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Change into passive voice (25%)

a. I study English. English is studied by me
b. Sam has taken an English course - an English course has been taken by Sam
c. Students are using computers- computers are being used by students
d. My father fixed the car yesterday – the car was fixed by my father yesterday
e. My friends watch Titanic movie – titanic movie is watched by my friends.
2. Tell about your daily activity (35%)
During this pandemic, I spend most of my days just at home. starting from I wake up at 5
am, then I worship. before starting the morning online class, I have breakfast first. 11:30
am, the morning online class is over. I continue unfinished homework such as cooking
for lunch, washing dishes or sweeping and others. then, in the afternoon, I ate lunch and
continued with worship. after that, enter the afternoon online class, usually ending at 3
pm. take a short break while waiting for the call to prayer asr and get ready to pray.
around 5 o'clock, I do my homework or if I'm bored, sometimes I go out with my friends
or my sister. at 6.15 pm, I worship and continue with dinner. at 7.30 pm, I worship again.
after that I rest, while watching movies or dramas, or chatting with my friends. then at 11
or 12 pm, I go to sleep.
that's my daily activity. Thank you. Happy reading.

2. Translate the text (40 %)

Tips for Teaching Young Learners
One recommendation for any young learner teacher is to make and use lots of flashcards
in your classes. If I had been told about using flashcards in class before teaching children, it
would have made my life a lot easier. There are some great games you could include in class
with flashcards and I would urge any new teacher to do this. It does take some preparation to
compile your own flashcards: you have to print them out, maybe color them, and laminate them
so you can reuse them. 
One of the more complicated issues surrounding young learners is classroom
management and the promotion of positive behavior. It is crucial for students to see that their
positive behavior is recognized and rewarded. 
Salah satu rekomendasi untuk setiap guru pelajar muda adalah membuat dan menggunakan banyak
kartu flash di kelas Anda. Jika saya diberitahu tentang menggunakan kartu flash di kelas sebelum
mengajar anak-anak, itu akan membuat hidup saya jauh lebih mudah. Ada beberapa permainan hebat
yang dapat Anda sertakan di kelas dengan kartu flash dan saya akan mendorong setiap guru baru untuk
melakukan ini. Dibutuhkan beberapa persiapan untuk menyusun kartu flash Anda sendiri: Anda harus
mencetaknya, mungkin mewarnainya, dan melaminasinya sehingga Anda dapat menggunakannya
Salah satu masalah yang lebih rumit seputar pelajar muda adalah manajemen kelas dan promosi
perilaku positif. Sangat penting bagi siswa untuk melihat bahwa perilaku positif mereka diakui dan

One tip for any teachers is to include games in the class. If you are teaching vocabulary, use
games. If you are promoting speaking fluency, use games. Young learners respond positively to
any competitive activity set in class and will engage learners immediately. It is always best to
train learners the games that you will use in class and there are some favorites among teachers.
Below are some of the best games to use, which young learners will know. I hope you found this
article will useful for you a pre-service Elementary school teacher. 

Salah satu tip untuk setiap guru adalah memasukkan permainan ke dalam kelas. Jika Anda mengajar
kosa kata, gunakan permainan. Jika Anda mempromosikan kefasihan berbicara, gunakan permainan.
Pelajar muda menanggapi secara positif setiap aktivitas kompetitif yang ditetapkan di kelas dan akan
segera melibatkan pelajar. Itu selalu yang terbaik untuk melatih pelajar permainan yang akan Anda
gunakan di kelas dan ada beberapa favorit di antara guru. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa permainan
terbaik untuk digunakan, yang akan diketahui oleh pelajar muda. Saya harap Anda menemukan artikel
ini akan bermanfaat bagi Anda seorang guru sekolah dasar pra-jabatan.

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