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J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2013) 24:411–417

DOI 10.1007/s10854-012-0765-y

Effect of La on piezoelectric properties

of Pb(Ni1/3Sb2/3)O3–Pb(ZrTi)O3 ferroelectric ceramics
C. M. Lonkar • D. K. Kharat • H. H. Kumar •

Sahab Prasad • K. Balasubramanian

Received: 14 February 2012 / Accepted: 16 May 2012 / Published online: 31 May 2012
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract Piezoceramic compositions Pb1-zLaz(NiSb)0.05 1 Introduction

[(Zr0.52Ti0.48)1-Z/4]0.95O3 with Z = 0.01–0.05 were syn-
thesized by mixed oxide route to study the effect of Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) based piezoceramic com-
Lanthanum (La) on crystal structure, microstructure, pie- positions are of great technological interest, particularly;
zoelectric and ferroelectric properties. Calcination was when Zr/Ti ratio is about 52/48 which corresponds to the
performed at 1,060 °C and sintering at 1,270 °C for 1 h. composition of the ferroelectric Morphotropic Phase
X-Ray diffraction pattern indicated the polycrystalline Boundary (MPB) separating the ferroelectric tetragonal
microstructure along with co-existence of tetragonal and (FT) and ferroelectric rhombohedral (FR) phases [1, 2].
rhombohedral perovskite phases. Dielectric constant (K3T ) However, properties of interest can be tailored by adding
was increased whereas piezoelectric voltage constant (g33) the suitable dopant. A material with higher piezoelectric
was decreased with increase in lanthanum. Dense micro- charge constant (d33) and dielectric constant (K3T ) is suit-
structure was observed for the composition containing able for actuator application where as the material with
3 mol% of lanthanum. This was resulted in optimum higher piezoelectric voltage constant (g33) is suitable for
piezoelectric charge constant (d33 = 468 9 10-12 C/N), sensor application [3]. Materials with higher g33 provides
electromechanical coupling factor (kp = 0.68), remanent higher voltage output [4–6] and higher product d33 9 g33
polarization (Pr = 24.65 lC/cm2) and displacement (D = (Figure of Merit—FoM) offers higher energy output hence
2,012 nm). Results indicated that the composition Pb0.97 is the essential criteria for the material intended to be used
La0.03(NiSb)0.05[(Zr0.52Ti0.48)0.9925]0.95O3 could be suitable for energy harvesting applications [7, 8].
for actuator applications. The composition Pb0.98La0.02 When La3? (r = 1.22 Å) is substituted in PZT compo-
(NiSb)0.05[(Zr0.52Ti0.48)0.995]0.95O3 resulted into moder- sition, it replaces Pb2? (r = 1.32 Å) [9] ions in the lattice
ately high value of voltage constant (g33 = 39.3 9 according to the relation Pb2? $ La3? ? e-. To maintain
10-12 V m/N) and optimum value of Figure of Merit the electrical neutrality, Pb vacancies are created in the
(d33 9 g33 = 16.2 9 10-12 C V m/N2) indicated the use- lattice making domain wall motion comparatively easier.
fulness for sensor and power harvesting applications. This in turn results in the enhanced dielectric constant
(K3T ), remnant polarization (Pr) and coupling factor (kp) of
the material [10–12]. Moreover, substitution of lanthanum
the increase the sinterability, retards grain growth and
decrease the grain size [13, 14].
[PbNiSb]x–[Pb(Zr1-yTiy)]1-xO3 is a ternary solid solu-
tion abbreviated as PNS-PZ-PT. It has been studied by some
C. M. Lonkar (&)  D. K. Kharat  H. H. Kumar of the researchers around the MPB of PNS-PZ-PT. Yu et al.
PZT Centre, Armament R&D Establishment, Pune, India
investigated the effect of MnO2 (0.0–0.2 wt%) in 0.12PNS–
0.40PZ-0.48PT system on properties viz’ dielectric constant
S. Prasad  K. Balasubramanian (K3T ), electromechanical coupling factor (kp), mechanical
Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, India

412 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2013) 24:411–417

quality factor (Qm) and dielectric loss factor (tan d) [15]. were carried out using ‘‘TF analyzer-2000’’ Make Aixact.
Zahi et al. investigated the properties K3T , kp and curie The following standard empirical relations were used to
temperature (Tc) for the components sintered at 1,180 °C calculate K3T , g33, kp and Qm [17–19].
for 2 h [16]. Wang et al. studied density, kp and Qm [17]. Ct
The objective of the present work was to study the effect K3T ¼ ð1Þ
e0 A
of La on structural, piezoelectric, dielectric and ferro-
electric properties of compositions Pb1-zLaz(NiSb)0.05 d33
g33 ¼ ð2Þ
[(Zr0.52Ti0.48)1-Z/4]0.95O3 with Z = 0.01–0.05 and its K3T e0
optimization for sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
fa  fr
kp ¼ 2:51 ð3Þ
(a) values of piezoelectric charge constant (d33), piezo- fr
electric voltage constant (g33), product of piezoelec-  2 
tric charge constant and voltage constant (d33 9 g33) 1 fa
Qm ¼ ð4Þ
i.e. Figure of Merit so that it could be suitable for 2pfr Zm C fa  fr2 2

power harvesting and sensor applications.

where K3T is the dielectric constant, C is the capacitance
(b) values of piezoelectric charge constant (d33), rema-
(F), eo is the permittivity of free space (8.854 9 10-12
nent polarization (Pr) and displacement (D) so that it
F/m), t is the thickness of the specimen (m), A is the area of
could be suitable for actuator applications.
specimen (m2), g33 is the piezoelectric voltage constant
(V m/N), d33 is piezoelectric charge constant (C/N) Zm is
impedance, fr is resonance frequency (kHz) and fa is the
2 Experimental anti-resonance frequency (kHz).
Microstructural analysis of chemically etched polished
The compositions Pb1-zLaz(NiSb)0.05[(Zr0.52Ti0.48)1-Z/4]0.95O3 samples was carried out using Scanning Electron Micro-
(hereafter abbreviated as PNS-PZT) with Z = 0.01–0.05 scope Make-FEI Netherlands (Model-Quanta 200 ESEM).
were synthesized using the oxides of elements in the powder
form. The raw materials used were PbO (Waldies Ltd.,
Kolkata, 99.5 %), ZrO2 (Loba Chemie, 99.37 %), TiO2 3 Results and discussions
(Travancore Titanium Products, 98.5 %), NiO (Acros,
97 %), Sb2O5 (Loba Chemie, 99 %) and La2O3 (Indian Rare X-Ray diffraction patterns of calcined powder are shown
Earths Ltd., 99.99 %). To minimize the pyrochlore phase, in Fig. 1 for the compositions Pb1-zLaz(NiSb)0.05[(Zr0.52
precursor Nickel Antimonite (NiSb2O6) was obtained in first Ti0.48)1-Z/4]0.95O3 with Z = 0.01–0.05. XRD patterns
stage. PNS-PZT compositions were prepared and processed show the polycrystalline nature. Formation of PZT perov-
through mixed oxide route. To compensate the lead loss skite phase for all compositions is indicated by intense
during calcination, 0.5 mol% excess quantity of PbO was peaks indexed [17, 20] and particularly by highest peak
taken. Powders were wet milled for 24 h in pure water intensity at (110) plane [21]. Co-existence of ferroelectric
medium (Millipore, Elix-10) and zirconia balls were used as tetragonal (FT) and ferroelectric rhombohedral (FR) phases
grinding media. Solid state reaction was carried out at
1,060 °C and further powder was ultra-fine ground to
1.0–1.2 lm. The compositional effect on crystal structure
was studied from X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns recorded
for position 2h from 20° to 70° using Philips X’pert Pro. The
powders were pressed by semi-automatic die punch machine
to form discs of Ø17.2 9 1.7 mm thickness. The specimens
were sintered at 1,270 °C for 1 h. Sintered specimens were
lapped and subsequently electroded with silver paste. Poling
was performed by applying DC field of 35 kV/cm at 100 °C
for 30 min. Specimens were aged for 10 days and charac-
terized for piezoelectric and dielectric properties. Capaci-
tance(C), tan d, impedance (Zm), resonance frequency (fr)
and anti-resonance frequency (fa) using variable frequency
LCR meter (Hioki Hi Tester model 3532 and 3522). Piezo-
electric charge constant (d33) was measured using d33 Ber-
lincourt meter (CPDT 3330). Hysteretic ferroelectric studies Fig. 1 X-Ray diffraction pattern for La doped PNS-PZT

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2013) 24:411–417 413

Fig. 2 SEM photographs a La = 1 mol%, b La = 2 mol%, c La = 3 mol%, d La = 4 mol%, e La = 5 mol%

was indicated by the splitting in the peak intensity at triplet Figure 2a–e represents the effect of La substitution on
(002), (102), and (112) [17, 19–23]. However, peaks of microstructure of PNS-PZT. For 1 mol% La substitution
excess PbO were also seen [20]. (Fig. 2a), the grain size is distributed widely up to 12 lm.

414 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2013) 24:411–417

The grain size was measured by linear intercept method. polarisability of the material due to increase in domain wall
The average grain size was about 7.05 lm. Much of the movement. On further increasing it, kp was decreased to
grains were polygonal in shape and few ovals. Some pores 0.57 at 5 mol% of La. Since, kp alone can indicate the
were also seen. For 2 mol% La substitution (Fig. 2b) the strength of poling, it can be concluded that the composition
grain size and porosity was seen to be reduced; size dis- Pb1-zLaz(NiSb)0.05[(Zr0.52Ti0.48)1-Z/4]0.95O3 has maxi-
tribution was also narrowed down in comparison with mum polarisability when La substitution is 3 mol% at
earlier one. The average grain size was about 6.45 lm. In which comparatively dense and uniform microstructure
case of 3 mol% La substitution, the grains were reduced in was obtained. Maximum polarisability has resulted into
size (Fig. 2c). Grain size distribution was still narrowed minimum Qm and maximum kp.
down and dense microstructure was seen. Most of the Figure 4 shows the effect of La substitution on piezo-
grains were polygonal in shape with straight sides. Porosity electric charge constant (d33) and dielectric constant (K3T ).
at triple grain point was reduced. The average grain size d33 is the charge generating ability of the ceramic in direct
measured was about 5.35 lm. It is known that electrome- piezoelectric effect while it indicates the strain or dis-
chanical properties are greatly influenced by the grain size placement ability in converse piezoelectric effect. With the
[24]. Similarly, dense microstructure with optimum grain increase in the La from 1 to 3 mol%, d33 was increased.
size results in better piezoelectric properties [25]. On fur- For 3 mol% of La, optimum value of d33 (468 9 10-12
ther increasing the La substitution to 4 and 5 mol%, grains C/N) was obtained. This was attributed to the reduction in
were reduced dramatically in size to 1.2 lm (Fig. 2d) and the porosity and maximum polarisability for the composi-
1 lm (Fig. 2e) respectively where in fine microstructure tion containing 3 mol% La. The reductions in porosity
with increased porosity was seen. Over all, it was observed increase the polarization per unit volume [17] resulted into
that the grain growth was retarded as the La concentration
was increased. For 2 and 3 mol% addition of La, dense and
uniform microstructure with minimum porosity was seen.
Figure 3 shows the effect of La substitution on
mechanical quality factor (Qm) and electro-mechanical
coupling factor (kp). Qm is the power handling capacity
while kp is the energy conversion efficiency of the ceramic.
From the figure it is evident that as the La content was
increased from 1 to 3 mol%, Qm reduced from 272 to 75.
Reduction in Qm indicates the increase in domain wall
mobility due to creation of Pb vacancies in the lattice.
Further, dramatically decrease in grain size was seen.
Slight increase in Qm to 89 for 5 mol% of La due to
reduction in domain wall motion. On the other hand kp was
increased from 0.60 to 0.68 as the La substitution was
increased from 1 to 3 mol% indicating the increasing Fig. 4 Effect of La on d33 and K3T

Fig. 3 Effect of La on Qm and kp Fig. 5 Effect of La on g33 and FoM

J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2013) 24:411–417 415

a b

c d

Fig. 6 Hysteretic response a La = 1 mol%, b La = 2%, c La = 3 mol%, d La = 4 mol%, e La = 5 mol%

increase in the d33. On further increasing the La, d33 was Figure 5 shows the effect of La substitution on piezo-
slightly decreased attributed to the increase in porosity and electric voltage constant (g33) and on product d33 9 g33 i.e.
reduced polarisability. It is seen that on increasing the La Figure of Merit (FoM). As indicated by Eq. 2, g33 is
substitutions, the dielectric constant (K3T ) was increased to directly proportional to d33 and inversely proportional
2,571 for 5 mol% of La. This may be due to the redistri- toK3T . With increase in La content to 2 mol%, g33 slightly
bution of electrons in the defective areas occurring on decreased from 41.5 to 39.3(9 10-12 V m/N). Further it
substitution of La for Pb atom in PZT, which promotes the reduced substantially to 26.4(9 10-12 V m/N) at 3 mol%
covalent bonding in Ti–O and in Zr–O. Increase in cova- and to 19.4(9 10-12 V m/N) at 5 mol% of La. In general,
lent nature has improved the K3T [26]. This could also be it was observed that increase in La content has reduced the
the reason for drastic reduction in grain size for the com- sensitivity and voltage generation ability of the composi-
position containing 4 and 5 mol% of La. tion. Though the value of g33 was slightly higher for the

416 J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2013) 24:411–417

Table 1 Hysteretic properties of PNS-PZT as function of La content resulted in optimum d33 (468 9 10-12 C/N), kp (0.68), Pr
La content Remanent Coercieve Displacement/
(24.65 lC/cm2) and strain/displacement (D = 2,012 nm).
(mol%) polarisation, field, Ec strain, This indicates that, this composition could be suitable for
Pr (lC/cm2) (V/mm) D (nm) actuator applications.
1 19.01 1,040 837 Acknowledgments Authors would like thank to Director, Arma-
2 24.03 976 1,681 ment Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), Pune for
3 24.65 956 2,012 encouragement and permission to publish this paper. Thanks are also
4 21.33 969 1,307 due to Director, Naval Materials Research Laboratory, Mumbai for
XRD facility and Director, High Energy Materials Research Labo-
5 20.07 1,017 1,217 ratory, Pune for extending the SEM facility.

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