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Article- 2: Optimal Information About the Invisible: Measuring Objects That You Can’t See


Connection Point: Measuring objects that can’t be seen under normal circumstances : in the first
paragraph it discuss about the how the light or any electromagnetic spectrum radiation could be used to
find the shape or sizes of the unknown body such as in biomedical field doctors used laser for
identifying structures or the shape of body organ with out seeing it physically which can be related with
the Lesson -8 light traveling into matter or Light bouncing off matter.

Nature of Light or Electromagnetic radiation in Physics: Here in the following paragraph they reflects
on the points that the diagnosis process is quite complicated with the light being reflected or refracted in
different manner depending on the surface or structures of the reflecting objects. However it can be
further improved by the different types of waves depending on the object or shapes or strucrtures #
lesson-9 ; # lesson -10;

Light through transparent or with disturbances in medium:

In the third and fourth paragraph it reflects on the fact of reflection of laser or electromagnetic
radiations through the transparent or the opaque medium. We know the fact the light or some
radiations can not pass through the cloudy solid subtances however there are radiations which may pass
through the vacuum or the opaque medium . # lesson -5

It is difficult to dealing with disturbances that cannot be removed , such a glass which is not perfectly
clear, polished , but rough where light may not be travel straight.# lesson-8 . The light waves are
reflected and scattered in different directions which is difficult to accurately see an object on the other
side of the window with the naked eye which is the same as the case to examine tiny objects inside
biological tissue. As a result a simple and regular straight laser beam then becomes a complicated due
to wave pattern that is deflected in all directions. # Lesson – 9 & 10 ;

Dealing Light in the disturbances : If we know the nature of disturbing environment how its affects the
light beam, we can simply reverse the situation: Then it is possible to create a complicated wave pattern
instead of the simple, straight laser beam, which gets transformed into exactly the desired shape due to
the disturbances and hits right where it can deliver the best result. In order to achieve that we don’t
need to know exactly what the disturbances are rather by sending a set of trial waves through the
system to study how they are changed by the subtances. # lessons- 8 & 10 . Laser beams can be directed
through a disordered medium . The scattering behavior of the medium was thereby characterized, then
the optimal waves were calculated in order to analyze an object beyond the medium with a precision in
the nanometer range. Which is again can be relate with the # lesson-10 Young Double slit experiments
due to diffractions.

Multiple Choice Question Based on the Article:

1. How shall a diffraction pattern change when white light is used instead of a monochromatic light ?
a) The pattern will no longer be visible
b) The shape of the pattern will change from hyperbolic to circular
c) The colored pattern will be observed with a white bright fringe at the center
d) The bright and dark fringes will change position

Answer: C

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