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Review: Yanis Varoufakis, Adults in the Room: My

battle with Europe’s Deep Establishment

Marnie Holborow

ill with his uncompromising exposé of the

Troika austerity terror regime. His overall
political conclusions, likewise, fail to carry
through the logic of his portrayal of the un-
democratic nature of the EU.
He certainly gives in raw detail what
Greece has suffered. When he became Fi-
nance Minister, it had lost 25% of its GDP,
its minimum wage reduced by 40%, its pen-
sioners had seen their living standards drop
by 25%, one million Greeks could not pay
their electricity bills, many did not have the
money to put food on the table. The island
of Crete, whose inhabitants are renowned for
their pride, experienced the highest number
of suicides. The story of Lambros, a trans-
lator who lost his job, his job and his family,
Yanis Varoufakis, Adults in the Room: My battle with Eu-
rope’s Deep Establishment, The Bodley Head, e18.99 stays with Varoufakis as Lambros implored
him not to sell out like other governments
did. The never-ending spiral of austerity
policies, Varoufakis notes, has condemned
The Dead-end of the EU and Greece to a social version of a Dickensian
SYRIZA, as seen from the In- debtors’ prison and thrown away the key.
Varoufakis is new to establishment poli-
tics and, with fresh eyes, he reveals the EU’s
Yanis Varoufakis, in his new book, lays bare total distain for democracy. His account
the rottenness of the EU for all to see. As the gives an inside story of the EU bureaucracy,
new Greek Finance Minister, he landed right which has all the ghoulish goings-on of an
into the bullying and fiscal waterboarding episode of Versailles. He is also able to make
- his apt term - of the EU’s relentless aus- astute observations about the capitalist na-
terity drive. He describes every step from ture of the EU. ‘I observed first hand’, he
January to July in the fateful year of 2015, writes ‘what I can only describe as naked
from the amazing defiance of the Greek peo- class war that targeted the weak and scan-
ple to the further austerity blow of another, dalously favoured the ruling class’.
worse Memorandum of Understanding, de- He shows how the January 2015 Greek
livered this time by the Left-wing SYRIZA change of government, and the ‘no’ vote in
government. July, simply never figured in the Troika’s
Adults in the Room takes its title from calculations. German finance minister,
a remark from IMF chief Christine Lagarde Wolfgang Schäuble, insisted that elections
who claimed at one of the endless meetings could not be allowed to change economic
that the crisis called for adults in the room. policy. His inside account provides a sober
Varoufakis’s curious embrace of this term, as message for those who, post-Brexit, on this
well as his obvious respect for Lagarde, sits island and in the UK, pin their hopes on a

supposedly liberal or democratic EU. reaucrats in forcing more austerity on the
The blow by blow account, based on Greeks. Galway economist Declan Costello
Varoufakis’s recorded conversations, of the headed up the European Commission’s mis-
meetings of the Eurogroup read like show sion to Greece as part of its hated troika
trials. The Eurogroup is an informal gather- of lenders. Varoufakis dubs Michael Noo-
ing of the Eurozone’s Finance Ministers and nan ‘Schäuble’s model prisoner’ who takes
has no legal status in EU law but this does a strong austerity line for fear ‘that upstart
not stop it having crucial and extensive pow- Greece might escape having to do what they
ers. The set ritual of these meetings, Varo- had been forced to do already in which case
ufakis explains, was completely Schäuble- their own people might demand to know why
dominated with everybody – Eastern Eu- they had not resisted austerity too’.
ropean ministers, the bailed-out countries Michael Roberts, a Marxist who has
including Ireland, and French and Italian written on the current Long Depression, says
hangers on – parroting his and the ECB’s that for Greece there were three options
tune, for fear of falling foul of Berlin. in 2015. The first was the neoliberal so-
Varoufakis explodes other myths. Euro- lution demanded by the Troika. The sec-
pean banks were much more reckless than ond was the Keynesian one advocated by
Wall St. French, German, Dutch and British the left wing of SYRIZA which Varoufakis
banks had exposure in excess of $30 trillion did not support, which theoretically would
during the crisis, more than twice the US have meant boosting public spending to in-
national income. As Varoufakis wryly ob- crease demand cancelling part of the govern-
serves, ‘If Wall St deserved the wrath of the ment debt, and introducing a new currency
American public, Europe’s banks deserved to make Greek industry more competitive
38.8 times that wrath’. Washington was in a in new markets. In practice, as Varoufakis
position to use the Federal Reserve to hold shows, the SYRIZA option became no op-
its bad assets. But Brussels and the ECB tion at all and morphed into worse austerity.
were not. That made the EU rigidly tied The third was a socialist solution whose first
to austerity and taking the cash to bail out step would be to replace Greek capitalism
the banks from the people, as we in Ireland with a planned economy, with Greek banks
know only too well. and major companies publicly owned, and
On his recent visit to Dublin, in a panel the drive for profit replaced by investment,
interview on RTE, Varoufakis reminded us growth and meeting the urgent needs of the
again of the crimes the EU inflicted on Ire- people. Crucial to this being implemented
land. Unlike Greece, Ireland was forced to was mobilization and creating people-led,
bail out private not public debt, leaving us bottom up European-wide movements that
today and forever with a burden of e200bn’s operated outside the asphyxiating structures
worth of debt. He castigated the Irish gov- of the EU.
ernment as pathetically weak for giving in Unfortunately Varoufakis’s proposed so-
without a whimper. He dismissed any sug- lutions fall within the ambit of the first op-
gestion of an Irish recovery by describing Ire- tion.. It is true that his guiding light was to
land post-crash as ‘a dual economy, with a get debt restructuring and, to his credit, un-
German part and a Greek part’ - one for the like others, he stuck to this principle to the
wealthy, doing boisterously well, and one for end. But in other respects, his proposals as
the poor, doing very badly with lack of hous- outlined in the book, were in sync with, not
ing, poor services and many still forced to against, neoliberal Europe. A striking ex-
become emigrants. ample was his plan to off-set the impending
In the book, Varoufakis highlights for us Greek default through more privatization.
the complicity of Irish politicians and bu- He recounts how he attempted to get the

Chinese conglomerate Cosco to extend their quoting George Orwell, says that parties al-
ownership of the Athens Port of Piraeus, to ways end up making their members blindly
get companies like Foxconn, with offers of follow Big Brother. Events showed other-
special business tax rates, to build produc- wise as after SYRIZA capitulated, a sec-
tion and assembly facilities nearby and to tion of their MPs and many hundred on the
persuade the Chinese government to buy up ground left them in disgust.
some of the Greek debt to boot. The plan It was a specific politics that was to
fell through. Ironically, Berlin contacted blame, as the examples Varoufakis gives
Beijing to tell them to withdraw from any show. Tsipras cynically used the anti -
deals with the Greeks until the Troika deal austerity Thessaloniki programme to gain
was done. support but never intended it to be imple-
Varoufakis is scathing of the role of mented. This is condemned by Varoufakis
French and Italian social democrats, of not as parliamentary opportunism but as an
the French Finance Minister, Sapin, who inexplicable manipulation.
ducked, deferred and simulated. But he has Most shocking to us in Ireland, since we
no problem heaping praise on Emmanuel demonstrated in our thousands in solidarity
Macron. He criticises the Italian finance with the ‘Oxi’ vote in July 2015, are Varo-
minister Pier Carlo Padoan, formerly the ufakis revelations about SYRIZA’s cynical
OECD’s chief economist for his attacks on political calculations about the referendum.
workers’ rights. Yet Varoufakis’s Cosco pro- Tsipras called it, according to Varoufakis,
posal took no account of what the dockers with the conviction that it would result in
wanted. He refers to his affinity which he has a yes vote. This would let them off the hook
with the mobilizations on Syntagma Square and allow another memorandum to pass. On
and his first action as Minister was to rein- the night of the result, Varoufakis was with
state over three hundred cleaners who had the other SYRIZA Ministers, and when the
been sacked from their jobs at the Finance NO vote came in at an amazing 62.5%, he
Ministry who had been sacked by the previ- was the only one in the room celebrating.
ous government. But workers’ struggles as a Varoufakis had already sensed the trans-
key tool against the Troika, supplementing formation of SYRIZA into another auster-
the popular mandate of the new government, ity party but he is shocked at the speed
get little mention. of Tsipras’s surrender. He describes how
What Varoufakis, for all his ‘sophistica- SYRIZA ministers increasingly came to
tion’ never seems to grasp, is that the ut- look like accountants and succumb to the
ter intransigence of the EU and the Troika Thatcher doctrine of TINA – there is no al-
was not based on a particular ‘mistaken’ eco- ternative. Varoufakis refused to go along
nomic strategy for Greece, which they could with the Memorandum, and Tsipras put him
be argued out of, but on an absolute deter- under pressure to resign. His close collabo-
mination to punish and humiliate Greece ‘for rator, friend and long- time SYRIZA mem-
the sake of the others’, lest the idea of resis- ber Euclid Tsakalotus duly assumed his po-
tance should be contagious. This is why they sition and took over the implementation of
were simply not interested in Varoufakis’s the most vicious third memorandum.
clever arguments. This was not an error, Varoufakis tends to see things in individ-
but class war. ual terms, and thus a convincing analysis of
Surprisingly, given the dramatic auster- SYRIZA’s capitulation eludes him. He fails
ity about-turn made by SYRIZA, Varoufakis to point out that the pressure of the system
provides little real analysis of why things and the politics of reformism, as it had done
went so wrong. Varoufakis faults the char- for PASOK before, would bring SYRIZA in-
acter of Tsipras more than his politics and, evitably to the austerity path. At a deeper

level, because Varoufakis shared SYRIZA’s and good to deeply criticize the ruling order.
trust in the EU, even if he remained true to But it will take more than moral outrage of
his principles about another memorandum, an ‘outsider’ to dismantle the source of the
his alternative to wrest debt restructuring problem. It’s not that the EU has gone awry,
within the framework of the EU, was only a but that it is representing the same interests
shade different to SYRIZA’s. that set it up in the first place. It is not in-
Although Varoufakis claims to be polit- dividuals or belief systems which are at fault
ical outsider, his book makes plain that he but the structural imperatives of capitalism.
is in fact quite a system insider. He is per- This is why Varoufakis embracing an insider
sonal friends with George Osborne, Norman strategy has no hope of success. In the last
Lamont, Jeffrey Sachs, and Larry Summers, paragraphs of the book he gives away the
to mention just a few. The movement that weakness of his project: DiEM25 has ‘the
Varoufakis has helped to found, DiEM25, hope of being around to pick up the pieces
certainly represents no break with the po- when the whole EU edifice comes tumbling
litical status quo. Its aims are to bring to- down’.
gether democrats, Greens, radical left liber-
Yet history does not unfold like that.
als, to stop the rise of ‘misanthropy, xeno-
What the Greek people did in 2015 made
phobia and toxic nationalism’ and to ‘repair
a difference. For one, they inspired the
the EU’. It proposes to implement a ‘New
anti-austerity movement in Ireland and fed
Deal policy agenda without Treaty changes’,
into our confidence to strike with the water
and to stabilize and democratize Europe.
charges movement a successful blow against
Just how this will happen especially in light
of the effective waterboarding that the EU
meted out to Varoufakis himself, remains a The fourth latest bailout deal, pushed
mystery. In reality, without specific propos- through by the SYRIZA government this
als beyond the setting up of a ‘transnational May, contains more spending and pension
party’, DiEM25 is proposing nothing very cuts, higher taxes and increased privatiza-
different to what EU insiders – like Guy Ver- tion, new legislation to curb or eliminate
hofstadt or Jean Claude Juncker – now say, strikes. In the run-up period it met with
post-Brexit. In the recent UK general elec- strikes and demonstrations on Syntagma
tion DIEM25 distinguished itself by endors- Square. Adults in the Room from that point
ing 25 ‘progressive candidates’ including the of view, says no more than what the Greek
hated former Liberal Democrat leader, Nick people have come to know full well: that
Clegg (the Joan Burton of British politics, the EU is not for turning. Clinging to the
who lost his seat) but NOT Jeremy Corbyn! EU in the vain hope that it can be ‘re-
Varoufakis believes, like Swift’s Gulliver paired’ offers no way forward. It is not about
stumbling into a mass of human irrational- making the EU change its mind but about
ity and stupidity, his tale will make the EU finding ways to build again the resistance
austerity regime see the error of its ways. and the tested strength of people power in
Incredibly, after what his country has been Greece. That means a Grexit led by an anti-
through, he claims in all of this there are ‘no austerity movement to escape from the fis-
good guys or bad guys’. Instead he wrote cal waterboarding of the EU. Nothing else
the book, he says, to get inside the heads of will work – something which Varoufakis’s ac-
Merkel, Schäuble, Eurogroup head, Dijssel- count proves, even it fails to provide a way
bloem to understand them better. All well out.


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