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1. Craft your own definition of slow learner.

Slow learners are just like typical learners in mainstream class. They can have the ability to read, write,
do mathematical problems, and mingle with other people just like the regular learners; however, they
are quite late to reach their maturity. We do know that learners with learning disability experiences
difficulties in one/two learning areas like having a dyslexia, dyscalculia, and others. Slow learners on
the other hand, have multifaceted difficulties across all domains of their life. But with appropriate
assistance they could reach their fullest potential.

2. How can a slow learning child be identified in the classroom?

Teachers are well oriented with the continuum of development for the respective learners. Any nuances
in that development will be noticed by a teacher, most specifically the alarming ones. Generally, they
look like the typical students. However, they were found atypical with several aspects of their lives. In
school, these learners are not enrolled in the special educations classes but belong to the mainstream
class. For big schools, usually they are the ones catered in lower sections and seated on the last rows
for a barrio school. They are evidently lagging behind more on academic oriented matters and
sometimes causing disciplinary problems because they feel detached with classroom happenings. And,
based on my observation too, they were assigned more to do less academic and more physically
inclined chores like cleaning, gardening, or being a ‘boy’ or ‘runner’ to do some errands while their
other classmates are busy studying.

3. Why is teacher factor a critical issue in assisting children identified as slow learning?
For every kind of learner, they maybe advanced, regular, or those needing some extra assistance, I
believe teacher has always an indispensable critical role to fulfill. A Teacher has this ‘magic’ that earns
learners’ trust and make them believe in whatever he does/says. With that edge, the child’s motivation
to learn can be increased by a teacher’s provision of nourishing learning environment filled with a
sense of love and acceptance. However, when under the circumstance of dealing with slow learners, as
an educator, he must be equipped and trained carefully with the developmentally appropriate pedagogy
to address the needed areas of development for that learner to cope with. Interventions for regular
students is far different for slow learners for instance, the pacing, broad and depth of lesson. With
appropriate training coupled with extra patience, they will gain cognizance to how develop, implement,
and evaluate a more appropriate curriculum that would will be much suited for slow learners.

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