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/ BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, HYDERABAD Excellence - Equity Empathy ‘Time: 2 Hours MATHEMATICS MODEL PAPER (CLASS X) _ Total Marks: 100 SECTION “A” 150 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQ’s) Q.No:1 Choose the correct answers for each from the given options. Set of rational numbers is subset of set or a. natural numbers b. real numbers whole numbers d. integers One an donly one line can pass though a. two: b, three drive ris number. a. natural b.even c. rational d. irrational iv, Cofo+i= asin’ b. cos" c. cosee’ d.sec’O v. Vx? +Zis : a. polynomial b. rational c. irrational d. none of these vi (ey) @txyty) =__ axty® b. wishes ery)? a.x-y vii, Sin2”= a. cos70" b. cosec70° c. 60820" d. cosec20° viii, Complement or 500 is a. 130° b. 40" «. -50" 4. 90° ix. Which of the following is a convex set. a. square b. triangle c. line x. An isosceles triangle has sides congruent. a. three b. two 0 d. none of these Extiror angle of a triangle is than each of opposite interior angles. a. greater b. less, c.equalorgreater — d. equal or less Sum of all angles of quadrilateral is a, 360° b. 180° 90" 40° xiii, (2x —2) (2e+41)= a 42 Bb, 4x42, aed dat xiv. Mantisso of logarithm eannot be a. positive b. negative . fraction d. real xv. Ir logzx=3 than log?” a9 ns ed a6 xvi (etyta)(tty*4z?-xy-2x) axvsyiztxyyerx boty tPapyre extytaxy: — d.x-yxy(ry) xvii, A trapezium is a type or a. rhombus bb. rectangle ¢. parallelogram 4. quadrilateral A circle which passes through all the verities of triangle is called a. circumcircle b. incircle c. excircle d. none of these xix. Ir (e-2,1+y) = (7,-2) than values of x and y are a. Sand3 b.3 and 5 ¢. Sand -3 d. Land 0 xx. The point (-3,-5) is located in quadrant. a. first ‘b, second ¢. third d. fourth xxi. The abscissa or any point on y-axis is always ‘a. non-zero b. zero ‘e, negative 4. positive xxii is additive identity in set of real numbers: al bo el d. none of these xxiii. The expression y7x3x+8 is a, monomial b. trinomial . binomial d. all of these xxiv. The L.C.M or 2x’y and 4xy’ is amy b. 6x"y? e2ey? day? wv [5 glis a. diagonal b. scalar c. unit d, all of these xxvi. The determinant of singular matrix is a. positive b, negative © zero, d. non-zero xxvii, (ty) + ey) = a, 2Gcty)” batty? 6.2074) a. xy Xxx, wai. vox, xxiii, xxiv. xxny. xxxvi. xiii. xiii, xliv. xiv. xlvi. xlvii. alviii, xix. ‘The solution set or |x — 4| = a. (4,12) b, {4-12} ©. (162) 4. none of these ‘The solution set or Vx = —8 is a. {8} b. {16} «. (64) at} ‘The sum of two supplementary angles is equal to degrees. 2. 90 b. 180 360 100 A time which cute circle at two distinct points is called : a. diameter b. tangent ¢. secant d. chord VIG ed 4d. none of these a2 ‘A chord which passes through the centre of circle is called : a. secant b, diameter . tangent d. radius Faetors or x* ~ 8y’ are a. (ey) (C4ayty’)b. (ot2y) @ReyHdy) €. (edyQPtayHy) d. (-2y)(eH2xy42y)) Ir logy 64=3 than x is equal to a4 v8 b.6 4.16 The side opposite the right angle in a triangle is called a. perpendicular ’b. India hypotenuse, base 4. altitude Fundamental agreements related to numbers are called a. theorems b. corollaries ¢. postulates 4. axioms tan’ + 1=, cot bcos? 8 e.sec’ asin’ 0 Ir two non-parallel lines of different planes, rail to intersect are a. parallel lines b. intersecting lines ¢. skew lines ‘none of these a Sis the value of a. sin 60° c. ten 45° d, both a & b X4+2=0 is a. quadratic ¢. non-linear 4. irrational Ir R={(,5), @,6), (4,7)} than domain or R is 2. (5,6,7} b. (1.23) © Ba 4d. None of these Tabular form of {xlxeza—2 -1] Eto elt ol tle 4 ‘A perpendicular from the vertex of a triangle to the opposite side is called a. median b. right bisector c. altitude d. transversal ‘The common logarithm has the base am be 10 ao Irx+2=2 then x? +3 a4 4.6 20 BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, HYDERABAD Excellence — Equity — Empathy Time: 2 Hours MATHEMATICS MODEL PAPER (CLASS X) Marks: 100 SECTION B : Short Questions Marks 30 NOTE: Attempt any FIVE questions. Each question carries 06 marks. Q.No: 2 Ir A=(a,b,c} and B=(x,y} then fine @ a function from A to which is onto. (b) three resistances in BvA. Q.No:3 Simplify: 21698 espe @) Q.No:4 Find the value or 722 using logarithms. Q.No:5 For what value or k, the expression x*tx"-14x-k is exactly divisible by +2? QNo:6 Ira +4 =2 then prove that a? +5 feteaes Q.No:7 —_Factorize any two: Q@attattt — (b) 1207-13043 Gi) x?-y” Q.No:8 For what values or p and q, 4x‘+12x*+pr+q will be a perfect square? QNo: 9 Q.No: 10 Apply Cramer's rule to solve the system: ax+3y=3 4x3y=5 Q.No: 11 Eliminates x from the given equations: x +2 = pix—2=2q+1 SECTION C Long Answers NOTE: Answer any Two questions. Each question carries 10 Marks. Marks 20 Q.No: 12 The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180°. Prove it. sctan?30? Trtan?305 058 he Also verify that 058 Q.No: 13 Prove that isi Q.No: 14 Find the values or the trigonometric ratios or 30°. .3cm and mLA=40° Q.No: 15 Construct a AABC in mBC = 3.7cm.mAB = ‘Also define inscribed circle with the help of figure. 1—2sin? 30° BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION, HYDERABAD Excellence — Equity - Empathy Time: 2 Hours PHYSICS MODEL PAPER (CLASS X) Total Marks: 85, : SECTION A a Q.No: @ @) Gi) Gy) ” (vi) (vii) (viii) Ge) @&) Gi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) &y) (xvi) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (MCQs) 1 ()_ Attempt all questions, Each question carries 1 mark. Write answer in full on the first specified page of answer copy with choose (ABC & D) deals with the motion of objects with or without reference of force. (@ Electricity (®) Mechanics (©)Bio- Physics (d) Atomic Physics Science is the common ofall mankind. (@ Heritage (b) Energy (© Physics @law The only Noble Prize holder from Pakistan is, (@ Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan (®) Dr. Abdus Salam (© Dr. Samar Abbas @ Dr. Saleem uz Zaman. Ina scientific work the most important thing is : (@ Theory (b) Law (©) Observation (4) Hypothesis ‘The fundamental unit of length in $.1 system is (@) Kilometer (b) Meter (© Yard @ Foot One meter is equal to__. (a) 10'mm (&) 10° mm (©) 107mm @ 10° mm Rate of change of velocity of a body is known as, . (@) Speed (b) Time (©) Acceleration (4) Density ‘The shortest distance between the initial and final positions of body is called. (@ Position (b) Displacement —_(¢) Distance (@ Speed First equation of motion is, (@t=VE-Vi (Q)VE=Vitat = @)a=VE-Vi (@Vi-Vi=at ‘The unit of coefficient of friction is : (a) Newton (b) Kilogram (©) Metre (@ None The S. unit of force is, : (@) Metre (&) m/sec Og (@ Newton The product of mass and velocity is called its (@ Momentum ——_(b) Weight (©) Speed @ Velocity The quantity of matter in a body is called its (@) Speed (b) Mass (© Weight @ Force is a scalar quantity. (@) Torque (b) Distance (©)Momentum ——_(@) Acceleration is a vector quantity. (@ Work (b) Density (©) Velocity (@ Temperature Torque is a (@) Scalar Quantity (b) Vector Quantity (c) Negative Quantity (d) None of these (xvii) The unit of torque in $.1 Units is f (@) Newton (0) Meter (©) Newton Metre (d) Pound (xviii) The tuming effect of a force about an axis is (b) Force "(b) Rotation (©) Torque (@ Momentum (xix) “G” is called. (@ Gravity (b) Gravitational Force (©) Gravitational Acceleration _—_(d) Gravitational Constant (xx) The work will be positive? If the angle between force and displacement is (@) 90" (OL ORE (0 (xxi) The energy possessed by a body due to its position is called, (@)Kinetic Energy _(b) Heat Energy(c) Potential Energy (@ Sound Energy (xxii) Rate of doing work with respect to time is called (@) Work (b) Distance (© Power @ Energy (xxiii) Ability of a body to do work is called (@) Power (b) Energy (© Velocity (@ Heat (xxiv) Power is the product of. and velocity. (@) Force (b) Power (©) Energy (@ Work (xxv) Energy is a quantity (a) Vector (b) Scalar (©) Positive (@ Negative (xxvi) A pair of scissors is an example of a (@ Pulley (b) Lever (©) Wheel and axle (4) Inclined Plan (xxvii) is a wheel type dise (@ Pulley (b) Lever (©) Wheel (@ In Put (xxviii) The Product of Load and Load Arm is called (@) Moment of Effort (b) Fulcrum (©) Lever (@ Moment of load (xix) Elasticity of a substance depends on its. (@ Temperature (6) Heat (©) Nature @ Size (sxx) Archimedes principle is applied to determine (Specific Heat) Specific Gravity _(c Specific Resistance (4) Temperature (xxxi) Random motion of molecules in a fluid was first discovered by (@)Robert Boyle (6) Robert Brown _(c) Newton (@ Robert Hooke (ooxii) An object appears lighter in water because of one of the properties of water (@) Buoyancy (b) Surface Tension (¢) Viscosity (@ Nature (oxi), is the form of Energy. (2) Heat (b) Temperature _(¢) Power (@ Weight Gooxiv)Light travels ina___line. (@) Straight (b) Vertical (©) Positive (@ Negative (xxv) Light is the form of (@) Power (b) Energy (Real @ Mirror (xxxvi) If q=4 om and p= 2m, then the magnification of the mirror is, (@2 0) 0.5 ©6 @4 (Gocxvii) The speed of light is m/sec (@) 3x 10° &)3x 10° (6) 1.86 x 10° @ 3x10" (coxviii) Which one of the equivalent to “Joule per Coulomb” (@) Ampere (&) Ohm © Volt (@ Watt (ocxix) One mega ohm resistance is equal to ohm. @ 10° (b) 108 oie @ 10 xl) revolve around the nucleus in their respective orbits. (@ Neutrons (b) Protons (© Electron (@) Deuteron (li) 100%=__ ks (373 (273 (©) 150 @270 SECTION B 24 Marks SHORT ANSWERS NOTE: Attempt any four of the following question. Each carries 06 marks. QNo:2 Explain the word Physics and define what is Physics? QNo:3 What is Law of Gravitation? Drive the Equation 2aS=vi-vi? Define the branches of Physics? Any Four . ‘What is a Lever? Determine its mechanical advantage. QUNo:7 Determine the acceleration of a car of mass 900kg,when a net force of 2700N acts on it. QNo:8 Differentiate between mass and weight? SECTION “Cc” (LONG ANSWER) NOTE: Answer any TWO of the following questions. Each carries 10 marks. (20 Marks) Q.No:09 How can we determine the mass of the earth by applying law of Gravitation? QNo:10 Explain series and parallel combination for resistance. Q.No:11 What type of work is done by a movable pulley? QUNNo:14 Write notes on any Two of the following: (Newton's Second Law of Motion i) Resolution of Vector (ii) Centripetal Force

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