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Level 7 Graduate Diploma TESOL

Assignment Brief: Module 03

Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning
Module Number and Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning
Academic Year 2021

Unit Assessor Mrs. Champa Fernando

Assignment Title Assignment 01: Essay Submission from Section A

Assignment 02: Essay Submission from Section B

Issue Date
16th of March 2021
Submission Date
16th of April 2021



Submission Format:
To be submitted in the form of a word-processed Document. This needs to be submitted in the form

of both word and PDF format.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO 1. Be aware of the factors affecting teaching aims

LO 2. Know what is involved in syllabus designing
LO 3. Understand the role of a teacher and have a basis for self- evaluation
LO 4 be aware of the different modes of class room interaction
LO 5. Be able to plan effective lessons

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria for Module 03

Pass Merit Distinction

Learning Outcome
Minimum language No language errors. Use different grammatical
errors structures and a range of
vocabulary with no
language errors
LO 1. Be aware of the Mentions the factors States the aims available Explains how to set aims
factors affecting teaching affecting teaching aims to select according to considering the factors.
aims teaching situations

LO 2. Know what is Relate the items Explains how the Selects the functional or
involved in syllabus involved in syllabus syllabuses can be structural syllabus as
designing designing in the answer designed appropriate in planning

LO 3. Understand the role Notes the different Demonstrates the Evaluates the role of a
of a teacher and have a roles of a teacher. responsibilities of teacher in a given situation.
basis for self- evaluation There is no evidence in different roles a teacher
Pays attention to the
the answer that the play. Lists the criteria to
background, selects the
candidate is aware of evaluate self. teaching context, mentions
self - evaluation the aims, and describes the
learners. **
LO 4 be aware of the Intentionally blank Intentionally blank Displays the knowledge of
different modes of class the different modes of
room interaction classroom interaction
patterns as appropriate in
questions the candidate
LO 5. Be able to plan Lesson plans illustrate Lesson plans are done Lesson plans are presented
effective lessons the fundamental with considerable with complete agreement
categories of selecting, information in the plan. with criteria set for
grading and planning lessons. Rationale
incorporating activities. behind the selection of
items is indicated as a note.

*In Section B, Lesson planning state whether your lessons are based on structural, functional or mix of
both kinds of syllabi.
**Use the self-evaluation check list to strengthen characteristics of the role of a teacher.

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
Graduate Diploma in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

Assessment Brief


Unit Number and Title Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning

Academic Year 2021

Unit Tutor Mrs. Champa Fernando

Assignment Title Assignment 01: Essay Submission from Section A

Assignment 02: Essay Submission from Section B

Issue Date
16 -03 -2021
Submission Date 16 -04 -2021


Submission Format

General Guidelines: You should submit two essays or pieces of work, one from section A and
one from section B. For this unit the second is a compulsory piece of work.

Assignment Question from Section A: To be submitted in the form of a word-processed essay to

address one question from section A.

Assessment Summary:
1. Examine the role of an EFL/ESL teacher in a specific teaching situation (obviously from your
own experience if possible). You can cover the role not only in the classroom, but in the
institution or even further, in the community or society as a whole.

Examples: British teacher in a secondary school in Germany

Nigerian teacher of seven-year olds using English as a second language.
Teacher of primary pupils in Birmingham whose mother tongue is not English.
Japanese teacher teaching English at upper secondary level in a Japanese city.
Teacher on a holiday course, mixed nationality students, on the south coast of

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
2. Prepare a scheme of work for about 90 hours of teaching, which may be spread in one of the
following ways:
A two-hour evening class, once a week for 3 terms of 12 weeks.
Four 45-minute classes per week for 3 terms of 12 weeks.
Three 1-hour classes, ditto.
Three hours of English per day, 5 days a week for 6 weeks.
Three weeks intensive English, consisting of 5 days of 6 hours each.

Specify the age and level of the students. Indicate the pattern of activity - one lesson a week
devoted to writing compositions, 10 minutes a week to pronunciation practice, or whatever is
your choice. Include the course aims, the language items or functions introduced or revised
(lesson aims), sample language, and for some of the items give examples of practice activities
which seem particularly appropriate.

3. Prepare a diagnostic test for a class of students you are about to take over. You should specify
the age and approximate suspected level of the students. Briefly explain the purpose of each
section of the test. State any time limits imposed; if none, state the expected duration.

Guidelines for Formatting: The written account must be in Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 line
spacing. Should not exceed more than 1500 words.

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Submission Format

Assignment Question from Section B: To be submitted in the form of a word-processed essay to

address one question from section B.

Assessment Summary: The below given question is compulsory for you to attempt.
Answer both part a) and part b).

a) Write lesson plans for three of the situations i - viii.

i. To introduce and practise the present simple tense to a class whose age you may

ii. To introduce and practise too + adjective, as in It's too high to reach, to a class of
under 11 years whose age otherwise you may choose.

iii. To introduce and practise adverbs of frequency - sometimes, always etc. - to a class
under 15 years old.

iv. To contrast a use of the present simple and present continuous tenses with a class
of adults.

v. To teach describing motion, using some new verbs of motion and some
already known, to a class under 11 years old.

vi. To teach for the first time the function of making suggestions, to a class under 15
years old.

vii. To teach the function of expressing disagreement, with varying degrees of

politeness, to a class of adults.

viii. To teach the language of a specific social situation to a class of adults, e.g.
at a dinner party, in a pub, at a school open day, at the theatre.

b) Write three lesson plans of your choice. (Number them ix, x, xi.)

Guidelines for Formatting: The written account must be in Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 line
spacing. Should not exceed more than 1500 words.

Please use Harvard style of referencing when providing your answer. This needs to be followed
with both Intext citation and final list of references.

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General Guidelines

1. A cover page or title page: You should always attach a title page to your assignment.
2. Fill the details requested in the cover pages accurately.
3. This entire brief needs to be attached first before answering the assignment questions.
4. All the assignments need to be prepared using word processing software. For example, Microsoft
Office Packages.
5. Allow 1-inch margin on each side of the paper. (Top, Bottom, Left and Right)

Word-processing Guidelines

1. Use a font type that is easy for the examiner or the marker to read. The font size should be 12 and
should be in the style of Times New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing; justify all the content of the paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, and Assignment No and
Page number on each page.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check in final editing of the assignment.

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Important Points

1. Check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late submissions
will not be accepted.
2. Ensure that you give yourself enough time in completing the assignments by the deadline.
3. Don’t leave important thing such as printing to the last minute, or ability cause any technical errors
at the last minute. Excuses for such cases will not be accepted for failure to hand in work on time.
4. You should ensure to manage your time effectively.
5. Failure in achieving at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL to be given.
6. Non submission of work without any valid reason also results in REFERRAL. You are required to
either repeat the module or work on an alternative assignment.
7. Plagiarism is highly disallowed and this may lead to REFERRAL of the assignment or even be
excluded from the course once being caught (Plagiarism: It is the act of attempting to pass off other
people’s work and ideas as your own. This includes: copying from another learner, copying from
books or the internet, paraphrasing, subcontracting the work to someone else, and submitting the
same piece of work for two different purposes).

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Module 03
Section A – Question 03

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3. Prepare a diagnostic test for a class of students you are about to take over. You should specify
the age and approximate suspected level of the students. Briefly explain the purpose of each
section of the test. State any time limits imposed; if none, state the expected duration.

 This diagnostic test is prepared for B1 level students who are between the ages 12 – 13. B1 level
students are in year 08 and they can be assumed as independent language users.

TIME – 1 hour 45 minutes

 PART 01 - Reading

1. Read the given texts/notices and select the correct answer.

 This section evaluates the candidate’s ability to read and understand basic texts related to real world
situations. Candidates are supposed to go through the given texts and select the most suitable answer
out of the multiple choice answers A, B and C. When approaching this section, candidates must
thoroughly read and understand the texts in relation to their context and then compare the multiple
choice answers to select the most suitable option.



Contact – Emily 6498746290

A. The books are for sale for a high price.

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
B. The books are in very good condition.
C. The books have never been used – they are brand new.


Buy two packets of crisps and get one

packet of any flavoured crisps FOR

Offer valid only on STAR


A. You will be getting one packet free when you buy two packets of crisps.
B. The free packet of crisps is of limited flavours.
C. The offer is not valid in store.

Please note that there will be no
basketball practices on Monday evening.

The practices will be rescheduled for

Thursday morning.

A. Monday evening swimming practices

have been cancelled.
B. The next practice session would be on Thursday morning.
C. Basketball practises would be held on Monday evening.

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A. Sarah’s friend Toni would love to come to the party.

B. Jane’s friend Toni would love to come to the party.
C. Jane’s friend Sarah would love to come to the party.


A. Julia is not available on Friday to go sailing.

B. Andy is available on Friday to go sailing.
C. Andy is available on both Saturday and Sunday but he prefers Saturday.

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 Part 02 – Reading
2. Read the given text and state whether the given statements are true or false.
 This section evaluates the candidate’s ability to concentrate on extracting specific factual information
through a given text. The candidate should also be able to understand the meaning conveyed through
the passage, even if there are some vocabulary and phrases that they are unfamiliar with. They should
skim and scan the text to find out whether the given single sentence statements are true or false
according the given passage.

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
A. When planets orbit the sun, they move around in a perfect circle. (True/False)
B. The Earth takes 365 days to completely go around the sun. (True/False)
C. The axis is a visible line that goes straight down the Earth from the North to South pole.
D. If we take a look at Earth from outer space, we can see that the Earth is slightly tilted.
E. The Earth always has the same distance from the Sun. (True/False)
F. A good way to gain a better understanding about the movements of the Earth and the Sun is to spin
a basketball on your finger. (True/False)

 Part 03 – Reading/Writing
3. Read the text and write the correct answers for the questions given below.
 In this section candidates need to showcase that they have understood the writer’s purpose, attitude and
opinion conveyed through the text and that they have understood the general and widespread meaning
of the text. They are expected to write short yet comprehensive answers for the questions given.

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A. Why would robots perform better than doctors at diagnosing illness in some cases?

B. Who is the British education expert who predicts that robots would take over the classrooms in
the future?
C. According to the British education expert, what will be the role of robots and human teachers in
a futuristic classroom?

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D. What problems can be solved by using robots as teachers in a classroom?
E. According to the article, is it a good idea or a bad idea to have robots as teachers in the future?
Justify your answer by giving reasons from the article.
 Part 04 – Writing
4. You were unable to go to school today as you were sick. Write a note to your friend Anna
including the following points;
 Why you were absent to school today
 Ask if you could borrow her English book to copy down the note
 Say when you will return her book.
Write about 40 – 50 words in your answer sheet.
 In this section, candidates are expected to write a short note which communicates and includes the
points that were asked to discuss. The candidates must pay attention to the given context, the receiver
of the note, the purpose of writing the note, including the content points given. The candidates would
be assessed by their ability to understand the given context, clarity of their writing as well as sticking
to the given word limit.

 Part 05 – Grammar
In this section the candidates would be assessed on their grammar knowledge on passive voice,
reported speech and conditional sentences.
V.1Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.

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A new arts and cultural centre _____________________ (OPEN) in our town last week.
The centre ____________________ (BELIEVE) to be one of the largest and finest in the
country and experts hope that it __________ (VISIT) by thousands of both professional and
amateur artists over the duration of the next few years.
V.2Change to reported speech.
I. She asked me,” Where have you been?”
She asked me __________________________________
II. She said to me, “Close your eyes!”
She told me ______________________________________
III. Oliver said, “Please, can I have some more food?”
Oliver asked _____________________________________
IV. The park attendant said, “Don’t walk on the grass!”
The park attendant warned us _________________________
V. Roy said, “I own two cars.”
Roy said that _______________________________________________

V.3Complete the sentences with correct form of conditional.

I. . If my girlfriend left me, I _____________________ miserable. (FEEL)
II. I _____________________ that if I were you. (NOT SAY)
III. If I had lost my way I _______________________ to the nearest police station.
IV. 10.If I _____________________ a spider in my bathroom I would cry out loud.
V. 11.The teacher will be very angry if you _____________________ in your
homework on time. (NOT HAND)

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a) Write lesson plans for three of the situations.
i. To introduce and practise the present simple tense to a class whose age you may choose.

Teacher’s Activity
Level – Pre-intermediate Time
(Age – 11-13) Resources Students’ Contribution to
Time – 1 Hour 15 minutes activity the aim
1.To – Present
begin Simple
the lesson, Tensewill 5
teacher Flashcards Students are By this activity,
Number of students – 20
Mainsome common
objective/ Aimaction
– Byverbs
the end ofminutes (attachment
the lesson, supposed
the students will to to identify
be able students will get
The present simple tense in a text and to form basic sentences in present simple tense, without
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making any errors.
Assumption Nuwanya
– The studentsSenarath
are able toYapa – Graduate
understand Diploma
basic level in TESOL
of English – Module
and have a basic03
understanding about verbs as well as the purposes of tense in a language.
Resources/ Aids – Flashcards, whiteboard, markers.
from the class. To do this, the (T-ST) 1.1), participate in the exposure to
teacher may use flashcards whiteboard, eliciting the action verbs that
depicting those action verbs. Marker action verbs as are used to form
(Attachment 1.1) When the well as to identify the present simple
students identify the action verbs, the activities tense. Also, the
the teacher may write a short list of depicted in the teacher is able to
action verbs on the white board. flashcards. get a general idea
about each student
by the eliciting
technique, in order
to deliver a more
lesson according to
each students’
2. Next, the teacher will elicit 10 Whiteboard, Students are By this activity,
from the class some actions minutes Marker supposed to students will be
that they do every day, before (5 contribute with primarily exposed
school. Once the students give minutes ideas of their to the formation of
their answers, the teacher will – daily routine so present simple
write those sentences on the Elicitin that the teacher is tense.
board with the use of first g able to write
person singular pronoun “I” as 5 them on the
well. minutes board.

on the
3. Once the class had come up 15 White Students are This activity will
with basic sentences such as “I minutes board, supposed to come formally introduce
wake up”, “I eat” etc., the marker up to the board as the present simple
teacher will ask students at requested and tense in first
random to come up to the modify the person singular
board and modify the sentences written context to the
sentences with extra bits of on the board. student. They are
information such as “I wake up Once this task is able to identify
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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
at 7 o’clock” or “I eat done, the students and form basic
breakfast”. will write those sentences using
Once all the sentences have sentences down first person
been modified by the students, in their exercise singular pronoun
the teacher can formally books under the of the present
introduce the present simple title ‘Present simple tense.
tense to the students as the simple tense –
base form of the verb: Fist person
4. The teacher will now go 15 White Students are Through this
around the class again, asking minutes board, supposed to activity, students
children about their daily marker participate in are formally
routine during school holidays. eliciting and then exposed to the
Once the children answer, for covert all the present simple
an example saying “I watch sentences that tense in second
kids’ movies” the teacher may they wrote person singular
repeat it saying “You watch previously into context. They are
kids’ movies”. Once this has second person able to identify
been done a several times, the singular under and form basic
teacher walks up to the board the title Present sentences using
and introduce the second simple tense – first second person
person singular pronoun ‘You’ second person singular pronoun
to the class, and teach them singular”. of the present
that the verb formation is the simple tense.
base of the verb for this part as
well. And then the teacher
gives the students a written
activity for this part.
5. Next, the teacher would elicit 15 Whiteboard, Students are Through this
from the class whether they are minutes marker supposed to activity, students
aware of the third person participate in are formally
singular pronouns. Once the eliciting and exposed to the
teacher gets a satisfactory answer to the present simple
answer from the class, she may teacher while she tense in third
introduce “He/She” as third asks the class to person singular
person singular pronouns. convert the context. They are
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Once the pronouns are sentences, able to identify
introduced, the teacher would randomly. Then and form basic
introduce the rule of adding ‘s’ the students will sentences using
at the end of the verb when it be advised to third person
comes to third person singular. write any 5 singular pronoun
Then, the teacher would sentences of their of the present
randomly ask students to choice using simple tense.
convert one of the previously present simple
discussed sentences into third tense in third
person singular and say it person singular.
aloud to the class. And then the
teacher gives the students a
written activity for this part.
6. Once all the singular forms 15 Whiteboard, Students are Through this
have been introduced, the minutes marker supposed activity, students
teacher will ask the class to participate in the are formally
raise their hands if they like activity done by exposed to the
English movies. When a the teacher, present simple
portion of the class raises their answering the tense in plural
hand, the teacher can questions asked. form. They are
demonstrate saying “They like Once that is able to identify
English films”, with emphasis done, they are and form basic
on “They like”. Afterwards the supposed to do sentences using
teacher would ask the group of the written plural form of the
students “What do you all activity as present simple
like?” to which the students instructed. tense.
would reply “We like English
Films” Then the teacher would
continue this activity until the
students have a good practice
of the present simple tense –
plural form. Afterwards, the
teacher would advise them to
write 5 sentences in their
writing book using the plural

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Attachment 1.1

vii.To teach the function of expressing disagreement, with varying degrees of politeness,
to a class of adults.

Level – Pre-intermediate Adults

Time – 1 Hour
Teacher’s Activity Time Resources Students’ activity Contribution to
Topic – Expressing disagreement with varying degrees of politeness.
the aim
Number of students
1.The teacher would – 20 10 Flashcards Students are This activity
Main objective/ Aim – By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify the
divide the class into two minute (Attachment supposed to study would pave the
functions of expressing disagreement, with an understanding of varying degrees of politeness.
groups of 10–and
Assumption Thegive
students sare able to1.2) the level
understand basic givenof English and
way forathe
have basic
understanding about
each group a set of day to day conversations and situations.
flashcards and lesson and the
Resources/ Aids – Flashcards, boards with phrases written, whiteboard, markers.
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This lesson plan is based on a functional syllabi*.
Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
flashcards of a decide what sort of teacher is able to
conversation between a conversation understand the
two people. (Attachment there is, as a group. abilities of the
1.2) Then the teacher students to
would instruct the class identify the
to study the context of the
conversation as a group conversation.
for 5 minutes, to
understand what kind of
conversation it is.
2.Once the allocated 10 Whiteboard, Students are This activity
time is done, the teacher minute Marker supposed to would preface the
would elicit from the s participate in students of
class asking what sort of elicitation and then phrases that can
a dialog it was. Once the come up to the be used in a
students identify that the board and write the disagreement.
dialogue was about a phrase as
disagreement between instructed. (“Well
two people, the teacher don’t get me
would ask a student at wrong”)
random to come up to
the board and write the
phrase that helped them
to identify it as a
3.The teacher would 15 Boards with The students are This would
then distribute boards minute phrases supposed to study expose the
with different phrases s written on the phrases given students to more
that can be used for them and come up with of the different
disagreements in a (Attachment suitable short phrases that can
conversation among the 1.3) dialogues as a be used for
two groups. (attachment group. disagreements in
1.3) Then she would day to day
instruct the students to conversations.
prepare small dialogues
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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
in groups, with the use
of those phrases.
4.The teacher would 20 - The students are This activity
then instruct the students minute supposed to role would help to
of each group to come in s play the dialogues understand the
front of the class and that they prepared use of
role play the dialogues in front of the class disagreement
that they created. and identify the phrases in a real
Once each role play is tone of the life conversation,
done, the teacher would disagreement as well as to
discuss with the phrases used, when identify different
students, what sort of a elicited from the ways of
tone the disagreement class. disagreeing;
phrase carried; whether polite or rude.
it was polite or rude.
5.Then the teacher 5 Whiteboard, The students are This activity
would instruct the minute whiteboard supposed to would encourage
students to do a s marker understand and students to
homework activity, take down the research and find
where they find out 2 homework activity out more phrases
new phrases of given to them. and use them in a
disagreement; one polite real world
and one rude, and make scenario, on their
another two dialogues own.
using those.

Attachment 1.2

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Attachment 1.3

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viii. To teach the language of a specific social situation to a class of adults, e.g. at a
dinner party, in a pub, at a school open day, at the theatre.

Level – Pre-intermediate Adults

Time – 1 Hour
Topic – Specific kind of language used at a dinner party.
Number of students – 20
Main objective/ Aim – By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify the
specific vocabulary and phrases used at a dinner party.
Assumption – The students are able to understand basic level of English and have a
basic understanding about day to day conversations and situations.
Resources/ Aids – Flashcards, boards with phrases written, whiteboard, markers
This lesson plan is based on a functional syllabi*.

Teacher’s Activity Time Resources Students’ Contribution

activity to the aim
1.The teacher would ask the 15 Whiteboard, Students are Through this
class if they have ever been to minutes marker supposed to activity, the
a dinner party and if they have, participate in students
what sort of conversations that the elicitation primarily get

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
happened there. and then come exposed to
Then the teacher asks each up to the special
student to come up to the board and vocabulary that
board and write a word that write words is specific to a
they had heard at a dinner that they dinner party
party. know related situation.
Through this, the entire class to a dinner
would create a vocabulary list party.
related specifically to a dinner
2.Next, the teacher would ask 15 Whiteboard, The students Through this
the students to come up with minutes marker are supposed activity the
specific phrases that they have contribute students
heard at a dinner party such as with a phrase primarily get
“Bon appetite” “Life of the they know exposed to
party” “Wonderful cocktails” that is related unique phrases
etc. and write them on the to a dinner that are
board as well. party context specific to a
Through this the entire class and come up dinner party
would create a phrases list to the board situation.
related specifically to a dinner and write it on
party. the board.
3.Then, the teacher would 10 - The students Through this
divide the class into two minutes are supposed activity,
groups and assign one group to work in students get the
with the list of vocabulary and groups and ability to apply
the other group with the list of make use of the vocabulary
phrases and instruct them to the lists that and the phrases
prepare a short role play using they prepared that they
the lists that they prepared in to come up learned to a
the class. with a real life
creative role context.
play of a
dinner party.
4.Once the teams are ready, 10 - The students Through this
the teacher will instruct them minutes are supposed activity,
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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
to come in front of the class to act out their students of the
and do their role play. role play in different teams
front of the are able to
class. make use of
each other’s
ideas in
relation to the
given social

b. Write three lesson plans of your choice. (Number them ix, x, xi.)

Lesson Plan – Asking for Directions

Level – Elementary Level
Time – 60 minutes
Objective – Students will be able to correctly identify the vocabulary related to
giving and asking for directions and expand their vocabulary regarding nouns
related to places.
Sub Aim – Introduce the prepositions related to giving and asking for directions and
introducing question forms to ask for directions.
Materials – Flashcards, worksheets, white board, markers, copies of a printed map
This lesson plan is based on a mix of structural and functional syllabus*.

Time Interaction Activities done by the Resources Activities done by the

teacher students
05 T-ST  Introduce the lesson A map of the Students will answer
minutes by explaining a town. the vocabulary
recent trip she made (Attachment related questions
to the town and how 1.4) elicited by the
she/he asked for teacher.
directions. A white board
 Explain the objective
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of the lesson to the Markers
students and elicit
the vocabulary
related answers
through the

10 T-ST  Using flashcards to Flashcards With the use of the

minutes introduce vocabulary (Attachment flashcards, students
related to giving 1.5) will repeat the
directions. vocabulary related to
(go straight, turn giving directions after
right, turn left, on to the teacher with
the right etc.) correct pronunciation
 Reading out the and later on correctly
flashcards and identify the flashcards
getting the students without the help of
to repeat after the teacher.

15 T-ST  Distributing Worksheets Answer the questions

minutes worksheets with (Attachment elicited by the
pictures of important 1.6) teacher.
places. Complete the
 Elicit the answers Whiteboard worksheets with
from the students to correct spellings with
name them. the help of the
 Get the students to teacher.
write down the
correct noun for the
places given in the
worksheets with
correct spellings.
15 T-ST  Play an audio clip of Audio player Engage in the
minutes a dialog where a listening activity and
conversation White board answer the questions
regarding asking for elicited by the
and giving directions Markers teacher.
 List down all the List down the phrases
phrases used to ask related to asking for
for directions on the directions that they
board by eliciting heard in the audio
from the students. clip with the help of
 Emphasis on the use the teacher.
of “where” and
“how” when asking
for directions.
15 T-ST Pair work Copies of an Write a dialogue
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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
minutes  Put students into illustration of a according the
pairs and provide map to be instructions given by
each of them with a distributed the teacher in pairs,
map of a city. among using the vocabulary
 Instruct them to students. that they learnt.
write a dialogue (Attachment
between two people 1.7)
asking for directions
and giving directions, A4 sheets
with the help of the
vocabulary that they Pencils
learnt, according to
the map provided.
 Oversee and
comment on their
work while the
students are engaged
in the activity.
05 T-ST  Recap the vocabulary A white board Review the lesson
minutes that the students with the teacher.
learnt throughout
the lesson. Give feedback to the
 Doing a whole class teacher regarding the
feedback to check lesson.
the students
understanding Do the homework as
regarding the lesson. instructed by the
 Give a homework teacher.
asking the students
to write the
directions from their
homes to the school.

Attachment 1.4

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Attachment 1.5

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
Attachment 1.6

Attachment 1.7
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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
x. Level – Pre-intermediate adults
Time – 1 Hour
Topic – Shopping Vocabulary
Number of students – 20
Main objective/ Aim – By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify
vocabulary related to a shopping experience and apply those to real life situations.
Assumption – The students are able to understand basic level of English.
32 | Page Resources/ Aids – Flashcards, realia, leaflets, price tags, whiteboard, markers.
This lesson
Thinuri planSenarath
Nuwanya is based on a functional
Yapa – Graduate syllabi*.
Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
Teacher’s Activity Time Resources Student How it
Activity contributes to
the aim of the
1.Introduction to the lesson (T-ST) Whiteboar Students will The students will
by eliciting the shopping d, provide the be able to identify
related vocabulary that the 15 Markers vocabulary that words that are
class already knows and minutes they already unique to a
segregate them under the know when shopping
below categories. elicited by the experience and
 Payment related teacher. segregate them
vocabulary into different
 Ex: Credit card, debit categories.
card, discount,
receipt, return policy,
transaction, taxes etc.
 Product related
 Ex: Features,
warranty, benefits,
specifications etc.
2.Introducing shopping Students will Students will
related phrases (T-ST) Flipchart repeat the familiarize
 The teacher will 10 phrases themselves with
prepare a flipchart minutes introduced by phrases that are
with shopping related the teacher and useful for
phrases including the familiarize everyday
following examples themselves with shopping
and present it to the those. situations.
 Ex: How much is…?
 These cost …
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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
 It is very expensive/
It’s too much
 Keep the receipt safe.
 Exchange only within
7 days.
 How about 20
 20 rupees is not
 I will take that.

3.The teacher will come up (T-ST) Realia, The students The students will
with 4 different everyday 10 flashcards will prepare a be able to apply
shopping experiences and minutes Leaflets role play the vocabulary
instruct the students to to according the and phrases they
prepare a role play using the prepare situation that learnt to suitable
vocabulary and the phrases they were given real life situations
that they learned. 05 and present it in and build
The teacher will segregate minutes front of the confidence in
the students into four groups each for class. using them in an
and provide each of them the role authentic context.
with four different situations. plays to
 Restaurant be
 Clothes presented
shopping in front
 Grocery of the
shopping class.
 Electronic
item shopping

The teacher will encourage
the students to ask for more
questions related to the 05 Whiteboar Students will The students will

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
different situations in case minutes d participate in be able to clarify
they have any doubts. Markers the feedback any doubts if they
(Fluency will be checked and session and note have and also
the teacher will be able to down the given through the
recognize the strengths and homework. homework
weaknesses of the learners.) activity, to relate
the vocabulary
4.1 Review the lesson with and phrases that
the students and assign them they learnt to
a homework. The teacher different
will jumble the previously circumstances.
given situations and give
each group a new situation
where all the group members
have to write a dialog related
to the given situation,

Level – Pre-intermediate (Age – 11-13)
Time – 1 Hour
Topic – Reported Speech - Questions
Number of students – 20
Main objective/ Aim – By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify
reported speech in questions and do exercises related to it, on their own.
Assumption – The students are able to understand basic English grammar.
35 | Page Resources/ Aids – Flashcards, realia, leaflets, price tags, whiteboard, markers.
Thinuri Nuwanya
This lesson plan is Senarath
based on Yapa – Graduate
a structural Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
Teacher’s Activity Time Resources Student Activity How it
contributes to the
aim of the class.
1.The teacher would 5 Boards with Students are supposed This activity
divide the class into minutes pastings. to work in groups and would pave the
two groups of 10 (Attachment skim through the way for the class
students and present 1.8) extracts given to them. to understand
each group with a reported speech in
board with a pasting questions.
on it. (Attachment
1.8) One group
would get a board
with direct questions
on it and the other
would get an extract
The students are
given 5 minutes to
skim through the
given pastings.
2.Next, the teacher 15 Boards with Students are supposed This activity
would ask each minutes pastings. to work in groups and introduces how
student from the (Attachment read out the direct the direct
group that got the 1.8) questions while the questions are
card with the direct other group finds the made into reported
questions to read matching sentence speech, to the
each question out from their extract to students. They are
loud to the class. the question. able to scan the
Once they read out text and find out
the direct question, the suitable
the teacher instructs reported speech
the group that got sentence.
the card with the
36 | Page
Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
extract, to find out
the sentence that is
related to the
3.Then the teacher 15 White Students are supposed Through this
would ask students minutes board, to come up to the activity, the
from the group with Markers board and write the students are able
direct questions to direct questions and to identify the
come up to the the reported speech sentence structure
board and write form of it. of the reported
those down on the speech for
board and then the questions.
students with the
reported speech
extract are asked to
come up to the
board and write the
relevant sentence
that matches the
direct question.
4.Once all the direct 10 Whiteboard, The students are Through this
questions and minutes marker supposed to listen and activity, students
sentences are on the understand the rules are formally
board, the teacher explained by the introduced to the
would explain the teacher and answer the rules of reported
basic rules to be elicited questions speech for
followed when it where necessary. questions, that
comes to reported they witnessed
speech for through the
questions. activity.
5.Then the teacher 10 - The students are Through this
would pick two minutes supposed to pose direct activity, the
students each at questions to their students get the
random from the colleagues and convert chance to practice
class and instruct those direct questions and familiarize
one to ask any into reported speech. themselves with
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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03
question from the converting direct
other student and the questions into
other student is reported speech.
supposed to report
the question in
reported speech. The
teacher would carry
on with this activity
until the students
familiarity with
reported speech for
6.Next, the teacher 5 Whiteboard, The students are Through this
would ask students minutes marker supposed to take down activity, students
to make any 10 the given exercise as are able to further
questions of their instructed by the practice the
choice and convert teacher. grammar that they
them into reported learned.
speech for

Attachment 1.8

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Thinuri Nuwanya Senarath Yapa – Graduate Diploma in TESOL – Module 03

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