Lunar Phases Chart

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Lunar Phases Chart

New Moon Programming / Burt Goldman

Lunar Phases Chart
Other phases are know as crescent moons, as every hour
that passes puts the moon in another position with regards
to the Earth. This is due to the moon constantly moving
around the earth.

When the moon is aligned on the same side of the Earth as

the Sun, in other words, the moon is between the Earth and
the Sun, the sun is shining on the side of the moon away
from you and you cannot see that side, the side towards you
is dark and cannot be seen, that is called the dark of the
moon, old moon, or more commonly, the New Moon.

When the moon is alongside left side the Earth, either on the
or the right side, the sun shines on the side facing it and we
see only the half of the moon that is lit, this is known as the
half moon, or the quarter moon.

When the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth with

respect to the Sun, the sun shines on the face of the moon
that we see, this is of course the full Moon.

Moon, Earth, Sun = Full Moon

Earth, Moon, Sun = New Moon

Moon on either side of Earth = Quarter Moon

New Moon Programming / Burt Goldman

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