EIC 4 Unit Test 1

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Name: ………………………………………….

Listening, Vocabulary, Total Score: .........................

Grammar, & Reading

Semester 14.1B

Duration: 30 minutes

I. LISTENING (1 mark each /6 marks) You will listen to each part ONLY ONCE.
Listen to the conversation and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS AND/OR NUMBER for each answer.

II. VOCABULARY (1 mark each /7 marks)

Match the correct word with the definitions.

embody pursue constrained resolve adversity inclined to

version achievement acknowledged allocate proceeds

EIC 4 UNIT TEST 1 Page 1

1. ________________ a strong determination to do something
2. ________________ limited by something or someone
3. ________________ to represent an idea or quality
4. ________________ a form of something that is different from another form of the
same thing
5. ________________ to set aside money or resources for a specific purpose
6. ________________ money from a sale or profits from an event
7. ________________ recognized or shown appreciation for something

III. GRAMMAR (1 mark each / 10 marks)

Rewrite the sentences using always or more and more and the present continuous.

Tom frequently borrows money from me.

Tom’s always borrowing money from me.

1. I frequently leave my umbrella on the bus.

_______________________________________________________ .

2. It becomes more difficult to park as the days go by.

_______________________________________________________ .

3. More people communicate by internet each year.

_______________________________________________________ .

4. The teacher frequently chooses me to answer questions.

_______________________________________________________ .

5. The roads get more crowded every year.

_______________________________________________________ .

Complete the text with the correct Present Perfect Simple or Continuous form of the verbs in

I’ve been teaching (teach) my grandmother to use the email recently. She (6)____________
never ____________ (use) a computer before so it’s all new to her. Fortunately, she
(7)____________ (work) with a typewriter for many years so she knows where the letters are on the
keyboard. She (8)____________ (think) of learning how to use email for years, so she can write to

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her sister in Australia, but has never managed to get round to it, until now. We (9)____________
(have) three lessons together so far, and she (10)____________ (learn) to open the program and
write a message. In the next lesson, I’m going to show her how the address book works.

IV. READING (1 part / 6 marks)

Read the article

Cleaning Her Mountains One Bottle at a Time

Carmen Salva’s Mission

1 TILCARA, Argentina—Carmen Salva’s mission may be ambitious, but her belief is simple: “It’s never
too early to start caring for the land you live in and grow up in. It’s a great joy to know that I am
preparing a new generation to respect the environment.”

That’s why on Saturdays, Salva and a group of 60 to 100 students, parents, and teachers can be
found venturing into their mountains, trash bags in hand and llamas in tow. They’re part of
Esperanza de Vida (Hope for Life), Salva’s youth environmental group that is trying to clean up the
surroundings, one plastic bottle at a time.

Starting Esperanza de Vida

2 Salva was born and raised in the Jujuy (pronounced hoo-whee) province of northern Argentina, an
area known for its rich culture and spectacular vistas. Despite its beauty, Salva says there’s no real
environmental consciousness in her community. “We have a lot of issues to work on—the problem of
water contamination; there’s so much trash,” Salva says. “We can’t just think that it will take care of

“Our city had no formal recycling program,” says Salva, so she began Esperanza de Vida in 1997 to
organize and lead young participants in “making our streets and our environment cleaner.” At first,
the group’s activities were limited to cleaning parks near and around the school. But the
organization’s efforts have expanded well beyond the immediate area, and other Jujuy schools have
joined in. About 150 people now take part, including about 80 children.

Motivated Youth

3 Salva and fellow teachers have noticed their students apply as much energy and commitment to
the weekend environmental activities as they do to their general subjects. “Some even wait by my
house on Saturday for the program to begin,” beams Salva.

The group convenes early in the morning to hike together into the mountains, where they work for
hours, picking up trash and separating recyclables. On an average Saturday cleanup, it’s not unusual
for the group to collect roughly 60 bags of trash for recycling, clearing thousands of bottles. The
llamas help carry the heavy load down from the mountains. The local government helps to transport
the collected recyclables to the drop-off center, nearly 50 miles away.

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Important Lessons

4 Salva says the group is raising awareness, adding new volunteers, and implementing new projects.
The children are even teaching their parents to care for the environment around them. “It’s a great
joy to know that I am preparing a new generation to respect the environment,” says Salva. “Their
children’s children will have another mentality, and our goal will be accomplished.”

Read the statements. Write T (true) or F (false). (Question 1 to 4 – 1 mark/question,

question 5: 2 marks)

_____ 1. Only students and teachers can join Esperanza de Vida.

_____ 2. Salva began Tilcara’s first formal recycling program.
_____ 3. On an average Saturday, the group collects 50 bags of trash.
_____ 4. Students carry the bags of trash down from the mountains.
_____ 5. Salva wants to prepare new generations to respect the environment.

Answer Key
EIC 4 UNIT TEST 1 Page 4
1. 20-23 May 2. 18 3. floor space 4. Hermica

5. University of Technology 6. www.sellgames.com

1. resolve 2. constrained 3. embody 4. version

5. allocate 6. proceeds 7. acknowledged

1. I’m always leaving my umbrella on the bus.

2. It’s becoming more and more difficult to park as the days go by.

3. More and more people are communicating by internet each year.

4. The teacher’s always choosing me to answer questions.

5. The roads are getting more and more crowded each year.

6. ‘s (never) used 7. ‘s been working 8. ‘s been thinking

9. ‘ve had 10. ‘s learnt

1.F 4.F
2.T 5.T

Correct Score Correct Score

28 10.0 19 6.8
27 9.6 18 6.4 Correct Score
26 9.3 17 6.1 9 3.2
25 8.9 16 5.7 8 2.9
24 8.6 15 5.4 7 2.5
23 8.2 14 5.0 6 2.1
22 7.9 13 4.6 5 1.8
21 7.5 12 4.3 4 1.4
20 7.1 11 3.9 3 1.1
10 3.6 2 0.7
1 0.4

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