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Badminton is an active racquet sport where the players use racquets to hit shuttlecock across a
net which is placed exactly in the middle of the field. Badminton can be played in groups,
however, the games are mostly played in teams of maximum 2 (one player per side) players to 4
(two players per side) players. Each team earns a point by striking the shuttlecock and making it
land on the opposition team's part of the court.

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This ePortfolio will be your go-to guide and provide you with all necessary facts you need to
have knowledge on before you play badminton with family/friends. The information will be
divided into separate helpful sections where the section entitled "Weather Hazards" will briefly
discuss about all weather conditions that might affect the game negatively and how we can know
this prior to the occurrence. Other than that, there is a "Useful Links and Resources" section
which might come in handy with all fundamental preparations before playing outdoor badminton
and finally, a "Go/No Go Checklist" section which will highlight weathers conditions when one
should avoid going for a badminton game.

I hope this ePortfolio is accommodating enough for determination!

Weather Hazards
Too Sunny Weather

A sunny day might be a good choice to play badminton, however, excessive sunlight may be a
hassle for the players. Overexposure to sunlight may result in bodies loosing too much water in
form of sweat which might cause dehydration. As badminton is an extremely active sport,
loosing more body fluids as sweat may be hazardous as dehydration may induce heatstroke. It is
recommended that players take in more fluids (like glucose or water) if they decide to go out and
play badminton on a bad sunny day. Additionally, strong sunlight means poor visibility, which
will also make it difficult for players to spot the shuttlecock when it is in the air. For such
difficulties, having shades or caps might come in handy. However, it is suggested to play
badminton when the sun is emitting softer light.

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Heavy Rainfall/High Precipitation

Such a weather condition will mean poor visibility which will be problematic for playing
badminton. Such a weather hazard will impact the game's efficacy and may cause other body
injuries for the players. Rain is formed clouds become heavier with each additional water droplet
rising; when the droplets gets too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they turn back into liquid
and fall in the Earth's surface as rain. Badminton requires swift movements which might be
tough during rain as the court may get slippery and casualties are likely to occur.

How can we tell if it will rain or not

 Direction of wind- Easterly winds mean that bad weather is ahead.
 Cloud patterns- Dark clouds mean that a storm can be expected any time soon.
 Observe smoke from a fire- Smoke from a fire that is spiraling downwards means that bad weather is
 Calm conditions- Before a storm, water from lakes/rivers/ponds will be calm.

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Heavy Snowfall

Like rain or precipitation conditions, heavy snowfall also has similar outcomes and dangers
associated with badminton. When the atmospheric temperature is 0 degree Celsius or below it,
snowfall occurs. Aforementioned, even if the weather conditions are similar to that of
precipitation, the calamity that comes with snowfall can be deadlier. Heavy snowfall means that
visibility is poor and strong winds are likely to blow. Such a situation will definitely make the
game of badminton impossible. Moreover, the ground is extremely slippery which may cause
dreadful mishaps. Hence, an active sport like badminton which requires swift movement should
not be played when it is snowing.

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Strong Winds
Sustainable winds greater than 20 MPH is bad for playing badminton outdoors. A windy day
might be a bad choice of day for playing badminton as the wind might affect the shuttlecock's
direction during the game due to the force applied by the wind. However, if the wind speed is at
5 MPH or lower, playing badminton is perfect. To know the wind speed and all other
information, you can check the following section entitled "Useful Links & Resources".

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Useful Links & Resources

AccuWeatherLinks to an external site. is a useful site that not only helps with weather details
but also provides information on whether or not you should go out for different activities such as
hiking, etc.

The Weather NetworkLinks to an external site. has a similar interface like AccuWeather and
provides all weather related information on a daily basis, weekly and monthly basis as well!

BBC Weather is a globally reliable weather forecast website which immediately gives you the
weather condition details of thousands of locations around the world. Links to an external site.

Racquet Guys SuperstoreLinks to an external site. Links to an external site.this is a website

that could provide you with all the essential gears you would need for badminton. You get to
compare prices and choose from a variety of options available.
Badminton CanadaLinks to an external site. if you think you found interest in badminton after
reading my ePortfolio, you can use this website to know other vital information about badminton
and collect knowledge in depth.

Go/No Go Checklist

(1) Pack all essentials! Get all necessities like water, badminton gears and first-aid kit in a bag
and hit the road!

(2) Select a location! Location selection is a really important step and plays a great deal in the
game of badminton. A field of short grasses will work just fine and not be slippery. Additionally,
a badminton court could also be an option. However, when played with family and friends,
selecting a park would be the best choice as the ambience in a park will be great compared to any
other locations.

(3) Check weather forecast! From the links provided in "Useful Links & Resources", check the
weather forecast for the day few hours prior to the journey.

(4) Look outside and observe the clouds! Checking the weather by observing the clouds and
winds could also be helpful in case one does not find weather forecasts reliable.

(5) Light exercise before game! Stretching before a game of badminton is a must! You
definitely do not want to get a tight muscle or muscle pain. Warming up before a game of
badminton helps to warm your body up and gives the muscles a head-start.

(6) Enjoy!!!

Badminton is a very common sport. I hope this ePortfolio was helpful in providing the basic
information regarding the sport and weather conditions when you might want to avoid playing
badminton outdoors.


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