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EMS Doc.

# LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

This document establishes requirements applicable to all employees in
Lufkin in the office, free zone, call- out groups or any locations managed
by Lufkin. This is part of planning for the worst to be prepared for injury
or accident mitigation when happened.

It is unwise to adopt a "can’t happen here" attitude regarding serious

accidents or emergencies. This led to failure in hazard anticipation, and so
is unprepared when an accident or emergency happens.Emergency
incident management depends on developing and regularly testing an
emergency plan. This plan should
1. Address various realistic emergency scenarios and details specific
response and responsibilities
2. Detail what to do when an emergency situation occurs, or when it is
anticipated that a given situation could escalate into an emergency
3. Recognize the people best suited to control the emergency
4. Specifically identify the person in charge.

Regular testing of the plan identifies its strengths and weaknesses and
allows for correction and revision. Lufkin management sees to test this
plan annually through drill plan. Above all, the emergency plan and any
associated response requirements must lead to an organized response to
any anticipated emergency situation.
1. purpose:
This procedure for emergency preparedness and response contains
provisions to identify, implement, and update emergency response
programs necessary for facility operations. The purpose of this procedure
is to provide detailed guidance to all emergency Response Members to
effectively control an emergency situation effectively throughout the
project. Specific requirements, roles and responsibilities, and action plans
are documented in this plan to minimize the damages of an emergency
incident. The plan includes fire, road accidents, crane accidents, fork lift
accidents. According to Lufkin risk assessment, driving in the desert is
one of the major emergencies we are facing so, The purpose of this
document is to outline the minimum driving safety rules for all Lufkin

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EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

2. Definitions:

1. Emergency incident: An unexpected and undesirable event which

must be dealt with at once. This may include any kind of event that
may result in injury of personnel or equipment damage, involving fire
and explosion, combustible & chemical liquid spills, flammable or toxic
gas releases, traffic incidents. A civil protester’ demonstrations will also
be considered part of An Emergency Incident.
2. Motor vehicle incident: is an incident involving a company car or
other motor vehicles being driven on company business or on Lufkin
property which results in an injury and /or property damage, other
than small nicks and scratches to any involved persons or vehicles.
3. Major accident: A Major Incident involves serious property damage,
fatal or personnel injury, and may require assistance of external
emergency response teams to control the impact of an explosion,
demolition, severe or life threatening injury, or illness to one or more
4. Minor accident: is the highest position of hoist travel that prevents any
strain on the hoist rope, or contact of the hook or lower hook block with
any part of the hoist or trolley or crane.


As in Lufkin we have four sites of work, with various responsibilities and

nature of work, so there is a responsibility for each site employees,
management and supervisors


Follow emergency plans and procedures

Location supervisors (Free zone, field’s sites and call out supervisors)

Ensure with operations manager that emergency plans are well and suitably developed
and implemented


Divisional or local specific issues are, to include:

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EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

1. Provision of resources to implement effective emergency response,

including training.
2. Assignment of personnel to execute actions as required by plans and
3. Provision of “on call” instructions and guidance.
4. Review and revision of plans and procedures on a routine basis.
5. Maintain alignment with regional and local emergency administration
in each governorate.

On – call personnel

Call out personnel nature of work is varying according to the nature of the
site they are working in. from the risk assessment, it was proved that the
vehicle accident is major so, as safety management, we set a separate
emergency response plan related to the vehicle accident. They must be
familiar with relevant emergency response plans and procedures including
off-site emergencies. As first points of contact, they initiate emergency
response procedures.


All previously mentioned facility (free zone and office building) and field
operations shall implement suitable and effective emergency plan. This
plan may include the following:
1. Identification of all foreseeable emergency situations and
establishment of responses including appropriate notification.
2. Communication to all employees and appropriate parties.
3. Review for adequacy and periodic testing.

Each location and operation will establish a plan to provide a suitable level
of response to emergency situations. Emergency response plans must

1. Specific actions and duties to respond to foreseeable emergencies.

2. Assigned personnel to carry out specific duties
3. Training of employees on the plan and their specific assignment(s).
4. Activation and implementation of the plan during normal and after
hour periods.
5. Communication among emergency response groups during the
emergency event.
6. Consideration of the work location as well as applicable regulations.

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EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

Review of emergency plan

The plan is to be tested at least annually. An after-action review is to be

documented after each emergency event and drills with corrective actions
for improvements to the plan. Plans are to be updated accordingly:

1. Consideration for emergency shelters

2. Prevention or mitigation of environmental impact(s) during and after
an emergency situation
3. Development of a site plan that clearly designates locations of :
 fire-fighting equipment
 emergency exits
 assembly point
 emergency or spill response equipment
 personal protective equipment for foreseeable emergencies
 hazardous substances and processes
 drainage systems
 water, gas, and electrical shutoffs
 Washing solution especially iin the free zone against the Diesels and
solvents used in the area.


Each location or operation must have documented evacuation procedures

which may be developed in conjunction with the Lufkin Safety manager
and must address the following:
• Site alarms and training
• Emergency phone list identifying key emergency responders, for
− Fire brigade
− Law enforcement
− Ambulance or hospital

Internal emergency responders, including:

− Incident management team
− First aid responders

First Aid team in the office:

1. Ehab Raafat

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EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

2. Mohammed Fathy
3. Taha
First Aid team in the free zone:
1. Omar el-Mawardy
2. Emad
3. Ahmed Mekled.
Oilfield locations
All operations people are trained on first aid and certified to do the task.
− Security
− HS&E representatives
• Evacuation routes
• Evacuation transport
• Assembly areas
• Notification requirements and activation of the Crisis Management Team
(if required.)

Fire response
A procedure must be developed for locations and operations in case of fire
emergencies. In addition to all points mentioned for evacuation, this
procedure is to include the following:
 Type and capacity of fire extinguishing equipment and supplies.
 Fire detection systems and alarm stations, if applicable.
 Means to turn off facility power, gas, water, etc.
 Location and amount of hazardous material present

Fire emergency preparedness plan

Free zone center

Due to small staffing levels at the Lufkin free zone area and the area is
small office building surrounded with empty yard, and due to the nature
of stacked products which are mainly steel, and due to risk assessment
which indicate that the yard has no high fire risk, all activities are carried
out in the free area, so the fire alarm system is semi- automatic alarm
system, in worst case if the arm system fails, direct voice communications
or phone calls . And they are all will be utilized for sounding alarms for
emergencies. In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation, all
employees shall exit the building by Way of the nearest safe exit according
to the sign. The building has two safe exits, the first at the front door and
the other exit at the rear door

Page 5 of 14
EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

1. Upon hearing the Fire Alarm, leave the building immediately by the
nearest exit and make your way directly to the Fire Assembly Point.
The Fire Assembly Point is signed, and is located at the front of the
Office building.
2. At the Fire Assembly Point all persons present will be checked off
against a list. The visitors Book should also be available.
3. All staff should ensure that they make their presence known to the
appointed person. To ensure they are annotated as present. The host
for visitors shall ensure that they are all present by informing the
appointed person for cross reference with the visitors Book.
4. No one shall re-enter the buildings until told to do so by safety
5. The fire emergency team will select the suitable way in fire
extinguishing by using the fire extinguisher in the front and within
the building.
6. Call the free zone fire brigade at the number
7. Call the HSE manager at 01000100923.
8. Remove the items, and carry out a sweep of all rooms on your floor if
safe to do so (If the holder is empty, this should indicate that the
designate sweeper is already sweeping the floor and you should go
directly to the Fire Assembly Point. But you must report that the Fire
Baton/Floor Plan was missing to the Administrative Assistant).
9. Ensure that all staff evacuates directly to the nearest fire exit and
that no staff/visitors remain behind you.
a. Under no circumstances should you re-enter the building until
instructed to do so by either the Fire Marshall or a Fire Officer.

Fire emergency preparedness plan

Free zone center

In the event of an emergency requiring evacuation whether fire or

earthquakes, all employees shall exit the building by Way of the nearest
safe exit according to the sign. The building has two safe exits, the first
leading to the main street and the main gate, the latter leading to side

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EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

1. In case of fire, and upon hearing the Fire Alarm, leave the building
immediately by the nearest exit and make your way directly to the
Fire Assembly Point. The Fire Assembly Point is signed, and is
located at the front of the Office building.
2. At the Fire Assembly Point all persons present will be checked off
against a list. The visitors Book should also be available.
3. All staff should ensure that they make their presence known to the
appointed person. To ensure they are annotated as present. The host
for visitors shall ensure that they are all present by informing the
appointed person for cross reference with the visitors Book.
4. No one shall re-enter the buildings until told to do so by safety
5. The fire emergency team will select the suitable way in fire
extinguishing by using the fire extinguisher in the front and within
the building.
6. Call the Maadi fire brigade at the number ( )
7. Call the HSE manager at 01000100923 in case of weekends.
8. Call any one of the key persons hanged in the front door.
9. Remove the items, and carry out a sweep of all rooms on your floor if
safe to do so (and you should go directly to the Fire Assembly Point.
a. Ensure that all staff evacuates directly to the nearest fire exit
and that no staff/visitors remain behind you.
b. Under no circumstances should you re-enter the building until
instructed to do so by either the Fire Marshall or a Fire Officer.

Medical response
Medical response is to consider the following:
1. Location of the nearest medical facility, first aid responder, and of
medical transportation.
2. Availability of medical facilities and personnel in remote locations,
remoteness of travel to and from well site locations, type of terrain,
3. Availability of communication equipment in vehicles, backup base
communication in case of utility failure, etc.
4. Any biohazards.
5. Typical weather conditions and exposure to elements such as heat or
cold stress.
6. Consider the need for advanced medical training for onsite

Additional considerations for remote locations are to include:

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EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

1. Facilities for stabilizing and assessing the condition of injured

2. Customer Diagnostic services available.
3. Available pharmaceuticals and sterile medical supplies.
4. Safe blood and blood products supply.
5. Healthcare arrangements with the neighboring industries and
Where local medical facilities are not equipped to handle serious or life
threatening conditions in the remote locations or during driving, it is
imperative procedures are in place to transport employees to the nearest
facility equipped to handle these medical conditions. If alternative
emergency medical evacuation providers are considered, the following
factors are to be evaluated:
 Availability of emergency transportation to and from designated
medical facilities or hospitals.
 Familiarity of the emergency transportation provider with the pick-up
area and the designated medical facility or hospital.

Crane, trucks or forklift injuries in the area of the free zone

Assess the scale of the incident. Consider evacuation. Ensure the
Emergency Services have been called and that they are aware of the
preliminary details prior to arrival. Ensure that casualties are receiving
adequate First Aid. Ensure that the reasons for the fatality/injury are
The first aid trained employees in the location must assess the severity of
the injury and take appropriate action to ensure the injured employee
receives the proper medical attention. In order for the employees to take
this action, they must categorize the injury.

Category 1:

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EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

The injured employee is conscious and can answer questions regarding

the injury. The injured employee states that it is not serious and does not
require immediate medical attention; it does not or probably will not
require a doctor to examine the injured employee.

Example: An employee slips while climbing off the truck and hits his arm
on the truck bed hits his buttocks on the ground, or twists his ankle.

Category 2:
The injured employee is conscious and can answer questions about his
injury and the accident or cause of injury. The injured employee feels he is
in pain and can be transported by the driver to a medical facility and be
examined and treated by a doctor. In other words, he can wait a few

Example: An employee is hit in the hand, arm, or leg by a piece of

equipment during loading or unloading or is suddenly sprung loose, by a
hammer being used by another employee. There is a good chance of
broken bones but the employee can wait until transported to the doctor.
The delay in transporting cannot exceed 30 minutes.

Category 2:-cont.
Example: Another example is a deep laceration to the hand, arm, leg, or
part of the body that results in bleeding that can be stopped by applying
pressure. If the bleeding is not bright red blood or spurting as if from an
artery, and direct pressure to the wound stops the bleeding, the employee
needs to be transported to the nearest medical facility at a safe but rapid
speed. In this type of injury, the employee may not be conscious or has
great difficulty in

Category 3:
Communicating due to his injury. If the employee is unconscious and
cannot answer questions regarding his condition, he should be
transported immediately to the nearest medical facility equipped to handle
such an emergency. In cases where the injured has suffered severe
damage to his body due to crushing, pinching, falling, or being struck by,
and they cannot be moved for fear of possible aggravation to the injury,
then actions should be taken to get medical help to them immediately.
Depending on how far from a medical facility the injured is, a call may be
made to either an Emergency Medical Service within the free zone area or
call the ambulance at no. Immediately.

Page 9 of 14
EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

If the injured has been crushed by a counterweight on any part of their
body it is essential to get them to a medical facility immediately. If the
injured has been struck by a piece of equipment from the pumping unit
either on the head or chest area, time is critical.

The role of first Aiders:

1. Provide first aid prior to the arrival of the emergency services.

2. Provide ongoing assistance to the emergency services.
3. Respond to advice from the HSE manager.
4. In case of fire alarm without other advice, do not move the casualty
unless their position is perilous, proceed to assembly point and report
the Casualty’s position.

Oilfield locations

In the event of an emergency in a field location, employees will report the

emergency to the company representative to receive instructions as per
their policy. If they are unable to contact the company representative, then
they should contact their supervisor immediately to get assistance on the
way without delay. All fires and other emergencies will be reported verbally
to management immediately.

Written reports for assessments may be requested only after the

immediate emergency has been resolved. All employees will assemble at
the designated assembly point as declared by the person announcing the
emergency. Field employees will remove themselves from the point of the
emergency to an area such that they are situated upwind or crosswind,
and out of danger.

The field supervisor will account for each employee at the assembly point
and keep all employees there until released by senior management, the
safety director, or the proper civil authorities.

All employees trained in First Aid and CPR will remain available to render
aid to any person or persons that may require it. A list of persons to be
contacted for further information concerning emergency procedures and
duties may be found posted throughout each office.

Page 10 of 14
EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

Road Accident

1. Lufkin system prohibits night driving within the fields. If night

driving is required for any reason by the customer, it should be by a
permit and means of communications should be in place.
2. The driving to the field should be between 5.00 AM to 7 PM and no
night driving except the driving between cities.
3. We are using buddy system where no lone driving for long distance
or in the desert roads.

4. The journey should be planned and the vehicle should by carefully

inspect before leaving.

In case of road accidents, the following procedures should be applied:

 Call HSE and /or operations managers directly and immediately and
give the following information:
 Nature of the emergency (fire, explosion, etc.)
 Location of the emergency and Ext. number
 Is the Fire Department needed?
 Is an ambulance needed?
 Are the police needed?
 Any other important information
 Remain on the phone until released by the operator

 Call operations manager and HR manager

1. If the accident from the category one, the only thing to be done is
replacement of the driver by using the buddy system.
2. If the accident from category 2, then the crew team should provide
first aid for the injured, and transport him to the nearest medical
3. If the accident from the category 3, then the crew members and
management team shall call for the emergency ambulance in the
location in which the accident takes place, and the injured should be
treated and provided with the suitable and urgent treatment , and if
any surgery or advance medical care is required which is beyond the
medical facility’s capabilities, the injured should be transported to
the other advanced hospitals

4. H2S leakage

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EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

All persons must receive basic H2S training from HSE manager and they
should have valid & current training card) that they have already received
this orientation. Training card will be issued to each person completing
the basic H2S training. This card will remain valid for 2 years, following
which the person must retake the basic H2S training.
No person shall enter an area where H2S concentrations are known or
suspected to be greater than 10 parts per million (ppm) by volume in air at
the employees' breathing zone without wearing proper supplied air
respiratory protective equipment.
In the event that someone is overcome by H2S, Lufkin Service’s policy is
as follows:
1. Contact the supervisor or dispatcher to start help on the way to you.
Should you not call first upon finding a victim and you are overcome
as well, no one would know about the emergency and both victims
would not be found until either late that day or even the next
2. In the event of a gas leak, run crosswind first and then upwind. If
you are downwind of the leak and you run upwind, you will put
yourself in the middle of the leak (so running upwind is not always
the first direction to run).
3. In the event of an encounter with H2S causing personal H2S gas
monitor to alert at 10 PPM or greater crew will evacuate location
cross wind and up wind as noted on PW
4. After evacuating to a safe muster point contact direct supervisor or
safety coordinator as well as Area personnel.
5. Area response team will come out to test for H2S. If area response
team does not find H2S to be present the area will be cleared to
return to the location and begin working. If H2S is still present
Lufkin crew will wait until the Area response team clears the location
and deems it suitable to return to work

Office building emergency plan:

In the event of an incident or near miss in the office building, the steps
listed below should be followed.

1. At the time of the incident, a person should first ensure their own
safety, and then ensure the safety of others.
2. Assess the situation.
3. Minimize the risk of further injury by shutting off the power supply,
extinguishing fires (if this is possible without taking undue risks),

Page 12 of 14
EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

4. Give appropriate first aid, or get the nearest trained first-aider to

administer first-aid.
5. Ring for emergency services or get someone else to; this can be
attended to earlier depending on manpower availability.
6. Secure the area and do not interfere in any way with the accident
scene (unless this is necessary to save life, prevent injury, maintain
essential services or to prevent further damage or property loss).
7. Should a person receive an injury that requires treatment, above that
which can be provided by the equipment contained in a first-aid box
or by a trained first-aider, the area Medical emergence must be
immediately notified
8. Report the accident/incident/near miss to the immediate supervisor.

5. basic requirement for the inspection :

To do the effective and standard inspection for all vehicles, the following
requirements are required to perform such inspection. The following
should be inspected frequently and immediately repaired if found to be
damaged or improperly operating:

 All lights including turn signals.

 Tire conditions and pressure including the spare tire
 Horn.

1.1 Standard requirements:

1. Competent person need to do the inspection.
2. Any deficiencies should be corrected immediately.
3. Maintain inspection record.

1.2 Cellular phone:

1. Know your wireless phone and its features, such as speed dials and redial.
2. Allow passenger to operate the phone if it is necessary to use it while the vehicle is
in operation.
3. Don’t take notes or look up phone numbers while driving.
4. Whenever possible, pull off in safe locations to take incoming calls.

Page 13 of 14
EMS Doc. # LHS 15
LUFKIN Issue # 1
MIDDLE EAST Lufkin emergency preparedness plan Date: 1/02/2012
Prepared by, Talaat Elkader
Approved by, Anthony Beck

6.0 training

operators who driving to and from work, operators who operating motor
vehicle on company business shall receive comprehensive training on
defensive driving and shall be defensive driving certified to comply Lufkin
customer requirements and also to meet the employee expectations..

7.0 incident reporting

1. All incidents shall be reported to location management and to line

management within 24 hours and entered into incident management
system (EHS. 013). If the incident meets the definition of a major
incident, it shall be entered as a major incident and investigated
according to the system.
2. Incidents involving rental cars shall be reported directly to the rental
car company.

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