applysiliconegreaseor z-A
| )
T1: 7.8 N-m (0.80 kg-m. 69 in-lb)
\v A\
T2: 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m, 18.0 ft-lb)
T 3 : 1 . 0 N - m ( 0 . 1 0k g - m , 9 i n - l b )
T4: 5.9 N-m (0.60kg-m, 52 in-lb)
T 5 : 1 . 5 N - m ( 0 . 15 k g - m .l 3 i n - l b )
T6: 1.2 N-m (0.12 kg-m, 10 in-lb)
T7: 8.8 N-m (o.90 kg-m, 78 in-lb)
T8: 34 N-m (3.5 kg-m, 25 ft-lb)
T9: 23 N-m (2.3 kg-n,16.5 ft-lb)

av- E


B R A . K E S1 1 - 3

1. Align the marks.

T1; 32 N-m (3.3 kg-m, 24 ft-lb)
T2: 64 N-m (6.5 kg-m.47 ft-lb) 6')

T3: 23 N-m (2.3 kg-m, 16.5ft-lb)
T4: 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m. 18.0 ft-lb)
T 5 : 1 8 N - m ( 1 . 8k g - m ,1 3 . 0f t - l b )
\nl \
ffi'$ @

n / - 1^\
1,-S I
€ L: v
d'@ (-l

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- \ t lI H

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l *


Item Standard Service Limit

Brak6 Lsver, Brake Pedal:

Brakeleveroosition 4-way adiustable(to suit rider)
Brakeleverfree play Non-adiustable
Pedalfree play Non-adjustable
PedalDosition About 125 mm
(verticaldistancefrom pedaltip
to footpeg top)
Brake Fluid
Grade D.O.T.4
Brand (recommended) CastrolGirling-Universal
castrolGT (LMA)
CastrolDisc BrakeFluid
Check Shock PremiumHeavy Duty
Brake Pads:
Padliningthickness: Front 4.5 mrn 1mm
Rear 4.85 mm 1mm

Brake Discs:
Thickness: Front 5.8- 6.2mm 5.5mm
Rear 6.8- 7.2mm 6.0mm
Runout TIR0.2mmor less TIR0.3mm

SpeclalTool - lnsldeClrcllp Pllers: 57001-143

Altachmenl Jack; 57001-1398
B R A K E S1 1 - 5
Brake Lever, Brake Pedal

Brake Lever Position Adiustment

The brakeleveradjusterhas4 positionsso that the brakeleverposition
can be adjustedto suit the operator'shand.
aPush the leverforward and turn the adjuster [A] to align the number
with the triangularmark IB] on the leverholder.
oThe distancefrom the grip to the lever is minimum at Number 4 and
maximumat Number1.

Brake Pedal Position Adjustment

aCheck that the brakepedal [A] is in the correctposition.

Standard: Aboul125 mm [B] (venbal dlstancefrom pedaltlp
lo loobeg [C] lop)

ousually i{s not necessary to adjust the pedal position. but always
adjust it when push rod locknut lDf has been loosened.
olf the push tod length cannot be adjusted by turning the clevis, the
bnke pedal may be defotmed ot incorectly installed.
a Loosenthe locknut [A] and turn the push rod with the hex head [B]
to achievethe correctpedal position.
*lf the length [C] shown is 10 i1 mm, the pedal positionwill be wiihin
the standardrange.
Torque - PushRod Locknut 18 N-m (1.8kg-m,13.0ft-lb)

Bnke Pedal Removal

aloosen the brakepedal bolt [A].

aRemove the fuel tank (see Fuel Systemchapter) and pull off the rear
brakelighl switch connector [A].

a Removethe right front footpeg bolts [A].

BrakePedal ReturnSpring [A]
a Removethe brakepedal bolt IB] and detachthe right footpeg from the

a Remove:
FootpegSpring [A]
Pins [C]
a Removethe front footpeg, and pull off the brakepedal ID].

Brake Pedal Installation

aApply greaseto the brakepedal shaft.
alnstall the pedal shaft [A] so that the punched mark on the shaft is
alignedIB] with the punchedmarkon the brakelever[C].
o lnstall:
ErakePedal ReturnSpring
Torque - Front Footseg Bolts: 34 N-m (3.5 kg-m, 25 lt-lb)
Brake PedalClamp Bolli 23 N-m (2.3kg-m,16.5llJb)
aCheck the brakepedal position and adjust it if necessary.
acheck the rear brake light switch operation and adjust the switch if
necessary(see ElectricalSystemchapter).

Front CaliperRemoval
OLoosen the banio bolr [A] at the brake hose lower end, and tighten it
aunscrew the calipermountingbolts [B]-

aTwist [A] the caliperoutboard to clear the disc, and then take off the
aunscrew the banjo bolt [B] and removethe brake hose [C] from the


olf the calipet is to be disassembled aftet rcmoval and if comprcssed
air is not available, rcmove the piston(s) beforc the brcke hose is
rcmoved (see Calipet Disassembly).

CaliperDisassembly(Periodic Maintenance)
oThe Nocedurc to disassemblethe frcnt calipet is as follows. The rcal
calipet disassembly is the same as fot the ftont calipeL
a Removethe caliper (see CaliperRemovalin the BaseManual).
a Removethe pads and spring (see Pad Removalin the BaseManual).
alnsen a wooden board [A] 5 mm thick insidethe caliperopening.
aLightly apply compressed air [B] to the hosejoint openinguntil the
piston(s) hit the wooden board.
a Removethe board and pull out the piston(s) by hand.

To avold aerloua Inlury, never place your llngers or palm Inalde lhe
callper op€nlng. lf you apply compreaaed alr Inlo lhe callp€r, lhe
pbton(s) may crush your hand or flngers.

;tlf compressed air is not available, remove the pistons using the
tollowing steps beforedisconnectingthe brakehose trom the caliper.
o Removethe pads (see BrakePad Removal).
o Inserta wooden board 5 mm thick insidethe caliperopening.
o Pump the brakeleveruntil the piston(s) push the wooden board.
o Removethe caliper.
o Removethe board and pull out the pistons by hand.

lmmedlatelywash away any brakelluld lhat spllls.
B R A K E S1 1 - 9
Brake Pads

Front Brake Pad Removal

aRemovethe caliperwith the hoseinstalled.
a Remove;
clip [A]
PadPin IB]

aRemove the other pad [A].

Rear Brake Pad Removal

oBemove the calioerwith the hose installed.
aTake off the piston side pad from the caliperholder.
aPush lAl the caliper holder [B] to the piston side, and then remove
the pad [C] from the caliperholdershaft [D].

a Beforeinstallation,clean the pads with a high-flash point solvent.
aPush the caliperpistons in by hand as far as they will go.
aBe sure to installthe pad pin clip for the front caliper.

Do nol altempl to drlve lhe molorcycle unlll a lull brake lever or pedal
b obialned by pumplng lhe brake lever or pedal unlll lhe pads are
agalnst the dlsc. The brake wlll nol luncllon on lhe flrsl appllcallon
of lhe leyer or pedal ll lhla la not dofle.
1 1 - 1 OB R A K E S

BrakePad Wearlnspection(Periodiclnspection)
In dscordancewith the PeriodicMaintenanceChart,inspectthe brake
pads for wear.
aR€move the oads.
aCheck the lining thickness [A] o{ the pads in each caliper.
*lf the lining thicknessol either pad is lessthan the service limit [B],
replaceboth pads in the caliperas a set.

Pad Llnlng Thld(noss

Flont 45 mm
Reari 4.85 mm
S€wlce Llmlt 1 mm
B R A K E S 1 1. 1 1
Master Cylinders

Frcnt Mastet Cylinder lnstallation

OSet the front mastercylinder [A] to match its mating face [B] to the
punch mark [C] of the handlebar.

oThe mastercylinder clamp must be installedwith the rearview mirror

boss [A] upward.
OTighten the upper clamp bolt IB] first. and then the lower clamp bolt
[C]. Therewill be a gap at the lower part of the clamp aftertightening.
Torque - Fronl Master Cylinder Clamp Bolts: 8.8 N-m (0.90 kg-m, 78

aUse a new flat washer on each side of the brakehose fitting.

aTighten the brakehose banjo bolt.
Torque - Brake Hose Banlo Bolt 25 N-m (2.5kg-m,18.0lt-lb)
aReplenish the fluid in the reservoir,and bleed the brake line (see
Bleedingthe BrakeLine).
aCheck the brakefor properbraking power, no brakedrag, and no fluid

Rear Master Cylinder Removal

aRemove the fuel tank (see Fuel Systemchapter).
aPull ofJthe rearbrakelight switchconnector[A].

aRemove the brake fluid reseryoircover and take off the brake fluid
11-12 BRAKES

aLoosen the rearmastercylinderbolts [A] and removethe front footpeg

bolts f Bl.

a Removethe rearmastercylinderbanjobolt [A].

wash awayany brakefluid that spills.
o lmmediately

a Remove:
CotterPin [A]
J o i n tP i n I B ]
aRemove the rear master cylinder bolts and take oft the rear master

Rear Master Cvlinder lnstallation

Torque - Fronl FootpegBolts:34 N-m (3,5kg-m,25 ftlb)
Rear MasterCyllnderMountingBolts:25 N-m (2.5kg.m, 18.0
aReplenishthe tluid in the reservoir,and bleed the brake line (see
Bleedingthe BrakeLine in the BaseManual).
aCheck the brakefor properbraking power, no brakedrag, and no fluid
ocheck the rear brake light switch operation and adjust the switch if
necessary(see ElectricalSystemchapter).
s u s P E N s t o N1 2 - 1

Tableof Gontents

E x p l o d eV diew.... .............12-2
S p e c i f i c a t i o.n. .s. . . .............12-4
F r o n tF o r k . . . . . . - . . . . . .............12-5
F o r kO i l C h a n g e . . ..........12-5
R e m o v a(le a c hf o r k l e g ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............12-€,
l n s t a l l a t i o(ne a c hf o r kl e g ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D i s a s s e m b.l.v. . . . . . ..........12-6
Assemblv............. ..........12-8
lnnerTube,OuterTube Inspection ..........12-9
GuideBush lnspection
Oil Sealand Dust SeallnsDection ............
S p r i n gT e n s i o n . . . .
R e a rS h o c kA b s o r b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I n s t a l l a t i oNno t e s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B u s h i n gW e a r . . . . . .
Swingarm ............ ...........12-10
R e m o v a. .l . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......12-10
Installation........... .......12-10
GreaseSealand NeedleBearingRemoval/Assembly .............
Grease S e a la n d N e e d l eB e a r i n gL u b r i c a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . .
S l e e v ea n d N e e d l eB e a r i n g Wear....................

(.): Referto BaseManual.

Exploded View

tI nt l l
lul o -- rs3
ln |
| |
I I q I
vA > @t t
cY__o ii
@-(R)aD) | |
o,A\ ^^
sflE/,{9 | o I
I F { I
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t q I | |
lI t's /( l| @u I|
lr$ l@l
N t I n I
E--@ l\rl
ffi-o@ 'l

FO:Apply fo* oil.
L; Apply a non-permanent Iockingagent. Tl : 20 N-m (2.0 kg-m, 14.5 ft-lb)
M: Apply molybdenumdisulfidegrease. T2: 34 N-m (3.5 kg-m, 25 ft-lb)
R: FeplacementPans T 3 : 7 . 4 N - m ( 0 . 7 5k g - m , 6 5i n - l b )
S: Follow the specifictightening sequence. T4: 4.4 N-m (0.45 kg-m, 39 in-lb)
s u s P E N s t o N1 2 - 3

T1: 34 N-m (3.5ks-m,25 ft-lb)
G; Apply grease. T2: 125 N-m (13.0kg-m,94 ft-lb)

Item Standard
Front Fork (per one unit):
Forkinnertube diameter o41 mm
Forkspring setting Non-adjustable
Air pressure Atmosphericpressure( Non-adjustable)
Rebounddampersetting Non-adlustable
Fork oil viscosity S A E1 O W _ 2 0
Forkoil capacity 464 + 4 mL (completelydry)
approx. 395 mL (when changingoil)
Forkoil level Fully compressed,without fork spring,
befowfrom innertube top 137 +2 mm
Fork spring free length 560.2 mm (Servicelimit:550 mm)
Rear Shock Absorber:
Rebounddamperset Non-adjustable
Spring setting position No.2ofSpositions
Gas oressure No gas

Speclal Tools - J8ck 57001-1238

Attachment Jack: 57001-1398
Fo]k Oll Level Gauge: 57001-1290
Fot* CyllnderHolderHandle: 57001-183
Fork C-t'linderHolder Adapler; 57001-1057
Fork OuterTube Welght 57001-1218
FrontFo* Oil Seal Drlver: 57001-1219
OllSeal & Bearlng Rsmover: 57001-1058
Bea ng Drlver Set 57001-1129
Front Fork

Fork Oil Change (Periodic Maintenance)

The oil should be changed in accordancewith the PeriodicMainte-
nance Chart.
a Removethe front fork (see Front Fork Removal).
aHold the outertube venicallvin a vise.
oPush the top plug lAl down to removethe plug retainingring [B],
and then removethe plug.

Fork Spring [A]

aPour out the fork oil [A] with the fork upsidedown.
aHold the outer tube verticallvin a vise.
aFill the front fork with the soeciJiedoil.

Fork Oll Vlscoslty : SAE:loW-m

Fork Oil Capaciv (whenchangingoil) : Approx.395mL

await tor about five minutes so that any suspendedair bubbles can
aMeasurethe oil level,usingthe fork oil levelgauge[A].
SpocialTool- Fo* Oll Level Gauge: 57001-1290
oset the gauge stopper [B] so that its lower side shows the oil level
distancespecified IC].
O Insertthe gaugetube into the innerlube [D] and position the stopper
acrossthe top of the inner tube [E].
oPull the handleslowly to draw out the excessoil until no more oil
comesup the tube.
;tlf no oil is drawn out, thereis not enoughoil in thefork. Pourinsome
more oil, then draw out the excess.

FrontFork Oil Level (Fullycompressedwilhoul lork spring)

Standard: 137 t2 mm

a lnstallthe fork springwith the smallerdiameterend [A] facingdown.

Torque - upper Fork CtampBolts:20 N-m (2.0kg-m,14.5ltJb)
Lower Fork Clamp Bolts:34 N-m (3.5kg-m,25 ft-lb)
FrontAxle Nut 110N-m (11.0kg-m,80
FrontAxle CtampBolts:34 N-m (3.5kg-m,25lub)
FrontCaliper MountingBoltsr34 N-m (3,5kg-m,25 ft-lb)

Removal (each fork leg)

a Lift the {rontwheel off the ground,usingthe jack [A], rhe attachment
i a c k I B ] , a n d a s u i t a b l e j a c[kC ] .
SpecialTools - Jack: 57001-1238
AtlachmentJackr 57001-1398

FrontWheel(seeWheels/Tires chapterin the BaseManual)
Front Fender(see Framechapter)
Turn SignalHolderClampBolt [A]
UpperForkClampBolt [B]
Lower ForkClampBolt [C]

oDo not rcmove the fork covets lAl. Refer to the Steeing chapter
lot fotk coverrcmoval.
aWith a twistingmotion IB], work the fork leg down out.

aRemove the tront fork (see Front Fork Removal).
aDrain the fork oil (seeForkOil Change). €
oThe tollowingpartsareremovedduringdrainingthe fork oil.
RetainingRing [A]
Top Plug [B]
ForkSpring IC]
l l
S U S P E N S I O N1 2 - 7

oHold the front fork horizontallyin a vise [A].

astop the cylinder unit [B] from turning by using the specialtools.
oUnscrew the Allen bolt [C], and take the gasketout of the bottom of
the outer tube.
SpeclalTools - Fork Cfllnder HolderHandle: 57001-183[D]
Fork Cfllnder HolderAdapter: 57001-1057 [E]
aTake the cylinderunit out of the innertube.

aTap the dust seal cover [A] out of the fork tube, using a thick-bladed

aSeparatethe inner tube from the outer tube as follows:

o Removethe dust seal [A] from the outer tube.
o Removethe retainingring IB] from the outer tube.

) l"---Aa
i l
f--.-- |

o Usethe Jorkouter tube weight [A] to separateihe outer tube IB] from
the innertube [C]. Holdingrhe innertubeby hand,pullthe outertube
severaltimes to pull out the jnner tube.
SpeclalTool - Fork Ouier Tube Weight 57001-1218
oTake out the cvlinder baseout ol the outer tube. fr
a Removethe guide bushings [A], washer IB], and oil seal [C] from the
inner tube.

aReplace the following partswith new ones after removal.
Dust Seal [A]
RetainingRing [B]
Oil Seal [C]
Bottom Allen Bolt Gasket [F]

aPut the cylinderunit [A] with the spring into the inner tube [B],
protruding trom the inner tube, and installthe cylinder base [C] onto
the boftom end of the cvlinder uniL
o Installthe cylinder basewith the taperedend ID] up.
a Installthe inner tube, cylinder unit, and cylinder base as a set into the
outer tube.

alnstall the new guide bushing[A] with a usedguide bushingIB] on

it by tapping the used guide bushing with fork oil seal driver [C] until
rt stops.
oThe split ID] of the bushingshouldfacetowardthe sideof the vehicle.
SpecialTool - Fronl Fork Oil Seal Driver: 57001-1219

aApply molybdenum disulfide greaseto the oil seal lips and install the
washef and the oil seal [A] into the outer tube,
oFace the spring side of the seal upward.
SpeclalTool - FrontFork Oil Seal Driver: 57001-1219 [B]
Dust Seal

aFace the notch [A] oJ the dust seal cover rearyvard[B] and installthe
dust seal cover by tapping with the fork outer tube weight lcl until it
SpeclalTool - Fork Ouler Tube weight 57001-1218
s u s P E N s t o N1 2 - 9

aStake [A] the dust cover with a punch.

aApply a non-permanent lockingagentto the threadsot the AIlen bolt

and screw the Allen bolt into the bottom of the outer tube.
aHold the front fork horizontallyin a vise [A].
aHold the cylinderunit [B] with the specialtools and tightenthe Allen
bolt [C].
SpeclalTools - Fork CyllnderHolderHandle: 57001-183[D]
Fork CyllnderHolderAdapler: 5700r-1057[E]
Torque Bollom Allen Bolt 20 N-m (2.0kg-m, 14.5ft-lb)
oPour in the speciliedtype of oil and installthe partsremoved(see Fork
Oil Change).

Fork Oll Vlscosly: SAE10W-20

Fork Oil Capaclly (complelely dry): 464 t4 mL

lnner Tube, Ouer Tube lnspectton

aVisuallyinspectthe innertube [A] and repairany damage.
a Nick or rust damagecan sometimesbe repairedby using a wet-stone
to removesharp edgesor raisedareaswhich causesealdamage.
,/ ,/
* lf the damageis not repairable,replacethe inner tube. Since damage
to the innertube damagesthe oil seal,replacethe oil sealwheneverthe
innertube is repairedor replaced.
n . /
CAUTION f, \,/
ll lhe inner tube ls badly benl or creased, replace il. Exc€sslve
bendlng, iollowed by subaequenl sfabhtening, can weaken lhe inner

A slralghiened Inner or ouler lolt hrbe [B] may lall In us3, possibly,
causlngan accldenl. Replacea badly benlordamaged Innerorouler
lube, and lnspect lhe olher lube carefully belore reGing il.
Referto P. 12-10 of the BaseManual,notingthe following.

Do not iap the swingarm pivol shall when removing or inslalllnq.
Push or pull the plvot shalt while luming lhe shan Tapplng on lhe
shafl could damagelhe needlebearlngsIn lhe swlngarm.

a Beforeremovingthe swingarm,unscrewthe banjo bolt [A] on the rear
OTemporarilysecure the end of the brake hose to some high place to
keep fluid loss to a minimum.
almmediately wash away any brakefluid that spills.
aDetach the rearbrakehose [C] Irom the swingarm.

aApply greaseto the threads [A] of the swingarm pivot shaft.
Torque - SwlngarmPlvol Shaft 125 N-m (13.0kg-m,94 fl-lb)
aAfter installingthe swingarm,replenishthe brakefluid into the reservoir
and bleed the brake line (see Bleeding lhe Brake Line in the Base
S T E E R I N G1 3 - 1

Tableof Contents

Exploded View

ffi*R €


Apply grease. T 3 : 3 4 N - m( 3 . 5k g - m , 2 5f t - l b )
L: Apply a non-permanent lockingagent. T4: 3.4 N-m (0.35kg-m,30 in-lb)
S: Follow the specifictightening sequence. T5r 20 N-m (2.0kg-m,14.5ft-lb)
T 1 :44 N-m (4.5 kg-m, 33 ft-lb) T 6 : 7 . 4N - m( 0 . 7 5k g - m , 6 5i n - l b )
r2: 4.9 N-m (0.50 kg-m.43 in-lb) or hand-tight T7: 4.4 N-m (0.45kg-m, 39 in-lb)
T8: 5.9N-m (0.60kg-m,52 in-lb)
S T E E R I N G1 3 - 3
Special Tools - Ja€* 57||(,1-1238
A actmenl Jadc 5t(xl1-l398
SLering Siem NutWrench: 57001-1100
Head Plpe Ouier nace Removar: 57001-1107
Head Plpe Ouier Race Pr€$ Shafr: 57001-1075
Head Pip€ Ouiar Rac€Drlver: 57001-1106
HeAd Pip€ Ouler Race Drlyer: 57001-1076
Slee.lng S|.m Bearing Drlver: 57001-137
Stee ngslem Bearlng D verAdapler:57001-1074

Handlebar Installation
aset the handlebarto match its punched mark [A] to the lower mating
face [B] of the clamp rearpart.

aTighten the front clamp bolts first, and then the rearclamDbolts. There
will be a gap lAl at the rearpart ot the clamp aftertightening.
Torque - HandlebarClamp BolG;34 N-m (3.5kg-m,25 tHb)

OThe front half of the right and left switch housings [A] has a small
projection [B]. Fit the projection into the small hole [C] in the
alnstall the handlebarswitch housing.
Torque - HandlebarSwibh Housing Screws: 3.4 N-m (0.35 kg-m, 30
a Install:
Clutch MasterCylinder (see Clutch chapter)
Front MasterCylinder(see Brakeschapter)
S T E E R I N G1 3 - 5

Check (Periodic Maintenance)

aCheck steeringas follows.
O Usethe jack [A], the attachment jack [B], and a suitablejack [C] to
lift the front wheeloff the ground.
SpeclalTools- Jackr 57001-1238
AtlachmentJack: 57001-l S98
oWith the front wheel pointingstraightahead,alternately tap eachend
of the handlebar.The front wheel shouldswing fully right and left
Irom the force of gravity until the fork hits the stop.
*lf the wheel binds or catchesbeforethe stop, the steeringis too tight.
o Feelfor steeringlooseness by pushingand pullingthe fork.
*lf you feel looseness,the steeringis too loose.
oThe cables and wiing will have some effect on the motion of the
fotk which must be taken into account. Be surc the wircs and cables
arc prcpe y rcuted.
oThe beatingsmust be in good condition and prcpe y lubticated in
order fot anv test to be valid.

*Adjust the steeringif necessary.
FuelTank (see Fuel Systemchapter)
aLoosen the stem head bolt [B] and both fork lower clamp bolts [A].
oAdjust the steeringwith the stem nut wrench.

ODo not separcte the stem nut and stem locknut when adjusting.
OTun the stem nut 1Atum at a time maximum.
'ttlf the steeringis too tight. loosen the stem nut (lower)
[A] a fraction
of a turn.
*lf the steeringis too loose,tighten the stem locknut (upper) [B] a
fraction of a turn.
SpeclalTool - SleeringStem Nut Wrench: 57001-1100 [C]
Torque SteeringSlem Nul and Locknut 4.9 N-m (0.50kg-m,43 in-lb,
lor reference)
Steering Slem Head Bolt 44 N-m (4.5 kg-m, 33 lt-lb)
Steering Stem
Reierto p.p 13-4, 13-5 of the BaseManual,notingthe following.

aLoosen the steeringstem head bolt [A].
aRemove the front fork (seeSuspensionchapter).

aRemove the holder [A], free the brake hose [B] from the stem base
[C], and move the front brakecaliperto the rear.

aUnscrew the headlightrim screws,and open the headlightbody.

aPull off the connectorsin the headlightbody.
a Removethe headlightlower bolts and nuts [A] from the bottom of the
stem base IB] and removethe headlightunit.

aRemove the bolt and nut [A] and take off both turn signal light units
aRemove the screws [C] and take offthe upper fork covers [D].
aRemove the stem basecover fEl.

ounscrew the bolts [A] and the screws [B], then remove both lower
fork covers fcl.
S T E E R I N G1 3 - 7

aRemove the handlebar holder nuts [Al and take off the handlebar
assembly[B] Irom the stem head.

aRemove the stem head bolt [A] and flat washer.

aLift up the steeringstem head [B] and removeit.

aPush up on the stem base [A], and removethe steeringstem locknut

[B] and steeringstem nut [C] with the stem cap, using the stem nut
wrench, then removethe steeringstem [D] and stem base.
SpeclalTool - SteeringStemNul Wrench: 57001-1100
aRemovethe uppertaperedrollerbearinginnerrace.

oThe left fork lower cover has an L mark [A] on it, and the right tork
lowercoveran R mark [B]. Be carefulnotto confuseit.

oThe leftturn signallight unit hasan L mark[A] on it and the rightturn

signallight unit an R mark IB].
Torque - Turn SignalLighl MountingNuts:5.9 N-m (0.60kg-m,52 in-lb)

alnstall the right fork upper cover [A] as shown.

alnstall the left tork upper cover.

aRun the cables,wires, and hose as shown.

Throttle Cables[A]
Turn Signal Light Leads [B]
BrakeHose [C]
Holders [E]
Torque - Sleerlng Slem Head Bolt 44 N-m (4.5 kg-m, 3il ltJb)
alnstall the front fork.
FRAME 14-1

Tableof Contents
14-2 FRAME
Exploded View

gB \

O: Apply oil.
WL;Applysoapand watersolution.
@-4 €
T 1 : 6 . 9 N - m ( 0 . 7 0k g - m ,6 1 i n - l b )
T 2 : 4 4 N - m ( 4 . 5k g - m , 3 3f t ' l b )
T 3 : 3 4 N - m ( 3 . 5k g - m , 2 5f t - l b )
T 4 ; 2 0 N - m ( 2 . 0k g - m ,1 4 . 5f t - l b )
T 5 : 4 4 N - m ( 4 . 5k g - m . 3 3f t - l b )
FRAME 14-3

Tool Box
2. BatteryCase

K \\

\\ \ --li
14-4 FRAME
SpeclslTools - Jack 57001'1238
AltachmenlJack 57001-1398
FRAME 14-5

Front SeatRemoval
aRemove the seat bolts [A] on both sides.
aPull the iront seat IB] forward and removeit.

Ftot t Seat Installation

alnsen the rearpart [A] of the seatunder the rearseat,then slip the seat
hook IB] underthe washer[C].
aTighten the seat bolts.

Rear SeatRemoval
aRemove the Jrontseat (seethis chapter).
aRemove the seat bolt [A] and move the rear seat lorward [B] and

Rear SeatInstallation
aslip the hooks [A] of the rear seat under the braces [B] on the rear
14-6 FRAME
Side Govers

Left Side CoverRenoval

alnsen the ignition switch key into the side cover, and turn the key [A]

aPush [A] the left side cover slightly forward, swing open [B] the rear
oart ol the left side cover, and remove it.

Left Side Cover lnstallation

aPut the fiont stoppers [A] into the grommets first, then put the rear
stopper into the grommet.

aTum the ignition switch key [A] counterclockwiseto securethe left

side cover.

Riglx Side Cover Removal

a Removethe screw [A].

Be car€fuI nol !o scrabh lhe rlghl slde cover surlac€ wllh lhe rear
e$ausl plpe [B] durlng removal or lNtallalion.

acover the right side cover with a towel and pull the cover evenly
outward to clearthe stoppers.
a Removethe right side cover.
FRAME 14.7

Right SideCoverlnstallation
aRun the reservetank hose [A] and the reservetank overflow hose
[B] as shown.
14-8 FRAME

Front Fender Removal

Be carelul not to scralch the painted surlace during removal or

ausing the jack and the attachmentjack, raisethe rearwheel off the
SpecialTools - Jack: 57001-1238
AtlachmenlJack: 57001-1398

aRemovethe mountingbolts [A] on both sidesto separate the lender

from the front fork.
a Move backthe fenderwith the wheel installedand removeit.

RearFender Removal
Be carelul nol lo scralch lhe painled surlace during removal or

a Removethe rearseat (seethis chapter).

Front Hook Bolt [A]
RearFenderStay Bolts [B]
Stays [C]

a Disconnect
the rearturn signaland taillightwire connectors.
RearFenderFront Bolts [A]
RearFenderAllen BoltsIB]
aRemove the rearfender fci rearward.
FRAME 14-9
Battery Case

Front Seat (seethis chapter)
Side Covers(seethis chapter)
Battery(see ElectricalSystemchapter)
aRemove (from the right side):
Coolant ReserveTank [A] Turn Signal Relay[C]
lC lgniter[B] StarterRelay[D]

aRemove (from the left side):

aUnscrew the four bolts [A] and removethe tool box IB].

aUnscrew the three bolts [A].

aTurn the batterycase [A] clockwise and take it out from the left side.
14-10 FRAME

a Remove the fuel tank (see Fuel System chapter) and pull off the
radiator fan motor connector [A] and the rear brake light switch
connector fBl.

a Remove:
Front ExhaustPipe (see EngineTop End chapter)
EngineMounting BracketBolts [A]
Downtube Bolts IB]
RearExhaustPipe [C]

a Remove the downtube [D] with the right footpeg and rear master
cylinder installed.

Torque - Irowntube Bolt8r 44 N-m (4.5 kg-m, 33 ft-lb)
EnglneMounllngBracketBolts:23 N-m (2.3kg-m,16.5ftJb)
a lnstall:
Front ExhaustPiDe
FuelTank (see Fuel Systemchapter)


aVisually inspectthe Jrame[A] for cfacks.dents, bending, or warp.
*lf there is any damageto the frame,replaceit.

A rcpalrod lrame may tall In use, posslbly cauelng an accident, It Ihe

lrame ls benl dented, ctad(ed, or warped, replace l|.

Tableof Contents
P r e c a u t i o n. .s. . . . . . . . ArmatureInspection............
P a r t sL o c a t i o n ....................15-2 NegativeBrushand
E x p l o d eV diew....:. ............15-3 LeadAssemblylnspection............
Specitications...... .. . . .. . . .. . . 15 - 6 PositiveBrushand
VN1500-D1 Wiring Diagram LeadAssemblyInspection....,.......
( U Sa n dC a n a d a ) . ..............15-7 StanerRelayfnspection.......... .................15-24
VNI 500-D1 Wiring Diagram(Australia).......15-8 Headlight............. . .. . . .... . . .51- 2 6
VN1500-D1 Wiring Diagram HeadlightBeamHorizontal
(Otherthan US, Canada.and Australia)........15-9 A d j u s t m e n. t. . . . . . . . ......15-26
E l e c t r i cW a l i r i n g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 51- 1 HeadlightBeamVerticalAdiustment.......1 5-26
B a n e r.y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......,......15-12 HeadlightBulb Replacement ...................15-26
B a t t e r yR e m o v a l / I n s t a l l a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . 5 . .-.1. 2
......1 HeadfightBody Removal................ .........15-27
' ElectrolyF t ei l l i n g.. . . ..... . . . . .. ... .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . 15 - 12 Tail/BrakeLight Bulb Replacement.........1 5-28
I n i t i aCl harge........ .......15-14 Turn SignalLight Bulb Replacement.......1 5-28
Precautions.......... .......15-'14 T u r nS i g n a lR e l a yI n s p e c t i o.n. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .-.2. 1 9
' Interchange........... ......-15-14 F u e lP u m o . . . . . . . . . . . ............15-31
ChargingConditionInspection ................15- 15 R e m o v a l / 1 n s t a 1 | a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 . .-.3. .1. . . . . . . . . . . 1
Retreshin Cgh a r g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.-. 1. 5. . . . . . . . . . 1 l n t e r n aR l e s i s t a n c e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .-.3. .1. . . . . . . . 1
- A1ternator................ ..........15-17 O p e r a t i oC n heck...........................5 . .-. 3. .1. . . . . . . 1
AlternatorOuterCoverRemoval..............1 5-11 R a d i a t oFr a nS v s t e m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.-. 3 . .3. . . . . . . 1
AlternatorOuterCoverInstallation..,........15-17 FanSystemCircuitInspection.................1 5-33
A l t e r n a t ol rn n e rC o v e rR e m o v a l . . . . . . . . . .5. .-.1.7. 1 F a nM o t o rI n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. -. .3.3. . . . . . 1
' AlternatorRotorRemoval.............. M e t e rG , a u g e. . . . . . ............15-34
I AlternatorRotorlnstallation........... M e t e rU n i t R e m o v a. l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.-. 3 . .4. . . . 1
AlternatorStatorRemoval..., M e t e rU n i t I n s t a 1 l a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . .-.3. .4. . . . . . . 1
I A l t e r n a t o1rn s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M e t e rU n i t D i s a s s e m b.l.v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . .-.3. .4. . 1
Rectie f r In s p e c t i o .n. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B u l bR e o l a c e m e n t ......15-34
Regulator/Recti{ierOutput Water TemperatureWarning System
: VoltageInspection I n s D e c t i o. .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51- 3 5
l g n i t i o nS y s t e m . . . ............15-19 FuelGaugeOperationlnspection............1 5-36
P i c k u pC o i lR e m o v a 1 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 - 2 OFuel GaugeSensorlnspection
. P i c k u pC o i ll n s t a l l a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 - 2S0w i t c h e sa n d S e n s o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.-. 3 . .7. . . . . . . 1
i c k u pC o i ll n s p e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . FrontBrakeLightSwitch Inspection .......15-37
l g n i t i o nT i m i n gI n s p e c t i o.n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. -. .2.0. 1 RearBrakeLightSwitch Adjustment.......1 5-37
. l g n i t i o nC o i l R e m o v a | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 - 2 1 FanSwitch lnsDection............
, l g n i t i o nC o i l I n s t a l l a t i o. .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 - 2 1 J u n c t i o nB o x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .-.3. 8.........1
, l g n i t i o nC o i l I n s p e c t i o.n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .-.2. .1. . 1 JunctionBox FuseCircuitlnsoection.....15-38
. S p a r kP l u gG a p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , StarterCircuit/HeadlightRelay
l C l g n i t e rI n s p e c t i o.n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. -. .2.2. . . . 1 l n s p e c t i o.n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 - 3 8
S t a r t eM r otor......... ..........15-24 D i o d eC i r c u i It n s D e c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . .-.3. .9. . . . . 1
' R e m o v a. l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......15-24 F u s e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. -. 141
lnstallation............ M a i n F u s eR e m o v a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. .-.4. .1. . . . . . . 1
' Disassembly............ J u n c t i o nB o x F u s eR e m o v a 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .5. -. .4. 1. . . 1
Assembly............. Fuselnstallation... .......15-41
BrushInspection FuseInsDection.... .......15-41
. commutatorCleaningand
1 5 - 2 E L E C T R I C A LS Y S T E M
Parts Location

1. StarterLockout Switch 8. WaterTemperatureSwitch 15. SteeringLock

2. FuelPump L Alternator '16.
lC lgniter
3. lgnitionCoils 10. PickupCoils 17. StanerRelayand Main Fuse
4. JunctionBox '11.
NeutralSwitch 18. Turn SignalRelay
5. MF Battery 12. Oil PressureSwitch 19. Horns
6. lgnitionSwitch 13. MeterUnit 20. RadiatorFan
7. StarterMotor 14. FrontBrakeLight Switch 21. RadiatorFanSwitch
E L E C T R I C ASLY S T E M 1 5 - 3

(i\---\ -'---\
.^ j--\*
h \o-
r ) d
le2- lH -t-
I l t I
F ' I, l


1. PickupCoils
2. ElectricFuelPump
3. lC lgniter
4. Regulator/Rectifier
EO:Apply engineoil.
WL;Applysoapand watersolution.
SS: Apply siliconesealant.
T 1 : 1 8 N - m ( 1 . 8k g - m ,1 3 . 0f t - l b )
T2: 2.9 N-m (0.30 kg-m, 26 in,lb)
T 3 : 1 2 N - m ( 1 . 2k g - m ,1 0 4 i n - l b )
T 4 : 9 . 8 N - m ( 1 . 0k g - m , 8 7i n - l b )
T 5 : 5 9 N - m ( 6 . 0k g - m , 4 3f t - l b )
T 6 : 1 3 N ' m ( 1. 3 k g - m ,1 ' l3 i n - l b )

1. StarterLockout Switch
2. Rear BrakeLight Switch
3. Front BrakeLight Switch
4. SidestandSwitch
5. Staner Relay
6. Fuel LevelSensor
L: Apply a non-permanent lockingagent.
T 1: 11 N - m ( 1 . 1k g - m .9 5 i n - l b )
T2: 4.9 N-m (0.50 kg-m,43 in-lb)
T3: 9.8 N-m (1.0 kg-m, 87 in-lb)
T4: 2.9 N-m (0.30 kg-m, 26 in-lb)
T 5 : 1 . 0 N - m ( 0 . 1 0k g - m , 9 i n - l b )
T 6 : 3 . 4 N - m ( 0 . 3 5k g - m . 3 0i n - l b )
T 7 : 8 . 8 N - m ( 0 . 9 0k g - m , 7 8i n - l b ) o@
T 8 : 1. 2 N - m ( 0 . 1 2k g - m .1 0 i n - l b )

,p lJ d'ffe
\#*T g
e-cE 3
Q^ Jr\
6;) ege

\ , b

U o
E L E C T R I C ASL Y S T E M 1 5 - 5


r 1. RadiatorFan Swilch
2. WaterTemperatureSwitch
3. Oil Pressure
4. NeutralSwitch

J '@ ,n
5. Turn SignalRelay
SS: Apply siliconesealant.
T 1 : 1 8 N - m ( 1 . 8 k g - m1, 3 . 0 f t - l b )
T 2 : 7 . 8 N - m ( 0 . 8 0k g - m , 6 9i n - l b )
T 3 : 1 . 5 N - m ( 0 . 1 5k g - m ,1 3 i n - l b )

@"A4 T4: 15 N-m (1.5 kg-m. 1 1.0 ft-lb)

T 5 : 5 . 9 N - m ( 0 . 6 0k s - m , 5 2 i n - l b )

Item Standard
Type MF ( MaintenanceFree) Battery
Capacity 12V 14Ah
Voltage 12.8 V or more
Charging System:
Alternatortype Three-ohase AC
DC batterychargingvoltage 14 - 15V @3 000 r/min(rpm)
Alternatoroutput voltage (no load) 45 - 65 V @3 000 r/min(rpm)
Stator coil (batterychargingcoil) resistance 0.34- 0.50O (x 1A)
Regulator/rectifier Type Loaddumpingregulator withlull-waverectifier
Resistance in the text (seeBaseManual)
lgnition Syst€m:
Pickupcoil air gap 1.0 mm (Non-measurableand non-adiustable)
Pickupcoil resistance 380 - 560 o (x 100 o)
3 needlearcing distance 6 mm or more
Primarywinding resistance 1.9-2.9o(x1o)
Secondarywinding resistance 18 - 28 kA (x 1 kO)
Sparkplug gap 0.8 - 0.9mm
Spark plug cap resislance 3.75- 6.25kO (x 1 kO)
lC igniter resistance in thetext
Electric Starter System:
Starter motor:
Brush length 12 mm (Servicelimit8.5 mm)
Commutatordiameter 28 mm (Servicelimit 27 mm)
Fuel Pump:
Fuelpumppressure 1 4 - 1 9 k P a ( 0 . 1 4- 0 . 1 9k g / c m " , 2 . O- 2 . 7 p s i )
Switch and Sensor:
Rearbrakelight switch timing ON after about 15 mm pedal travel
Engineoil pressureswitch connections When engineis stopped:ON
When engineis running:OFF
RadiatorFan Switch Connections
Risingtemperature FromOFFto ON @100 - 11OC (212 - 230"F)
Fallingtemperature FromON to OFF@97 - 103'C (203 - 217"F)
ON: Lessthan 0.5 O
OFF:Morethan 1 MO
water temperatureswitch resistance ON: 110 - 120"C(230' - 248'F)
OFF: 108"C (226'F) -temperature lessthan
ON temDerature
Fuel levelsensorresistance FULL oosition:4 - 10 O
EMPTYoosition:90 - 100 O

SpecialTools - HandTesler: 57001-1394

Spart Plug Wrench,Hex 18: 57001-1024
Timing Llght 57N1-1241
lgnlter Checker: 57001-1378
FlywheelHoder: 57001-1313
HamessAdapler #12: 57001-1397
Sealant- KawasaklBond (Silbone Sealanl): 56019-120
VNl500-D1 Wiring Diagram (US and Canada)

R a dI n t o r
sv ltch R e ar RI
Ll 9 n t 2.
sr Itcn
R 6 dl 6 t 0 r F 6 n

t l
t l
tI I l

rf,-l- tvr
Drodo lE L_ y

tatsr TshDgroturgtarntnc Ltght 12v1.?Y(€l-_-l-Y/l

o n p r o 9 6 u r . r a r n r n c L r q h t 1 z v t .? y (Ellf atl.
T u r ns t e n a t I n d t o l t o r L t g n r t e v s . 4 r @-1

s D e 6 C l O n 6 t 6 rL l 0 n t 12v1. ?lxz

S p a o d o D o t o a I F u ol o a u 0 6

Hlqh 89dir Indlcator Llcht 12v3f

Ngutral lndlcator I lcht 12v3Y

A o c o a a o yr L e l d a
{ Fr0nt )

i (
t i 0 d dt l q h t altf


Front Rlcht Turri 3l9nal/

R u n nl n ! P o al t l o n ,r/l
L tqht 1av23l8r

Front LgIt Turn Sl9nal

Horna o @ o @
R u n nI n 9 P o 8 l t l o n 12V2,5Axe
LBft Handlabrr sYlt
L t9nt 12v23l8t tt t/!r 1. Starter Loclout
2. Horn Button
3 . D l r m gr S Y l t C h
4 . T U rn 9 l C n a l 9 v l t

, r u n ct l o n B o x
1. I cn It lon Fuae 10A
2. HOrn FUae loa
3 . T a l l l l o h t F U s e1 0 a
4 . H e a dI l g h t F u 3 e l o a
5 . A c c a a a o yr F u s e 1 0 4
a. Fan Fu69 104
laoar Srltch6a ?. TUrnSlqnal R0lay Fuse 104
! 1 6 Ll 0 i t s r t t c h
9t0D sf ltch
BU!!On Fu0l PumD


ll 6t
.+l]€-/ I r a r l / B r d k s! r c n r s

- /-\ a c c a a a o r vL o a d a
-! { ( i e a r)
- ( + )

R g d rRl 9 h t T u r n s l g n 6 l
LtCht 12v23t

i ;i l l l lI
t i T H llill gfr,ly,---€ R e n rL o f t T u r n s l q n d l
L l C h t 1 z v 23 f

e 6l) A F.' lllll
(<) l l S'6q-
\L/ __l__L
r - 1 . I IIII LLLLL !-l
f , I I tt" I t--------J
' N N Lt4d- l_rrr- Tfi
6 Nautr!I
iSii' i??i:
t-1s Y l t C hs r r c h
lllll 1i+ c0l0rc00e
T: t-TIIDtm lllll t-l
il l
tl ffiffiH1,,,ql
IcnI t t0n 9vI tch
B IU 3

!v ttches 5 l c n dI
l 0 u t s YI t c h R 6l A y Gray
I lclrt 8106
0h .l0it Gr6rl
s vl t c h


( 9 1 0|!- r l 0 r c )c
Wiring Diagram(Australia)

tatar R a dl a t o r
IIT?3["tu'" ReSr
lht Hlndloblr sYltchoa
Front lral, Lloht sYltch
Ltcht E n g l n € S t o D s Yl t c n
sYltch s t 6 r t o r B u tt o n
R a dl d t o r F a n
o @ @
l l I liL'lfr]
t i
t l
l| |.t u
5: :: s-s
t l

Dt o d o lq--l-
El I

tltgr T e n D 0 l o t u t e t l f n l n c l l q h t 1 ? v 1 .? r
0 l l P r e a a u r o l r r n l n c L l t h t 1 2 v 1 .? f
lurn slqnal tndlcator Llcht 12v3.4f

sp0cdom6t6r L lgllt 12v1. ?Yxz {

3 p 9 0 d 0 0 6 t 6r ! F u o l c a u q o

Hl 9 h B e a n I n dl c a t o r L l c n t 1 2 v 3 f
N 6 u tr a I I n d l c a t o a L l q h t 1 2 v 3 f

A C C o A I O r yL o a d a
j s ;
(Front) =, r

rh a i i
i T l

r 2v80/55f,
ll0utraI 0 l l

F r o n t Rl c h t T u r n s l c n aI
L t q n t 1 ? v 2t r
o @ @ @
F r o n t L 0 t t T u r ns l 9 n 6 l 1 e v 2 . 6 A X 2 L e l t 8 6 n dt 9 D d r s r l t o h e s Icnlt lon
Lrght 12v2lf
1 . 3 t ! r t 9 r L o c t o u t s Yl t c h
2. HOrn BUlton
3 . Ol m m e r S f l t c h
4. TUrn Slqndl sr ltch
' JU n Ct I O n B O X
1 . I 9 nl t l O n F u a e 1 0 a
a. Horn Fuae 104
3. Talll loht Fu6e10A
4 . H 6 A d ll O h t F U 6 0 1 0 A
5. Accea6oly Fuae 104
0, Fan Fusa 104
?, Turn Slcnal Rel6y Fuag t0A

Fu0l Pump

--_------------E- r-\ A c c e a a o r YL o a d a
---------------- ! +? ( Rotr )
t )
-E€-,11,--{€) l?31,"1!01'Ju'n''ono'

I €i-.9y,---€) l?31,'iil.ll'n''ono'

- l u
t0l <t
II I c0L0rc00e
tl Blu6

Slde a Turn R0tUlalOl/

stand Stqnal Roctltl6r 6r,in
Srltch P0lav Grry
I l e n t8 l u 0
-lcht qrrsr

Wiring Diagram(Other than US, Canada,and Australia)

Iatrr R O dl A t O r
R t c h t h a n d l 0 D d r5 Y
T e n 9 6 r a t u r e FAn R 6 ar 1 , f l o a d ll c h t s Y l t c l
s vl t c h sYI tch e. Fro0t Br!ta Llch
Llqht 3 . E n cl n 6 S l o p 5 v
s Yl l c n 4, St!rt9a 8Utt0n
--tE l @ o
R a dl ! t o r Fan
t t l 6 o
I S Tf
tt ll

Drod" l-!lf-,7'

fltor TolDsr6tur6 tlrntnc !tcnt ravr. rr €---rA

o p r o s a u r er . r n t n c L t c h t i z v r . ? r rvr
Turn 9tcnrl lndlc!tor Llcht t2v3.4f /g-"1

sp6€donrtar Llcht 1?v!. ?fx2

3 9 0 9 d o n e t a f t F u oI G 6 u 0 9

Hl q h B o l m I n dl c o t o r L l c h t 1 ? v 3 r
N O u t r oI t n d l c a t o r L l c h t l 2 v 3 Y
acc9aa0r v Lel0a
( Front ) [;]-r4 tr
Horcll lon!

c ttv Lt.cht llouta
| 2VaY srltclr

F r o n t Rl c h t T u r n 5 l g n o l
r t9ttt t2velY
o @ @ @
F r o n t L 0 ft T u r n s l o n t l
Ltcht 12v2tt
F'{'*EF'{' LOlt Hrndl6Dar sf ltch96
1, stor tor Loclout srlt
2, HOrn BUI!0n
3 , Dl r m o r S f l t c h
4, Turn Slirn6l Srltch

Junct lon Bor

1. l0n lt lon Fuag 10a
2. Horn Fuao 10a
3. Tt I I I tght Fuse 10A
4 . H e a dI l g h t F u s e 1 0 4
1 0 l a o a rs , l t c h 0 6 5 , A C C O ! 6 o r yF U 6 o 1 0 A
l q n t s YI t c h 5p6r I E. Fln Fuss 10A
lr!19 I l0ht suttctl Pluca 7. TUrn Slcn!t Rolay Fusa 1oa
a stop st ttcn o@@ @ @@
a r 8 u tt o n \\\\\\\ F U eI P U h D
@ @ o
ss lcnltlon
iHt# colla

wm t l
-: -$

TaI I /Brolo L t9nt


------{A\ L lcen6a ptote rtcht

----t{_/ | 2v5

----- - .-r A C C 0 6 6 o r YL o a d 3
R s a rR l q h t T u r n 9 l c n a t
I llht 12v21f
E gs,,h---€) Re!r Loft Turn s tqn!l
Lloht 12v2tt
+h sIIUJ-
t ? oI 1.1

!5iil,ijTii ss
91i"""," ..-E-'c
it\i9ll;f,' ililtl

P ffiil
L:=J l l
I qnlt lon sr I tch slda aI t9rnltot Turn Re9U lOtOr/ M o t or
SYltch0s stand s l o n dI P o c t l t l a t
0!t sv ttch 5YltCh R al l y

3 vl t c h

ut grtlch I
E L E C T R I C ASLY S T E M 1 5 - 1 1

aVisually inspectthe wiring for signs of burning.fraying,etc.
*lf any wking is poor, replacethe damagedwiring.
aPult oach connector [A] apart and inspect it for corrosion,din, and
*lf the connectoris coroded or dirty, clean it carefully. lf it is damaged,
aCheck that the connectorsare not loose.
aCheck the wiring for continuity.
o Usethe wiring diagramto find the ends of the leadwhich is suspected
of being d ptoblem.
o Connectthe hand testerbetweenthe ends of the leads.
SpeclalTool- HandTesier: 57001-1394
O Set the testerto the x 1 0 rangg and readthe tester.
*lf the testerdoes not read O O, the lead is defective. Replacethe lead
or the wiring harness[B] if necessary.
1 5 - 1 2 E L E C T R I C ASL Y S T E M
BatteryRemovaI/ In stallation
Front Seat (see Framechapter)
Battery Band [A]
a Removethe negative( -) lead [B] from the batterylirst.
aRemove the positive (+) lead [C] from the battery and pull out the

awhen installing.connect the positive (+) lead first [A], then the
negative(-) Iead [B] to the battery.

Do nol removelhe seal sheet seallng lhe tlller ports unlll iusl belore
Be sure lo us€ lhe dsdicaled eleclrolyle container lor corecl
eleclrolyle volume.

aCheck to see that there is no peeling,teaIs or holes in the seal sheet

on the top of the battery.
aPlace the batteryon a levelsurface.
a Removethe sealsheet [A].
OA battety whose seal sheet has any peeling, tea6. ot holes, rcquircs
a rcfrcshing charye (inilal charge).

aTake the electrolytecontainerout of the vinyl bag.

aDetach the seal cap [A] from the container.
o Do not discatd the seal cap because it is used as the baftery plugs

aDo not peel back or pierce the seals lBf on the container.
ct 'n$Sl-ia ,c\

E L E C T R I C ASLY S T E M 1 5 - 1 3

aPlacethe electrolyte containerupsidedown aligningthe six sealswith

the six batteryfiller ports.
aPush the containerdownstronglyenoughto breaktheseals.Nowthe )h @1v
electrolyteshould start to flow into the battery.
. r#,filll w
NOTE l_ lllljE--- F

oDo not tilt the container as the electrclyte flow may be inte upted.

Q\ ./ A,'!Jr.r '
\ / r-------J
aMake sure air bubbles [A] are coming up from all six filler ports.
O Leavethe containerthis way for 5 minutesor longer.
OIf no ait bubbles are coming up lrom a filler poft, tap lBl the bottom
of the containet two ot three times. Nevet rcmove the container frcm
the baftery.

Fill the eleclrolyte inlo lhe baltery until lhe container ie completely

a Be certainthat all the electrolytehasflowed out.

aTap the bottom the same way as above if there is any electrolyteleft
in lhe container.
aNow pull the containergentlyout of the baftery.
OLet the battery sit for 20 minutes. During this time, the electrolyte
permeatesthe special separatorsand the gas generatedby chemical
reactionis released.
OFit the sealcap [A] tightly into the filler ports until the sealcap is at the
same levelas the top of the battery.
oDo not hammeL Prcssdown evenlv with both hands.

Once you installed lhe seal cap alter lllling lhe ba ery, never remove
ll, nor add any waler or electrolyle.

lnitial Charge
While a maintenancefree batterycan be used after only filling with electrolyte,a batterymay not be able to sufficiently
move a startermotor to start an engine in the casesshown in the table below, where an initial charge is requiredbeforeuse.
However,il a batteryshows a terminalvoltageof higher than 12.8 V after 10 minutesof filling (Note 1 ), no initial chargeis

Condition requiring initial charge Charging method

At low temperature(lower than 0"C) 1.4Ax2-3hours
Batteryhas been stored under high temperatureand humidity.
Seal sheet has been removed,or broken * peeling,tear or hole. 1.4Ax15-20hours
Batteryas old as 2 yearsor more after manulacture.
Batterymanufacturingdate is printed on batterytop.
Example) 12 10 95 T1
Day Month Year Mfg. location
Note 1 : Terminalvoltage - To measurebatteryterminalvoltage,use a digital voltmeter.

1) No needoJtopping-up
Notopping-up is necessaryin this batteryuntil it ends its li{e under normaluse. Forciblvprvinq offthesealcao to add
water is verv danoerous. Neverdo that.
2) Refreshingcharge
lf an engine will not stan, a horn sounds weak, or lamps are dim, it indicatesthe battery has been discharged. Give
refreshchargefor 5 to 10 hours with chargecurrenl shown in the specilication(seethis chapte0.
When a fast charge is inevitably required,do it following preciselythe maximum charge current and time conditions
indicatedon the batterv.
Thb baftery ls deslgned to suslain no unusual deterlorallon ll relresh{harged accordlng lo lhe melhod specilled above.
However. lte batrery'5 p€doamanc€ mav be reduced notk-eablv lf charqad under condllions olher lhan olven above.
Never removo lhe seal cap durlno relregh charqe.
ll by chance an exceaslve amounl ol gas ls generaied due lo overcharglng, lhe saialy valve oporaies io keep lhe battery

3) When you do not use the motorcyclefor months;

Give a refreshchargebeloreyou storethe motorcycleand storeit with the negativeleadremoved. Givea refreshcharge
once a monlh during storage.
4) Batterylile:
llthe batterwill not startthe engine even after severalrefreshcharges,the batteryhasexceededits useful life. Replace
it. (Provided,however,the vehicle'sstartingsystem has no problem).

Keep the baftery away lrorn spad(s ard open llames durlng charglng, slnce lhe baliery glve! olt an exploclye gas mbGrre
ol hydrogen and orygen. Whan using a battery charger, connect lhe banery io lhe charget balorc turnlng on lhe charger.
Thls procedure prevenls sparks al lhe batrery le]mlnals which could lgnlie any ballery 9ase8,
No flre should be drawn near lhe banery, or no lermlnals should haye lhe llghlenlng loo8ened,
Tha electrolyte conlalns sulturlc acld. Be carcful nol io have lt iouch your skln or eyes. ll touch€d, wash lt ofi wlth llberal
amounl ol water. Gel medlal allenllon ll severe.

A maintenancefree banerycan fully display its performanceonly when combined with a proper vehicle electricsystem.
Therefore,replacea maintenancefree batteryonly on a motorcyclewhich was originallyequipped with a maintenanceftee
Be careful,if a maintenancefree batteryis installedon a motorcyclewhich had an ordinarybatteryas original equipment,
the maintenancelree bafterv'sliie will be shortened.
E L E C T R I C ASLY S T E M 1 5 - 1 5

Charging Condition Inspection

oBattery charging condition can be checked by measuring battery
aRemove the front seat (see Framechapter).
a Disconnectthe battervterminals.

Be sure to diaconnectlhe negatlveterminal first.

aMeasure the batteryterminalvoltage.

O Measure with a digital voltneter fAl which can be read one decimal
place voltage. (v)
o 13.0
*lf the readingis below the specified,refreshingchargeis required. G

Baltery Terminal Voliage

I rz.s
SLandard: 12.8V or mo.e
0 25 50 75 100
is required.

Rdreshing Charge
a Disconnectthe batteryterminals(see Charging Condition Inspection).
ORemovethe battery [Al.
aDo refresh-chargeby following method according to the battery

Thls ba ery b ssaled lype. Nev6r remove seal cep [B] even al
charglng. Never add waler. Charge with currenl and lime as stated

Te.mlnal Voltage: 11.5 - less than 12.8V

Slandard Charge
1.4 Ax2 - 12 h (see tollowingchart)
Ould( Charge

f possible, do not qulck chatge, lf lhe quick charge ls done due lo
unavoldable circumsLances,do slandard charge lalet on.

TermlnalVoltage; less lhan 11.5V

Charglngilethod : 1.4 A x 20 h
Olf the curent does not llow when charying. taise the vohage initially
(25 V as maximum), and charge for about 5 minutes as a yadstick.
lf ammetet shows no change in cuffent aftet 5 minutes. you need a
new battery. The cuffent, if it can flow into the battery, tends to
become excessive. Adjust the voltage as often as possible to keep
the cunent at standatd value (1.4 A).
Battery[A] StandardValue [C]

B8tiery Siandard Charge Time Charl


a r ^
E 6
9 6

11 12.0 12.5 13.O
BalteryTermlnalVoltage (v)

aDetermine batterycondition after relreshingcharge.

o Determinethe condition of the battery30 minutesafter completion of
the charge by measuringthe terminal voltage according to the table

Criioria Judgemenl
12.8V or higher Good
1 2 . 0- 1 2 . 8 V
Chargeinsufficient--r Recharge.
or lower
12.0V or lower Unserviceable+ Replace
E L E C T R I C ASLY S T E M 1 5 . 1 7

Afternator Outer Cover Removal

a Remove:
Front Footpegand Bolts [A]
RearShift PedalIB]
a Unscrewthe bolts [C] and takeoff the alternator
outercoverI D].

Alternator Outer Cover lnstallation

a Installthe rearshift pedal so that the pad [A] is almost horizontal.
aApply a soap and water solution to the body of the alternatorouter
cover bolts for easyinstallation.
Torqse - AlternatorOuterCover Bolts:12 N-m (1.2kg-m,104 InJb)

Aftsnator lnner Cover Removal

AlternatorOuter Cover (seethis chapter)
Alternator,Pickup Coil, Regulator/RectifierConnectors
Engine(seeEngineRemoval/lnstallation in the BaseManual)
aUnscrew the bolts [A] and take ofi the alternatorinner cover IB].
oThe front shift leverand shaft come ofl with the cover.
1 5 - 1 8 E L E C T R I C ASL Y S T E M

charqlng System Cir€un

^K* w-{tF w


^ t t t : 6

Q) f--jsP
Il -
o tl Il Y


1. lgnitionSwitch 4. Regulator/Rectifier 7. StarterRelay
2. AlternatorConnector 5. Load 8. Controller
3. Alternator 6. Main Fuse30 A 9. Battery
lgnition System


E CI t 0 |
O @ @
;A t3

j-ll <-s *-53
l r-Ll1P
H6P t l
1---------T9 P r------1

6=5 *X) *5=

k 3:
? l+
il H2P
ooY@ @

( ): otherthan US. CN, and AS

1 . lgnition Switch 6. FuelPump 1 1 .l C l g n i t e r
2 . EngineStop Switch 7. JunctionBox 12. PickupCoils
StarterButton 8. lgnitionFuse10 A 13. NeutralSwitch
Spark Plugs 9. MainFuse30 A 14. StarterLockout Switch
lgnitionCoils 1O.Battery 15. SidestandSwitch

Pickup Coil Removal

aRemove the altematorouter cover (seethis chapter)
aPull off the pickup coil connector [A].
aHemovethe engine(seeEngineremoval/lnstallation).
O Removethe alternatorinner cover fBl.

ORemovethe pickup coils [A] irom the alternatorinner cover IB].

Pickup Coil Installation

alnstall the DickuDcoils as shown.
Pickup Coil [A] with longer leads (BK and BK/Y) for #1 (front)
Pickup Coil [B] with shorterleads (BK/W and BK/R) Ior #2 (rear)
o Bend the leadssharply along the cover inside so that the slack is as
little as possiblenot to touch the alternatorrotor.
OApply siliconesealantto the pickup coil lead grommet [C] and push
into the notch of the altemator inner cover with the round mark fDl
AlternatorLead Grommet f El

Ig nition Timing Inspection

aRemove the alternatorouter cover (seethis chapter).
aRemove the ignition timing inspectionplug.
aAttach the timing lighr [A] in the mannerprescribedby the manufac-
SpecialTool - Timlng Llght 57001-1241
astart the engineand aim rhe timing light at the ignitiontiming mark
on the alternatorrotor.
aRun the engine at the speedsspecifiedand note the alignmentof the

Enginespeedr/min (rpm) Crankcase
rib [A] alignswith:
800 (FG.AR,CA,ST 1000) F mark tBl on alternatorrotor
3 500 and above Advancemark IC] on altematorrotor

ODo not mix up the ignition timing marks with the top mark "T" fDf.
aReDeatthe test for the other cvlinder.
*lf the ignitiontiming is incorrect,replacethe lC igniterand the pickup

lgnition Coil Removal

aRemove the Juellank (see Fuel Systemchapter).
aDisconnectthe primaryleadsand removethe mountingnuts [A].
oPull off the secondaryleadsfrom the spark plugs.

aTake out the ignitioncoil [A] asshown.

Ignition Coil Installation

olnstallthe ignitioncoils,notingthe tollowing.
oConnect the primary leads to the ignition coil terminalsand run the
secondary leads according to the Cable, Wire. and Hose Routing
section in the GeneralInformationchapter.

Ignition Coil lnspeaion

oRemovethe ignitioncoils (seethis chaptet.
aMeasurethe arcingdistancewith the suitablecommercially available
coil tester [A] to checkthe condition ot the ignition coil [B].
aconnect the ignition coil (with the spark plug cap left attachedat the
end oI the spark plug lead) to the tester in the manner prescribedby
the manufacturerand measurethe arcing distance.

lgnltlonColl Arclng Dlatance6mm or more


To avold exlremely hlgh vonrgs shod€, do nol louch lhe coil body
or leads.

*lf the distancereadingis lessthan the specifiedvalue,the ignition coil

or spark plug caps are defective.
aTo delermine which part is defective, measurethe arcing distance
againwith the sparkplug caps removedfrom the ignition coil. Remove
the caps by turning them counterclockwise.
*lf the arcing distance is subnormal as before,the trouble is with the
ignition coil itself. ll the arcing distanceis now normal,the trouble is
with the spark plug cap.

lC lgniter lnspection
aRemove the right side cover (see Framechapter).
a Removethe coolant reservetank.
aPullthe connectorsout of the lC igniter[A].
a Bemovethe lC igniter.

OTo check the condition of the lC ignitet connect the igniter checker
to the lC igniteras shown.
Speclal Took - lgnler Chec*en 57001-1378[A]
HarnessAdapler #12: 57001-1397 [B]
HarnessAdapleri57001-1383 [C]
lC lgniter[D] Battery[E]
oTurn the selectknob to "D" position.

OWhen using the ignitet checker. refer to the manufacturcls
ousing the ignitet checket is a morc rcliable way to determine the
condition of the IC ignitet than ignitet internal rcsistance measurc-
OThe ignitet checker can detect the simulated dynamic charcctetistics:
ignitet rcsponse to Lp.m., inte ock circuit signal, tachometer signal
and engine overspeed limiter signal.
Ofhe ignitet checker cannot inspect the condition of the CDI unit.
SYSTEM 15-23

*lt the igniter checkeris not available,the lC igniter can be checkedfor

a brokenor badly shortedwiring with the hand tester (speclaltool).
aset the hand tester (specialtool) to the x 1 kQ range and make the
measurementsshown in the lable.
SpecialTool - HandTester: 57001-1394
*lf the testerreadingsare not as specified,replacethe lC igniter.

ljse only Hand Tester 57001-98:llor thl8 iesl. A tester other than the
Kawasaki Hand Tesiet may show dilierenl readings.
It a megger or a meler with a large-capacity baflery is used, the lC
lgntlerwlll be damaged.

lC lgnller Iniernal Resistance (4P) Unit kO

Tester(+) Lead Connection
Terminal 'l
2 3
1 26 - 150 26 - 150 60 - 400
(-) 2 28 - 150 0-0.8 2g - 150
3 28 - 150 0^0.8 2g - 150
60 - 400 2 6 - 1 5 0 26 - 150
(-)': Tester(-) LeadConnection

lC lgnlter Inlernal Resistance(8P)

Tesler ( +) Lead Connector

Terminal 7 8 CI '10 11 12
@ @ oo @ @ @ @

35 - 200 @ 22-90 35 - 200 50 - 400 @ 18- 80

7 oo @ @ @ 6 @ @

8 4.4 - '18 4 . 6- 1 9 @ 4.4 - 18 .t - 15 @ Z-6.J

(-) I @ @ @ @ @ @ @

10 @ @ O @ @ @ @

11 @ @ m @ @ 00 @

12 1.4-6 l.O - / @ L O - I 1 . 4- 6 6-24 co

(-)': Tester(-) LeadConnection
Starter Motor

ORemove the radiator with the hoses attached for the accessto the
starter(see Cooling Systemchapter). Do not drainthe coolant.
StarterMotor TerminalNut and Lead IA]
StarterMotor Bolts [B]

aPull the stanermotor [A] toward the left and removeit.

StarterRelay Inspection
aRemove the right side covers(see Framechapter).
aRemove the coolant reservetank, then the starterrelay.
aconnect the hand lester [A] and 12 V battery [B] to the starterrelay
[C] as shown.
*lf the relaydoes not work as specified,the relay is de{ective. Replace
the relay.

Teallng Relay
TeeterRange;x l O range
Criterla: When baltery ls connecled --+0 C)
When bafiery is dbconnecled ".) oo O
SYSTEM 15.25

Electrlc Slarter Circuit

0fF E C1 0 6

g\ i

e, e.
O @

,* BR BR
l!_T }v tv

Y :z-o 2P CD
cP oJ
J r-r 2P
9P rqrLJr :z
o x


1. lgnitionSwitch 5. Slaner Circuit Relay 9. StarterMotor

2. EngineStop Switch 6. lgnitionFuse10 A 10. StarterRelay
3. StarterButton 7. StarterLockout Switch 1 1 .M a i n F u s e3 0 A
4. Junction Box 8. NeutralSwitch 12. Battery

US, Canada,and Australiamodels have a Jull-time headlightsystem

with a headlightrelayin thejunctionbox. In thesemodels,the headlight
does not go on when the ignition switch and the enginestop switch are
firstturnedon. The headlightcomeson when the enginestartsrunning
and stayson even if the engine stalls. The headlightgoes out when the
ignition switch is turned off. lt also goes out while the starterbutton is

Headlight Beam Horizontal Adiustment

aTurn the horizontaladjuster [A] on the headlight with a screwdriver
in or out untilthe beampointsstraightahead.
oTurn the adjusterclockwiseto face the headlightto the left

Headlight B eam VerticalAdiustment

aTurn the verticaladjuster [B] in the headlightin or out with a
screwdriverto adjust rhe headlightvertically.
oTurn the adjusterclockwiseto face the headlightup.

oON high beam, the btightest points should be slightly below
hotizontal with the mototcycle on its wheels and the det seated.
Adjust the headtight to the prcpet angle accotding to local
oFot uS model, the prcper angle is 0.4 degrees below hotizontal.
This is 50 mm (2 in.) drcp at7.6 m (25 ft.) measurcd ftom the centel
of the headlight with the mototcycle on its wheels and the der
50 mm (2 in) [A] Centerof BrightestSpot [B] 7.6 m (25 ft) [C]

Headlight Bulb Replacement

aRemovethe headlightrim screws[A].

aPullthe headlightunit and drop it out.

aRemove the headlightdust cover [A].
aPush the hook fBl to unlock.

aTake out the bulb [A].

Whenhandlnglhe guarlz-halogenbulb, never touchlhe glassporllon
wllh bare hands. Always uae a clean cloth. Oil contamlnatlonftom
handa or dlrlt, rags can reduce bulb life or cauae lhe bulb lo erplode.

OClean off any contaminationthat inadvertentlygets on the bulb with

alcohol or soao and water solution.

aReplacethe headlightbulb.
aFit the dust cover [A] wilh the TOP mark lBl upward onto the bulb
[C] firmly as shown.
Torque - Headlaghlnim Screws: 1.0N-m (0.10kg-m,9 inJb)
aAfter installation,adjustthe headlightaim (seethis chapter).

Headlight Body Removal

aRemove the headlightrim screws [A].
aPullthe headlightunit and drop it out.

aDisconnect the wiring connectors[A].

a Removethe headlightbody bolts and nuts fBl, then take off the body

TaitlBrakeLight Eulb Replacement

aTake out the screws [A] in the taillight lens.
aPull the lensoif.

[B], and pull it out.

aPush the bulb in [A], turn it counterclockwise

owith the front pin [A] up and the rear pin [B] down, insertthe new
bulb by aligning the front pin with the groove in the walls of the socket
aPush the bulb in, turn it clockwise, and releaseit. lt should lock in
aTighten the lensscrews- Be cafeful not to overtightenthem,

Turn Signal Light Bulh Replacement

aRemove the turn signal light screws [A] and take off the lens [B].

OPush the bulb [A] in the socket and turn the bulb counterclockwise
a Reolacethe bulb.
Torque - Tum Slgnal Llght Screwsi 1.0N-m (0.10 kg-m, 9 lnJb)
SYSTEM 15-29

a Removethe right side cover (see Framechapler).
aRemove the coolant reservetank.
aconnect one '12 V battery and turn signal lights as indicated in the
figure, and count how may times the lights flash for one minute.
Turn Signal Relay [A]
Turn SignalLightsIB]
12 V Baftery [C]
*lf the lighis do not flash as specified.replacethe tum signal relay.

TeallngTurn SlgnalRelay
The Number
oJTurn Wattage (W) Flashirigtimes (c/m-)
Signal Lights
21 -23 Light stay on
2 42-46 75-95
("): Cycle(s) per minute
("): Correspondsto "light burned out".

Headllghl Ctutuil (Olher lhan U.S.,Canada, and Auslrallal


HeadlighlClrcul|(U.S.,Canada,and Australla)

61 fll-enJfi-u rr4a,sl
: uo1_ w{lFw
@@ti{l fi-r
5 s
' elr

1 . lgnition Switch 6. High BeamIndicatorLight 11.MainFuse30A

2. HeadlightSwitch 7. Headlight 12.Battery
J. JunctionBox 8. City Light 13.Headlight
TaillightFuse10A 9. DimmerSwitch
HeadlighlFuse10A 10. Alternator
Fuel Pump
OThe fuel pump [A] operateswhen the starterbutton is pushed.on or.
the engine is running.
oWhen iuel level in the Jloatchamberis low, the fuel pump operatesto
supply fuel into the float chamber. When the fuel reachesa certain
level,the fuel pressurerises,and the fuel pump stops.

a Referto the fuel svstemchaoter.

lntemal Resistance
ORemovethe fuel tank (see Fuel Systemchapter).
aDisconnect the fuel pump connector [A].
aset the hand tester10 the x 1 kQ range and make the measurements
shown in the table.
Sp€cialTool - HandTe5!e1:57001-1394
*lf the testerreadingsare not as specified,replacethe fuel pump.
*lf the testerreadingsare normal,checkthe fuel pump operation.

Use only Hand Tesier,57001-1394 lor thls lesl. An ohmmoterolher
lian lhe Kavrasakl Hand Tesler may show dlffete readlngs.
ll a m€ggff or a meiel wllh a large+apacly baftery ls used, lhe pump
relay wlll be damaged.

Fuel Pump Iniernal Resbtanca

Tester(+) Lead Connection
R 00 @


More than
20 ko
('): Tester(-) Lead Connection

aRemove the luel pump with the fuel filter (see Fuel Systemchapter).
a Preparea containerfilled with kerosene.
a Preparethe rubber hoses,and connect them to the pump fittings.
aConnect the suitablepressuregauge to the outlet hose as shown.
Fuel Pump [A] Kerosene [F]
PressureGauge [B] 2-PinConnector IG]
Outlet Hose [C] Sattery[H]
InletHose[D] AuxiliaryLeadsll
Fuel Filter [E]

OConnectthe pumpleadsto the batteryusingauxiliarywiresasshown.

*lf the pumpdoesnot operate, the pumpis defective.
*lf the pump operates,closethe outlet hosewhile operatingthe fuel
Owhenthe pumpstops,readthe pressure gauge.
*tf the pressure gaugereadingis out of thespecifiedpressure,
the pump
is defective.
Siandard: 14 - 19kPa(0.14- 0.19kg/cm,,2.0- 2.7psD

Fuel Pump Clrcuit


> - e

a o o

s3< 6 * t--i

e .
' : 1
6 P fl---Jl

i T S fi-
too| || rFl-r
t-rt6, I
l , l e l
@ o @

't. lC lgniter StarterLockout Switch 9. MainFuse30A

StarterCircuh Relay 6. StarterButton 10.StarterRelay
J. lgnition Fuse10A 7 . EngineStop Swilch 11. Battery
4. Fuel Pump 8. lgnition Switch
SYSTEM 15-33
Radiator Fan System

The radlator lan ls connecLd dlrectly lo the baliery. The lan may
start even I lhs lgnlllon swlbh ls oll. NEVERTOUCHTHE RADTATOR

aDisconnect the leadsfrom the radiatorfan switch [A].
O Using an auxiliarywire IB], connect the radiator{an switch leads.
*lf the fan rotates,inspectthe fan switch.
*lf the fan does not rotate,inspectthe following.
Leadsand Connectors Fan Motor
Main Fuseand Fan Fuse

Fan Motor lnspection

aRemove the fuel tank (see Fuel Systemchapter).
aDisconnect the leads [A] lfom the radiatorlan switch [B]. Uf- t'
ausing two auxiliarywires [C]. supply battery [D] power to the jan
*lf the ian dose not rotate, the fan motor is delective and must be

Radlalor Fan Circuil

rn exuv
" [fF BL
@ A
t t
tl Y

r--ffi @

1 . RadiatorFan
Junction Box
5. Main Fuse30A
2. RadiatorFan Switch Fan Fuse10A 6. Battery
Meter, Gauge

Meter Unit Removal

aRemovethe boh [A]. and separatethe meterunit [B] from the luel

SpeedometerCable IB]

Place lhe meler so lhal lhe lace is up. ll a meler is lell upside down
or gldewayslor any lengthol time, it will malluncllon.

Meter Unit lnstallation

a Insertthe tongue [A] of the meter panel into the damperslit [B] of the
fuel tank.

Meter Unit Disassembly

a Remove:
Meter Unit (seethis chapter)
Screw[A] and Knob [B]
Nuts [C]
Speedometer ID]

Bulb Replacement
aTo removethe wedge-base type bulb lAl, pull the bulb out of the

Do nol turn lhe bulb. Pull lhe bulb out lo preventdamageto lhe bulb.
Do nol trse bulb raled lor olher lhan vollage or wallage speclled tn
the wiring diagram.
SYSTEM 15-35

Water TemperatureWarning System Inspection

The water temperaturewarning light goes on when lhe ignition switch is turned on and goes off soon after the engine
startsrunning (oil pressureswitch off) to ensurethat its circuit fu nctions properly. The warning light also goes on whenever
the coolant temperaturerisesto l l0 - 120'C(Zl0 - 248"R when the motorcycleis in operation. lf it stayson, stop the engine
and check the coolant level in the reservetank after the engine cools down.

alnspect the water temperaturewarning iight and the system wiring

(seeWiring Inspection).
aTurn on the ignitionswilch.
aDisconnect the water temperatureswitch lead [A] and oil pressure
switch lead, then ground them to the frame or engine using auxiliary
*lJ the warning light is lit, inspectthe water temperatureswitch IB] (see
Specifications)and the oil pressureswitch [C]. Replaceany switch if
*lf the warninglight is not lit, checkthe warninglight bulb.


, Hrl-BR
* { F t--1_FBR

;n 1-1 1-- onTx
B L l R - lI l - BLlR
Y/w -r-Jf \ /w -Y / w l o t/n
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I zGrl
rl rf\io-
\\\=\\\' ,Ir-A
1 . lgnitionSwitch Staner Relay 7 . WaterTemperatureSwitch
Junction Box 5 . Main Fuse3OA 8 . Oil PressureSwitch
lgnitionFuse10A 6 . WarningLight 9 . Battery

Fuel Gauge Operationlnspection

OBemovethe {uel tank (see Fuel Systemchapter).
aconnect the meterconnector [A] (6P white) as shown.
aPrepare an auxiliarywire, and checkthe operationof the gauge.

Fuel GauEeOperalionCheck
lgnllionSwitchPosilion: ON
Wire Locatlon: Female2-pinfuelgauge conneclor[A]
nesulls: Gaugeshouldread E vrhenconneclor
wlres are op€ned.
Gaugeshould read F when conneclor
wires are shor|ed.
* lI the gauge readingsare correct,the fuel levelsensoris bad. lf these
readingsare not obtained,the trouble is with the gauge and/or wiring.
aCheck the fuel gaugecircuitwiring (seeWiring Inspection).
;tlf all wiring and componentsotherthan the fuel gaugeunit checkout
good the gauge is defective.
Switches and Sensors

FrontBnke Light Switch lnspection(Paiodic lnspection)

aTurn on the ignitionswitch.
aThe brakelight should go on when the front brakeis applied.
*lf it does not, replacethe switch.

Rear Brake Light Switch Adjustment (Periodic lnspedion)

acheck the operation of the rear brake light switch by depressingthe
brake pedal [A]. The brake light should go on after about 15 mm of
pedal travel [B].

*lf it does not, adjustthe brakelight switch.

awhile holding the switch body, turn the adjusting nut to adjust the
Switch Body [A] Light sooneras the body rises[C]
AdjustingNut [B] Light lateras the body lowers [D]

To avoid damaging the eleclrical connecllonsInslde 0|e switch, be
sure lhat OroswiGh body does nol lurn durlng adlustrnenl.
Junstion Box
The.iunction box [A] has luses [B], relays,and diodes. The relays
and diodes can not be removed.

Junction Box FuseCircuitlnspection

a Removethe seat (see Framechapter).
a Removethe iunction box.
aPull off the connectorsftom lhe junction box.
aMake sure all connector terminals are clean and tight, and none of
them have been bent.
*Clean the dirty terminals,and straightenslightly-bentterminals.
aCheck conductivitvof the numberedterminalswith the hand tesler.
*ll the testerdoes not read as speciJied,replacethe junction box.
Fuse Clrcull Inspectlon

TesterConnection TesterReading(O) TesterConnection TesterReading (O)

0 14- 8 @

0 2-8 @

3A-4 0 34-8 @

o - 5 0 o-z @

6-10 0 6-34 a

0 17-34 @

6, 17 0

StarterChcuitlHeadlight Relay lnspection

aRemove the junction box.
aCheck conductivity of the following numberedterminalsby connect-
ing the hand testerand one 12 V batteryto theiunction box as shown.
*lt the testerdoes not read as specified,replacethe junction box.
R€lay Clrcul lmpsclion (wllh lhe balety dEconnected)

TesterConnection TesterReading (O) TesterConnection TesterReading(Q)

'7-8 @ 9 - 1'1 @

Headlight '7 - 13 @ StarterCircuit 13 @

Relay l+\ f-\ Relay (+) (-)

' 1 3- 1 1
Not@" @

(+) (-)
12-11 Not oo
(-): US, Canada,and AustraliaModelsonly
("):The actual readingvarieswith the hand testerused.
(+): Apply testerpositivelead.
(-): Apply tester.negativelead.

Relay Circuil Inspeclion (wlth lhe baflery connected)

Battery Tester
Connection Tester Reading
(+) (-) Connection (o)
HeadlightRelay -7-8 0
StarterCircuit '|., (+) (-)
11 Not oo -
Relay 1 3- 1 1
(-): US, Canada,and AustraliaModelsonly
("): The actual readingvarieswith the hand testerused.
(+): Apply testerpositivelead.
( -): Apply testernegativelead.

Diode Circuit lnspection

a Removethe iunction box.
aCheck conductivityof the followingpairsof terminals.

DiodeCircuit lnspection
r o n n e c t i o n| ' 1 3 8 ,
T e s t eC 9 , 1 2 - 1 1 , 1 2 - 1 41, 5 1 4 , 1 6 - 1 4
(-): US, Canada,and AustraliaModelsonly

ttThe resistanceshould be low in one directionand more than ten times

as much in the otherdirection.lf anydiodeshows low or high in both
directions, the diode is defective and the junction box must be
aThe actual metet rcading varies with the metet used and the
individual diodes, but genenlly speaking, the lowet reading should
be ftom zerc to one half lhe scale.

JuncllonBor lnternalCircult(US,Canada,and Auslralla)


A. AccessoryFuse1OA E. lgnitionFuse10A StarterDiode

B. Fan Fuse10A F. HeadlightFuse10A J Staner Circuit Relay
C. Turn SignalFuse10A HeadlightRelay K, lnterlock Diodes
D. Horn Fuse10A H . HeadlightDiodes TaillightFuse1OA

Main Fuse Removal

o Removethe right side cover (see Framechapter).
aPull out the main fuse [A] Jrom the starter relay with needle nose

Junction Box Fuse Removal

a Removethe lront seat (see Framechapter).
a Unlockthe hook to iifi up the lid [A].
a Pull the fuses IB] straight out of the junction box with needlepliers.

Fuse lnstallation
Olf a fuse fails during operation, inspect the electrical system to
determinethe cause, and then replace it with a new fuse ot proper
alnstall the junction box fuses on the original position as specifiedon
the lid.

aRemove the fuse (see FuseRemoval).
alnspect the fuse element.
*lf it is blown out, replacethe fuse. Before replacing a blown fuse,
always check the amperagein the affectedcircuit. lf the amperageis
equal to or grater than the fuse rating. check the wiring and related
?f fei ) r y e
componentstor a short circuit.
Housing [A]
Fuse ElementIg]
Blown Element[D]
Wr-/ Lr
When replacing a fuse, be sure lhe new fuse mabhes lhe specllled
fuse ratlng lor lhal clrcull. lrclallallon ot a luse wllh a hlgher rallng
may cause damage io wlrlng and componenls.
A P P E N D I X1 6 - 1

Troubleshooting Guide
Referto pp. 16-4 - 16-7 oi the Base Manual, noting the following.
Engine Doesn't Start, Starting Difficulty:
Comprosclon low:
Compressionreleasecam (K.A.C.R.)sticksopen
(Enginestallswhen moving off)

Poor Running at Low Speed:

Compresslon low:
Compressionreleasecam (K.A.C.R.)sticksopen
(Enginestallswhen moving off)
HLA seizure

Poor Running or No Power at High Speed:

Compr€3slon low;
Compressionreleasecam (K.A.C.R.).sticksopen
(Enginestallswhen moving off)
HLA seizure

Compe$lon hlgh:
Compressionreleasecam (K.A.C.R.)sticks close
Waler iemperanre wamlng sysbm incorrecl:
Watertemperaturewaming light broken
Water temperature switch broken

Abnormal Engine Noise:

ValYs nolaei
HLA aerationdue to low oil level

Battery Dkcharged:
Batteryfaulty (too low terminalvoltage)
Load excessive(e.g;,bulb of excessivewattage)
lgnition switch troubl€
Wiring faulty

Battory Overcharged:
Baftery faulty
A P P E N D I X1 6 - 3
General Lubrication

Lubrication (Periodic Maintenance)

aBefore lubricatingeach part,cleanoff any rustyspotswith rust remover
and wipe off any grease,oil, dirt, or grime.
aLubricatethe pointslistedbelow with indicatedlubricant.
oPeiotm the genercl lubication in accotdance with the Pe odic
Maintenance Chan ot whenever the vehicle has been opercted
under wet ot rciny conditions, ot especially after using a
high-pressure watet sprcy.
Pivots: Lubricate with Motor Oil.
RearBrakeRod Joint

Points: Lubricate with Grease.

Throttle lnner Cable Lower Ends [Al
SpeedometerInner Cable*
Clutch Lever(Apply siliconegrease)
BrakeLever(Apply siliconegrease)
(* ): Greasethe lower part of the inner cablesparingly.

Cables; Lubricate with Cable Lubricant.

Choke Cable
Throttle Cables
aLubricate the cablesby seepingthe oil betweenthe cableand housing.
oThe cable may be lubricatedby using a pressurecable luber [A] with
an aerosolcablelubricant[B].
SpeclalTool - PressureCableLuberi K56019-021

aWith the cable disconnectedat the boih ends, the cable should move
freely [A] within the cable housing
*lf cable movementis not free after lubricating,iJ the cable is lrayed, or
if the cable housing is kinked, replacethe cable.
Nut, Bolt, and FastenerTightness

Tightnesslnspeaion (Periodiclnspection)
aCheck the tightnessof the bolts and nuts listed here accordancewith
the Periodic MaintenanceChart. Also. check to see that each cotter
pin is in placeand in good condition.
oFot the engine fasteneG, check the tightness of them when the
engine is cold (at rcom tempenturc).
*lf there are loose fasteners,retorque them to the specified torque
following the specifiedtightening sequence. Referto the Torque and
Locking Agent section of the GeneralIntormationchapterfor torque
specifications. For each fastener,first loosen it by 1/2 turn, then
tighten it.
*lf cotter pins are damaged,replacethem with new ones.

Nut, Bolt and Fastener to be checked

FrontAxle Nut
Front Axle Clamp Bolts
RearAxle Nut Cotter Pin
RearAxle Nut
FinalGearCaseMounting Nuts
Front Master CylinderClamp Bolts
CaliperMounting Bolts
RearMasterCylinderMounting Bolts
RearCaliperHolder Bolt
BrakeLeverPivot Nut
BrakePedal Bolt
BrakeRod Joint Cotter Pin
Front Fork Clamp Bolts
Front FenderMounting Bolts
RearShock AbsorberMounting Nuts
Swingarm Pivot Shaft
Stem Head Bolt
Throttle CableAdiuster Locknuts
EngineMounting Boltsand Nuts
Shift PedalBolts
Muffler Mounting Bolts and Nuts
ExhaustPipe Holder Nuts
Clutch MasterCvlinderClamo Bolts
Clutch LeverPivot Nut
CIutch MasterCylinderClamps
SidestandBolt and Nut
Footpeg Mounting Bolts

Year Model Bsginning FrameNo.
1 9 9 6 v N 1 5 0 0 - D l JKBVNADItrTAOOOOO1
VNT50D-000001 (Germany),or
VNT50A-040001 (General)
n :This digit in the trame number changeslrom one
machineto anothet

PartNo.99924-1191-51 Prinredin Japan

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