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Home Chapter 6 Study Guide Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

This activity contains 15 questions.

The consultative selling approach is based on the sales person:

Having a limited product line
Assessing customer needs early in process
Using a scripted sales approach
Basing the sales pitch on price and convenience
Focusing on differentiating themselves to build long-term relationships with customers
Having multiple products to sell

A salesperson's personal selling philosophy is, in part, based on:

His or her communication style
His or her desire to be successful
Adopting a total sales concept
Adopting a marketing concept
Being prepared to work hard
Being competitive

The biggest factor that has caused the strategic / consultative selling model to evolve is:
The requirement to increase emphasis on customer needs
The Internet
Increased competition
Increased number of services
More complex products
Better sales processes
The product strategy element of the Strategic / Consultative Selling Model is most importantly based on:

Being a product expert
Having several product options to sell
Understanding how to create value-added solutions for customers.
Being able to adjust prices for your products
Being able to cite all the product features
Managing around the product warranty limitations

In today's highly competitive selling environment, a successful salesperson must absolutely master:

Reading spreadsheets
Bending the laws
Citing product features from memory
Delivering product demos
Being a skilled influencer and negotiator
Being more aggressive than the competition

The main reason pre-call planning has been described by many sales managers and sale representatives as the most
important of 14 selling skills is:
It is the first step in the selling process
It is misunderstood by most salespeople
It is the first step in prospecting which is the most important sales function.
It takes very little time yet has a significant impact
It is the favourite skill of salespeople and they constantly practise it
It generates specific industry, customer, and competitor knowledge and sets objectives to guide the entire sales process
A key determining factor to decide on the correct sales call objective is:

The progression of the sales call activity (first, second, third call)
The industry segment
The number of competitors in the market
The strength of your sales funnel activity
How long you have been a salesperson
Whether you have a product testimonial to share

A key to the approach stage of the selling process is:

Show up to the customer's location a half hour ahead of schedule
Establish a connection with the customer through some relevant observations
Introduce a trial close early on in conversation
Avoid eye contact in the first few minutes
Ask the customer a personal question to really connect
Bring a coffee for the customer

The #1 benefit of the need discovery phase of the selling process model is:
It gives the salesperson a reason for asking questions
It gives you something to tag a feature and benefit to
It helps "break the ice"
It establishes a need in the prospect's mind
It allows you to summarize so you can move on with sales process
It builds trust

After agreeing on the customer's needs, your customer tells you he isn't sure your product is the best solution for his
company's need. What type of question should you use to deal with this situation?
Open question
Closed question
Probing question
Confirmation question
Need-satisfaction question
Trial-close question

A key aspect of the "cluster of satisfactions" illustrated in Exhibit 6.5 is that:

The cluster of satisfaction often changes based on the buying centre role. See page 165.
The product cluster must always be considered first
The company cluster is the most important for the buyer
The order of how the clusters are presented to the buyer is the most important aspect
The knowledge of the salesperson is the most important aspect
The product cluster should be positioned before the company cluster

The toughest sales presentation to plan and execute is the:

Product presentation
Reminder presentation
Persuasive presentation
Push-pull presentation
Informative presentation
Demo presentation

One of the best techniques to overcome buyer concerns is to:

Ignore the concern and push on with presentation
Challenge the buyer to prove the concern
Say something that knocks the competition
Demo the product to show the customer it has a great set of features
Shut down the call and reschedule when you have the objection figured out
Use the "feel-felt-found" technique

What is a good approach to take if a customer decides not to buy?

Quickly drop the price
Get aggressive with the buyer so he or she understands how important the sale is to you
Apologize to the buyer
Thank the buyer, and attempt to conduct a "curb side review"
Table another product on the fly to keep the buyer talking
Trash the competition to plant doubt in the buyer's mind

Which is a good technique to manage dissatisfied customers?

Give the customer a discount
Blame someone else in your organization so the customer will feel sorry for you
Encourage the customer to voice the complaint so you can understand the issue and try to address it quickly
Try to sell the customer something else to change their attitude towards you and your products
Indicate there is nothing you can do so the customer will move on
Immediately bring your boss in to solve the problem

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