2angoria Book II Moorvale

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Angoria, the World of Adventure


Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

Book II
Moorvale, the Highland of Sorrows
Introduction to the birthplace of magic, and the saddest land in all of Angoria
Editor's Note: The cover image is public domain art, we do not claim ownership.

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

Welcome to Moorvale

o the east of the Midlands, on the eastern
coast of Angoria, is the sorrowful highland of
Moorvale. The dukes and serfs of this land are
known as the Moorvalers, or in the tongue of
the Fey, tamers of magic, for it was allegedly
the Moorvalers that first tamed the raw
magical energy flowing in the veins of Angoria,
and they researched and shaped its power to the point that
they wiped Wild Magic from existence.

Saying that Moorvale has a troubled past is downright an

understatement. Since the establishment of this mighty
Grand Duchy, the people of Moorvale have seen death,
sorrow, and pain. The northmen of Fjordhein, the Faithful of
Thorn coming from the Crags, the nomadic horse tribes, and
the bitter beastfolk whose lands were taken from them in a
great war all wish harm to Moorvale. But the magi that rule
as the dukes do their damnedest to keep their lands safe, and
so far their efforts have paid off.

The dukes of Moorvale are descendants of the first magi that

harnessed the power of magic, and they bear their names
with pride. The dukes elect one amongst themselves to the
position of Archduke every two decades, and their duty is to
keep Moorvale and its people from not collapsing, as well as
keeping the diplomatic relations from dissolving.

The land received its name after a period of time known as

the Beastwar, when the dukes and native beastfolk clashed in
a bloody conflict. The war got so bad that the corpses made
the grounds mucky, creating the dreaded Slaughter Marshes.
After multiple long, bloody, and pointless battles, the dead
began rising, and the war ended as the first undead scourge
began. The corpse hordes were slain, but they would always
haunt the Slaughter Marshes, the grounds they fell on, in a
war with no point, and no conclusion.

In the usual fashion, there will be background information,

NPC blocks, monsters, and a couple of adventures and
encounters to get you acquainted with the lands of Moorvale,
as well as encounter tables and wilderness information, and
rules for ruling domains.

-Viktor S. the Duke of Fockoll

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)
Slaughter Town
Arrival Outside of the Tavern
The town of Slaughter Town is where Moorvale's worst scum The tavern is an old stone building, with a wooden patched up
gathers. Monster hunters, runaway criminals, northmen who roof, and a woodshed for winters. The windows were boarded
can't return home at the threat of axe in the neck, and so
much more. However, the usually quiet town near the up, but the boards have been broken out of the way of the
northern Slaughter Marsh is now blazing in a survival battle, horde. The door is barricaded from within, but it looks like it'll
as ghouls and wights are rushing southward from the break down soon too. Archers are firing down from the roof,
marshes. Luckily the party has arrived on scene. but the undead won't be stopping anytime soon.

The Walls After the undead are dealt with, the survivors will regroup
The wooden walls of the town are covered in scratch marks and start planning the next step of their defense line. There's
and damage from previous undead assaults. It goes around the
a mad wounded man lying on one of the tables, mumbling
something. On a DC 15 Perception check it can be heard he
entire town, but the gates have been broken down by what
speaks of a big rotten hulking beast with a big club and sharp
appears to have been either multiple violent living corpses, or fangs. The twelve guards at the tavern will send five of their
one heavy one. The air reeks of bog water and rancid flesh. All own to look for other survivors aside from the ones at the
this is a message. Welcome to Slaughter Town. town hall. The party will be promised 200 gold if they save
the mayor and the survivors at the town hall and bring them
to the tavern. They're also promised 100 gold extra if they
As the party enters the town they'll run into 1d6 ghouls and a can find the captain of the guard, or recover his sword.
wight. The party will be assisted by 2 town guards who try to
hold off the wight. They'll most likely die. There's also a dying
thug in an alleyway whose cries of pain can be heard on a DC Inside the Tavern
12 Perception check. He'll tell the players the other defenders The tavern is a dark place, with a dimly burning fireplace, and
are holed up in the tavern and the town hall, and will die from mostly broken or missing furniture. The tavern keeper is a level
a massive hole in his guts, courtesy of a wight.
Editor's Note: the wights in this adventure do not use 6 fighter with splint armor and a longsword. There's a pile of
weapons, instead relying on their 1d8 claws. Panic if your dead corpses in the corner of the main area, including the
guts are stabbed with a bare hand, as if you survive you'll die barmaids. The bar counter is made of dark oak, and has several
of diseases contracted from the bog watered claw. booze bottles on it, all empty. Overall, a depressing sight.

Street Encounters
1d6+2 wights
The Town Hall
The party arrives to the town hall as it's being sieged by even
2 2d6 zombies more undead. 2d6+2 ghouls and 4 wights overlooking the
3 2d4 ghouls attack. They're also reinforced by 3d4 zombies armed with
hand axes and daggers. The noises is almost maddening.
4 12 skeletons
5 2d4+1 Undead dire wolves (ghoul's touch)
Outside the Town Hall
6 Ghost
The town hall is an old building, with a decrepit tile roof. The
outside has broken barricades around with guard corpses
From this point, the party can go to either the tavern or the around them and on them. Three destroyed ballistas have been
town hall, both of which will have 2-4 street encounters. set up behind the line of barricades, seemingly smashed to
pieces with some big blunt object. The courtyard is littered
The Tavern with dead guards, some bitten to death, some bashed to
The party will arrive to the tavern, where the survivors are death, and some stomped on by something.
fighting against a large group of undead. By that I am
referring to 2d6+3 ghouls, and half as many wights. The The party can help the survivors clear out the dead, and gain
situation seems desperate, but the party can still save them. access inside the town hall. The mayor and the other
survivors will be grateful for the help, but the celebration will
be cut short as a volley of huge boulders tear into the town
hall. This is when the party will run into Oogie, the ogre

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

Oogie, the Ogre Zombie
Extraordinaire Saxton
Oogie is unlike any ogre that lives. He is counted as huge, and Level 4 Half Elf Cavalier Fighter
will fight from range by tossing 3d6 boulders at the party (DC
14 Dexterity save to dodge). If the party gets in melee range, Armor Class 16 (chainmail)
Oogie will use his 2d10 greatclub. Oogie's thick skin grants Hit Points 36
him 14 natural AC, and he is a CR 3 creature rather than 2. Speed 30 ft.
(700 XP)
Oogie is backed by 2d6 zombies, and a wight named Blutark,
the former guard captain. Blutark will feather anyone trying 20 (+5) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 7 (-2)
to kill Oogie with his longbow, and going up against him in
melee is a bad idea considering his +1 sword. If Oogie is Skills Athletics +7
killed, Blutark will run. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Elvish, Common

After the fight, if Blutark didn't manage to escape, and the Arsenal
mayor is still alive, the party will be paid a grand total of 300
gold. They cannot have Blutark's sword. Glaive. Melee Attack: +7 to hit, 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d10+5 slashing damage
The Preparations
The mayor believes that the undead horde came from the Saxton is a good fighter, but he's kind of rude. He will agree
Slaughter Marsh up north, which is why the town was named to help, but demands 25% of the loot. If the party refuses,
how it is. He will offer the party 250 gold for stopping the he'll pretend he doesn't care, but will stalk them. There's a
coming of the dead, as well as a +1 weapon for any one party 25% chance that he drowns in the marsh.
member. The party can decline, and the town will remain in
this new state of horror and undead marching onward, until it
will inevitably be overrun. However, if the party accepts, they
can hire some help from the tavern. Parnel
Level 2 Human Ranger
Slaughter Town Hirelings
Armor Class 15 (Scale)
Hit Points 36
Tharp Speed 30 ft.

Level 3 Tinker Gnome Swashbuckler Rogue

Armor Class 15 (studded leather) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)
Hit Points 21
Speed 25 ft. Skills Athletics +2, Acrobatics +5, Perception +4
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Sylvan, Common
8 (-1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) Arsenal
Skills Stealth +5, Persuasion +6, Performance +6 Scimitar (both hands). Melee Attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft.,
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 one target. Hit: 1d6+3 slashing damage
Languages Halfling, Common, Sylvan
Parnel is a young shy human lady, who offers to help the
Arsenal party for 15% of the treasure. She will try her best to help the
Rapier. Melee attack: +5 to hit, 5 ft., one target. Hit: party, but she also gets into trouble often.
1d8+3 piercing damage

Tharp will agree to help the party, and only asks for 60 gold
upfront and after the gig. He will also try to woo female party
members, though he will respect denial. He is a Tinker
Gnome (rebranded rock gnome).

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

The Slaughter Marsh
As the party enters the Slaughter Marsh, they'll notice the
undead are quite damn abundant. At the marsh's outskirts,
there's two wights keeping guard who will not fight the party.
A wight will point them through the marsh, and tell them that
their master is awaiting them. If the party tries to kill either
wight, they will attack. The party will be let in, and they'll
hear diabolical laugher in the air.

The Slaughter Marsh

The Slaughter Marsh truly earns its name. The ear reeks of
corpses and death, no animal would be mad enough to reside
here, which is why the place is so damn quiet. Continuing on,
the quietness and reek begin crawling under one's skin, and
paranoia is not uncommon in this terrible watery hell.

Slaughter Marsh Encounters (4-5)

d6 Encounter
1 1d6 wights
2 2d4+2 ghouls
3 2 ghosts
4 Werewolf
5 3d6 zombies
6 1d8+3 skeletons

Should the party make it to the end of the undead hordes,

they will be greeted by a monstrous figure. Azvan Sarul, a
Dreadknight, or a vampire with plate armor to put it simply. If
the party asks him who he is, he will give his name and title.
If asked who he serves, he will simply answer "Deadrend".
After this, he will attack the party.

If the party is defeated, Azvan will leave them to be consumed

by his remaining "pets", but will congratulate them for an
excellent and entertaining performance. After that he will
simply transform into a swarm of rotting bats, and fly
towards the north.

If the party defeats Azvan, he will curse the party, and sing a
praise to the Necrolord. After this he will collapse to the
muddy ground, and the dead he has raised will die. On him is
a silver spear, and a cursed helmet that will grant it wearer +1
AC and 30 more feet of darkvision, but it will suck a
character's blood if it's put on. It will do this for 2 days, until
the character is drained entirely. Only a Remove Curse can
stop the process.

After this Slaughter Town will be free of the undead attacks,

and the mayor will give them the promised reward.

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

War on the Coast
On the way to the castle, the party will notice the people are
Opening clearly afraid, but seeing the characters seems to relieve their
The coast of Moorvale is more often than not plagued by fear. At the castle the players will meet the duke, an old man
pirates, sea raiders, and beasts. But now, it seems the pirates in red robes, whose fiery red hair has silvery stripes on it. He
have struck a deal with the coastal gnoll and tabaxi clans. sits on a gold decorated mahogany throne, and is a level 7
Their new alliance has put the coastal guard of Moorvale rogue and a level 5 sorcerer with a +2 rapier.
under a serious threat. The situation isn't helped by the
hostiles using each other's knowledge to curb stomp the He will inform the party about a coastal outpost a little ways
coastal guard's advances. The dukes of the coastal region of to the west being sieged by beastfolk. He'll order the party to
Moorvale have promised great riches to whoever can put an break the siege, and the lord commander of the coastal guard
end to this. will guide them from there. He will also give the party a
The party will receive a letter from a courier, who will inform retinue of 5 soldiers. On the way there the party should have
them that the dukes are seeking champions to battle the 2-3 wilderness encounters and a chance to rest up.
beastfolk-pirate alliance. The letter is from duke McDimm, Moorvale Wilderness Encounters
from the northwestern coast.
d8 Encounter

Hail to you, brave of heart! 1 1d8+2 gnolls

I, duke McDimm of Moorvale, face a dire situation on this day. 2 2d6+1 tabaxi bandits
Bitter beastfolk tribes have allied with the pirates plaguing the 3 1 Ghost
coast. I am now seeking champions to drive back the horde.
4 2d6 pirates (bandits)
To any who heed my call, I shall grant a magic wand of
missiles, and one thousand gold pieces from the royal 5 1d12+3 wolves
treasury. No matter your race, no matter your profession, you 6 1d4+1 ogres
are needed by the people of Moorvale, to end this new hell.

- Duke McDimm of Grasmere Arbington Outpost

The party will arrive to the outpost, which is indeed being
If the party accepts this summon, they must make their way sieged by a combined force of gnolls and tabaxi. The
to the town of Grasmere. There they'll be greeted by defenders are being swarmed on the walls, and the battle
Moorvaler soldiers, who will escort them to the duke's castle. mages are doing their damnedest to hold up morale.

Arbington Outpost
Moorvaler Soldier The outpost is surrounded by a 30 odd feet tall stone wall. The
Medium Humanoid (Human), Lawful Neutral ramparts are torn by siege weapon fire, and defense lines are
being reinforced at all times. Soldiers are keeping an eye on
Armor Class 17 (scale mail and shield) the enemies, and the battle mages are issuing orders to
Hit Points 24 (3d8+6) troops.
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) Beastfolk Siege Camp
The gnolls and tabaxi have set up a camp around the outpost.
Senses passive Perception 9 The warriors are rushing to the walls every 10 minutes, and
Languages Common, and any other language the leaders of the army are overlooking the assaults. The army
Challenge 1 (200 XP) is being led by a gnoll and two tabaxis in splint armor and
wearing helmets resembling sea serpent heads.
Silver Spear. Melee attack: +4 to hit, 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1d6+2 piercing damage The army leaders are level 5 paladins of vengeance, with
greatswords. The gnoll also has a level in ranger, and wields a
Spellcasting. Moorvaler Soldier knows 2 level 1 +1 longbow. If the leaders are slain, the siege may break. If
spells and cantrips of choice. the party defeats them, the gnoll will blow into a horn, and
the beastfolk army will flee southward.

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)
After the battle is won, the lord commander will show
himself. He is lord commander McLorm, and he is a level 5
Eldritch Knight fighter. He will inform the party about their Brigandine
tasks, and promises a reward of 150 gold for each of the
three tasks cleared. Large Naval Vehicle

The pirate blockade Armor Class 14

The beastfolk cavern Hit Points 120
Stranded reinforcements Speed 80 ft.

McLorm will then inform the party that once they've done Actions
these tasks, the coastal guard will handle any stragglers, and
finish off the remaining forces. 8 cannons (each side). Ranged Attack: +2 to
wielder's hit rolls, 300/550 ft., one target. Hit:
3d8+6 bludgeoning and piercing damage
The Pirate Blockade
The waters around the outpost are being held by the pirate
fleet, consisting of smaller but more agile and faster The party can of course try to sink Morgan's ship from afar,
brignatines, led by a large galleon captained by George but it will prove to be rather difficult, as they are facing
Morgan a notorious buccaneer wanted in every coastal duchy against a veteran sailor. If Morgan's ship is reduced to half
of Moorvale. HP, he will ram into the party's ship, and his crew will board
the party's ship. Morgan is a level 6 Swashbuckler rogue,
with 2 levels in fighter. If he dies, a crewmate will sever his
The party will be given a map leading to a small cove where head and raise it in the air, telling the pirates to flee for their
Duke's Blade, a large royal galleon will await them. The ship's lives, as their captain has fallen. This will clear the pirate
crew is made up of 20 Moorvaler soldiers, and a mage. blockade, and the royal navy can move in to finish the fight.

This battle is a naval fight, and the players will simply

The Beastfolk Cavern
command the crew to move the ship, and fire cannons. The outpost and the farmsteads in the surrounding area have
Enemies will hop onto the ship and try to kill the players, but seen increased numbers of beastfolk raids, and the rangers
the true goal of the battle is to get to captain Morgan, and kill have tracked down the raiders to an underground cavern
him, as his death will surely demoralize the pirate fleet and system, where the beastfolk generals are supposedly hiding.
disband them. The party will be asked to go to the cavern, and clear it of any
beastfolk activity. They can keep the treasure they find, and
they must release any prisoners the beastfolk are holding.
Galleon The way to the cavern is fairly straightforward, with some
Huge Naval Vehicle wilderness encounters on the way there. The outside is
guarded by 2d4 gnolls, and they're led by a tabaxi berserker.
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 300 Cavern Encounters (5-6)
Speed 60 ft. d6 Encounter
1 1d12+4 gnolls
Actions 2 2d4+1 dire wolves
15 Cannons (on both sides). Ranged Attack: +2 to
wielder's hit rolls, 300/550 ft., one target. Hit: 3 2d6 hobgoblin mercenaries
3d10+6 bludgeoning and piercing damage 4 3d4+1 pirates
5 1d8+6 tabaxi scouts
The pirates will jump onto the ship in groups of 2d6+2, and 6 2 ogre mercenaries
the crew will help the party fight them off. Morgan's vessel
will hang back and fire at the ship while the unarmed
brigandines will deliver more pirates to the fight. Most of these encounters can be avoided without a fight,
through deceit and bribery, but the gnolls and ogres are not
ones to negotiate, as they're either too stupid, or too zealous
to the cause to actually let the party off the hook.


Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)
Special Encounters in the Caverns Stranded Reinforcements
The Gnoll Quarters The party is informed of a group of soldiers that were
This place is a mess. There's several bunk beds in the room, supposed to reinforce the guard, but they've been attacked by
as well as 2d6+6 gnolls. Once they're dealt with, the party the beastfolk and their hired blade allies, and have not made
can find 12 prisoners here, including women and children, as it to the outpost yet. Should the party accept, they'll be sent to
well as a lot of weapons, easily 200 gold worth of them. the nearby patch of forest, where the soldiers were moving
through. There's a couple of wilderness encounters on the
The Tabaxi Quarters way there, maybe 2-4.
This cavernous room has several well laid out bedrolls and
pillow piles lying around, and 2d8+4 tabaxi guards are here, Once the party reaches the woods, there's something
playing poker. There's a 50% chance that they're drunk, and immediately off. The woods are dead silent. The silence is
will most likely get friendly with the party if they don't make only occasionally broken with something large moving
the first move. If the party manages to deal with them, each through the trees. There's no sounds of battle, no calls from
of the 20 or so pillow piles has 60 silver coins hidden in the darkness. All there is is the deathly silence of the woods.
them, findable with a DC 16 Perception or Investigation
check. There's also 6 prisoners in this room.
The party will soon find the scene of the battle, but there's no
The Armory one there. No blood, no corpses, no signs of any intense
This room is most likely the best organized one out of any of fighting, nothing. A DC 15 Survival check will reveal the
the cavern rooms. Here the party will find 500 gold worth of footsteps of something large, as well as several smaller ones,
weapons and armor, and 20 slaves tending to all of it. There's all going in the same direction. If the party follows the tracks,
also an ogre and 2d4 gnolls guarding the area. they'll end up at a small forest pond, where they find a shack.
And outside it, the beastfolk and Moorvaler troops, all
The War Room chained up, although many of them are missing. If the party
In this room there is only 4 tabaxi guards guarding the place, gets closer, a troll emerges from the woods, and sits down
as well as one of the beastfolk commanders, a level 4 tabaxi near the soldiers. It seems to be talking to them in fluent
battlemaster fighter. Once the party deals with this area in Common, showing exceptional amounts of intelligence. The
the best way that they see fit, the room has a small treasure troll will then grab three soldiers and take them into the
hoard of 150 gold. The commander has two +1 daggers, and shack.
splint armor. In the dead center of the room is a large map
shaped table of Moorvale's coast. On the table is an ornate If the party goes to free the soldiers they'll tell the party that
key, and with a DC 14 Investigation or Perception check the they were led into the dark by an illusion of the most
party can find a hidden keyhole in the wall, which opens the beautiful maiden alive. They were then led to the shack of a
door to the warlord's chambers. hag, where the troll, apparently called Wilburn, chained them,
and started patrolling the area. The hag will sometimes call
The Warlord's Chamber him to bring her more soldiers for some purpose, supposedly
The chamber is a large cavernous area, with banners to be eaten. They'll tell the party that the hag has the key to
depicting a fearsome beastfolk warrior slaying a wizard lining the chains, and this is when Wilburn walks back outside. The
the walls. The warlord is a gnoll with 7 levels in fighter, and 2 party can fight him, or they can try to talk their way out of it,
in rogue. He's armed with a +2 shortsword, and has a Ring of maybe even getting the troll to ally with them against the hag.
Evasion (DMG p. 191). He sits upon a throne of obsidian, and
wears light armor. He welcomes the party to his chamber, and If the party takes too long to deal with Wilburn, or they do
congratulates them for making it as far as they have. end up fighting him, the Green Hag will emerge from the
However, he will also tell the party that they should just go. shack, and attack the party. However, while the party focuses
The war they've signed up for is not of their concern, and on the hag, they'll also get ambushed by four hypnotized
they've been drafted by an unrightful ruler. He will tell the gnolls that were hiding in the bushes. Should the party win,
party of the Beastwar, a great conflict that left the beastfolk of Wilburn will disappear in the woods, and the soldiers will go
Moorvale as lower class citizens or outlaws, and he tells them their own way. The beastfolk will thank the party, and ask
that he'll let them go if they just walk away now, so he may them to not hurt them, as it would just be dishonorable, and
continue his war effort. in bad taste. After this, they will head on their way, no longer
involving themselves with the war.
If the party refuses his offer of just walking away, the warlord
will open an ornate jar, which releases a cloud of magical After all is done?
darkness into the room for1d8 rounds (the jar can be used The duke will indeed grant the party with a thousand gold, as
once per day and is worth 750 gold). He cackles, and makes well as a wand of magic missiles, and any one magic item of
jokes about the party now having to flail about while he their choice. He will be forever in debt to the party, and even
attacks them from the dark. It's ironic, because he's promises to write a letter of recommendation to the archduke
technically blind as well. Arwald McMinar.
If the party defeats the warlord, they're free to leave the
caverns, and leave the stragglers for the coastal guard.

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

Other things
Maps for play
The maps from this book can be downloaded from Here for
Followers and Apprentices
printing and playing purposes. Eventually characters will reach a high enough level, usually
5-7, to attract people who want to learn from them, and be
About the statblocks their apprentice. They will follow the character around, and
assist them in fights, learning their moves and behaviors.
Tabaxi guards and bandits, as well as any other creatures Characters can teach them many things, and they will
with a profession name, can be found in the NPC section of eventually leave the player after reaching high enough level,
the Monster Manual, should you not be aware of this. You can usually 3-5. They will be considered an ally from that point
also make your own stats, I'm not stopping you. onward, and they can be called to aid the character with
whatever they may need. Characters can have followers equal
Moorvale Wilderness to a minimum of 1+Charisma bonus.
Adventures Owning Land
The Wilderness Encounter Tables Once a character reaches their 8th level, they are granted the
d20 Encounter possibility to own land, as they should have a high enough
standing in the social structure at that point. The usual
1 3d6+1 wights amount of ownable land is 20 miles in all directions, with
2 3d10+2 bandits farming and hunting grounds around to support the
character's property economically.
3 1d6 ghosts
4 Troll The lands will be served by serfs and their families. The
5 Dire wlves player should make sure the serfs are kept pleased, as they
6 Vampire
could revolt, and at that point it's only the player's most loyal
followers keeping them from the guillotine being set up by an
7 2d6+2 gnolls angry mob.
8 2d4+3 ghouls
9 1d8 Gargoyles perched on a rooftop There are three types of property a character can own, each
with their own benefits. These benefits might suffer if the
10 12 wolves player is not careful with their thinking and actions.
11 2d6+6 goblins
Property Benefits
12 1d12+3 hobgoblins
200gp minimum income per month, artisans,
13 2d10 orcs free things for "testing" purposes
14 1d6+1 goblins on worgs 100gp of taxes a month, serfs working the land,
high social status
15 1d8+2 skeletons
200gp of taxes per month, army, serfs to work
16 20 zombies Castle the land, high social status, safety, powerful
17 A dragon, any color allies
18 A satyr or other Fey citizen
19 Mage With this knowledge, you should be able to create interesting
political play, and this section can be expanded as much as
20 1d4 wraiths you like.
Running Moorvale Wilderness Editor's Note: Rules for mass combat and
warfare will be featured in the Fjordhein
Adventures book, so please be patient :-)
The wilderness of Moorvale is not different from other
wildernesses in any significant way, but the key differences
are the more Gothic of the land, the constant rains, and the
abundance of undead. Fey are also a big part of Moorvale,
forming a portion of the land's population, so do something
interesting with them.


Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

More Credits
Thanks once again to my editor, and look out for
the next book, which covers the lands of the
Lands southern Angoria, from the Fonagarth Steppe, to
the Born Dunes, all the way to the barren and
dead Magnetic South, even if there's nothing to

see there.

People of Moorvale are sad ones. Their land was
paid for in the blood of innocents, and their
rulers struggle to keep the land in balance, as the
terrors from the north and south come, trying to
take away what they have built.

The land of the mage dukes is covered in bad

land, and rain like nowhere else. The people pray
every day and night for a safe tomorrow, as
undead come from the moors, and war is
looming on the horizon.

Perhaps you can make this land better? Maybe

not. But at least you can try to give them hope of
a better tomorrow.

Richie Stevens (Order #24539257)

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