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Submitted By:
Aisha Mubashar

Roll No:

Supervisor Name:
Sir Khurram Mehtab


CS101A-Intoduction to Computer
Table of Contents
MS Word..................................................................................................................3
1. Home.................................................................................................................3
i. Clipboard..................................................................................................3
ii. Font...........................................................................................................4
iii. Paragraph.................................................................................................5
iv. Styles.........................................................................................................6
v. Editing.......................................................................................................6
2. Insert.................................................................................................................6
i. Pages..........................................................................................................7
ii. Tables........................................................................................................7
iii. Illustration................................................................................................7
iv. Comments.................................................................................................8
v. Header and Footer...................................................................................8
vi. Symbols.....................................................................................................8
3, Design................................................................................................................8
i. Document Formatting.............................................................................9
ii. Page Background.....................................................................................9
4. Page Layout......................................................................................................9
i. Page Setup................................................................................................9
ii. Paragraph...............................................................................................10
5. References......................................................................................................10
i. Table of contents....................................................................................10
ii. Footnotes.................................................................................................10
iii. Citation and Bibliography....................................................................11
iv. Captions..................................................................................................11
6. Review and View............................................................................................11
MS Word
There are total 7 tabs in MS Word.
1. Home
2. Insert
3. Design
4. Layout
5. References
6. Mailings
7. Review and View

1. Home
It is a default tab by MS Word. There are 5 ribbons in home tab.
i. Clipboard
ii. Font
iii. Paragraph
iv. Styles
v. Editing

i. Clipboard
In Clipboard group, such options are available which help you in copy or cut text,
graphic, picture or any character form anywhere and let you paste in document.
The Options in clipboard include:
o Paste
o Cut
o Copy
o Format Painter

o Paste: Here many further options are available for different type of Paste such as
paste only formatting, paste only picture, paste only text. Paste special option
allows the item being transformed for formatting in several ways.
o Copy: Copy option will help you in copy text or picture anywhere into
document. This option will only duplicate it and remove the hindrance of writing
the text or inserting the picture again and again.
o Cut: Cut function removes the selected text from the document but stores in the
clipboard. You can place it in the document using Paste option.
o Format Painter: This option will help you in copy all of the formatting from
one object and paste to another. Formatting include font style, size, border use,
color etc.

ii. Font
Font group is the basic group which have necessary options like font style and size, bold,
italic etc. For more options in font group we press:
Font Group options are:
o Font Style option have numerous styles which helps you in presenting your
document more in format.
o Font Size option have it size ranges from 8 minimum to 72 maximum. You can
also set size according to your own. There are also font increase and decrease
option available.
SHORTCUT KEY: CTRL+SHIFT+> to increase , CTRL+SHIFT+< to decrease
o Bold option makes the text bold by making it darker and heavier than normal.
o Italic option makes the text italicized by making it slant evenly to right.
o Underline option underline the selected word, line or section where a line is
running beneath them.
o Strikethrough option marks a horizontal line through the text making it still
readable. It is used to indicate a deletion or removal of the text.
o Superscript option types very small letter or number just below the line of the
o Subscript option types very small letters or numbers just above the line of the
o Change Case option will change the selected text to upper case, lower case,
sentence case, toggle case or capital each word.
o Clear All Formatting option will clear all the formatting form the selected text
leaving all the text normal or unformatted.
o Text Effect option add some flair to the text by shadow, glow, outline, reflection.
o Text Highlight Color option will add some bright color to the text making it
o Font Color option will change color of the text. By default, font color is black but
with this option you can not only change the color of the text but also add gradient
to it.

iii. Paragraph
This group have many options for listing different items, increasing or decreasing indent,
different alignment, sorting etc.
Options include in paragraph group are:
o Bullets option makes a bullet list of the selected text. Many further different
bullets are present to choose in between them or you can also define a new bullet.
o Numbering option makes a numbered list of the selected text. Many different
styles of numbering are present or you can also define a new number list format.
o Multilevel list option allows you to create an outline with multiple levels. You can
also make any bulleted or numbered list into a multilevel list.
o Increase indent option moves the paragraph farther away from the margin. It
moves the text right about half an inch or you can press TAB key from keyboard.
o Decrease Indent option moves the paragraph closer to margin. It moves the text
left about half an inch.
o Alignment option flows the text in relation to page, table, column, figure etc.
i. Left-align text: align the text to left margin.
ii. Right-align text: align the text to right margin.
iii. Center text: align the text in the center of the page.
iv. Justification: controls the spacing between words. A justified text increases
the space between words to fill the entire line so that it is aligned with both
the left and right edges.
o Left-to- right text Direction option sets the text to read from left to right.
o Right-to-left text Direction option sets the text to read from right to left.
o Line and Paragraph Spacing option makes a distance in lines of the text or
before or after the whole paragraph. By default, line spacing is 1.0 and adds a
space between each paragraph.
o Shading option changes the color behind selected text, paragraph or table.
o Border option will add or remove a border from the selected text. Many border
options are bottom border, top border, outside border, all border etc.
o Sorting option arranges the selected text in alphabetic or numerical order.
o Show/Hide option is a hidden formatting option which indicates a new paragraph
or whenever spacebar is pressed.

iv. Styles
Styles makes the biggest impact in your document layout and design. It has different pre-
defined quick text styles that you can easily put to work.
A style is a set of formatting settings, such as font type, size, color, paragraph
alignment, spacing and graphic settings. When you use these readymade styles to format
your document, you can quickly and easily apply a set of formatting choices consistently
throughout your document.

v. Editing
This group will help in finding, replacing or selecting your document elements.

o Find option helps in finding anything in the document.


o Replace option will help you search the text you want to change and then replace
it with new word.


o Select option selects text or object in your document.

2. Insert
The Insert Tab is right next to the Home Tab. Insert Tab is the second tab in the Ribbon.
As the name suggests, it is used to insert or add extra features in your document. This tab
has a lot of useful features that will let you insert things like pictures, clip art images,
shapes, SmartArt graphics, charts and a host of other items.

i. Pages
ii. Tables
iii. Illustrations
iv. Comments
v. Header & Footer
vi. Symbols
i. Pages
In Pages group, basic option for page are available.

o Cover page option will add cover page at the start of the document. This will help
in making your document more stylish. There are many built-in cover pages styles
but you can also make your own by changing font and color option in Design Tab.
o Blank Page option will add a blank page anywhere in the document. Usually, this
option is used when we have to add more content in already made document or
even in currently making document.
o Page Break option will end the current page here and move to the next page. You
can see the page break by Show/Hide feature.

ii. Tables
In Table Group, there are many ways to add a table to your document.

o It will let you pick the number of columns and rows of the desired table in your
document. As you drag your mouse over the highlighted area, you can select the
rows and columns that you would like.
o You can insert a table by MS Excel spreadsheet. For this, first you have to make
the table in MS Excel and then insert in the document.
o You can even draw a table or add a table by built-in quick styles table

iii. Illustration
For illustration group, following are the options to add different types of

o By Default, in a dialog box., Pictures option will open your systems pictures or
from other systems you’re connected to.
o Online pictures option will let you find and insert a picture from any online
o Shapes option will insert a ready-made shape such as square, rectangle, oval etc.
o Smart Art option is a visual representation of your information and ideas. You
create one by choosing a layout that fits your message.
o Chart option will add chart from many chart options. You have to choose the one
which suits your conditions the best.
o Screenshot option will add a snapshot of any window that is currently opened in
your system or you can screen clip and add it in your document.

iv. Comments
By this, you can add any note to the currently placed cursor in the document.

v. Header and Footer

This group include following options:

o Header helps you to repeat the text at the top of every page. The information
includes like page number, author, title etc.
o Footer helps you to repeat the text at the bottom of every page. The information
includes like page number, author, title etc.
o Page number will number the pages in your document. You can choose from top
of the page, bottom of the page, page margin, current position.

vi. Symbols
Symbols group include following 2 options:

o Equation option add a mathematical equation to your document such as area of

the circle, quadratic formula etc. you can also build your own equation using math
library structures and symbols.
o Symbols option will insert a symbol that are not present on your keyboard.

3, Design
Design group include option:

i. Document Formatting
ii. Page Background

i. Document Formatting
o Themes are used to give your document instant style. Each theme uses a
unique set of color, font and effects to create a consistent look and feel.
o Color will change all the colors used in your document by picking a
different color palette.
o Font will change the font used in document by picking a different font set.
o Paragraph spacing will change the spacing of the paragraph in the
document. You can choose between the given option or make your own.
o Effects will change the general look of the objects in your document. The
option includes shading and shadow to give the objects different and unique

ii. Page Background

o Watermark will add any ghost text or even picture behind the page. You
can choose to add it horizontally, vertically, centered etc. For confidential
or privacy type documents, you may want to use a Watermark. 
o Page color add a splash of color to your document by changing the color of
the page.
o Page border add a border to page. You can choose the border from the
given variety of border styles.

4. Page Layout
The Page Layout Tab lets you control the look and feel of your document in. You
can change the document orientation, page size, margins, indentation, line
spacing and paragraph settings.

i. Page setup
ii. Paragraph

i. Page Setup
o Margins will set the margin sizes of the entire document or the current
section. You can choose from many given options or customize it.
o Orientation gives your page a portrait or landscape layout.
o Size chooses a paper size of your document such as legal, A4, letter etc.
o Columns will split your document into two or more columns

ii. Paragraph
The Page Layout Tab lets you also control indentation in your document.
Indentation determines the distance of the paragraph from either the left or the
right margin.
Spacing will add space before or after the paragraph or you can even change the
spacing of lines.
5. References
It is the fourth tab in the Ribbon. It allows you to enter document sources,
citations, bibliography commands, etc. It also offers commands to create a table of
contents, an index, table of contents and table of authorities.

i. Table of Contents
ii. Footnotes
iii. Citation and bibliography
iv. Caption

i. Table of contents
Table of content provides an overview of the document in a list form by adding
main heading, sub heading, sub sub heading. The text in table of content will be
updated when you click update table.

ii. Footnotes
o Footnote add a note to the bottom of page providing more information
about something.
o Endnote add a note providing more information about something in the
document. Like a comment or citation.
o Next Footnote will let you jump to next footnote. You can click at the
arrow too go through footnotes and endnotes.
o Show notes once you have written a footnote or endnote, this option
enables automatically.

iii. Citation and Bibliography

o Insert Citation credits the source of information by which you cited a book,
article or any other material. You can choose from list of saved sources or add a
new one.
o Bibliography lists all of your work cited sources. You can either use built-in
formats or insert a new one.

iv. Captions
o Insert Caption will label your figures, pictures or object.
o Insert Table of Figures will add a list of captioned objects and their respective
page numbers.
o Update Table will enable once you have inserted table of figures. This option will
let you update your Table of figure after adding or changing the caption or figure

6. Review and View

It is the sixth tab in the Ribbon. This tab offers you some important commands to
modify your document. It helps you proofread your content, to add or remove
comments, track changes, etc.

o Proofing group will help you check your spelling and grammar, word count and
even add an option to that provides synonyms for selected words on command
o Comment group option includes new comment, show comment or delete,
previous, next.

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