G3 2nd Term CONNECT Book

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Unit 7 Where are you from? 2 Unit 8 — Seasons of the year 24 Unit 9 What did you do? 44 Review 3 60 Theme 4: Communication # ea Unit 10 _ Let's search online! 66 Unit 11 How tall is if? 84 Unit 12 I'd like chicken, please no | Review 4 132 | Fiction reader: Tamer’s Travels on the Tablet 138 ee || ml a 2 Hany, Hana, Amira and Youssef are at Mr Wan‘s house. Is Mr Wan from Egypt? L This is the house of my father’s friend, Mr Wan. Here are his children. Their names are Liu Wei and Zhang Min. me to Egypt! | C=a —s =z) fowse.cryp2Day.com ets clase Listening and reading eet I Chinese. Where are you from? Z YJ © Thank you. I’m happy to be here. Pa 3 Listen, point and say mecilis=am° [I'm from Egypt. I'm from France.| | I'm from America. I’m from China. [ Tm Egyptian ( “Tm French, ) Tm American, | I'm Chinese - 4. Look, read and match waaay CSTs 4 a See! E @ He's from America. © You're from Egypt. @ They're from China. | @ She's from France. SS 5 Read and complete about yourself a m m from Language: Where are you from? T'm from Egypt. I'm Egyptian They're from China. They're Chinese Where are you 1 .. from, from? I'm from China, I’m 2... 5) Where are you from? _ Tell me, please. here are you Sip ute m from . Where are you from, from, from? Tm from 6 .......ccccc0, Pm Egyptian. Wh i em Where are you from: Tell me again. STEOTU? FROMTLNA oseestestroectoscal Wie Cae eM ur Cay vm Lo & Look at the picture and tick who you can see See | (Ze re ramos df Xs % “ LS ka Read and circle the correct answer “oO Hana has a cake | cookie. @ Liu Wei is wearing a red dress | black trousers. © Zhang Min has a cup of tea | a flower. @ Hany has a cookie / a cup of tea. Vocabulary: China, Chinese, fortune cookie 3 Listen and complete with the words in the box a Chinese cookies house China Hany and Hana are at Liu Wei and Zhang Min’s again. They drink . eat fortune from .... are very happy. Listen again and circle the correct answer The children are at: B The children have: Hany's house cookies and cake Mr Wan’s house tea and cookies fy Hana found a........ in Dy The fortune cookies are the cookie. FrOM secs.» game China message Egypt PLL | What do you have for breakfast? 1 Read and listen. Write the names Waleed -Marieé~ Mark Wang Min ssvAAUHE... BP ssntsnentsecestens . 2 Read and listen again. Look at the table and color each person’s breakfast i ey ed ( (bread i 2 3 oh | SQIL/ falafel ¢.) hot chocolate Gh) My family have .. for breakfast Values: Tolerance and acceptance of others ie 4 Look at how to sign the countries in American Sign Language 5 Practice ASL for « the countries ou with your friends Language: ASL for Egypt, France, America, China Egypt LGV reece try Loyalty and belonging £. Read about different schools 7 Hil I'm Mark. I'm ‘American. | start school at 8 o'clock. In the moming ie riting and math, Yhen tusio or PE. We have lunch at 12:00, then in the afternoon we have science and reading. We finish school at around 3:00. We don't have school on Saturdays and Sundays. Hil I'm Marie. I'm French. | start school at 8 o'clock. In the morning we have writing and math, then German or English. We have lunch from 11:45 to 2 o'clock. We finish school at around 4:30 and we have school on Saturday mornings but we don't have school on Wednesdays and Sundays. 1 'm Wang Min, I'm Chinese. | start me e 7:30. In the morning ee have writing and ree seoaraphy, F ish. We ha\ I See o'clock. We finish eel at around 6:00. After school | do e homework and have piano lessor We have no school on Sundays. ———————— © 7 Hil 'm Waleed. I'm Egyptian. | Start school at 8 o'clock. In the morning we have Arabic, English and math. Then in the afternoon we have science, social studies and arts in Discover. We finish | school at around 2:00, then we have lunch at home. After school | go to the club to play volleyball. We have no school on Fridays and Saturdays. Reading and writing Unit 7 2 Read again and write Mark, Marie, Wang Min or Waleed 1 Who plays a musical instrument? 2 Who has music in the morning? 3 Who has lunch before the others? 4 Who goes to the club after school? 3 Read again, and complete the chart on the four children Name ol at Finishes school at Da ETT OO... - 4 Stick your picture and complete about yourself Hil Im school at in the morning. We have in the morning. we ONG soeeessees In in the ve afternoon we have _ We finish, school at .. We have then we have lunch at . LON saseesseesssseeets no school on ...... Learn to write with Busy Bee! names, for example, Marie, o, Be the end of sentences | | u Mark, Waleed, Cairo, Alexandria for nouns, for example, EY at the beginning of sentences — ous en ey cin) for nationalities, for [ | for countries, for example, | | f example, French, Chinese Egypt, France . 5 Write the paragraph with the correct punctuation and capitalization my friend marie is french she lives in cairo because her dad works here she has two brothers jean and pierre can you speak french Writing skills: Punctuation and capitalization in paragraphs at's your money? B 1 Look, listen and read oY e®@ In my country, France, our Money is the euro. One euro is 100 cents. Tn my country, Eup es - money is the pounce. Fi pound is 100 piastres. | In my Country, America, our Money is the dollar. One dollar is 109 cents, ¢ 1 yuan = id =... piastres ee. d 1 dollar CLIL: Math: Money in other countries - 3 Add up the coins and circle the correct answer 13,2809 "8,5.908 SOC |OOGGS © 6O |. oO © 1 Egyptian pound © 1 euro @3 euros © 2 Egyptian pounds ©2euros @4 euros @3 Egyptian pounds © 4 Eguptian pounds 700 4 fe OOOH | 2 | OO © 1 dollar © 2 dollars © 3 dollars © 4 dollars oO 4 yuans Py “£0 jo © 40 yuans © bothaande - 4 Work with your group fo select a country. Now complete and draw Country: Currency: What you can see on the currency: ene UCR ae ai) & 2 You have 200 euros. ss Ask and answer about what you could buy What did you buy at the toy shop? aball. It ) euros. fe F T bought “| was g. Role play: You sell things ‘ in your store and buy things from others a How much is Iv’s for 20 the robot? euros. - 1 Circle the things you like in the toy shop. x ie oy LUC make your store. Draw the items and prices What did you buy? I bought .... Language: What did you buy? I bought How much is it? It’s for .. Writing: Plan your paragraph School ends 3:30 Currency ... dollar... I'm from 2 ... Briar x I finish school at 4 . school at 3 . currency is the 5 .. 7 Complete this graphic organizer about yourself From ee * School starts Name School ends Currency SO a photos from magazine colored cardboard or the internet g scissors 2 Find photos is country that show: its food 1 Choose a country. 3 Stick these photos on ijour cavabaard paar 4 Label your pictures. ay. S4) ri Our group chose to talk abo Bb at dl hei Language: Our group chose to talk about Japan. The currency of Japar the yen. This is the Japanese flag: It is white with a red circle in the mida This is the map of Japan. The Japanese like to eat sushi and noodles ‘ona CrypEDay.com ele cs ae 8 Read and color the stars that describe your effort js? Mee {can read about some I can talk in a simple way I can talk about my countries’ food, school about some countries’ country and some other days and currency food, school days and countries’ food, schoo! currency, days and currency. Ta Eaupiee ve vere www can complete sentences T'can complete a can plan and write a ‘about some countries. Paragraph about some short paragraph about my countries. country. og wy wer can read words with ff ll T.can read and write words I can read and write ‘and ss sounds with ff, Iland ss sounds. sentences with ff, land ss sounds. Ww wow www Tam kind to people from I can understand that ‘I can talk about differences other countries there are differences between myself and people between myself and people from other countries {from other countries w wee Wey Tunderstand that people can do simple addition _I can understand other use different kinds of and subtraction using currencies and do addition money in other countries, other currencies ‘and subtraction using them we we WH Tecan work with my group T'can work with my group can werk with my group to make a country display. to make a country display to make a country display and give ideas to make it and give ideas to make it better. better. I can talk about it in complete sentences. * we ww Play time Nationality meu) American Eig 2 Match tha AL. to te counties re 2 iii — wa <2. 1 Complete the text with the words in the box _ 10 cents China piastres money Egypt 100 euro Different countries have different money. sess « One euro is In France, the money is the 1... ---. Cents. , the money is the pound. One pound is 100 is the dollar. One dollar is 100 ee 2 You have 50 pounds. Color your favorite snacks and add up how much you spend. Say how much is left How much money is left: Teacher assessment @ Sue i Look, listen and read. Who likes the fall? Why? oT Dad, what’s your ys favorite month? | like January best because it’s cold. I like cold weather, and you? I like the fall because it’s not too hot. In some places there are very beautiful colored leaves I like August best because it’s hot and I can go to the beach. What about you, Mom? Keseemse I like the spring because there's a lot of sunshine. Today it is rainy, but tomorrow it will be sunny. Hurray! = Listening and speaking & 2 Listen, point and say mq \. jovember, it’s cold. o a & 3 Read and match Tlike the spring because it’s sunny. I like the fall because it’s not too hot. Hi. I'm Nada. I'm from Mansoura. I like the spring. I like the flowers and the colorful trees. It's sunny today. Tlike sunny days. It was a little cold yesterday, but tomorrow it will be hot. I can go to the park and play there. 1 Today, ait will be hot. 2 Yesterday, b it was cold. 3 Tomorrow, cc the weather is sunny. | Language: It hot/cold/rainy/sunny. Today, it is/Tomorrow, it will belYesterday, it was Ne on Lg y . September, the seasons chart & 2 Listen and complete -_ B..winter.. Vocabulary: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August September, October, November, December, birthday Listening and speaking & 3 Which months are special? Listen and complete My favorite month is 1... because it’s my birthday and we have a special party, I also love . this year because we have Eid AlFitr. BBE -ceevesseseeee A. ,.... are also fantastic months for me. My grandparents come to see us! € 4 Which months are special to you? Why? [Tove May b Sham El What is your favorite month? Wiessinfi W Mauche aca SS lessim is in May this year. I Listen and write these names on the calendar below Mazen Mariam Jana Omar Farida Fares Mazen's birthday is on October 21*. Speaking £ 3 Get in a line according to your birthday ; When is your birthday? February 2nd. Then you're in front of me. My birthday is on March 11th. birthday song 0” When is your birthday month? 1, 2, 3... When is your birthday month? Sing with me January is my birthday month. Happy birthday to me! January is my birthday month. Say with me. When is your birthday month? 1, 2, 3. £ >» When is your birthday month? Say with me. y February is my birthday month Happy birthday to me! February is my birthday month. Say with me. (Bo Language: When is your birthday? sl It’s on (March 1 1th). The Earth moves around the sun. This makes changes in the light and temperature. It makes the different seasons. Tn many countries, like America and Egypt, there are four different seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. In some countries, like Uganda in Africa, there is one season. Uganda is near the equator, and it has the same weather all year. In spring, plants and trees grow and we see flowers. In summer, it’s very hot and we can go to the beach with our family. In fall, the leaves on the trees change to orange and they fall on the ground. In winter, it can be very cold. In some countries, it snows in winter. the words in the box fall Earth summer winter Lari E isten. Match the countries to the photos ‘=D Dene Boon og Language: I’m from America In winter, it's very cold and we get snow on our faces. clouds moves The Water Cycle Condensation Our planet, Earth, is called the ‘blue planet’ because there is q.lot.of.... water. Plants and animals need water. Water on our planet all the time. This is the water cycle t-4 ee ae The rain falls from the sky. The water goes to the sea, rivers and the earth. The 3 3 becomes water “vapor. It goes into the 4... called ‘evaporation’. .. warms the sea and earth and the water . This is Then the water vapor comes together to make This is called ‘condensation’. The ... blows the clouds in the sky. When the clouds become very big and heavy this makes e The rain falls on the sea and earth and this is called precipitation’ The water goes into the earth, rivers and the This is ‘accumulation’. Then the water cycle ep again. Now listen and check evaporation condensation precipitation accumulation 1 In which process does the water go into the earth, rivers and the sea? 2 In which process does the water go into the sky? .............. 2 3 In which process does the water come together to make oe clouds? ..... : 4 In which process does the water fall on the sea and earth? Tae etek re : c 1 Listen and repeat go spray ei street strawberry straight ¢ 2 Listen and write a Phonics: the spr/str sounds 3 Trace the sentences 1 (o , 4 Put the sentences in the correct order to make a paragraph J 0 Everything grows and is new. O 0 My favorite season is spring. @ 06 What's your favorite season? O (d) The owes grow in my garden, and there are butterflies. O When writing your paragraph .. @ remember to have a capital letter at the beginning of every sentence. e remember to have a period (.) or a question mark (2) at the end of every sentence. 8 A Ss a Write about your r favorite season i i) Su it i AE a «My favorite. season i Use only the water you need to make coffee and tea. > Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. fs N¢ , £ 2 Ask and answer How do you conserve water at home? LE I take a short shower. | Water your plants in the Wash fruits and vegetables early morning or evening. in a bowl of water. 3 How do you conserve water at home? Write ¥ I take. short. shawers,.not.long.baths.. Language: Conserving water, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. clue GLUE You will need: : Abas, eid il Pictures or drawings glue poster paper —_of yourself at home scissors markers Take long baths. oar Fix the faucet if it drips. Turn off the water when Use a lot of water brushing your teeth. when you wash the dishes. This is my water conservation poster. jj Fix the faucet if it drips. Language: This is my water conservation poster. Fix the faucet if it drips. Turn off the faucet when you don’t need water. 8 Read and color the stars that describe your effort a, by | has different forms in the I can talk about the seasons, the water cycle and ways to conserve water in short sentences Wwe can write short sentences ‘about the seasons, the water cycle and ways to conserve water, we Lean read words with spr ‘and str sounds I can identify some facts ‘about the seasons, the water cycle and ways to conserve water ad Tcan complete sentences about the seasons, the water cycle and ways to conserve water. were Tcan read and write words with spr and str sounds, wre T can identify the different Tunderstand that water forms of the water cycle. we we Tecan work with my {group to make a water conservation poster and help other members in the group. Tecan work with my group to make a water conservation poster. wry I can talk about the current season, the water cycle and what I can do to conserve water. Wee can write short paragraphs about the seasons, the water cycle and ways to conserve gested Ican read and write sentences with spr and str a seve | T can explain the different forms of the water cycle wey T can work with my group to make a water conservation poster and. give ideas to make it better wy S 2 Cut and paste the seasons ) UTS) Qe ST 4 1 Label and color the picture Listen, = and guess: A bazaar is a place to: ea) a buy and sell things J b meet friends ute yA eS a f © > Be iS} 4 wy MS ay aS etal a7 9 =N i _- 1 3" That’s awesome. What did you do there? We went to oan AU \ TT We Dearie the bazaar. eee = eg After that, we went home an we baked a birthday cake Did she a the present? Yes, she liked the present, and she loved the cake! It was delicious! <..- 2 Put what Hany and Hana did in order i a They baked a cake. |b They visited the bazaar. _| | d They bought jewelry | ¢ They gave Mom a present. | a Kszzs ee isten, point and say aaa) a necklace rotate a bracelet A 2 Listen, read and answer Khan Al-Khalili is in the heart of Old Cairo. It is about 600 years old. When you visit Khan Al-Khalili, you will find many markets for jewelry, fabric, perfume and spice. You will find restaurants and cafés where you can take a break from shopping, and have pizzas and coffee. 1 What did you yesterday? did your sisters . yesterday? Fy He bought ST Vocabulary: jewelry, earrings, bracelet, necklace, bazaar Language: What did you do yesterday? I visited a bazaar, Lalelellofey cooked dinner for her grandparents c worked for her test played with his baby cousin. 1 traveled to Alexandria. 3 a a Na. Complete the table with a ie J the verbs aie Nga. 3 What did you do last ar weekend? Ask and | answer. Then write three sentences 1 .Lyisited my grandmother. Biss cK ereeoars I ‘-s 4 Read and listen. What did 3 - 5 Read again and circle Hana see at the museum? 4 the verbs =, visited the Egyptian Museum in Cairo yesterday “@ with my school. We traveled to the museum by bus. We saw beautiful gold and silver jewelry from ancient Egypt. We looked at Tutankhamun’s necklaces and bracelets — they were awesome! I loved the museum. I was very excited. I bought some jewelry from the museum shop for we my grandma. I had a great day at the museum. i 1 ve a S 6 Complete with the past form of these verbs travel look at stay have —_go- In the simple past we a. change regular verbs by Last Friday our class 1 ..... to | adding -ed: « I cooked dinner for my Luxor Museum. We 2 . by grandparents train because it is fast and safe. We ° Weied ae luseum. 8 oe .. the statue of But there are many irregular verbs: « Thave a great day at the museum. I had a great day at the museum Amenhotep Ill and the mummies of Ahmose I and Ramses I. We 4... .. there for 3 hours. yesterday iv + Tam excited. > We 5S.... ..a really great time Twas excited yesterday. + Igo by bus. > at the museum. I went by bus yesterday & | \c> princess bracelet brush ~ branch ~~ broom bread Ss 2 Trace and match each picture to the correct word OL 0: , me any Qprnieg a \ Phonics: the pr/brsounds Learn to write with Busy Bee! 3 3 Look and trace the sentences tTy—_— S 4 Read and add the correct capitalization marks Capitalization | Capitalize the names of | famous monuments and | the egyptian museum has places: fe i che Sphane | many beautiful monuments. Luxor Museum | you can buy presents at khan | Giza Zoo | alhalili in cairo. % Read and listen to the text. Why do you think ancient \ Egyptians like jewelry? Yu i At first (around 4,000 years ago), the ancient Egyptians liked colored stones best. Look at this beautiful necklace At ued Egypt RnR an) Tit oak Egupt. CRMC Ute mNICUCy Moreau a a var RCO Bios special ClO roc Rmue Pretec miracle B Then, around 3,300 years ago, the ancient Egyptians loved gold jewelry with colored stones. Look at this awesome jewelry from Tutankhamun. It has a big, blue eye. Tee RRC beautiful. Ancient Egyptian men made the jewelry from Baccus used stones with bright Kool 3 | Last, around 2,600 years ago, the ancient Egyptians liked animals in their jewelry. Look at this fantastic gold ring with birds. 3 . 2 Read the text again. Match the photos A-C with the 3 paragraphs 1-3 Writing paragraphs Sentence 1: a general, simple sentence. It says what the topic is about The Great Pyramid of Giza is very famous Sentences 2 and 3: gives more information about the topic It is about 5000 years old. It’s146 meters high Sentence 4: end sentence. It presents a summary or an opinion. I love to visit the Great Pyramid of Giza. Put the sentences in the correct order to make a paragraph A This is Tutankhamun’s jewelry B There are also green and gold lions: C It has a blue insect. D You can see the jewelry in the Eqyptian Museum. i Write a paragraph on Tutankhamun’s mask. Use these words: beautiful made of gold mS S | You will need: I oa WE € se - = = 4 buttons or . colored scissors paint pasta glue string | Cut your colored paper so that Color your pasta with gold, it looks like a big necklace. red, green, or any other bright oa < colors Meningie > mv <' Decorate your necklace with paint, pasta and beads or buttons This is my ancient Egyptian necklace. It’s gold with bright stones. The stones Language: This is my ancient Egyptian necklace Irs green with bright stones. The stones are eee oat a I can read and say words for jewelry and ancient Egyptian monuments. * I can say the general sentence, the end sentence ‘and the sentences which give more information, Ww Tecan say words with the pr-and br- sounds we I recognize ancient jewelry w like the jewelry and. ‘ancient monuments of ancient Egypt. w T work with others to make an ancient Egyptian necklace. T can talk about jewelry and ancient Egyptian monuments. ww I can order the general sentence, the end sentence ‘and the sentences which give more information to make a paragraph, wy I can complete words with the pr- and br- sounds wre I can identify different types of ancient jewelry. ww I'm proud of the jewelry and ancient monuments of ancient Egypt. ww Thelp my group members to make our ancient Egyptian necklace. Tcan talk about my favorite jewelry and ancient Egyptian monuments: were ve I can write a paragraph with a general sentence, end sentence and sentences which give more information wr T can say other words with pr-and br. sounds. Www I can describe different types of ancient jewelry Weer Tunderstand that the Jewelry and ancient monuments are part of Egypt's history www I give ideas to make my group members’ ancient Egyptian necklace better. - 1 Match the sentence halves | The ancient Egyptians 2 You can find Tutankhamun's Jewelry b was very beautiful. 3 Ancient Egyptians made jewelry € loved jewelry, 4 The ancient Egyptian jewelry d in the Egyptian Museum. 5 They liked e from gold and silver. @ jewelry with bright stones. rf NS 2 Color and talk about your ancient Egyptian Jewelry —swy Le | © 3 Order and write u princess / a / spider. / sees / The a Play / sports? / you / Do / like to al ae] The weather rainy, S 1 Match the countries to the nationalities 4 | France 2. | America El China Egypt & 2 Look and complete with the words in the box . Etienne | are 7 China Tarek: Hi! Where are you 1 Egypt — Gwok: ‘I'm from 2 France Where 8 ... French | Tarek: I’m from 4... from~ Etienne: I’m from 6 .. live if; Where Tarek: —_Let’s go and play! Gwok and Etienne: Yes! ¢ 3 Listen and check Gwok . . And you? you from? Bir . are you from sevens in Paris. Pree, Se Reading and writing 4 Look and complete In the © ., we There isa@ seea®@.. with under the @. lots of ©... Ss 1 Tick what you can do. Now I can . PRATT 2 say months ofthe year and the weather Cee Sena eH eee 4 say these sounds. © 4 ie & % 1 Look, color and label the water cycle Unit 10 Let's search online! a get it from the internet b send it to the internet Do you have a computer to do your homework, Hany? 9) Can you watch videos? abd ua T have a computer and I can download photos. I want to learn to find information on a website

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